Announcement Pokémon Showdown Updates

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We now support saving teams on a Showdown server-side database! You can upload them through a new button in the teambuilder (up to a max of 200), browse them with /teams, and they'll be automatically downloaded to your teambuilder whenever you log in on the username they're saved to!
Here's the full list of commands for this feature:

- /teams OR /teams for [user]- View the (public) teams of the given [user].
- /teams upload - Open the page to upload a team.
- /teams setprivacy [team id], [privacy] - Set the privacy of the team matching the [teamid].
- /teams delete [team id] - Delete the team matching the [teamid].
- /teams search - Opens the page to search your teams
- /teams mostviews - Views public teams, sorted by most views.
- /teams view [team ID] - View the team matching the given [team ID]
- /teams browse - Opens a list of public teams uploaded by other users.

As the commands imply, we also support searching public teams uploaded by other users with /teams search. The search commands are also reflected by buttons in /teams, which may be of more convenience.

It should also be noted all of these can be shared in chat, with <<view-team-teamid>>, i.e <<view-team-1>>, so feel free to pass around the links!
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I overhauled the format selector popup to be easier to use - namely, moving sections into dropdowns and adding a search button. It'll even remember which sections you have closed and which you don't!
I overhauled the format selector popup to be easier to use - namely, moving sections into dropdowns and adding a search button. It'll even remember which sections you have closed and which you don't!
As of a few minutes ago, I added support for favoriting formats to make them easier to access.
11/03/2023 - Zarel updated the PS UI, focusing mainly on making dark mode more user-friendly!

11/05/2023 - Zarel overhauled the replays site - It now has a new look, mobile support, dark mode support, and KEYBOARD SHORTCUTS! Type ? on the replays site to get a full list of them!
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I finally finished offline pms, which are now fully available for all users.

tl;dr: Just /pm as normal, it'll prompt you if the user is offline, and if you confirm by sending the message again, it'll send it to be received on next login. Once said PMs are seen on login, they will persist for a week (during which they can be replayed with /offlinepms) before being deleted. If they aren't received for >60 days, they'll also be deleted.

Anyone autoconfirmed will be able to send them, and anyone registered will be able to receive them. They have a separate blockpms setting, /blockofflinepms, which currently supports trusted, full /blockpms (no one can send them to you but global staff), friends, and auth groups. Registered and unlocked are not supported for obvious reasons.

Have fun!
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I added integration with Smogon to the teambuilder - for tiers with a format hub on the Dex, all the various resources will now be hyperlinked directly below the Add Pokemon button for ease of access. For tiers without resources, there will still be a link to the hub for convenience.

(big thanks to chaos for the dex-side part of the effort)
I added integration with Smogon to the teambuilder - for tiers with a format hub on the Dex, all the various resources will now be hyperlinked directly below the Add Pokemon button for ease of access. For tiers without resources, there will still be a link to the hub for convenience.

(big thanks to chaos for the dex-side part of the effort)

Tagging onto this, /tier now draws from these as well, so it should always be up-to-date.
I added support for tabcompleting commands.

In other words, if you can't remember a command name, simply type / or ! and whatever letters you do remember, then press tab to cycle through a list of commands starting with the letters you provided. For example, /room provides /roomowner, /roompromote, /roomauth, /roomdeauth, /roomsettings, /roomuptime, /roomspotlight, /roomdesc, /roomalias, /roomsection, /roomlog, /roomstats, /roomactivity, /roomevents , /roomevents view, /roomevents categories, /roomevents help, /roomeventshelp, /roomfaq (it's capped at 20 to prevent spam, but you can add more letters to hone the search.)
A minor update, but a very antiquated command (/veekun) was removed, and it was replaced with /bulbapedia. I'm aware that most people didn't even know /veekun existed, so hopefully this helps provide visibility too. This is mostly important for easily posting a link for in-game data in chat. Various syntax:

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