Hi everyone! This is a playable Gen 2 battle maker for the browser.
Make battles and play them here: https://radnyx.com/battle/maker (try it on your phone )
This uses Pokémon Showdown as the back-end. The source code is here.
Let me know if you would like to contribute! Here are ways to help:
Make battles and play them here: https://radnyx.com/battle/maker (try it on your phone )
This uses Pokémon Showdown as the back-end. The source code is here.
Let me know if you would like to contribute! Here are ways to help:
- Animating moves. Most of the popular moves are animated, but we still have a ways to go.
- Held items. Probably the next most important thing.
- Better opponent AI.
- Please try it out and give feedback!
- Share the battles you create here :)
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