Platinum Battle Tower Single Record:
3. (change if incorrect) DrDimentio (313) -
Uxie, Registeel, Garchomp
(made it easier for Peterko since he can just copy that for the records list)
Lost due to an event that has only a 1 in 4096 chance of occurring >_>
Video of Battle 314 - proof of streak, etc
Most people would generally assume that it takes skill, knowledge and an awesome team to get an impressive win streak...
- However, there are multiple flaws in that statement:
Flaw #1 - This is Pokemon, and more specifically the Hax Tower (also known as Battle Tower in some societies)... so skill loses some of its relevance, as it is to some extent disposed of with hax. If several people used a completely identical team, their respective records would be determined by who can survive the longest without insane hax, more so than who has superior knowledge of the game. Then again, in such a challenge it is knowledge being tested, more so than 'skill', since you need to think about what moves you use and so forth, which is clearly a test of what you know, not how 'good' you are.
Flaw #2 - Though the knowledge of how to use this team exists in my brain, it is not original knowledge at all. Trick teams are an essential strategy first introduced to Smogon by the clever user known as Jumpman16. Using Uxie was based on seeing several Uxie leads on high records, most notably garo's record. Registeel's usage by me was therefore inspired by Peterko and garo, since they have the highest two scores using Registeel, and I probably never would've thought of using such a Pokemon before seeing its success. Garchomp - well, nobody who uses Garchomp is original. Because Garchomp is Garchomp, and he's perhaps the best Pokemon to use in the Tower.
Flaw #3 - My team isn't completely mine, so I feel guilty if I call it 'awesome' or any other such form of praise - though it's true that all my Pokemon are owned and trained purely by myself, I copied the movesets for Registeel and Garchomp. The only slightly original thing about my team is (apart from the fact that I'm the first to specifically use Uxie/Registeel/Garchomp together, as garo used Dragonite instead of Chomp, and Peterko is pwning the Tower with Latias as his lead)... my Uxie moveset. After all, nobody else used a Trick lead with Stealth Rocks and got a high record until now, at this time of writing.
Flaw #4 - 313 isn't impressive in my mind, partially because the ceiling keeps getting broken (once upon a time I stared in awe at Team Rocket Elite's 177 in the DP Tower), but particularly due to Peterko's 1400+ streak. Then again, he's crazy, lucky and spends way more time in the Tower than me... he also downgraded his own achievement by admitting he's been lucky to survive so many close calls... but still, over 1000 is insane.
Anyway, I should probably list my team now, so here it is:
1. Uxie
Name: Wisdom Bro
Item: Choice Scarf
Ability: Levitate
Nature: Bold
EVs: 252 HP, 240 Defense, 16 Speed
IVs: 17-x-30-25-30-21
Level 50 Stats: 175-81-198-92-150-112
- Trick
- Thunder Wave
- Stealth Rock
- Memento
*For a completely natural encounter (no RNG abuse, as this was before I learned it), it has pretty nice IVs
*Uxie was the easiest for me to obtain of the defensive Levitating Psychic-type Trick leads
*Uxie's balanced base 130/130 defenses mean it survives attacks from both spectrums, but the Defense investment on mine makes it take physical attacks easily and scoff at their miniscule damage. In some cases it even survives 3 STAB Night Slashes...
*Though Shadow Ball is very common, it's not too problematic since Registeel has Amnesia to get to +6 Sp. Def in just 3 turns, making that attack barely scratch him
*Stealth Rock is something few others have used on Trick leads, and is one thing that sets Uxie apart. So, a Charizard or Moltres switches in on my already set-up Registeel? Iron Head removes their remaining 50% HP easily. More importantly, it removes Focus Sashes, and in most cases lets Steel safely kill things that could otherwise use counterattack moves such as Counter, Metal Burst, etc
*If it had flawless Speed I could invest more EVs into Defense, but in my case the Speed EVs make it just outspeed positive-natured base 100 speed Pokemans when holding the Choice Scarf
*Sometimes it's actually advantageous to be slower even with the Scarf, as after being Tricked an originally faster Pokemon gets to choose a new move to be locked into, and sometimes they choose a different move that's easier to set up on
2. Registeel
Name: HardNess
Item: Leftovers
Ability: Clear Body
Nature: Careful
EVs: 252 HP, 140 Defense, 100 Attack, 16 Sp. Defense
IVs: 31-31-31-x-30-31
Level 50 Stats: 187-108-188-79-189-70
- Iron Head
- Substitute
- Curse
- Amnesia
Peterko said:
the hardest freaking head in the pokémon universe, nothing breaks its sub after +6/+6 except for CHs, OHKO moves, CB rhyperior and sunny day/blaze fire moves
Peterko said:
108 attack gives you 434 after 6 curses, which means a sure 5HKO on Heatran (everything else beside Magnezone and Lanturn should take less turns)
*It's basically the same Registeel as used by garo and Peterko, except with better IVs, surprisingly (obviously
this one is RNG abused)
*Like Peterko I made the defenses balanced, and made sure the Sp. Def was 1 point higher than Defense so a Download Porygon2 or Porygon-Z switching in gets a useless Attack boost... but a Download one never switched in during my streak... heh
*Curse is obviously good, as in tandem with Amnesia you get Steel to +6 in both defenses while also getting to +6 Attack from Curse... then you Iron Head everything
*Typically, I faced many Magnezone (4x resistance to Steel attacks) which were annoying, but they deal very low damage to a triple-Amnesia Sub
*Heatran is the biggest threat (yet another reason why it's good to have Garchomp waiting in reserve), as it takes 5 hits from Iron Head, and has STAB Fire moves. Against the Magma Storm and Heat Wave set I can usually stall the attacks out while attacking, but the Flamethrower set is dangerous (see Near Losses below)
*Registeel only died ONCE other than in the battle where I lost, and it was to the aforementioned Heatran
3. Garchomp
Name: Draco II
Item: Lum Berry
Ability: Sand Veil
Nature: Jolly
EVs: 252 Attack, 252 Speed, 4 HP
IVs: 16-31-24-x-21-31
Level 50 Stats: 176-182-112-81-101-169
- Outrage
- Earthquake
- Swords Dance
- Substitute
*Did not die until the battle where I lost
*Very good type-coverage with Registeel
*Loves it when leads get Tricked into Electric moves
*Hey, it's Garchomp
*Can beat most things 1-on-1, assuming no hax
*Didn't get used even half as often as Registeel, due to the moves that enemy leads got Tricked into
*All high streaks require dragons... it's like a rule or something
So, how did I lose in battle 314?
It was against Worker Boyce. He uses Pokemans from this set:
(Fighting & Rock Type, all sets): Blaziken 1-4, Infernape 1-4, Medicham 1-4, Breloom 1-4, Hariyama 1-4, Golem 1-4, Rhydon 1-4, Toxicroak 1-4, Cradily 1-4, Armaldo 1-4, Bastiodon 1-4, Poliwrath 1-4, Heracross 1-4, Rampardos 1-4, Machamp 1-4, Shuckle 1-4, Aerodactyl 1-4, Gallade 1-4, Lucario 1-4, Probopass 1-4, Aggron 1-4, Rhyperior 1-4, Tyranitar 1-4
He leads with
843 | Machamp | Adamant | Quick Claw | Cross Chop | Earthquake | ThunderPunch | Fire Punch | HP/Atk
1. Uxie Tricks, gets Quick Claw ... Machamp locked into Fire Punch (laughable damage to Uxie)
2. Normally I use Thunder Wave now, but it could have Guts, so instead I go for Stealth Rock (takes another wimpy Fire Punch)
3. I then use Memento, so Garchomp can set up on a -2 not-very-effective non-STAB base 75 power move (how utterly weak)
4. Garchomp uses Substitute ... Fire Punch, still Subbed
5. Swords Dance, now at +2 Attack ... Fire Punch critical hit breaks Sub >_>
Hold it there: This is possibly the worst thing about critical hits; they ignore all stat reductions of the user and all defensive boosts on the target... so a critical Fire Punch always breaks the Sub.
6. I Sub again, now at 50% HP ... Fire Punch, CH, Sub breaks
7. Quite frustrated, I Sub yet again, only 25% left now ... Fire Punch, third CH, Sub breaks... f**king hax!
A critical hit has a 1/16 chance of occuring (supposedly), so the chance of 3 consecutive crits is 1 in 4096. GREAT.
8. Though I had Lum Berry to prevent a possible burn status, I didn't want to risk another CH so I then Earthquake, Garchomp at +2 Attack... Machamp faints... no time for relief, though...
Worker Boyce sent out
769 | Infernape | Jolly | King's Rock | Flare Blitz | Close Combat | Earthquake | ThunderPunch | Atk/Spe
Now if you look at all the possible Pokemans he could use, I just happened to be against one of only 3 or so Pokemon that could outspeed Garchomp without the aid of hax. And what do you know!? This Infernape had a Speed-boosting nature >_>
9. Infernape goes first and KOs Garchomp with Earthquake. First time Garchomp died in the entire 313 streak.
10. I know all is lost now... Infernape Close Combats Registeel, I have just enough HP to Sub, and so I'm now Subbed... as if that will help...
11. Close Combat again, breaks Sub, I use Iron Head, and lol I get a critical hit which puts Infernape into the red HP zone (failed revenge... if Infernape has used Close Combat on Garchomp as well, the critical hit would've killed him due to the extra Defense drop...).
12. Flare Blitz, Registeel faints... I didn't care to read what the CPU trainer said, probably something about shorts or bikinis since half the trainers in Pokemon say stuff like that... oh wait, he was a Worker, so probably not.
And looking at the battle video on the Vs Recorder, I see that his 3rd Pokemon was a SHUCKLE. Gah! Registeel could have obliterated that bug with the raise of an eyebrow! Despite the lack of eyebrows...
Surprisingly, I swore less than 5 times upon losing. Maybe I was relieved at having better things to go on with... actually, it's probably because this battle occurred on a ridiculously hot day where I didn't have enough energy to convey my discontent to the game... as though it would care even it could hear...
Near Losses:
Perhaps a testament to how good this team is, there was only one true 'close call' where I flirted with death. It was the only time Registeel fainted other than in my losing battle.
Battle 251 vs. Veteran Costin using Latias, Heatran, Regirock
946 | Latias | Modest | White Herb | Mist Ball | Draco Meteor | Thunderbolt | Surf | SpA/Spe
1. Uxie Tricks and gets the White Herb ... Latias uses Draco Meteor and misses (lol, 10%)
2. Latias is obviously now faster and uses Draco Meteor, a critical hit, Uxie faints >_>
3. I send out Registeel, take only 21 HP damage from the -2 DM, use Substitute
4. DM again, Steel uses Amnesia
5. Same as previous turn, after which DM has no PP left
6. Latias gets a critical hit Struggle but Sub is still intact, I use Amnesia again (now +6)
7. After 3 turns of using Curse, a final Struggle breaks my Sub as Latias faints
Veteran Costin sends out
934 | Heatran | Modest | Brightpowder | Flamethrower | Earth Power | Dragon Pulse | Dark Pulse | HP/SpA
10. Flamethrower hits then I Sub
11. Flamethrower, Sub, Curse, repeat...
+. Now at +6 from Curse, have only done about 50% total damage to Heatran, breaks my Sub
+. Flamethrower on non-Sub Steel burns...
+. Burn damage kills Steel
+. Send out Garchomp, KO with Earthquake (no Brightpowder hax luckily, as it had Dragon Pulse...)
+. Regirock is sent out... oh crap, an unboosted Garchomp with no Sub against something with 200 base Defense...
+. I use Earthquake, critical hit, I win, exclamation mark and sigh of relief
I'll never know if it was this one which could actually kill me without breaking a sweat (a sweating rock... mmyep)
915 | Regirock | Adamant | Razor Claw | Fire Punch | ThunderPunch | Ice Punch | Drain Punch | HP/Atk
Notes About my Streak:
These are some things I learned and/or observed during my streak:
*I encountered very few PI trainers after 200, thankfully
*This might tick off Peterko and especially Jumpman16: I never encountered the Guillotine Kingler
*I also NEVER encountered "gastro from hell" - Sticky Hold lead Gastrodon! Sorry to tell you that, Peterko... I did once face a lead Sticky Hold Muk, but it was set 3 and couldn't really touch Registeel
*One thing I did encounter, 3 times in fact, was a lead Metagross 4 - many Trick team users here are scared of it... for some reason, I found it not at all problematic... I guess I was lucky that it hardly ever got Attack raises, didn't get Quick Claw hax before Trick, and missed quite a few times with MM
*I swear, not once did a Focus Blast user hit less than 4 times on Registeel... acccuracy hax is notorious in the Tower (and most of the time they hit me with 5/5 FBs)
*My luck with Stone Edge from the opponents was equally bad, but at least Garchomp resists it and can stall it out easily...
*Work out the foe's Speed stat with a Choice Scarf if it's a OHKO user... slower means safer
*I was very lucky in terms of Quick Claws - only about 2 times in the entire streak did a lead go first against Uxie via QC... and none of these were OHKO users
*It sucks that Flame Body can affect you through Substitutes... almost lost Registeel to burn damage from a Magmortar
*Flare Blitz is one of the worst moves for an enemy lead to be Tricked into... if Uxie faints before getting to Memento, it's all down to luck with Garchomp
*Seriously, Flare Blitz is too overpowered IMO, as a bit of recoil damage is a very minor drawback for 100% accuracy with 120 base power
*I encountered far too many Blazikens and Infernapes for my liking...
*Choice item leads are bastards, especially Choice Band Brave Bird Staraptor... had somewhat of a dangerous battle after a lead one appeared
*Against Trick Room leads who have been Tricked, think carefully about how to time the setup with Garchomp, and the possibility of Sub breaking from a first-turn attack
*Don't hesitate to use +6 Outrage on Bronzong, every time I used that it was a OHKO
651 | Dewgong | Calm | Salac Berry | Sheer Cold | Horn Drill | Rest | Sleep Talk | HP/Def/SpD = Dewgong from hell... had a bad time with a lead one and only survived due to constant misses
*If setting up Garchomp on a Drifblim, never Sub down to 1/4 of your HP... don't take the risk
*Water is the only type my team has no resistance to... hence why I had problems with a lead Gyarados Tricked into Waterfall...
*Never use Thunder Wave on a Pokemon that may have Guts... well, almost never...
*Against moves that hit your weak point for MASSIVE DAMAGE, such as Heracross' Megahorn, don't hesitate to Trick them into these moves, as Registeel can cope with them
*Perhaps the scariest lead I faced was
602 | Lapras | Impish | Quick Claw | Sheer Cold | Perish Song | Sing | Confuse Ray | Def/SpD ... Perish Song messes with many of my usual actions, as the trainer actually switches out... very rare occurrence in any CPU battle