Platinum/HG/SS Battle Frontier and DP Battle Tower Records


the battle hall single top 20 is full now, salamence (#1, #2 and #3) ruling over garchomp is interesting

please don´t send me PMs with your records, I am updating the list regulary

for battle factory, people who don´t state whether their record is lv.50 or open level won´t be listed...I am no psychic you know

I actually used Garchomp atthe number 3 spot and you wrote that I used Salamence. The reason I think Salamence is doing better is because of 2 main reasons:

1. Intimidate is a life saver against Scyther and Sharpedo who are both problems to Garchomp users (Weavile is going to OHKO with Ice Punch no matter what).

2. Being part flying means Scyther is no threat at all because you resist it's STAB move. Garchomp suffers a OHKO after a Swords Dance.
to be honest, i dont see the deal at all with sharpedo

you simply earthquake as it survives with sash and its ice fang never ohkos garchomp and then you just earthquake again. rough skin doesnt activate on earthquake.

edit: also the open level factory is one of the hardest things i have ever done but i think i might get a streak with currently 13 wins and looking strong. ill update once i see how things go.
I personally think Level 50 is much harder. The 21th opponent ( this guy, I dun remember his name ) got a huge advantage there ( 10 % win for me, as he said >.< )
to be honest, i dont see the deal at all with sharpedo

you simply earthquake as it survives with sash and its ice fang never ohkos garchomp and then you just earthquake again. rough skin doesnt activate on earthquake.

That is news to me. I always thought that any physical move activate rough skin.

I personally think Level 50 is much harder. The 21th opponent ( this guy, I dun remember his name ) got a huge advantage there ( 10 % win for me, as he said >.< )

So those numbers actually mean something? I wonder how that number is calculated.
I lost battle # 47 at the Singles Battle Arcade.

EVs: 4 HP/252 Atk/252 Speed
Ice Fang
Dragon Dance

EVs: 4 HP/252 Sp. Atk/252 Speed

EVs: 4 HP/252 Atk/252 Speed
Thunder Punch
Ice Punch
Cross Chop

Well here we go, 1 battle away from getting to the 2nd frontier brain, and i just barely dont make it :(

The opponent has Scizor, Milotic and Dusknoir. I open with Gyarados he opens with Scizor. The problem is... i messed up and fog is active! i got mixed up between the rain dance/fog icons. Anyways i DD up and take out Scizor easily with him getting a weak X-Sissor on me before the death. Dusknoir gets sent out, i miss the Waterfall and he misses the T-Punch. At this point i switch to Electivire to try and steal a motor drive boost but the T-Punch actually misses me. We then have a back and forth miss war with me ending up losing of course. Porygon-Z gets sent out and takes out Dusknoir with a few well places T-bolts. Milotic comes out and i miss every move imaginable , Milotic hits a blizzard and owns my Pory-Z. Gyarados is back in and i EQ, it just barely fails to 1HKO it while Milotic recovers. So i DD up and now all i have to do is hit another EQ for the win... it never happend. Milotic gets a blizzard crit on me and im done. Screw fog!
It probably should have Sucker Punched you anyway, what health were you at after the Stone Edge?

Anyway, why are you using one set for the whole streak? I thought you were allowed to change it up depending on what type you face?

After Intimidate, STABed Stone Edge can still OHKO so I was 1HP after 1st turn.

I was well aware that I could rotate between different Salamence for the streak, but I can honestly see no justification for it.

I actually used Garchomp atthe number 3 spot and you wrote that I used Salamence. The reason I think Salamence is doing better is because of 2 main reasons:

1. Intimidate is a life saver against Scyther and Sharpedo who are both problems to Garchomp users (Weavile is going to OHKO with Ice Punch no matter what).

2. Being part flying means Scyther is no threat at all because you resist it's STAB move. Garchomp suffers a OHKO after a Swords Dance.

Agreeing with muna here, though as KD24 said Sharpedo is over-hyped. However the 2nd comment can be adjusted to say Salamence has better defensive coverage due to being part-Flying, IMO.
Yeah. I'm ticked off now.
168 streak with:
Garchomp @ Choice Band
Jolly 4HP/252ATK/252SPE
Stone Edge
Fire Blast

Died via a Slowbro. Yeah. It managed to survive my CBed STAB Outrage with very little HP left and Ice Beamed me. I have a few choice words for that Slowbro.
So I still have yet to get that elusive gold print.

My spread was very handy though, I managed to live through a scyther and two scizors and outsped them all, due to my +spe nature and maxed Speed EVs. Likely going to attempt it again, but with a different pokemon and I'm going to do water third this time, so its not all level 96 and crap at round 9.

BTW 168 streak means I didn't get to fight the brain, whom I would have kicked in the rear end.
Battle Hall is lousy. XD

I used this:
Salamence @ Focus Sash
Naive 16 Attack/ 240 Special Attack/ 252 Speed
Draco Meteor

So...I have yet to get the Gold Print here.

Once I lost at 117 to a Nidoqueen. I looked it up and saw it had Attract and was EV trained partly in Defense. Draco Meteor should stroke it right? Obviously it misses (I wouldn't have expected otherwise) and it attracts as planned. I'm infatuated 3 turns in a row as it 3KOs with Sludge Bomb. Sigh.

Next run, I don't even get as far. I found this strange; I took out a Dusknoir for Rank 9 Ghost, but then in Rank 10 out comes a Dusclops. I see it has Quick Claw and Elemental Punches. Seeing as it's trained in HP and Attack and it's Defenses are equal, Outrage is the move to go since it wont miss. Obviously the turn goes like this: Outrage, Ice Punch. Quick Claw, Ice Punch, dead.

Sigh. The long time it takes really is a drag.
Yeah. I'm ticked off now.
168 streak with:
Garchomp @ Choice Band

Died via a Slowbro.

If people used the hall moveset list (the link is in the first post) there would be less emotions

CB garchomp never OHKOs slowbro, not even adamant chomp vs lv. 96 slowbro:

jolly CB garchomp (538 at.) vs 245 def = 283-334 / 382 HP
adamant CB garchomp (591 at.) vs 245 def = 312-367 / 382 HP

jolly CB salamence (553 at.) vs 245 def = 291-343 / 382 HP
adamant CB salamence (607 at.) vs 245 def = 319-376 / 382 HP

so basically you need a CH because slowbro beats both...or use a sash
Well, my Battle Factory streak was just ended... And to something completely avoidable, too.

Battle Factory (Single, Open Level): 74

My team at this point was Kingdra, Gliscor, and Weezing. The Battle started with my Kingdra against the CPU's Pinsir, which was OHKO'd by Hydro Pump. Next came Venusaur, and I missed Blizzard while it Cursed. My next Blizzard hit, bringing it down to about 25% and... I got killed by Outrage. Completely wasn't expecting that. Weezing comes out next and finishes Venusaur with Flamethrower, and out comes the CPU's final Pokemon-- Starmie, and it was at this point that I knew I'd lost. Weezing was killed by Psychic, and Gliscor followed after Surf / Power Gem [was carrying Focus Sash].

As for why I lost, I could blame it on the Blizzard miss... But, really, that's bound to happen when you risk . Besides, if I'd known Venusaur had Outrage I could have switched to Weezing or Gliscor and gotten it down to where a Blizzard would have killed it, and then I would have had a chance with Kingdra against Starmie. Needless to say, I don't think I'll be making that mistake again.

I saved a Video, and I'm gonna try and get that online... But I don't really know how the new Platinum Wifi works, and I'm not sure I can connect to my router anyways.
I've gotten a decent run with jolly Garchomp so far. I found that dreaded scyther, to find I outran it and simply outraged for the 2ko(sash) while it SDed on its only turn. I assume that all the people who were complaining about it were using Adamant nature. I'm sort of dreading psycic and dark, because of levitate Bronzong and this guy
H409|Umbreon|Relaxed|Leftovers|Facade|Sucker Punch|Confuse Ray|Moonlight|Def/SpD.

I haven't really had a close call. I've run into that sharpedo as well, but all it did was ~200 damage while I was left at a confortable 130 HP and outsped it.the battle matron was a dissapointment, since I outsped and OKOHed her Flygon. I've been wondering, what would be a good finnal move to this moveset


Fire Fang

I have crunch there, but I ran the math and outrage will always be stronger then a SE crunch, or, in the case of bronzong, fire fang is better. I was thinking maybe aqua tail, but I'm not 100% sure.
I've gotten a decent run with jolly Garchomp so far. I found that dreaded scyther, to find I outran it and simply outraged for the 2ko(sash) while it SDed on its only turn. I assume that all the people who were complaining about it were using Adamant nature. I'm sort of dreading psycic and dark, because of levitate Bronzong and this guy
H409|Umbreon|Relaxed|Leftovers|Facade|Sucker Punch|Confuse Ray|Moonlight|Def/SpD.

I haven't really had a close call. I've run into that sharpedo as well, but all it did was ~200 damage while I was left at a confortable 130 HP and outsped it.the battle matron was a dissapointment, since I outsped and OKOHed her Flygon. I've been wondering, what would be a good finnal move to this moveset


Fire Fang

I have crunch there, but I ran the math and outrage will always be stronger then a SE crunch, or, in the case of bronzong, fire fang is better. I was thinking maybe aqua tail, but I'm not 100% sure.

You haven't mentioned what item you were using, though from your comments I'm assuming Choice Band, in which Stone Edge is a decent option.. If your using Focus Sash (which you should), then Swords Dance is a decent option for the last move.

I'll just clarify why I recommend Focus Sash/Swords Dance. Firstly Swords Dance will make dealing with Umbreon far easier. Non-boosted Outrage is a 3HKO and as I mentioned in an earlier post, Umbreon is quite capable of stalling you out with Moonlight. After one Swords Dance, Outrage will strip 79-94% of Umbreon's HP, allowing a confortable 2HKO.

The main reason to use Focus Sash on Garchomp is because of these Pokemon

H287|Dewgong| Modest|Chesto Berry|Signal Beam|Ice Beam|Brine|Rest|Def/SpA
H434|Walrein|Quiet|Icy Rock|Blizzard|Dive|Hail|Brine|HP/SpA

CB Outrage fails to OHKO these beasts. CB Stone Edge gives you a 54% chance of OHKOing Dewgong, but also fails to OHKO Walrein. With Sash you can survive the Ice Beam/Blizzard and 2HKO with Outrage.

The other reason to use Sash is because of the safety net it gives you against hax.

Hope this is helpful
DP Doubles: 163 wins.


Starmie @ Focus Sash ** Mersennes
Timid, Natural Cure
6 HP, 252 SpA, 252 Spe

Rain Dance
Ice Beam

Starmie gets Rain Dance in effect, and then uses it to chuck Surf and Thunder around. It's blazing fast, and a Helping Hand Surf in the rain is surprisingly great. Speed, Sash and Fake Out support mean that basically nothing prevents Rain Dance.

Toxicroak @ Expert Belt ** Cerenkov
Adamant, Dry Skin
252 HP, 252 Atk, 6 Def

Fake Out
Helping Hand
Brick Break
Sucker Punch

Croak uses Fake Out to help get Rain Dance down at first, then supports with the nice Fighting/Dark combo. I'm convinced that the AI doesn't 'see' Dry Skin at all: I've had Curse Quagsire hit Croak with repeated Waterfalls on three separate occasions, various Aqua Jet HP top-ups and one Ludicolo who Hydro Pumped Croak three times in a one-on-one situation. This makes my job easier against Water teams and other Swift Swimmers, as they tend to stick to their STAB in the rain and waste turns aiming at Croak.

Kingdra @ Life Orb ** Vela
Modest, Swift Swim
200 HP, 252 SpA, 56 Spe

Rain Dance
Dragon Pulse
Ice Beam

Pretty much the best revenge killer in the BT in the rain. Kingdra outspeeds everything and basically just regulates. The only things that threaten it are Latias and Latios, because its Dragon Pulse doesn't always OHKO Latios, let alone Latias. Luckily everything on the team has a SE attack on these two...

Ludicolo @ Leftovers ** Zeeman
Bold, Swift Swim
252 HP, 156 Def, 100 SpA

Grass Knot
Ice Beam
Leech Seed

Ludicolo adds bulk and the ability to stall out special walls. The other members of this team are either fairly frail or burn out due to Life Orb, but Ludi can go the distance while still packing some firepower.

I lost to a legendary team of Cresselia, Articuno, Zapdos and something else. Articuno was the DT user, and Cress is always annoying. Tailwind was an unusual factor too, but really it was the usual miss and crithax - Kingdra missed a crucial Surf on Arti, which Ice Beamed back with a crit. This team has no never-miss moves - I rely instead on pummeling the DT user's team-mates then waiting it out, which wasn't an option here.

Still, I'm chuffed with that record. Way to finally get good while everybody else gets Platinum!
I am of the opinion that whoever was sick enough to make the Battle Factory needs to go die or something.

I say this because I was doing well with a team of Toxicroak/Empoleon/Tyranitar in the Factory, and here comes my first match with Thornton. Regirock comes out first and gets leveled by Focus Blast, but then there's Garchomp. It Outrages, so Toxicroak is down, I bring in Empoleon. now Outrage is a 3KO on this, so I figure that as long as I can hit 1 Blizzard I beat it. Well, Blizzard misses twice, and with that Persim Berry Garchomp got a new round of outrage off without confusion. So I send out Tyranitar, it lives through the first outrage, and Dragon Claw MISSES, thanks to my own sandstorm activating Sand Veil. Odds of that all happening is 1.8%, not the worst hax I've ever had (I've had 0.3% once), but I had to rant on it.

I'm still trying over here, don't worry, but something tells me I'll be winding down by doing my favorite Arcade again.
I'm still trying over here, don't worry, but something tells me I'll be winding down by doing my favorite Arcade again.

The Arcade is my favorite, too. XD I just sometimes wish you could turn off some of the animations like the lights when you inflict something with the roulette. I also wish the announcer guy talks less, because it's really annoying when you lose and have to start over and want to get your streak back up. I just had to say that. >_>
Yeah. I'm ticked off now.
168 streak with:
Garchomp @ Choice Band
Jolly 4HP/252ATK/252SPE
Stone Edge
Fire Blast

Died via a Slowbro. Yeah. It managed to survive my CBed STAB Outrage with very little HP left and Ice Beamed me. I have a few choice words for that Slowbro.
Between MetalKid's Damage Calculator and the Battle Hall attack list (by types) and knowing you need to get potential Ice/Rock attack users out of the way sooner than later, at what point did you think it was a good idea to save a type-tier with a highly defensive Pokemon using Ice Beam against your physical attacking Pokemon?
I know my score isn't the best out there, but if you went back to my (and many other Mence users' posts), you'd have seen the order you need to complete things in to not get reamed by unluck due to bad matchups in supposedly neutral type matchups. Electric, Poison and Fire are, far and away, the best three types to use that late in Hall, as you will always OHKO their Ice/Rock users before they kill you.
BTW 168 streak means I didn't get to fight the brain, whom I would have kicked in the rear end.
Also incorrect. Hall Matron will, more often than not, pull out the Pokemon you are least well-equipped to battle. In the game's case, Weavile would be your worst bet and most likely opponent at 170 (though that's just why I lost and clearly others did not share the experience).
Also incorrect. Hall Matron will, more often than not, pull out the Pokemon you are least well-equipped to battle.

While you did not state an absolute and I don't mean to refute you for fun, I just wanted to say on my most recent run, the Matron pulled out a Torterra with only Wood Hammer and Mud-slap as attacking moves. Needless to say, Salamence didn't feel threatened in the least. Although, that is only the 50 one. Maybe the 170 Matron would be a bit cruel. XD
My special sweeper latios doesnt fear any of the above weavile/ sharpedo but he fears blissey so freaking much its annoying especially when all or my attacks do like 9%and that whore kept spamming softboiled and minimize until it turned into a struggle war.
You haven't mentioned what item you were using, though from your comments I'm assuming Choice Band, in which Stone Edge is a decent option.. If your using Focus Sash (which you should), then Swords Dance is a decent option for the last move.

I'll just clarify why I recommend Focus Sash/Swords Dance. Firstly Swords Dance will make dealing with Umbreon far easier. Non-boosted Outrage is a 3HKO and as I mentioned in an earlier post, Umbreon is quite capable of stalling you out with Moonlight. After one Swords Dance, Outrage will strip 79-94% of Umbreon's HP, allowing a confortable 2HKO.

The main reason to use Focus Sash on Garchomp is because of these Pokemon

H287|Dewgong| Modest|Chesto Berry|Signal Beam|Ice Beam|Brine|Rest|Def/SpA
H434|Walrein|Quiet|Icy Rock|Blizzard|Dive|Hail|Brine|HP/SpA

CB Outrage fails to OHKO these beasts. CB Stone Edge gives you a 54% chance of OHKOing Dewgong, but also fails to OHKO Walrein. With Sash you can survive the Ice Beam/Blizzard and 2HKO with Outrage.

The other reason to use Sash is because of the safety net it gives you against hax.

Hope this is helpful

oh sorry, yeah, I'm sashed. I'm on the ghost rank 6 and I've beaten all bu psycic, poison, and electric. I also saw someone saying that the matron pulled the pokemon you're least prepared for, but she pulled a flygon for me, and I OKOHed with outrage. I think I can actualy do something in this place(inlike the BT which I always lost to hax in)
Also incorrect. Hall Matron will, more often than not, pull out the Pokemon you are least well-equipped to battle. In the game's case, Weavile would be your worst bet and most likely opponent at 170 (though that's just why I lost and clearly others did not share the experience).

I dunno if that's necessarily true. For me, my 170 battle was an Ampharos against my Garchomp. That may have just been extreme luck, though..
I just ended with a streak of 28 in the Battle Factory EDIT: forgot to say Open level and Singles. Started a new set of seven with shitty Pokemon to choose from ended up picking Floatzel, Blissey and Leafeon. My Floatzel had a sweet hax turn first against a Honchkrow, Ice Fang didn't KO but froze, Honchkrow unthawed that turn but flinched so I finsished it next turn. Next was a Toxicroak, I didn't know if it was Dry Skin so I used Ice Fang instead of Waterfall, but barring a flinch it wouldn't have mattered Toxicroak OHKOd with Cross Chop. I sent out Leafeon who's slower and dies to Gunk Shot. Blissey needed a Cross Chop miss and didn't get it I lose. Nothing I could've done about it.

I had a sweet team the set before of Togekiss, Gengar and Lapras that 3-0'd like half the battles somehow. My other teams were all pretty bad but I got lucky with a lot of wins by the skin of my neck. Not a very good score but at least I'll be on the leaderboards for a little while.

Factory is too frustrating I think I'll try for Tower or Hall next. EDIT: Not to imply the others aren't frustrating :(
anyone have any conclusive evidence about swaps in the factory and how much, if at all, they raise IVs? i'm at 14 and havent really been paying attention but i'll see what IVs my next pokes have when i start again, i have 12 swaps

also: 59-05657-83698. for those of you who have never seen me play (read: everyone), there's a fun factory battle which definitely demonstrates my awesome skill and nothing else
nice, I'll check that one.

edit: meh, not sure if that even effects the evs.. the absol I had in the beginnin and the one I got from the opponent in the first seven ( dun remember now ) had the same stats

But I compared these two
395 | Golem | Impish | Focus Band | Earthquake | Rock Slide | Sucker Punch | Sandstorm | Atk/Def
531 | Golem | Adamant | White Herb | Earthquake | Superpower | Fire Punch | ThunderPunch Atk/Def

and their stats:

395 Golem: 288 360 103 135 95
531 Golem: 321 332 107 139 99

dunno if someone said that alrdy but the second one has slightly better EVs on the non-nature boosted stats, so it might be interesting.
I wanted to update my streak in Battle Factory Single Open from 28 to 34. My team of Articuno, Latias, and Raikou was swept by the set "boss." I took out his Alakazam with 3 Articuno Ice Beams, but Articuno took too much damage in the process. Next up was Garchomp who was faster than all three I had. Dragon Claw finished off Articuno and OHKO'd Latias. Raikou survived one Earthquake with it's Shuca Berry, but obliously couldn't OHKO back with Extrasensory.