Tbh, this is what I want to see:
-Better Online:
Simply put, it needs it. Every Nintendo game does. Maybe a lobby system, matchmaking, tournaments, etc. Something to spice it up.
-Bulk Trading:
The fact that you can only trade 1 pokemon at a time has always bugged me. Why not be able to trade them in bulk? Also, I think you should be able to trade some from your PC, not just from your party, so you don't have to go back at forth to trade everything that you need. Just to make it simpler.
-More customization:
At least be able to make my character look different.
-More side-stories or a whole new story altogether:
What we have is good, but old. Just getting badges and beating the E4 is just ridiculously overused now. Lately we've been seeing more side-stories, but they are so short and unimportant half the time that it makes no difference. Maybe have some sort of Colisseum/XD-like story going on while having the ability to get badges and all of that.
Just some I thought of randomly. Thoughts?