DP Doubles: 163 wins.
Starmie @ Focus Sash ** Mersennes
Timid, Natural Cure
6 HP, 252 SpA, 252 Spe
Rain Dance
Ice Beam
Starmie gets Rain Dance in effect, and then uses it to chuck Surf and Thunder around. It's blazing fast, and a Helping Hand Surf in the rain is surprisingly great. Speed, Sash and Fake Out support mean that basically nothing prevents Rain Dance.
Toxicroak @ Expert Belt ** Cerenkov
Adamant, Dry Skin
252 HP, 252 Atk, 6 Def
Fake Out
Helping Hand
Brick Break
Sucker Punch
Croak uses Fake Out to help get Rain Dance down at first, then supports with the nice Fighting/Dark combo. I'm convinced that the AI doesn't 'see' Dry Skin at all: I've had Curse Quagsire hit Croak with repeated Waterfalls on three separate occasions, various Aqua Jet HP top-ups and one Ludicolo who Hydro Pumped Croak three times in a one-on-one situation. This makes my job easier against Water teams and other Swift Swimmers, as they tend to stick to their STAB in the rain and waste turns aiming at Croak.
Kingdra @ Life Orb ** Vela
Modest, Swift Swim
200 HP, 252 SpA, 56 Spe
Rain Dance
Dragon Pulse
Ice Beam
Pretty much the best revenge killer in the BT in the rain. Kingdra outspeeds everything and basically just regulates. The only things that threaten it are Latias and Latios, because its Dragon Pulse doesn't always OHKO Latios, let alone Latias. Luckily everything on the team has a SE attack on these two...
Ludicolo @ Leftovers ** Zeeman
Bold, Swift Swim
252 HP, 156 Def, 100 SpA
Grass Knot
Ice Beam
Leech Seed
Ludicolo adds bulk and the ability to stall out special walls. The other members of this team are either fairly frail or burn out due to Life Orb, but Ludi can go the distance while still packing some firepower.
I lost to a legendary team of Cresselia, Articuno, Zapdos and something else. Articuno was the DT user, and Cress is always annoying. Tailwind was an unusual factor too, but really it was the usual miss and crithax - Kingdra missed a crucial Surf on Arti, which Ice Beamed back with a crit. This team has no never-miss moves - I rely instead on pummeling the DT user's team-mates then waiting it out, which wasn't an option here.
Still, I'm chuffed with that record. Way to finally get good while everybody else gets Platinum!