Level 2 of 'read the whole post without blinking'
Platinum Battle Tower Single Record:
293 - Unfortunately 20 wins short of my previous record, but this time using a more 'unique' team.
Typical video of the loss (in my usual style):
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GGhu3pdv40U - the video's YouTube URL starts with 'GG' - that's the second time the site has paid me out (one of my other videos starts with 'Ass')
Team: Togekiss, Registeel, Garchomp
1. Togekiss (shiny)
Name: CritMagnet
Item: Choice Scarf
Ability: Serene Grace
Nature: Bold
EVs: 252 HP, 252 Speed, 4 Defense
IVs: 31-x-31-31-31-31
Level 50 Stats: 192-54-127-140-135-132
- Trick
- Thunder Wave
- Wish
- Charm
*Even before Jumpman's brief mention of Togekiss when he discussed why he chose Mesprit over other potential Trick leads, I had thought of Togekiss and knew it had potential.
*Jumpman in particular is an advocate of his Trick/TW/Flash/Charm set which got him over 1000, but for various reasons I don't trust that move - against powerful lead moves, and particularly early critical hits or freeze/para hax, you'd be lucky to even get off one Flash, and in the case of physical attackers (note: basically all high CH-ratio moves are physical) it's much more effective to Charm before dying to their next attack... sure his streak speaks for itself, but trying to use hax against the game doesn't often end well, for me at least (read: Factory)
*Yes, I did use Wish instead of Flash. In most cases Roost would be more effective at stalling super-effective moves, but Wish did occasionally help against crits on Garchomp/Registeel's switch-in turn
*The main reason for Wish over Roost is that this was sort of another 'test run' which surprised me with how far it got, as once you replace Wish,
it's gone for good. That's a stupid game mechanic based on Togekiss only having 4 level-up moves. So I'm hesitant to replace it knowing I can't undo that decision - anyone got advice about this? Remember that my loss had nothing to do with either of these moves, so maybe I could have got much further with either of the two moves
*I was expecting to lose to critical hax like I did last time, as evidenced by the name CritMagnet... didn't happen
*I don't know why I wanted it shiny, I guess I just like random sparkles or something
2. Registeel
Name: HardNess
Item: Leftovers
Ability: Clear Body
Nature: Careful
EVs: 252 HP, 140 Defense, 100 Attack, 16 Sp. Defense
IVs: 31-31-31-x-30-31
Level 50 Stats: 187-108-188-79-189-70
- Iron Head
- Substitute
- Curse
- Amnesia
*Still does the job well
*Though it doesn't get the Ghost (never does, due to the immunity of Togekiss), Dark and Bug moves to set up on as much as with a Psychic lead, it still has no trouble with most Tricked moves, resisting Rock (although Garchomp usually switches into those), Ice and... well, those two of the common weaknesses of Togekiss that Registeel can setup on. Sure there are freezes from Ice attacks ,eg. Togekiss got frozen and then Registeel was frozen for 9 turns - it sucks, but still managed to set up
*Togekiss occasionally draws in Fighting moves (but most fighters have Rock moves which they go for instead), but there's a way to deal with that...
3. Garchomp
Name: Draco II
Item: Lum Berry
Ability: Sand Veil
Nature: Jolly
EVs: 252 Attack, 252 Speed, 4 HP
IVs: 16-31-24-x-21-31
Level 50 Stats: 176-182-112-81-101-169
- Outrage
- Earthquake
- Swords Dance
- Substitute
*Without Garchomp, Electric moves would be troublesome - Togekiss draws them very often, allowing for more Garchomp sweeps than with a Psychic lead
*Thanks to the useful advice from Peterko regarding how I nearly lost once, I almost always switch in Garchomp once a 5 PP move has been wasted, rather than letting Registeel face the second poke with only some of the boosts - obviously with moves like Blizzard I wait for the fifth one to be used, but Stone Edge depends on whether Togekiss managed to get in a Charm/Thunder Wave or not
*I know, I should probably replace it with a flawless Garchomp, but as I said, this team was still a 'test' of sorts that went further than I expected, and I'm almost certainly using a different poke in my next team
*Sand Veil is a useless ability even when given the chance to do something (see the battle description further down)
OK what? why did you trick it after reading about #2364?
You only assumed I Tricked it, but that's not the case:
I think my loss was caused by psychological issues relating to the fact that I'd seen how you lost very recently - I was against Parasol Lady Sami, who uses only Set 3 pokes. I was scared enough seeing lead Gliscor appear, but then seeing on the list that the Guillotine set from hell was indeed Set 3, I almost resigned myself to losing right there and then. Of course, if you hadn't encountered Gliscor and discussed that in your post (even it had missed you a few times and had let you win), I would have Tricked it as I always used to, expecting the 'usual' choice of Counter. But no, I Charmed it......... my Togekiss lead does not run Flash, so that was my only option. As for why I Charmed it - obviously Thunder Wave would be useless, and Wish is useless against OHKOs, so Charm had a 50% chance of working... but no, it just had to be a Hyper Cutter one (but this trainer had a Hippowdon so maybe Sand Veil could have been just as bad). Due to my lead and Peterko's both being Flash-less, it's interesting that we both lost to this poke, but for me it was different since I knew it was 'safer' to not Trick it. This may have proven to be my downfall, but knowing the odds were 'high' at 1 in 123 for a 4-for-4 Guillotine haxfest, I didn't want to let that happen and then, much worse than the loss itself, get bashed by Peterko upon revealing how I lost! Then again, I'm sure you, Peterko, will find other decisions throughout my battle criticizable, but here I go anyway:
Parasol Lady Sami sends out
713 | Gliscor | Jolly | Focus Sash | Guillotine | Earthquake | U-turn | Counter | HP/Spe
Turn 1: Togekiss Charms, Hyper Cutter prevents Attack loss ("f**k, I've lost") - uses Guillotine (come on, why not Counter like you always used to!??) but misses... "what a relief - I feel much better now"
Turn 2: I don't want to switch Registeel (would've been stupid since Earthquake would beat it anyway) in, and definitely not Garchomp in since he's often the last ray of hope in near-death situations. So, I remain in with Togekiss, once again Charming with futility. Gliscor uses Guillotine... it's a one-hit KO! (suddenly Trick seemed appealing for that Focus Sash, but considering the whole 1 in 123 thing I passed that thought)
Turn 3: I send out Garchomp, obviously since he's faster and can Sub to stall Guillotines, but since this Gliscor hasn't been Tricked, I'd probably lose anyway since the low HP after Subs would make Chomp susceptible to an easy kill from Gliscor's EQ. Substitute I do, but interestingly the French scorpion uses U-Turn, thankfully not breaking my Sub as it didn't crit at the perfect time.
Turn 4: Out comes
755 | Salamence | Modest | Wise Glasses | Draco Meteor | Hydro Pump | Flamethrower | Ominous Wind | SpA/Spe
That explains the choice of U-Turn. No Intimidatation due to Sub, so that was a good move. Now, I believe my decision here was the most crucial one for deciding whether I'd win or lose... would I risk trying to Swords Dance, or just go for the kill with Outrage? At least I knew in advance which Mence set it was - trouble is, I had no idea whether it would go for Draco Meteor, Hydro Pump or Ominous Wind. After all, we became accustomed to Gliscor using Counter but then it changed its mind, so why not expect something unusual from Salamence? I didn't think of this at the time, but I'd say it probably would have chosen Ominous Wind, because A: The damage the Sub took from U-Turn would place the Sub in easy KO range for OW. B: It's 100% accurate unlike DM and HP, and instead of wasting Draco Meteor on a Sub, causing a Sp. Atk drop, I'm 'sure' it would have gone for OW. I didn't think of this at the time. But, supposing I had indeed taken a chance on Swords Dance - it would have broken my Sub, and "probably" would have got the boost to all stats from OW. Then it would easily get rid of Chomp and Registeel. So anyway, I went for Outrage. After all, the hit would definitely KO Mence, and after that there aren't many things that survive two Outrages...
Salamence goes down, and what comes out next??????
.... Turn 5:
732 | Hippowdon | Adamant | White Herb | Superpower | Fire Fang | Ice Fang | Fissure | HP/Atk
Now that is a 'mixed blessing' as they say - providing a sandstorm which Garchomp enjoys, but also being one of the most physically defensive pokes in the game. Enough that Outrage won't 2HKO (question for anyone who's good with damage calculations - is there any possibility at all for Jolly Garchomp to 2HKO this HP but not Defense EV'ed Hippowdon?), and being Set 3, this hippo has Ice Fang.
Garchomp Outrages again, doing less than 50% ("yep, this is the battle where I lose") - Ice Fang hits, breaks Sub.
Turn 6: Garchomp isn't confused and Outrages again... come on, why not give me a crit when I need it for once? No such luck, and Hippowdon remains with a small amount of red HP.
Come on Sand Veil, prove that you're not a useless ability on an otherwise awesome dragon... - naturally Ice Fang hits again (75% accuracy with Sand Veil) and Garchomp is down.
Rest of the battle:
It's easier if you just watch the video, but to put it simply it hardly matters what I did with Registeel, as there's no way he's going to beat a full health Gliscor with Focus Sash, Earthquake and Guillotine, even if he somehow pulled off maybe 2 or 3 Curses. I Subbed to avoid Fissure, which missed, but if I Curse now I'll then be slower that the hippo, allowing to Fissure me before I Sub again. So no Curse, and after some Fire Fangs (critical hit, how amusing) and Superpowers, I still didn't have a chance to setup on a -2 Attack Hippowdon, if only for Fissure's existence and the likelihood of critical hits.
Anyway, I killed the hippo with Iron Head and was then promptly obliterated (Registeel had 69 HP left) by Gliscor's Earthquake. And apparently YouTube says 'good game' to that, in the URL it generated for the video.
Gliscor 3, the bane of Trick teams... how can we possibly Counter you? (SEE WHAT I DID THERE!? I said 'counter' because that's a clever pun!!!!)
the danger I see by not tricking gliscor (when I don´t know the set), is coming from sets 2 and 4 (maybe)
[size=-2]441, Gliscor 1, Adamant, Yache Berry, 150, 161, 177, 58, 95, 115, Earthquake, Aerial Ace, Swords Dance, Baton Pass, Attk/Def
577, Gliscor 2, Jolly, Razor Fang, 150, 147, 145, 58, 95, 161, Earthquake, Fire Fang, Thunder Fang, Ice Fang, Attk/Speed
713, Gliscor 3, Jolly, Focus Sash, 182, 115, 145, 58, 95, 161, Guillotine, Earthquake, U-turn, Counter, HP/Speed
849, Gliscor 4, Adamant, Expert Belt, 150, 161, 177, 58, 95, 115, Earthquake, Aerial Ace, X-Scissor, Stone Edge, Attk/Def[/size]
set 1 - I actually don´t remember facing this one much hmm, at least I don´t remember being baton passed out turn 1 lol...so it probably uses AA or SD, which means I can reswitch and move from there
set 2 - uses ice fang against latias, obviously, which freezes ocassionally, like the majority of ice moves do, obviously
if I charm and it´s hyper cutter and gliscor freezes latias turn 1 hmm...I could switchstall quake/ice fang and when there´s no quake I might get defrosted by FF hmm - OK this should work
set 4 - mostly uses x-scissor and a CH has a shot at OHKOing my latias, which would suck...I´d have to set up chomp naked...well, not the worst thing in the world, but not fun either...oh a CH quake has a shot at getting rid of garchomp in 1 turn as well, wow and that´s just 1/256 probability :( (as CHes ignore potential attack drops from charm)
I should always win if he doesn´t CH turn 1
set 3 scor I can´t give a scarf anymore, which leaves me with charm...
- if charm works, garchomp should be able to set up
- if charm doesn´t work...well, hopefully he won´t spam quakes on chomp (wishful thinking)
still, what a beast gliscor is :)
- Interesting observations, and it's worth noting that against my Togekiss, Set 2 has a 50% chance of using Thunder Fang which is good... in my Togekiss streak, when facing the same pokes which have both Ice Beam/Thunderbolt or Ice Punch/Thunderpunch, they seem to choose it randomly, as I'm pretty sure they don't 'know' about other team members - ie. Garchomp.
Set 4 would use Stone Edge on Togekiss, which is nice since it's non-STAB and 5 PP - Garchomp would be able to set up even if Charm failed.
kingler and gliscor, the new battle tower ubers? oh well rhydon4 can still pull it off better than those two lol
EDIT: oh yes, flash > recover against gliscor
Indeed, but I'm still not so scared of Kingler leads since you can 'just' Thunder Wave it and be 'relatively safe'. I won't underestimate the power of its Crabhammer though, as it did just over 50% to unboosted Drapion when I was using him that time.
I agree, that's the only thing that would ever sell Flash to me over recovery moves like Recover on your Latias and Wish/Roost on my Togekiss. But I still don't get how Jumpman got so far with that move...
DrDimentio and others can you please stop calling it the "Fagtory" or the "Haxtory"? All it does is make you look dumb, honestly.
also yeah stop putting the factory down please it is a great facility
Hey, no need for that hostility (by the way, calling someone dumb is actually far worse in my book than using common vulgar phrases, so please don't treat me like that just because I'm fairly new here and obviously quite a dumb little kid) - I'm not saying anything bad about people who play the Factory, I'm not at all saying they're inferior or anything to those like me who prefer the Tower any day, I'm saying that I, and others like Peterko, personally hate the place because of what it's done to me/us. Especially the 'that time went down the drain' concept which is more prevalent there. So please don't assume I'm dumbing down the Factory... I just have to express my hatred for it. And if you look at my signature you'll see that I have negative titles for all the Frontier facilities. All 5 facilities are breeding grounds for hax, it's just that it seems far more common in the Factory since you have to rely on often unreliable movesets (eg. inaccurate moves) and especially because the Factory is home to Thorton, the biggest cheater in the history of video-games. Like when I tried level 50 and got up to him with stuff like Murkrow, Buizel, etc, he leads with Togekiss and other far more powerful pokes. And on Open Level he uses legends when you can't choose any yourself. Anyway, that's what I dislike about the Factory. Also, Glen, it's a very impressive achievement that you got so close to 49... getting that far there is probably harder than getting up to my record in the Tower, so that's quite awesome for you. As you can see, I respect Factory records as much as those in any other facility.