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Player Name: Raichy
Tiers Played: XY OU / XY LC / BW OU / BW NU / DPP OU / ADV OU / GSC OU
Timezone : GMT -3
Significant Time Missed?: I don't think so
Player Name: Number Zero
Tiers Played: XY OU / XY Uber / XY LC / BW2 Ubers/ BW2 OU / BW2 UU / BW2 LC / DPP OU /
Timezone : GMT -2 (CDT) (Whatever Brazil time is)
Significant Time Missed?: nope, i have no life
Player Name: Last Name: Ever....... First Name: Greatest.
Tiers Played: XY OU / BW OU / DPP OU
Timezone : GMT +3
Significant Time Missed?: Shut the fuck up.