lol you'll have to wait on that then, i'm still rather fond of those! thanks for the vote of confidence though, you and llewelyen
Ahh thanks. I'll bear that in mind next time.
My Uxie set
Evs slightly different to Garo's
don't listen to peterko he is just trying to sabotage you! the better approach is flash...just flash at least three times, then when you are low on hp, go to registeel which will take either either a sludge bomb or an ice beam depending on how low on hp you are. from your uxie, gastrodon is not going to use surf if a weaker attack will kill it, which is in line with the "weakest attack that has a chance to KO regardless of accuracy" i’ve found is virtually always true of the BT.
i've beaten that gastrodon at least three times this way by just flashing and then switching either when cresselia has six flashes on it or she’s in KO range for SB or IB (takes 82-100% from three surfs). you should be able to set up registeel on it even if it is sticky hold because you're faster than it, i beat tons of brave bird pokes just by utilizing flash form cress to sub and CM when they miss and let leftovers do the rest of the work (though a -6 Acc, PAR skarmory hitting five times in a row on latios's Sub was not very fun two weeks have a better chance of being brightpowdered three times than for that to happen)
at any rate peterko this underlines what we were talking about on aim, writing walls of words in this thread definitely does NOT guarantee you a huge streak when your teams are copied even when the losses come to the most discussed threats for those teams, lol
I'm new to BT and stuff, but I have one Question: Why do so many people use moves like Trick, Dragon Dance and Sword Dance?
the answer was touched upon already but mainly the AI doesn't switch in the BT at all unless it's the last turn of perish song or, sometimes, if you use an attack on a pokemon, it doesn't KO, and the AI has a pokemon that resists or is immune to that attack. this is rare though and i can't remember this ever happening to me with my trick team at all even though there have been times my +6 BP didn't kill a Lapras and I was facing a fisherman's team probably, i'm sure there are others and probably even more cases where this happened for peterko's team when registeel doesn't ohko with +6 IH and he probably would have mentioned it if someone switched out of that.
maybe they don't switch out of the poke you're attacking has a resist too but that doesn't apply to my +6 BP on Lapras where i'm guessing i was facing a fisherman but maybe it was an ice trainer all those times who cares lol. the point is that trickscarf is literally broken in the battle tower, it can net even the most inexperienced player a streak of 200 or more because you can just harp on type resistances and set up ridiculous pokemon like garchomp, latios and scizor with no drawback and sweep everything. like, i thought of thos a few months ago, but if the tower were even 4-on-4, "there's no way i'd lose" with a team of Cresselia/Latios/Scizor/Lucario cause a ton of the dumb stuff that remotely threatens me is caused by heracross's and yanmega's bug attacks, and i'd be more than happy to have to sweep just one more pokemon in exchange for that kind of type-resistance
However, i'm currently copying Jumpman's Starmie/Tyranitar/Garchomp Team, in order to try and get a little Streak for myself. Do you have any Recommendations for beginners at Pokemon Platin Battle Tower?
well, you're following one of the first one's i'd give! that team is still one of the most solid "straight-up" teams there is in the tower, i've used it some time ago in the Platinum Tower to rush from 1-49 and it is seriously sexy how little Starmie cares about a good 90% of the pokemon in the tower. it either OHKOs straight up or isn't OHKOed after it Surfs for neutral damage (adamant granbull's crunch almost never kills starmie, for example) anyway, take advantage of the fact that the AI won't switch, and more importantly switch wisely yourself, knowing full well that the mismagius starmie is out against is very likely going to use shadow ball, so there's no reason not to switch to tyranitar, and further no reason not to DD (unless it used confuse ray but only one could do that).
i also recommend generally using the lists linked to in the first post to see what pokemon you're facing, which you know the majority of the time by knowing what trainer you're up against. you don't have to make sacrifices of perfectly good pokemon with the knowledge of what your opponent is going to do most of the time. but if you are indeed trying to get a great streak, do not hesitate to utilize the lists and then damage calculators like
this one to make sure you don't incur an otherwise avoidable loss (like assuming ice beam always ohkoes ever shiftry or that +1 tyranitar always ohkos every lapras with rock slide)
Llewellyn, I see what you mean about the Latios. Good thing I didn't come across a Blissey. Lol. It's okay, I just wanted the Gold Print, and I got it.
good for you, eeveetrainer and i were laughing at how much of a bitch argenta was for pulling that stuff on you at battle 170 when you had no intentions of going past that (as has been stated, latios and especially yours is not going to get very far facing dark and ice types after 170 but that does not apply to you)
I'm going for the Factory now... and if I get frustrated I'll go for the BT again. Does anyone know what would be a good Pokemon to complete my Latios/Scizor combo?
i experimented with that exact latios and a similar sd scizor (same speed but max atk), and i complimented it with the same scarfchomp from my startarchomp team. it's good and looks much better than startarchomp on paper but even with latios's unarguably better stats (can go timid and still have more SpA than Modest Starmie), it is not as suited for an expert belt set as is starmie on this kind of team. the reason is that natural cure > levitate without question—only against water/ground types does latios's ability have an advantage because starmie is OHKOing everything else that's using a stab EQ. a ton of stuff will try to paralyze latios on turn one after not dying to DP/Psychic, which starmie doesn't give a shit about. the second reason is ice beam—maybe surf isn't needed for fire types with dragonite/garchomp to absorb them, but besides rock pokemon then not being covered, you get a little annoyed when the only thing you ask latios's dragon pulse to actually take advantage of being SE on does not die (two different dragonite). you could probably go dp/psy/tb/ib with latios/scizor/garchomp and play around most rock types but it won't be fun (you almost never ohko solid rock rhyperior with ice beam, etc)
In the higher matches, I think I'm going to switch Latios for Latias for Trick. From Peterko's streak, I can see that Latias is very effective, so I'll probably be using that. =D
if you do, and you decide to go with garchomp, be sure to watch out for stab dragon moves and yanmega in general, otherwise it should be pretty easy for you
in hindsight, when faced with a similar position, i think i would just attack it with outrage from the beginning. if it was the OHKO'er i would either kill it in two turns, or it would OHKO me and murder my whole team, which is about the best i could expect from switching. otherwise it will easily dispose of salamence, but allow suicune to set up easily.
what i'd do here (your team is of course very similar to my SSS team from emerald) is switch suicune in and immediately surf. you want to do this no more than twice since you dont want to get walrein to rest, but you DO want to get it into salamence's kill range with CB outrage. so after you hit twice, just CM up with Suicune fully accepting its role in this battle, and if Walrein rests immediately surf again. remember that pressure is your best friend here, and if walrein is dumb enough to use sheer cold on suicune three times then salamence beats it every time even if the third one hits
EDIT: i just had another look through that site - this guy supposedly has a 2113 win streak at the battle hall. to me that seems extremely difficult to believe, since several pokes you face are very haxy, and you have to face every type in each round of 17 battles meaning you'll routinely be up against pokes that have a type advantage. sounds bogus to me.....
yeah that's what stuck out to me the most even if i'm not at all inclined to think those numbers actually mean anything. it's pretty safe to say that is impossible, given my answer to this next question...
Wait, I just thought of something that might make us all lol our faces off...
How much BP do you guys have? It's probably some ridiculously high number. I'm directing this question at the Frontier-heads like Peterko, Jumpman, TRE, Bozo, and other cool kids.
...i finally checked for the first time in about three months last week (my ds's touch screen is completely blank and im still waiting on my other one to be repaired) and i have to head to "Battle Frontier Square" to see how many i have. it was at 9,999, and i'm pretty sure i didn't just arrive at that number in my last tower run either, so im also pretty sure it doesn't go past 9999 even if i have no idea when i hit that ceiling, "lol"
this is "lol" because it's not nearly as much an indication of battle frontier skill as it is of dedication...and the benefits of being a spectacular driver, since as i've said i play in my car all the time and i'm pretty sure at least 6,000 BP have been earned there. since it would make even
less sense to not immediately go on a Frontier Shopping Spree knowing you can't go over 9,999 BP than it does to play pokemon while driving (or play the battle frontier/pokemon when you're old enough to drive in the first place for that matter, lol) i bought the Power Items i didn't already have, a Toxic Orb for an eventual Belly Ursa I want to use, a choice scarf (kinda funny i had none in my bag, lol), a choice band, and a couple CM TMs...i figure i'll buy a shitload of rare candies before HGSS gets here because there's no reason not to and RCes are always valuable
so it's probably no less than 12,000 total if i had to guess. as i told peterko last week, those "8 or 9K" (which is where i thought i was at the time, lol) are an indication of how "burnt out" i am on the frontier. i spent like four months straight chasing a phantom battle hall record with PZ and kingdra after getting the real 243 record on my first try with PZ, finding out with every ridiculous loss that even 302 is an improbable record, let alone the "you are lying" 2113.
regardless of how annoyed i am with lordcaedus (who hasn't posted in this thread since peterko asked him in PM to finally furnish proof of his hall record, to which he stated his cart got erased but he was over 300 again on another one with salamence, lol), 12,000 BP is 12,000 BP. in the last thread TRE said he had around 10K in his japanese DP game and around 2,000 on his US one, and he's the only person anywhere near this total. notice how he unfortunately doesn't post here anymore? the dedication that 12,000 battle points plainly indicate can only remain for so long. i dont exactly feel like playing 70 BT battles every day, and those of you who ever do or ever did will know what i'm talking about if you ever break even 5,000 BP lifetime