Pokemon Black & White, aka Gen 5. Coming to Japan in Fall 2010.

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Again, my main point is the last few posts were complaining about how the new evolutions have gotten "fatter" when the majority of pokemon get larger upon evolution. Sure, there are isolated incidents (although I haven't seen one yet involving more weight --> less weight), but the majority get heavier and longer.
I do believe Kadabra --> Alakazam involves weight loss. Regardless, it's rare.

As it was mentioned, the change in design/coloration does actually bother me a lot. Simple things like Porygon and Porygon2 sharing the same colors but Porygon-Z is different. A lot of the evolutions in the 4th gen follow that trend and it's distracting from a flavor standpoint. It makes the design seem sloppy.
Again, my main point is the last few posts were complaining about how the new evolutions have gotten "fatter" when the majority of pokemon get larger upon evolution. Sure, there are isolated incidents (although I haven't seen one yet involving more weight --> less weight), but the majority get heavier and longer.
lol. Salamence and Blissey are fat, and no one complains about it.

Their weight rarely has any impact on their stats, and as such, shouldn't be judged about it. It should be based more on stats, move pool, and ability.

I.e. Farfetch'd and Parasect are considered incredibly cool (I have no problem saying they are cool, either) but Fetch'd is.....well....you know....
And Parasect is too slow and doesn't have the bulk/typing to make up for it's speed (usable, but has trouble functioning outside TR. Stinks for me....One of my top 5 favorite Pokes).

Luxray was (and still is) very popular w/ younger players in Gen IV. I also think it looks kind of cool. We know that T-Fang is really a bad move to depend on for Powerful STAB, but....

These are just some examples of where appearance really doesn't make the Pokemon.

As it was mentioned, the change in design/coloration does actually bother me a lot. Simple things like Porygon and Porygon2 sharing the same colors but Porygon-Z is different. A lot of the evolutions in the 4th gen follow that trend and it's distracting from a flavor standpoint. It makes the design seem sloppy.
Ya...That's the only thing I don't like bout it, either. Pokemon like Rhyperior---Rhydon and Pory2---PoryZ (as mentioned) look too different from each other (I like Pory and Pory2's lighter colors more than PoryZ's darker ones, but It's not that bad...).
Evolutions are almost always bulkier in appearance than their previous forms.
It's all a part of getting bigger, stronger and more resilient.
In the instances where this is not true a branching evolutionary chain is often involved.

Honestly, I have no problem with any of the evolutions of old Pokemon.
There is no way Tangela could evolve into anything other than a bigger tangle of bush (and I like it).
Lickilicky may be "meh" but it follows logically from Lickitung who was kind of meh to begin with.
I am somewhat disappointed that trading between 4th and 5th gen is confirmed. I was actually hoping for a game where Outrage Salamence didn't exist.

i agree 100%, salamence never deserved dragonite signature move in the first place but gamefreak love to make broken pokes even more broken just for the joy of watching us, competitive players wasting days and days, weeks and weeks, years and years to develope a perfect counter and then they just make a poke in the next gen that is a 100% counter right off the bat.
Gamefreak doesn't give two shits about competative singles, is what the problem is. They only care about doubles, in which Dragons, and reliatively everything else, it more balanced.

Except things that can use dark void.
That's just like Sirlin (I guess?) said: The best thing is to create a game with a handful of broken pokémon, and let the fanbase develop their metagame freely. Once people realize one of those pokémon is CLEARLY more broken than the others, you announce the sequel. Just look at Garchomp; it got banned and one-two months later, we got Outrage Mence ~__~

Btw people, cry about Outrage Mence won't help shit; remember, Jirachi and Celebi were Uber in Advance - even though they were unbanned for no apparent reason in the middle of the generation - and now, they are nowhere near Uber; the same might happen with Garchomp, Skymin, Latibros, Salamence, hell even with Deoxys-S and Wobbuffet...
I'm not seeing Wob getting out of Ubers anytime soon... unless a shitload of things that can screw over Wob happen...

Wynaut on the other hand....

I'd also sooner believe Deo-D falling out of Ubers and Deo-S
Gamefreak doesn't give two shits about competative singles, is what the problem is. They only care about doubles, in which Dragons, and reliatively everything else, it more balanced.
So Generations 1 and 2, Game Freak didn't care about competitive battling at all because there was no doubles? Is that the case? They probably wanted to make a few Pokemon get a few more good moves....Keep in mind Salamence isn't the only one who gets Outagre, just the only one people abuse.

Oddly enough, as prepared for and expectant I was of Outrage DD Mence to sweep my most recent teams:
a) I haven't seen him at all (only 2wice in the last few weeks)

b) Ice Shard from Donphan is usually a OHKO....I guess a lot of them run Hasty....

Btw people, cry about Outrage Mence won't help shit; remember, Jirachi and Celebi were Uber in Advance - even though they were unbanned for no apparent reason in the middle of the generation - and now, they are nowhere near Uber; the same might happen with Garchomp, Skymin, Latibros, Salamence, hell even with Deoxys-S and Wobbuffet...
I bet all the Pokemon bar Abomasnow will be booted from BL. Aboma will also be kicked out if another Hail Pokemon comes along. The BL tier had completely different Pokemon in RSE/LGFR, and all were booted when Generation IV came out.
\I bet all the Pokemon bar Abomasnow will be booted from BL. Aboma will also be kicked out if another Hail Pokemon comes along. The BL tier had completely different Pokemon in RSE/LGFR, and all were booted when Generation IV came out.

I bet we'll start without tiers and work from the ground up. Obvious Ubers make their way up first, inobvious ones are tested, then UU is formed.

Like it should be.
During the third generation, Pokémon were placed into the BL tier based on "perceived" power. There was no testing system like there is this generation. This practice carried over into the fourth generation. It was months and months after the release of Diamond and Pearl that all BL Pokémon were dumped into UU and testing commenced to reach informed tiering decisions.

Next generation, UU will most likely not exist for some time until a proper simulator can be developed. After that, a few months are needed to gather an acceptable amount of data to decide what is OU. After that decision is made, ALL remaining Pokemon will most likely be dumped in UU. Smogon now believes in giving everything a chance to be tested. Nothing will be haphazardly thrown into the BL tier (including Abomasnow).
No matter what happens, we won't know how the addition of the next gen. will effect the entire metagame, on all tiers. Who knows, new tiers may eventually be created if there are enough pokemon for it, or possibly a BL tier that can be played competitively with enough additions to it. Many new elements in the form of new pokemon for every tier are going to be created, so there is going to be a lot of shifting around for everything.

The point I'm really trying to make is, no matter what kind of strategy we try to employ, there's going to be a lot of chaos and work to get things as good as they are now(And even now it's not perfect). To respond to Mattman324, I would have to disagree with your claim. It's always better to have at least some sort of skeleton to work off of, then to try and build right from scratch. It makes things move along faster and more efficiently. Things can, of coarse, be altered drastically, but that is almost inevitable with large changes, such as the introduction of new Generations.
Change could come in some crazy form where tier shifts will be all crazy. Look at the RSE tier and look the the DPPt tier. They're so different. Who knows? We might look back and say "Remember how Xatu used to be an NU back in 4th gen and now it's a killing machine...and remember how Starmie was such an amazing OU in the past? Look at it. All pathetic in NU." That's just an example. Starmie is probably never going to leave OU. It's been in OU from the start and it's probably going to be OU forever. Xatu on the other hand, I just used it as an NU example but who knows...5th gen might bring something crazy where it actually becomes OU.
So Generations 1 and 2, Game Freak didn't care about competitive battling at all because there was no doubles? Is that the case? They probably wanted to make a few Pokemon get a few more good moves....Keep in mind Salamence isn't the only one who gets Outagre, just the only one people abuse.

They stopped caring about Singles when Doubles came around. To them, doubles is "more modern" style, and thus, the "superior" competitive battling style.
I dunno, pokemon in NU are pretty much destined not to work, and there's not much you can do about it. Of coarse, Game Freaks solution a lot of the time seems to be a "Lolol let's give it an evolution so it doesn't totally suck" kind of situation.
Change could come in some crazy form where tier shifts will be all crazy. Look at the RSE tier and look the the DPPt tier. They're so different. Who knows? We might look back and say "Remember how Xatu used to be an NU back in 4th gen and now it's a killing machine...and remember how Starmie was such an amazing OU in the past? Look at it. All pathetic in NU." That's just an example. Starmie is probably never going to leave OU. It's been in OU from the start and it's probably going to be OU forever. Xatu on the other hand, I just used it as an NU example but who knows...5th gen might bring something crazy where it actually becomes OU.

LOL...I can just picture it now...

"Hey, remember when Tyranitar used to be OU? Those were some good times..."
I like the addition of the giant TV screens on the buildings to make it seem like a true metropolis. Can't wait to see more.
Whoops, I was a little slow. Anyway, WHO CALLED IT??? WHO CALLED IT???

I was right, I was soooo right, I called it. The city rotates as the player walks around.

*has to clean pants*
They stopped caring about Singles when Doubles came around. To them, doubles is "more modern" style, and thus, the "superior" competitive battling style.
TPCi (the people who actually run the VGC competition and such), perhaps. Game Freak's opinion though, is unknown, I believe. Since they tend to keep most battles in game single though, I don't believe they exactly feel that way. They may like doubles, but since they tend to stick mainly to single battles, I'd have to say they like them battle. Of course, this is just guesswork, and there's no way of saying for sure without actually hearing what they themselves have to say on the subject. In any case though, I severely doubt that they don't care about Single Battles at all.
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