Pokemon Black & White, aka Gen 5. Coming to Japan in Fall 2010.

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Ehh there's tons of stuff not hit super effective by that combo and a lot that resists all of it. Venomoth being my favourite Pokémon, I used to love running bug buzz/sludge bomb/HP ground/sleep powder scarf lead in OU. It was pretty good too, but so much resists it all.

Some means of having him immune to ground would be good though. And yeah I'm so hoping we get a bug legendary.

No, those three moves aren't resisted by ANYTHING. Well, maybe you'd think that they are, but Tinted Lens is awesome.
Now, by no means will I claim to be a legal expert, but even if you had Johnny Cochran as a lawyer (ya know...barring that he's dead and all) I'm pretty damned sure you stand no chance of actually suing Game Freak or Nintendo just because they changed something. That would be about the same as suing them because we can't transfer pokemon from RBY or DPPt or HG/SS.
Serebii just confirmed that the shiny beasts do unlock something in BW, so that mean we will be able to trade our pokemon to BW, but it might just be a time machine/pal park kinda thing.
Non attack boosting nature Dusknoir Shadow Sneak 11960 before defense
Shadow Punch 17940

Dusclops Shadow Ball 19120
The base attack difference is trumped by the extra move power. That said, I'm all for extra evolutions instead of new lines of Pokemon, it adds to the Fully evolved list while not making lots of new useless additions and can make cool useless Pokemon have cool useful evolutions. Ala Scizor, Gliscor, Mismagius, etc.
Well you did say they hit a lot super effective which is what I was picking you up on.

But Skarmory and Gengar wall that set and if you replace HP Ground with Psychic it can hardly kill anything. I would know; Venomoth is my favourite Poké and I've used it extensively. :P
It won't be able to do quite as much damage? 70 to 100 base attack is a very large difference. And Dusknoir MIGHT survive a weaker Pursuit. You could also, you know, WoW the pursuit user without switching out/

Yeah...and what if the Pursuiter is Heracross, who gets a 1.5x attack boost from Guts when he's burned? What if your opponent is holding a Lum Berry? What if Will-O-Wisp misses, like it will 25% of the time? Then you're screwed, especially since Dusknoir is likely to always go last unless Trick Room is in effect.

I agree, the extra attack does help a little bit, but only when you're hitting something with really bad defenses (i.e. using Shadow Sneak on Gengar) or targeting a big weakness (i.e. Thunderpunching Gyarados). Either way, Dusknoir is never going to be a sweeper. He's a mixed wall who can block Rapid Spin, spread Burn status, and set up Trick Room. His prevo can do all these things nearly as well, so what was the point of the evolution? He didn't even get a new ability like Rhyperior did.
However much I like Dusknoir, I'll have to agree that he is the most useless evolution that came out in 4th Gen. He still played the same role he did before, the only new things being Shadow Sneak and the elemental punches as viable options.
Rhyperior, Dusknoir, Lickilicky, and Tangrowth really bother me. It's basically the old Pokemon stuffed with so much mayo that they got obese and all ugly looking. Rhyperior is all bumpy and gross. Lickilicky's belly is so big that he can't see his own feet. Dusknoir and Tangrowth are just so fat that they can't ever keep their arms down...it's like those bigger people with such large thighs that they can't walk without their legs apart. Those two are like that but with arms instead of legs. I can't really say if evolving existing Pokemon is a good thing because they can turn into things like those^ but they can become more likable like Yanmega and Honchkrow.
Not sure how popular this idea may be, but it would definitely be interesting: what if the new starters had a split evolutionary path, or all of the starters for that matter. I know I would enjoy using a Charizard-ish poke that is Fire/Dragon instead of Fire/Flying
Rhyperior, Dusknoir, Lickilicky, and Tangrowth really bother me. It's basically the old Pokemon stuffed with so much mayo that they got obese and all ugly looking. Rhyperior is all bumpy and gross. Lickilicky's belly is so big that he can't see his own feet. Dusknoir and Tangrowth are just so fat that they can't ever keep their arms down...it's like those bigger people with such large thighs that they can't walk without their legs apart. Those two are like that but with arms instead of legs. I can't really say if evolving existing Pokemon is a good thing because they can turn into things like those^ but they can become more likable like Yanmega and Honchkrow.

Amen. Not bringing into account all the other things discussed here regarding stats, abilities etc when in comes to latter- introduced pokemon, the majority of them just look quite terrible. I mean, lickilicky? Make a fat pink tongue creature fatter and pinker? whats the point? If more evolutions followed a seemingly thematic trend, then they wouldn't look half as bad, like the mentioned Yanmega and Honchkrow. Instead, it seems to be randomly tacked on evo's that are fatter versions of their previous selves.
Electrivire is not fat. It's just a lot of fur......

If that happened, Charzard would be soon forgotten. Poor guy.
He would be UU if it wasn't for SR.

Amen. Not bringing into account all the other things discussed here regarding stats, abilities etc when in comes to latter- introduced pokemon, the majority of them just look quite terrible. I mean, lickilicky? Make a fat pink tongue creature fatter and pinker? whats the point? If more evolutions followed a seemingly thematic trend, then they wouldn't look half as bad, like the mentioned Yanmega and Honchkrow. Instead, it seems to be randomly tacked on evo's that are fatter versions of their previous selves.
They did that for a reason. Dusclops was nice, but with Blissey, Skarm, and Cresselia, he needed an evo so he wouldn't fall behind. Honestly: Did Lickatounge ever get a place on your pre Gen 4 teams? Tangela was also in the same boat. Nobody knew either one even exsisted until gen 4.

The odd evos were added to fix up forgotten Pokemon. Tangela, Lickitounge, were always forgotten and never got a chance for anything, while Rhydon has been declining since gen 2 and Dusclops would be overlooked with all the other defensive threats.

If more evolutions followed a seemingly thematic trend, then they wouldn't look half as bad, like the mentioned Yanmega and Honchkrow
I'm pretty sure Honchcrow got just as fat as everybody else....
Not sure how popular this idea may be, but it would definitely be interesting: what if the new starters had a split evolutionary path, or all of the starters for that matter. I know I would enjoy using a Charizard-ish poke that is Fire/Dragon instead of Fire/Flying

Delta Species might be better for that. No need to add new Pokemon, just change types. Then make sure that each can only be a particular type, as to not make it impossible to remember, and identify them with a δ symbol next to their name, so you know they're not their usual type.
Delta Species might be better for that.
I want to see Pokemon with alternate types, as I mentioned earlier. Maybe have the bad guys genetically engineer Pokemon, like Gale of Darkness and Colosseum.

I.e. Electric Beedrill, Ice Vileploom, Dragon Gyarados.....
I am somewhat disappointed that trading between 4th and 5th gen is confirmed. I was actually hoping for a game where Outrage Salamence didn't exist.
Haha that's interesting, although to be honest (even with the sun stone) I never really understood that line. It's worth noting however, that Gloom is 12 lbs. and Bellossom is 13 lbs.

My main point is: most pokemon become larger by evolution.
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