Platinum/HG/SS Battle Frontier and DP Battle Tower Records

kingler lead! yay

yeah the start of the battle was the way it should be played with your team, t-wave then switch...that is the correct way of playing and isn´t that much about letting your lead live (guillotine hit turn 1 would´ve been interesting, as well - happened to me at least once)

I would´ve stalled the crabhammers, because of SD on chomp...but if you need 6-7 turns for DD, I´d still PP waste those 8-9 hammers...didn´t count how many you did but kingler got at least 3...a CH still does over 50% damage to salami and obviously breaks your sub, maybe it was a bit risky, on the other hand I don´t know your team and how you use salamence, so...

I believe you didn´t need the CH outrage to OHKO the gong, right?

but still, a display of a battle you could have lost relatively easily just by the teammember choice of the PI (also trode literally blew it)...such battles will always occur during high streaks

kingler lead = state of emergency

state of emergency indeed!! actually this streak i have been a little more "careful" with some leads. in my 458 i tricked basically everything, but here i realised it's just asking to be done by 3 OHKO's.

so the way i play salamence is generally:

  1. if they're on something like a stat changing move or status, i hide behind a sub and DD and sweep (no brainer) - might need to t-wave them to make sure i can get the sub up, possibly without using the berry if they are FP on the switch.
  2. if they're attacking, i generally only use mence if they are using a very weak attack (eg grass) or if i have lowered their attack and the move is resisted. generally i prefer to have a sub but a couple less DD's, which is why i KO'd the kingler rather than trying to get the other 2 DD's. realistically, 2-3 DD's generally spells the doom of everything, unless i get locked onto outrage against a steel type.
of course yes, 3-4 crits in a row would have screwed me, but that's the nature of salamence. it's subs are not meant to resist damage, just be there so i dont take damage myself.

actually, about the crit - i had thought it was a guaranteed OHKO, but now that i do the calculations, it is not guaranteed (in fact you need a high random number).

Hey guys,

I'm trying to go through the battle hall with a scarf medicham, and the only 2 pokeon I cant beat is dusknoir, I've lost thrice in a row, as I can only 3hko it, and it 2ko's me. I've been ice punching it, hoping for freeze hax or a crit, but can nayone think of a move that can kill it w/out Hax on my side?

just do the ghost round first. that way dusknoir will be low level and anyway, if you lose against it, you've only wasted about 5 minutes of your time.

Yeah, it was just funny to see the AI using a competitive strategy.

XD That was almost what I was planning. What I was going to try was use a Mence designed for outspeeding a certain teir, and do some work on Mesprit's spread. The one problem with using Mence is that STAB T-bolt's in lead position are bothersome now, but idk if the AI will use them on Mesprit, never having used a pure-psychic lead before.

Still, my current team (now at 188) comes first.

your lead may be able to help you with electric moves - latias is easily able to stall them out, but you might not want to use latias as your lead due to the ice/dragon moves it can attract (which obviously hurt both drapion and salamence).
your lead may be able to help you with electric moves - latias is easily able to stall them out, but you might not want to use latias as your lead due to the ice/dragon moves it can attract (which obviously hurt both drapion and salamence).

Yeah, true. Latias is out of the question, the Ice moves it attracts suck for this team. However, with the modified Salamence (and to an extent, Drapion), that I'm going to use, it shouldn't be too bad.
Yeah, true. Latias is out of the question, the Ice moves it attracts suck for this team. However, with the modified Salamence (and to an extent, Drapion), that I'm going to use, it shouldn't be too bad.

hmmm you mean you're putting roost on it? as for drapion, you'd need to hope you get some early sp def boosts. even still, i think latias+drapion+salamence would be a very dangerous. maybe cresselia, although i can certainly see why charm+flash is awesome for helping drapion set up.
:) That's why I have leer on my duskull since it essentially does the same thing as helping hand (lowering both op's defense 1 stage is pretty much the same as increasing your partner's attack 1 stage), for physical attacks, unless opponent has clear body. And of course, leer has permanent effect.

Helping Hand is mainly to boost Octillery's Water Spout and other special moves + Rock Slide from a Pokémon I don't feel like mentioning before I can come back here with a decent streak.

I don't realy need Helping Hand to boost the power of Bozo's Selfdestruct Snorlax as I found out that alot of stuff that wasn't 1HKO'd before still won't be 1HKO'd. I assume you are aware that that also counts for Bronzong's Explosion in combination with a -1 Def drop on your oponents, as Bronzong's Explosion might have a higher base power then Snorlax's Selfdestruct, it lacks Stab, Life Orb and base 21 Atk.

Besides that, Helping Hand has the highest priority which is another huge plus point over Leer.
hmmm you mean you're putting roost on it?

Not quite ;) I've modified the EV spread so that it has enough bulk behind it to be dangerous, while maintaining superior speed after only a single DD. Besides, it's not that much of a problem, most Electric types will choose Signal Beam to hit Mesprit rather than sticking to STAB.

as for drapion, you'd need to hope you get some early sp def boosts.

Well, the only reason Drapion is "ammended" from Jump's team is the nature.

even still, i think latias+drapion+salamence would be a very dangerous. maybe cresselia, although i can certainly see why charm+flash is awesome for helping drapion set up.

Yeah, Latias was the reason DRAPULA I failed at 190. I don't like Cresselia as a TrickScarfer at all, a friend of mine used it and got completely destroyed five times before he got out of 49. So I'll stick to Mesprit.

EDIT: Finally, broke the 200 barrier with my new team!
umm, how is that just "slightly" off topic?

1. I had no clue (before I googled) what that name means because I never heard about it

2. no, I haven´t worked for, nor with a company in that sort of industry (not even by offering legal service)

why were you wondering that anyway? did you want to imply something?

Well I was wondering because Bel Ami is pretty much the best thing to ever come out of Slovakia and I was just curious if you even knew about them...

oh that one - i already replied to that. normally you do trick first turn, but there are a few exceptions - you need to paralyze kingler first or else it could kill your entire team with fast OHKO's.

Helping Hand is mainly to boost Octillery's Water Spout and other special moves + Rock Slide from a Pokémon I don't feel like mentioning before I can come back here with a decent streak.

I don't realy need Helping Hand to boost the power of Bozo's Selfdestruct Snorlax as I found out that alot of stuff that wasn't 1HKO'd before still won't be 1HKO'd. I assume you are aware that that also counts for Bronzong's Explosion in combination with a -1 Def drop on your oponents, as Bronzong's Explosion might have a higher base power then Snorlax's Selfdestruct, it lacks Stab, Life Orb and base 21 Atk.

Besides that, Helping Hand has the highest priority which is another huge plus point over Leer.

ah oo, there's a few uses for it then. it'd be a shame to hack a pokemon for the BT though i think.

even when resisted, snorlax's self destruct is very powerful, but there is a drop in power in double battles, right?

Not quite ;) I've modified the EV spread so that it has enough bulk behind it to be dangerous, while maintaining superior speed after only a single DD. Besides, it's not that much of a problem, most Electric types will choose Signal Beam to hit Mesprit rather than sticking to STAB.

Well, the only reason Drapion is "ammended" from Jump's team is the nature.

Yeah, Latias was the reason DRAPULA I failed at 190. I don't like Cresselia as a TrickScarfer at all, a friend of mine used it and got completely destroyed five times before he got out of 49. So I'll stick to Mesprit.

EDIT: Finally, broke the 200 barrier with my new team!

congrats on the 200 :) i originally was using a slightly bulky spread for salemence (not that bulky - i just had 12 points in speed moved to hp) but decided it was necessary for the very rare but dangerous situations where you end up having to fight something 1-on-1.
oh that one - i already replied to that. normally you do trick first turn, but there are a few exceptions - you need to paralyze kingler first or else it could kill your entire team with fast OHKO's.

ah oo, there's a few uses for it then. it'd be a shame to hack a pokemon for the BT though i think.

even when resisted, snorlax's self destruct is very powerful, but there is a drop in power in double battles, right?

congrats on the 200 :) i originally was using a slightly bulky spread for salemence (not that bulky - i just had 12 points in speed moved to hp) but decided it was necessary for the very rare but dangerous situations where you end up having to fight something 1-on-1.
thats odd i never got an email
Hey guys,

I'm trying to go through the battle hall with a scarf medicham, and the only 2 pokeon I cant beat is dusknoir, I've lost thrice in a row, as I can only 3hko it, and it 2ko's me. I've been ice punching it, hoping for freeze hax or a crit, but can nayone think of a move that can kill it w/out Hax on my side?

Zen Headbutt should do the trick. Assuming you're using a Lv100 Medicham with (non-boosted) 252EV Attack, you should 2HKO Dusknoir.

Scarf Medicham doesn't really have an answer to Scyther. You'll need a second Medicham for Bug and Flying. Sash + Fake Out is one way Medicham can beat Scyther.
How typical - every time I don't check here for slightly longer than usual, I miss a huge number of posts.

Anyway, just thought I'd say that I've nearly finished my battle 647 video - it's my first HD video (720p - highest possible on YouTube) since I have an Uber camera to use now. I also used it to take a somewhat similar record-screen photo to Jumpman's... without the awesomeness of an Pokemon toy in the picture, sorry.

I'll watch those interesting videos posted by Bozo in a minute.

Oh yeah, and I'm a bit worried about Bozo's progress report since he could beat me... normally I wouldn't mind, but this time I will because of the way I lost. Let's just say it was a 'familiar' situation...

Did you notice how I set this up perfectly so that my 100th post will be my official record post? Yeah, it was quite clever how I did that...
Zen Headbutt should do the trick. Assuming you're using a Lv100 Medicham with (non-boosted) 252EV Attack, you should 2HKO Dusknoir.

Scarf Medicham doesn't really have an answer to Scyther. You'll need a second Medicham for Bug and Flying. Sash + Fake Out is one way Medicham can beat Scyther.
Does scyther still outspeed me? Because I thought ice punch would kill it. Anyways, I went through again with the same set and faced a Dusknoir in battle 10, which used curse first allowing me to kill it. I haven't continued since then though, and have homework today, so I'll probably keep going tomorrow.

Thanks for all the help guys.
Does scyther still outspeed me? Because I thought ice punch would kill it. Anyways, I went through again with the same set and faced a Dusknoir in battle 10, which used curse first allowing me to kill it. I haven't continued since then though, and have homework today, so I'll probably keep going tomorrow.

Thanks for all the help guys.

scarf Medicham (assuming adamant 262/480/186/x/186/388) vs Scyther
Battle Hall 1on1

Scyther Bug Flying Focus Sash Jolly 255atk / 255spe 96 265 301 183 121 183 321 X-Scissor Aerial Ace Swords Dance Quick Attack

lv.96 scyther´s aerial ace does 200-236 damage
lv.96 scyther´s quick attack does 45-53 damage

basically scyther needs at least rand. 93/100 (217 damage) on aerial ace and then it finishes you off with a quick attack (even min. damage QA is enough)

so 217 + 45...or other combinations

you lose if scyther has technician, obviously
you have a shot at winning if scyther doesn´t use aerial ace turn one

EDIT: actually, with swarm after your punch, x-scissor does roughly the same as aerial ace, so there´s a lot of stuff that can go wrong here

pray that it uses swords dance turn 1
I FINALLY broke 100 with my tower team. The tower was determined I wouldn't do it, and thew 4 Raikous at me in the 92-98 run. thankfully none of them used thunder, which can screw me over. Something else I was wondering. I was on battle 90, and all of a sudden someone used an NFE and two pathetic pokemon... wth? The next person has the typical pokemon though, so idk. *goes to edit orriginal post*

EDIT: yeah, it was the Beauty Nadia. I had no clue they would show up, but hey, they made for an easy win. I notice that nobody has the 30th spot on the Platinum BT list, so does that mean I have it now?
the trainer´s name was Parasol Lady Angie or Beauty Nadia, wasn´t it?

Beauty, Nadia, Weaker Pokémon, Set 2, 31 IVs, 100
Parasol Lady, Angie, Weaker Pokémon, Set 2, 31 IVs, 100

[size=-2]251, Ivysaur 2, Modest, Big Root, 135, 73, 83, 145, 132, 80, Giga Drain, Sludge Bomb, Sleep Powder, Leech Seed, Sp.Attk/Sp.Def
252, Charmeleon 2, Bashful, Razor Claw, 133, 116, 78, 100, 85, 132, Flamethrower, Shadow Claw, Aerial Ace, SmokeScreen, Attk/Speed
253, Wartortle 2, Serious, Shell Bell, 166, 83, 100, 117, 100, 78, Surf, Ice Beam, Brick Break, Fake Out, HP/Sp.Attk
254, Bayleef 2, Hardy, Chesto Berry, 135, 82, 121, 104, 121, 80, Giga Drain, Body Slam, GrassWhistle, Rest, Def/Sp.Attk/Sp.Def
255, Quilava 2, Serious, Focus Band, 133, 116, 78, 132, 85, 78, Flamethrower, Crush Claw, Quick Attack, SmokeScreen, Attk/Sp.Attk
256, Croconaw 2, Adamant, Focus Band, 140, 145, 132, 71, 83, 78, Aqua Tail, Crunch, Rock Slide, Scary Face, Attk/Def
257, Grovyle 2, Adamant, Coba Berry, 125, 128, 65, 94, 85, 147, Leaf Blade, Rock Slide, Crunch, Screech, Attk/Speed
258, Combusken 2, Hardy, Scope Lens, 135, 137, 80, 137, 80, 75, Flamethrower, Sky Uppercut, Slash, Sand-Attack, Attk/Sp.Attk
259, Marshtomp 2, Quiet, Persim Berry, 145, 137, 90, 123, 90, 63, Muddy Water, Earthquake, AncientPower, Protect, Attk/Sp.Attk
260, Grotle 2, Brave, Occa Berry, 150, 155, 137, 75, 85, 50, Seed Bomb, Crunch, Curse, Synthesis, Attk/Def
261, Monferno 2, Adamant, Scope Lens, 139, 143, 72, 88, 72, 133, Blaze Kick, Brick Break, Rock Slide, Torment, Attk/Speed
262, Prinplup 2, Bashful, Focus Band, 139, 118, 88, 133, 96, 70, Surf, Drill Peck, Metal Claw, Rain Dance, Attk/Sp.Attk
263, Sudowoodo 2, Adamant, Life Orb, 145, 167, 167, 50, 85, 45, Stone Edge, Earthquake, Mimic, Selfdestruct, Attk/Def
264, Magcargo 2, Quiet, Quick Claw, 125, 102, 140, 145, 100, 45, Overheat, Rock Slide, Earthquake, Body Slam, Attk/Sp.Attk
265, Pupitar 2, Adamant, Soft Sand, 177, 149, 90, 76, 90, 71, Earthquake, Rock Slide, Crunch, Scary Face, HP/Attk
266, Sealeo 2, Quiet, Chesto Berry, 197, 80, 90, 139, 90, 58, Ice Beam, Surf, Signal Beam, Hail, HP/Sp.Attk
267, Bibarel 2, Adamant, Shell Bell, 186, 150, 80, 67, 80, 91, Hyper Fang, Super Fang, Pluck, Attract, HP/Attk
268, Gabite 2, Adamant, Muscle Band, 143, 156, 85, 63, 75, 134, Dragon Claw, Earthquake, Slash, Sandstorm, Attk/Speed
269, Machoke 2, Adamant, Scope Lens, 187, 167, 90, 63, 80, 65, Cross Chop, Facade, Rock Slide, Counter, HP/Attk
270, Raticate 2, Bashful, Chople Berry, 130, 122, 80, 91, 90, 138, Super Fang, Hyper Fang, Shadow Ball, Scary Face, Attk/Sp.Attk/Speed
271, Masquerain 2, Quiet, Petaya Berry, 145, 80, 82, 145, 134, 72, Bug Buzz, Air Slash, Shadow Ball, Stun Spore, Sp.Attk/Sp.Def
272, Furret 2, Adamant, Choice Band, 160, 140, 84, 58, 75, 142, Frustration, Shadow Claw, Trick, Assist, Attk/Speed
273, Luxio 2, Modest, Petaya Berry, 167, 94, 69, 123, 69, 80, Thunderbolt, Signal Beam, Swift, Thunder Wave, HP/Sp.Attk
274, Cherrim 2, Modest, Power Herb, 177, 72, 90, 152, 98, 105, SolarBeam, Leech Seed, Sunny Day, Synthesis, HP/Sp.Attk
275, Dragonair 2, Docile, Haban Berry, 136, 136, 85, 122, 90, 90, Dragon Pulse, Aqua Tail, Slam, Dragon Dance, Attk/Sp.Attk
276, Mightyena 2, Adamant, Chople Berry, 145, 156, 122, 72, 80, 90, Crunch, Take Down, Sucker Punch, Howl, Attk/Def
277, Linoone 2, Jolly, Choice Scarf, 153, 122, 81, 63, 81, 167, Frustration, Shadow Claw, Dig, Switcheroo, Attk/Speed
278, Kadabra 2, Modest, Cheri Berry, 115, 49, 50, 189, 90, 157, Psychic, Shadow Ball, Shock Wave, Reflect, Sp.Attk/Speed
279, Shelgon 2, Adamant, Focus Band, 140, 161, 152, 72, 70, 70, Dragon Claw, Crunch, Dragon Dance, Scary Face, Attk/Def
280, Metang 2, Adamant, Shuca Berry, 167, 139, 120, 67, 100, 70, Meteor Mash, Zen Headbutt, Bullet Punch, Scary Face, HP/Attk
281, Wormadam 2, Modest, Coba Berry, 135, 71, 137, 144, 125, 56, Giga Drain, Signal Beam, Psychic, Attract, Def/Sp.Attk
282, Mothim 2, Modest, Coba Berry, 171, 88, 72, 143, 72, 101, Bug Buzz, Air Slash, Psychic, PoisonPowder, HP/Sp.Attk
283, Wigglytuff 2, Modest, Sitrus Berry, 247, 81, 65, 139, 70, 65, Hyper Voice, Shadow Ball, Sing, Dream Eater, HP/Sp.Attk
284, Sunflora 2, Modest, Sitrus Berry, 182, 85, 75, 172, 105, 50, Giga Drain, Sludge Bomb, GrassWhistle, Double Team, HP/Sp.Attk
285, Chimecho 2, Quiet, Twisted Spoon, 172, 70, 90, 161, 100, 76, Psychic, Shadow Ball, Hypnosis, Dream Eater, HP/Sp.Attk
286, Gligar 2, Adamant, Quick Claw, 140, 139, 125, 49, 85, 137, Earthquake, Aerial Ace, Aqua Tail, Sandstorm, Attk/Speed
287, Qwilfish 2, Adamant, Focus Band, 140, 161, 127, 67, 75, 105, Aqua Tail, Poison Jab, Revenge, Destiny Bond, Attk/Def
288, Sneasel 2, Jolly, King's Rock, 130, 147, 75, 49, 95, 183, Ice Punch, Faint Attack, Crush Claw, Spite, Attk/Speed
289, Swellow 2, Adamant, Toxic Orb, 135, 150, 80, 63, 70, 177, Facade, Aerial Ace, Growl, U-turn, Attk/Speed
290, Pelipper 2, Modest, Shell Bell, 135, 63, 152, 150, 90, 85, Surf, Air Cutter, Ice Beam, Tailwind, Def/Sp.Attk
291, Lairon 2, Impish, Sitrus Berry, 135, 142, 211, 63, 70, 60, Iron Head, Rock Slide, Earthquake, Roar, Attk/Def
292, Tangela 2, Bold, Pecha Berry, 140, 67, 183, 152, 60, 80, Giga Drain, Sludge Bomb, Wring Out, Ingrain, Def/Sp.Attk
293, Misdreavus 2, Modest, Kasib Berry, 135, 72, 80, 150, 105, 137, Shadow Ball, Psychic, Thunder Wave, Confuse Ray, Sp.Attk/Speed
294, Arbok 2, Docile, Payapa Berry, 135, 137, 89, 117, 99, 100, Sludge Bomb, Mud Bomb, Crunch, Glare, Attk/Sp.Attk
295, Persian 2, Adamant, Razor Claw, 140, 134, 80, 76, 85, 167, Slash, Shadow Claw, Bite, Fake Out, Attk/Speed
296, Seadra 2, Modest, Shell Bell, 130, 76, 147, 126, 65, 137, Surf, Ice Beam, Twister, SmokeScreen, Def/Sp.Attk
297, Vigoroth 2, Adamant, Salac Berry, 155, 145, 100, 67, 75, 142, Crush Claw, Shadow Claw, Reversal, Endure, Attk/Speed
298, Lunatone 2, Modest, Passho Berry, 145, 67, 85, 161, 137, 90, Psychic, AncientPower, Shadow Ball, Cosmic Power, Sp.Attk/Sp.Def
299, Solrock 2, Adamant, Passho Berry, 145, 161, 137, 67, 85, 90, Zen Headbutt, Rock Slide, Will-O-Wisp, Cosmic Power, Attk/Def
300, Kecleon 2, Careful, Choice Scarf, 135, 142, 90, 72, 189, 60, Frustration, Shadow Claw, Aerial Ace, Trick, Attk/Sp.Def
301, Rotom 2, Modest, Magnet, 125, 63, 97, 161, 97, 143, Discharge, Ominous Wind, Thunder Wave, Double Team, Sp.Attk/Speed
302, Fearow 2, Adamant, Cheri Berry, 140, 156, 85, 72, 81, 152, Drill Peck, Frustration, Faint Attack, U-turn, Attk/Speed
303, Noctowl 2, Quiet, Persim Berry, 207, 70, 70, 140, 116, 81, Air Slash, Swift, Psychic, Reflect, HP/Sp.Attk
304, Sandslash 2, Adamant, Quick Claw, 150, 167, 162, 58, 75, 85, Earthquake, Rock Slide, Crush Claw, Sandstorm, Attk/Def
305, Venomoth 2, Modest, SilverPowder, 145, 76, 80, 156, 95, 142, Bug Buzz, Sludge Bomb, Psychic, Supersonic, Sp.Attk/Speed
306, Chansey 2, Impish, Lucky Punch, 357, 25, 27, 49, 157, 70, Egg Bomb, Focus Punch, Sing, Softboiled, HP/Sp.Def
307, Seaking 2, Adamant, Quick Claw, 187, 158, 85, 76, 100, 88, Aqua Tail, Poison Jab, Facade, Aqua Ring, HP/Attk
308, Jumpluff 2, Adamant, Sitrus Berry, 150, 117, 90, 67, 105, 162, Seed Bomb, Bounce, Sleep Powder, Synthesis, Attk/Speed
309, Piloswine 2, Adamant, Muscle Band, 207, 167, 100, 72, 80, 70, Ice Fang, Earthquake, Stone Edge, Curse, HP/Attk
310, Purugly 2, Adamant, Liechi Berry, 146, 147, 84, 75, 79, 164, Body Slam, Shadow Claw, Attract, Fake Out, Attk/Speed
311, Carnivine 2, Adamant, Occa Berry, 181, 167, 92, 99, 92, 66, Seed Bomb, Wring Out, Crunch, Ingrain, HP/Attk
312, Golbat 2, Adamant, Black Sludge, 150, 145, 90, 76, 95, 142, Poison Fang, Aerial Ace, Zen Headbutt, Confuse Ray, Attk/Speed
313, Primeape 2, Adamant, Expert Belt, 140, 172, 80, 72, 90, 147, Cross Chop, Earthquake, Rock Slide, Swagger, Attk/Speed
314, Hitmonlee 2, Adamant, Salac Berry, 125, 177, 73, 49, 151, 128, Hi Jump Kick, Blaze Kick, Mega Kick, Endure, Attk/Sp.Def/Speed
315, Hitmonchan 2, Adamant, King's Rock, 125, 160, 99, 49, 151, 117, Sky Uppercut, Mega Punch, Bullet Punch, Counter, Attk/Sp.Def/Speed
316, Girafarig 2, Adamant, Razor Claw, 145, 145, 85, 99, 85, 137, Zen Headbutt, Double Hit, Crunch, Thunder Wave, Attk/Speed
317, Hitmontop 2, Adamant, Muscle Band, 157, 161, 115, 49, 130, 90, Triple Kick, Bullet Punch, Aerial Ace, Counter, HP/Attk
318, Banette 2, Adamant, Colbur Berry, 171, 183, 85, 92, 83, 85, Shadow Claw, Faint Attack, Will-O-Wisp, Trick Room, HP/Attk
319, Dusclops 2, Impish, Colbur Berry, 136, 90, 188, 72, 171, 45, Shadow Punch, Payback, Brick Break, Confuse Ray, HP/Def/Sp.Def
320, Ninjask 2, Adamant, Razor Fang, 168, 156, 65, 63, 70, 180, X-Scissor, Aerial Ace, Night Slash, Baton Pass, HP/Attk
321, Zangoose 2, Adamant, Razor Claw, 148, 183, 80, 72, 80, 142, Crush Claw, Shadow Claw, Aerial Ace, Taunt, Attk/Speed
322, Seviper 2, Adamant, Black Sludge, 180, 167, 80, 108, 80, 85, Sludge Bomb, Crunch, Aqua Tail, Swagger, HP/Attk
323, Dodrio 2, Jolly, King's Rock, 135, 162, 90, 72, 80, 167, Drill Peck, Frustration, Faint Attack, Acupressure, Attk/Speed
324, Sharpedo 2, Adamant, Wacan Berry, 145, 189, 60, 103, 60, 147, Crunch, Waterfall, Ice Fang, Swagger, Attk/Speed
325, Camerupt 2, Modest, Quick Claw, 177, 108, 90, 172, 95, 60, Earth Power, Eruption, AncientPower, Sandstorm, HP/Sp.Attk
326, Tropius 2, Modest, Occa Berry, 206, 79, 103, 136, 107, 71, Giga Drain, Air Slash, Synthesis, Sunny Day, HP/Sp.Attk
327, Lumineon 2, Modest, Shell Bell, 144, 80, 96, 133, 106, 143, Surf, Silver Wind, Attract, Aqua Ring, Sp.Attk/Speed
328, Magneton 2, Modest, Shuca Berry, 125, 72, 147, 189, 90, 90, Thunderbolt, Mirror Shot, Thunder Wave, Magnet Rise, Def/Sp.Attk
329, Mantine 2, Modest, Shell Bell, 140, 54, 90, 145, 192, 90, Surf, Air Cutter, Ice Beam, Confuse Ray, Sp.Attk/Sp.Def
330, Stantler 2, Adamant, Chople Berry, 148, 161, 82, 94, 85, 137, Frustration, Zen Headbutt, Thunder Wave, Confuse Ray, Attk/Speed
331, Swalot 2, Modest, Black Sludge, 207, 83, 103, 137, 103, 75, Sludge Bomb, Shadow Ball, Giga Drain, Yawn, HP/Sp.Attk
332, Crawdaunt 2, Adamant, Quick Claw, 138, 189, 137, 99, 75, 75, Crabhammer, Crunch, X-Scissor, Swords Dance, Attk/Def
333, Pidgeot 2, Adamant, Razor Claw, 158, 145, 95, 81, 90, 143, Return, Aerial Ace, Steel Wing, U-turn, Attk/Speed
334, Xatu 2, Modest, Colbur Berry, 140, 85, 90, 161, 90, 147, Psychic, Air Cutter, Ominous Wind, Confuse Ray, Sp.Attk/Speed
335, Torkoal 2, Bold, Quick Claw, 145, 94, 211, 137, 90, 40, Heat Wave, SolarBeam, Earth Power, Sunny Day, Def/Sp.Attk
336, Grumpig 2, Calm, Colbur Berry, 155, 58, 85, 142, 178, 100, Psychic, Power Gem, Charge Beam, Mirror Coat, Sp.Attk/Sp.Def
338, Kingler 2, Jolly, Salac Berry, 130, 182, 135, 63, 70, 139, Crabhammer, Guillotine, Flail, Endure, Attk/Speed
339, Cacturne 2, Modest, Shell Bell, 177, 121, 80, 183, 80, 75, Giga Drain, Dark Pulse, Acid, Cotton Spore, HP/Sp.Attk
340, Bellossom 2, Modest, BrightPowder, 182, 90, 105, 156, 120, 70, SolarBeam, Sludge Bomb, Sunny Day, Synthesis, HP/Sp.Attk
341, Octillery 2, Modest, Life Orb, 182, 112, 95, 172, 95, 65, Octazooka, Flamethrower, Psychic, Thunder Wave, HP/Sp.Attk
342, Huntail 2, Adamant, Shell Bell, 130, 171, 157, 102, 95, 72, Aqua Tail, Crunch, Ice Fang, Rain Dance, Attk/Def
343, Gorebyss 2, Modest, 130, 93, 157, 182, 95, 72, Shell Bell, Surf, Psychic, Ice Beam, Rain Dance, Def/Sp.Attk
344, Relicanth 2, Impish, Chesto Berry, 175, 142, 200, 58, 85, 75, Aqua Tail, Rock Slide, Rest, Yawn, Attk/Def
345, Electabuzz 2, Modest, BrightPowder, 140, 92, 77, 161, 105, 157, Thunderbolt, Psychic, Focus Blast, Thunder Wave, Sp.Attk/Speed
346, Magmar 2, Modest, Lax Incense, 140, 103, 77, 167, 105, 145, Flamethrower, Psychic, Focus Blast, Confuse Ray, Sp.Attk/Speed
347, Omastar 2, Modest, Sitrus Berry, 145, 72, 177, 183, 90, 75, Surf, Stone Edge, Ice Beam, Toxic Spikes, Def/Sp.Attk
348, Kabutops 2, Adamant, Razor Claw, 135, 183, 157, 76, 90, 100, Waterfall, Rock Slide, Slash, Swords Dance, Attk/Def
349, Scyther 2, Adamant, BrightPowder, 145, 178, 100, 67, 100, 157, X-Scissor, Aerial Ace, Night Slash, Swords Dance, Attk/Speed
350, Cloyster2, Impish, Leftovers, 125, 147, 255, 94, 65, 90, Avalanche, Dive, Toxic, Protect, Attk/Def[/size]
congrats on the 200 :)

Thanks :) I think this puts me as the #1 person currently active on Serebii, and my current streak ties for 8th on here.

i originally was using a slightly bulky spread for salemence (not that bulky - i just had 12 points in speed moved to hp) but decided it was necessary for the very rare but dangerous situations where you end up having to fight something 1-on-1.

Mine has more bulk than that, but it still hits a high speed teir after one DD. I could send you an idea of what I'm planning, if you'd like.
EDIT: 12 points or 12 EV's?
Thanks :) I think this puts me as the #1 person currently active on Serebii, and my current streak ties for 8th on here.

hmmmm then i'm probably the highest on psypokes! not that ive posted there in ages.....

Mine has more bulk than that, but it still hits a high speed teir after one DD. I could send you an idea of what I'm planning, if you'd like.
EDIT: 12 points or 12 EV's?

sure, i'd be interested to hear about it.

i mean points - i used to run it at 140 speed (enough to outrun non-scarf kingler) but decided to go back its max of 152.

EDIT: two close calls in the same set of 7 this afternoon. first:

  1. lead scarf rampardos (set 4 trainer). i used charm twice, and the second head smash was a crit and latias went down.
  2. in comes registeel. by now rampardos is below 50% from the recoil, so i only have 5 turns to set up. i choose 3x curse and 1x amnesia, then sub just before he faints.
  3. in comes hippowdon! i curse as he OHKO's the sub with EQ. next turn he does about 42hp damage and i sub (no crit thank goodness). i'm now at +4 attack, and manage to 2HKO him while renewing my sub twice.
  4. last poke is exeggutor, gg.
second one:

  1. lead french gliscor (set 3 trainer). i really dont think i have anything better to do than trick him, seeing as salamence is slower. for the first time ever it doesnt use guillotine, but rather u-turn.
  2. in comes heracross. i get a charm in before megahorn KO's with a crit.
  3. send in steel. its second megahorn is a crit too, but luckily that;s the last one as i manage to fully set up and KO it after it switches to a weaker move (stone edge - i waited to to renew my sub before finishing it).
  4. gliscor comes back, and i spend 5 turns needlessly using sub as 5 out of 5 guillotines miss (i really only needed 1-2 to miss).
  5. 3rd poke is metagross, which isnt too bad as it doesnt have quick claw etc. registeel finishes it easy enough.
hmmmm then i'm probably the highest on psypokes! not that ive posted there in ages.....

That's why I said current XD

sure, i'd be interested to hear about it.

I'll send you a copy then.

i mean points - i used to run it at 140 speed (enough to outrun non-scarf kingler) but decided to go back its max of 152.

Ah, in that case I have the same spread you used to, iirc.

EDIT: Damn, my streak with my current team ends at 237. Oh well, that's two spots up the list :)
yeah, i liked it when things were going perfectly (as they usually do with trick teams) because with 45hp subs, you have a little bit of an easier time setting up against weak attacks (eg i often get 11hp damage from some moves, and you get an extra DD).

well, i had the scariest battle of my current streak this morning, against a lead gastrodon-from-hell. not too much to say, but that i am pretty sure i did everything right (apart from trying my luck, unsuccessfully, with trick, given that the trainer was a sailor so i didn't know for sure which set it was). recorded the match and will upload it sometime.

two battles later i got a lead metagross4 who got 2 attack rises from his first three MM's. i tried jumpman's trick of using iron head mid-setup so salamence could take it just in case. anyway, that worked out brilliantly since it switched to arcanine after that, who i disposed of easily enough. metagross came back in and used earthquake, so i was able to go straight to salamence and get a full set-up.

EDIT: yes "current" or else i think Dr Dimentio would be the top serebii guy! (he did post in that ridiculous Terry T thread lol, so maybe he is "current"??). and i forgot to say commiserations on your loss, but 237 is certainly very good, and you probably have to have one or two of those while you're figuring out exactly how your team works. how did your losing battle go?
yeah, i liked it when things were going perfectly (as they usually do with trick teams) because with 45hp subs, you have a little bit of an easier time setting up against weak attacks (eg i often get 11hp damage from some moves, and you get an extra DD).

I agree, things get really complicated when you start to get up in the 150's~ area. I'd rather have easy battles like the first 100 XD

well, i had the scariest battle of my current streak this morning, against a lead gastrodon-from-hell. not too much to say, but that i am pretty sure i did everything right (apart from trying my luck, unsuccessfully, with trick, given that the trainer was a sailor so i didn't know for sure which set it was). recorded the match and will upload it sometime.

The BT is just setting you up for a fall, it seems.

two battles later i got a lead metagross4 who got 2 attack rises from his first three MM's. i tried jumpman's trick of using iron head mid-setup so salamence could take it just in case. anyway, that worked out brilliantly since it switched to arcanine after that, who i disposed of easily enough. metagross came back in and used earthquake, so i was able to go straight to salamence and get a full set-up.

Wow, nicely done. I need to try harder if I ever want to be able to make snap decisions like that.

EDIT: yes "current" or else i think Dr Dimentio would be the top serebii guy! (he did post in that ridiculous Terry T thread lol, so maybe he is "current"??).

Terry is the biggest troll on the face of the earth(I think that's what the "T" stands for, lol), I've been trying to deal with that kid for four months, and I got nowhere. I didn't even post in that thread, I was just sick of his nonsense. That was actually his best team so far, lol.
Maybe, but he's not an active member. That's what I meant by current.

and i forgot to say commiserations on your loss, but 237 is certainly very good, and you probably have to have one or two of those while you're figuring out exactly how your team works. how did your losing battle go?

Thanks, and it's not all bad. I finally beat out V4E, who taught me how the BT works.
As for the battle, I know how Peterko felt, I got killed by that damn Gliscor. I didn't even use Trick, I used Flash, and it still landed three consecutive Gillotenes. That was that.
This is my first time really uploading my streaks here, so I'll try to be a good li'l user and not mess up too much... ;^^

Platinum Battle Hall Single Record: 182


Espeon ** Rydia (F)
@ Choice Specs
Nature: Timid
IVs: 31/30/30/31/31/31
EV spread: 6 HP / 252 Sp.Atk / 252 Speed
~ Trick
~ Psychic
~ Shadow Ball
~ Grass Knot

Though this was waay in the past when I completed this (Pre-dating Hg/Ss' Japanese announcement, actually), I managed to summon whatever I had deep inside of me to post it here.

Really, my overall "goal", if anything, was basically to crush down all the AI 'mons as possible, though I remember I messed up against a Scizor just a few rounds after I beat Argenta (Honestly, I didn't know why I didn't re-breed for a different Espeon), buuut... It did give me quite the long streak, despite my really novice mistake. ;^^

Platinum Battle Tower Single Record: 1001


Espeon ** Rydia (F)
@ Choice Specs
Nature: Timid
IVs: 31/30/30/31/31/31
6 HP / 252 Sp.Atk / 252 Speed
~ Trick
~ Psychic
~ Shadow Ball
~ Grass Knot

Lucario ** Nora (M)
@ Life Orb
Nature: Naive
IVs: 31/31/29/31/26/31
6 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Speed
~ Close Combat
~ Swords Dance
~ Extremespeed
~ Ice Punch

Dragonite ** Suupuushan (F)
@ Leftovers
Nature: Naughty
IVs: 31/31/30/31/29/31
48 HP / 66 Atk / 196 Sp. Atk / 200 Speed
~ Draco Meteor
~ Roost
~ Superpower
~ Extremespeed

This... Was actually the record I really was scared to show people, considering both the high level it has peaked on, and also how freakin' unknown I am when it comes to competitive. ;^^

The team's really made from my favorites, Rydia being the lead solely to screw up set-up leads and walls in the Tower (Usually such things as Blissey and Weavile), and also blowing chunks of damage into teams.

Nora's there to clean-up whatever Rydia couldn't outright defeat, with Swords Dance in case I do switch him in early-on in a round (Hey, things tend to use super-effective moves on Rydia (Obviously) when she's locked in to a move, giving Nora a major chance to interrupt a fatal attack). He was really the center-piece for the team, usually being the one to finish the rounds when Rydia was fainted.

Then there's Suupuushan... She's bulky, powerful, and rounds up the team with her fabulous assault moves (Superpower and Draco Meteor definitely crunches down her weakened opposition, with Extremespeed to bat away low-HP opponents), and Roost to keep her pepped up in the game. I opped out of Life Orb, fearing that I wouldn't be able to keep up with the 10% HP drop in the high rounds, and I really do like Leftovers' recovery rate.

The main reason my streak's broken as it is is _really_ over something silly: My baby sibling accidentally knocked my DSi off the nightstand when I had it out. And the game card fell out. Cue me being quite pissed off over the fact my streak was broken as it was. I know, it's a really unbelieveable excuse (It was probably used over 9000 times as of this point), but that's what happened, and I really can't phrase in any other way but that cliché'd way.

All I can mainly say was that the higher rounds were the most fun of all the rounds, making me nervous if I'd make a wrong move and have to start all the way in the beginning of the Tower challenge or not. I really want to thank how powerful Suupuushan was at laying waste to her opponents, as, whenever she came in for a revenge kill or if she were switching in on an Earthquake, she was powerful enough to usually OHKO whatever stood in her way.

I... Really don't know what else to say. If you do feel that there's a huge problem with my story or my records, you guys are free to not believe me. I just wanted to show my records, 'sall. ;^^
Platinum Battle Tower Double Record - 461 wins
(Vaporeon, Ludicolo, Kingdra, Gyarados)

(♂) @ Damp Rock
Water Absorb | Modest
EVs: 252HP / 252SAtk / 6Def
-Shadow Ball
-Rain Dance

my lead rain dancer. with it's bulk and high SpAttack, plus the ability Water Absorb, it easily fits onto any team whose partner is using Surf. plus, with Damp Rock, the rain will be around longer. Shadow Ball for ghosts and psychics. Protect is for attacks that might KO Vaporeon giving my partner an extra turn.

Ludicolo (♀) @ Lum Berry
Swift Swim | Modest
EVs: 128HP / 128Spe / 252SAtk
-Grass Knot
-Fake Out

Ludicolo is a must have for any rain dance teams due to his ability to learn Fake Out. with 128 Spe EVs, it's the fastest in the game after my Kingdra. Protect is to save Ludicolo from focus fire from these pesky poison types who can OHKO her. It's just there for general longevity in a battle.

Kingdra (♂) @ Life orb
Swift Swim | Modest
EVs: 220HP / 36Spe / 252SAtk
-Rain Dance
-Ice Beam
-Dragon Pulse

another special sweeper, Kingdra, is another must have in rain dance teams. 36 Spe EVs makes him the fastest in my team in the rain. Rain Dance is there in case the previous user's Rain Dance has ended or if things go wrong, Kingdra can set it up (again). i chose Dragon Pulse for accuracy and I don't like the -2 SpAttack drop. Ice beam for dragons and grass types.

Gyarados (♀) @ Wacan Berry
Intimidate | Jolly
EVs: 6HP / 252Atk / 252Spe
-Ice Fang

my physical sweeper. standard Gyarados with max Atk and Spe and this is the only Gyarados i have. Protect is to scout for electric attacks. others are pretty much self explanatory.

i lost to a Porygon2 w/ Trace that copied Vaporeon's Water Absorb (!) then i panicked, played poorly and lost.
i was really surprised that i got this far after trying different pokemon for rain dance from Toxicroak to exploding Qwilfish (i love Qwilfish, although he looks stupid XD) and a couple of low dissapointing streaks but overall, i was pleased.

battle videos using this team:
59-05657-80148 battle 380 vs a trick room team
58-31729-19672 battle 455
83-49091-24408 battle 462 video of how i lost

anyways, time to finish my BT Single streak, ugh.
The main reason my streak's broken as it is is _really_ over something silly: My baby sibling accidentally knocked my DSi off the nightstand when I had it out. And the game card fell out. Cue me being quite pissed off over the fact my streak was broken as it was. I know, it's a really unbelieveable excuse (It was probably used over 9000 times as of this point), but that's what happened, and I really can't phrase in any other way but that cliché'd way.

My record is not the only thing that I want to share with you so if you were waiting for the story of my lost I can assure you that you will never guess the way my streak ended. After tricking all my way through the tower ironically at the end the tower tricked me, here is it: I defeated my 413th opponent then proceeded to the lobby and saved, I wanted one more set of trainers so I talked to the girl again, picked up my team and saved, I was watching TV so after the proceed to the battle room part and enter the elevator I stop paying attention, when I thought that was time to be at the battle room I looked at the DS but I only saw a black display, I thought “maybe it is the scene going out of the elevator” but unfortunately it wasn´t, it remained black for ten or fifty seconds, I freaked out and started to push all the buttons but nothing happened and suddenly the black display changed and I was at the lobby again reading the “we hope to see you again” message, I quickly checked the records computer and it displayed 413 as my record but instead of “current” a stupid “previous” with a 0 was above my record.

I can´t understand what happened, I mean after all my effort the game just decided to kick me out or what?, the only thing that I can think about it is that the game malfunctioned because neither me or my friends have hacked or used an action replay even a single time, I just can´t find a reason for that to happened but there is nothing I can do anyway, I think that is really unfair how it ended but looking for the bright side I think that is good for my team to retire unconquered until the next time I decide to try my luck in the tower with the risk to finish very annoyed lol. So if anyone had a similar experience I will be glad to know. Here ends this post, so luck to anyone battling the tower and thanks to all of you who read this short post.


And from personal experience, as my game froze in Pearl at 111 and ejected itself at 52, I can confirm that, if your game freezes or is ejected at any point in a streak, the "PREV" will read "0", not the last multiple of seven belonging to the last time you saw "We hope to see you again!" after seven straight wins. Therefore it's pretty obvious to me that you are just trying to bullshit us, which is confirmed by the fact that your team itself very suspect (no Sub on Lucario, no Sub on Dragonite, no stat-up moves on Dragonite, two moves in DM and Superpower with very debilitating drawbacks). And it doesn't do much for your credibility to read this:

I opped out of Life Orb, fearing that I wouldn't be able to keep up with the 10% HP drop in the high rounds, and I really do like Leftovers' recovery rate.
with no mention of the fact that it would actually have been impossible for Dragonite to hold Life Orb simply because Lucario was (or what you would have had Lucario hold instead).

You guys should probably be eager to do your homework before trying to pass off fake records—I mean, it's not like you have to actually spend time on the real effort of earning a big streak or anything...
hehe i saw that post last night, but decided to wait for someone else to reply. my initial response was "as if that team could even get to 200 without sub", but to have evidence like the "prev 0" thing is good. it would only take some common hax events to defeat the team, the kind of things you could expect to see every 20-30 battles. things like naive lucario with no special moves, and dragonite lowering its attacking stats when using its main moves, make me doubt it even more.

on a more positive note, congrats to grissom - i like the idea of rain dance teams in doubles - must have been fun :)