Sticky Pokemon Direct - 6th June Discussion - Pokemon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon

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Necrozma/Solgaleo really reminds me of either Blade Liger or Liger Zero Schneider. Fuck I wouldn't put it pass them to be inspired by Zoids when designing that ugly thing.

My only wish for USM is there to be some new move tutors. Give me Play Rough or Power Gem or Sucker Punch (okay Sucker Punch isn't really new but I want it back dammit)

Necrozma/Solgaleo really reminds me of either Blade Liger or Liger Zero Schneider. Fuck I wouldn't put it pass them to be inspired by Zoids when designing that ugly thing.

My only wish for USM is there to be some new move tutors. Give me Play Rough or Power Gem or Sucker Punch (okay Sucker Punch isn't really new but I want it back dammit)

Honestly, all I can think of when I see them is the Numbers cards from Yugioh Zexal, especially Necrozma-Lunala. Just slap on a glowing number, and they would be indistinguishable...

Though I do agree, I'm not looking forward to these games one bit, except for the bloody move tutors. I've breed like 5 Pokemon, then realized they need the ORAS move tutors after the fact. I'm not very intelligent... :P
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The people who saw the whole "sun moon listed for switch on the pokemon website" thing

The Pokémon Company stated to Kotaku that the listing on the press site was a clerical error and not indicative of any release on Nintendo Switch, stating it will be exclusive to the 3DS
Kind of bummed that there's no Pokemon Switch game, but it makes sense that they want to get as much out of the 3DS as possible. Not a fan of the looks of N-Solgaleo or N-Lunala, but I'm sure it will still be a good game. Things I want

1. Horde battles - you could now EV train in minutes with the buff to the Power items
2. Gems - why did they take those away, they were great. Just bring back the Flying gem
3. Tutors - this I'm pretty sure will be back. Give Necrozma Signal Beam and Bewear Drain Punch
4. Buff Silvally. Hell Just giving this thing Earthquake would drastically improve it
5. Better postgame. Sun & Moon's was bad (although not as bad as X&Y's). HG/SS had the best postgame, with BW2s coming a close second.
6. A Bigger Pokedex.
Kind of bummed that there's no Pokemon Switch game, but it makes sense that they want to get as much out of the 3DS as possible. Not a fan of the looks of N-Solgaleo or N-Lunala, but I'm sure it will still be a good game. Things I want

1. Horde battles - you could now EV train in minutes with the buff to the Power items
2. Gems - why did they take those away, they were great. Just bring back the Flying gem
3. Tutors - this I'm pretty sure will be back. Give Necrozma Signal Beam and Bewear Drain Punch
4. Buff Silvally. Hell Just giving this thing Earthquake would drastically improve it
5. Better postgame. Sun & Moon's was bad (although not as bad as X&Y's). HG/SS had the best postgame, with BW2s coming a close second.
6. A Bigger Pokedex.

1. You already can with SOS chains. I'd like to see better rates for SOS-only Pokemon or Hidden Abilities, however.
2. They took them away because they were too strong in VGC if I remember correctly. Though that brings the question of why they nerfed it at the same time, and also created a Fairy Gem when it's unavailable to use.
3. They cannot just not bring tutors back. There's gonna be a riot if that happens.
4. I'd be fine with a power boost with a Memory but since this is still Gen VII it won't happen. It needs support moves from tutors, as while its offenses are low, its bulk is good.
5. It's a given for the following game in a generation (ORAS to XY, in Gen VI's case). Just like number 3.
6. They hinted that there will be some Pokemon that were not in Sun and Moon. Whether that means an expanded Pokedex, new Pokemon or both is to be seen.

Reminder that BW2 was announced as an "Alternative Story"

and BW2 isn't just a new hat

Kind of bummed that there's no Pokemon Switch game, but it makes sense that they want to get as much out of the 3DS as possible. Not a fan of the looks of N-Solgaleo or N-Lunala, but I'm sure it will still be a good game. Things I want

1. Horde battles - you could now EV train in minutes with the buff to the Power items
2. Gems - why did they take those away, they were great. Just bring back the Flying gem
3. Tutors - this I'm pretty sure will be back. Give Necrozma Signal Beam and Bewear Drain Punch
4. Buff Silvally. Hell Just giving this thing Earthquake would drastically improve it
5. Better postgame. Sun & Moon's was bad (although not as bad as X&Y's). HG/SS had the best postgame, with BW2s coming a close second.
6. A Bigger Pokedex.

1.- I miss horde battles cus you could get exactly 50 EVs per battle, making easier to keep track of the damn thing... but probably the 3DS wont handle it very well
2.-Bring Gems back pls. For many pokemon Z moves will be better, but I want my FGem Hawlucha
3.- I need defog tutor
4.- Give him Recover, wow, Stealth rocks and/or Defog via tutor and you have the mini arceus we wanted
5.- I didn't thougth SM post game was that bad, but I want a more varied postgame like BW2 and less of a short, one trick pony like XY/ORAS
6.- That is kinda confirmed apparently
With Solgaleo and Lunala getting new forms, do you guys think they will get new abilities/moves, and if so, Z-Move variants as well? I kinda got that feeling in the US/UM trailer personally.

And yes, tutors would be well received. I would love parabolic charge, strength sap and maybe even parting shot to become tutor'd. Mudsdale and even pokes like Pyroar would love to get some new toys.
So, we got GS ports and Sun and Moon sequels? Interesting....

Apparently, they said there will be more Pokemon added to the current roster of creatures in Alola. Will this mean it will be a simple expanded Pokedex like Platinum or B2W2? Will there be ACTUAL new Pokemon? And if the latter is the case, will it just be new formes? Maybe more UBs? With the Ultra thing, it makes me think my previous statement will come true. Or, at least, the Beasts (and Necrozma) will play a bigger role in the story. If Alolan Formes are added, I don't think they'll tinker with mons like Dragonite or Arcanine since they were already in the Alola dex. Nor will they tinker with non-Kanto mons. (Or maybe they will do some Johto things because GS ports) The one things that makes me doubt non-UB new Pokemon is that Alola is a small region. Adding more stuff will just overcrowd the damn place. Unless they somehow make the region bigger.

I really want more trials as well. And as for the new formes, they look kind of weird. I think they'll grow on me as the games come closer to release though.
I gotta say I'm slightly worried about all the negativity I've seen for these sequels outside of pokemon fan forums, the general gaming public (the occidental one at least) seems very upset that the 3DS is getting new games

yes that's incredibly stupid, yet they certainly want the system to be abandoned in favor off the Switch and are very upset about the sequels not being for it

makes me wonder if their sales performance won't be that good outside of japan :<
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So, we got GS ports and Sun and Moon sequels? Interesting....

Apparently, they said there will be more Pokemon added to the current roster of creatures in Alola. Will this mean it will be a simple expanded Pokedex like Platinum or B2W2? Will there be ACTUAL new Pokemon? And if the latter is the case, will it just be new formes? Maybe more UBs? With the Ultra thing, it makes me think my previous statement will come true. Or, at least, the Beasts (and Necrozma) will play a bigger role in the story. If Alolan Formes are added, I don't think they'll tinker with mons like Dragonite or Arcanine since they were already in the Alola dex. Nor will they tinker with non-Kanto mons. (Or maybe they will do some Johto things because GS ports) The one things that makes me doubt non-UB new Pokemon is that Alola is a small region. Adding more stuff will just overcrowd the damn place. Unless they somehow make the region bigger.

I really want more trials as well. And as for the new formes, they look kind of weird. I think they'll grow on me as the games come closer to release though.

The fact that is a gen 7 game inmediatly discards the addition of new Pokemon (new dex numbers)

We migth get new forms like Alolan and Megas
I gotta say I'm slightly worried about all the negativity I've seen for these sequels outside of pokemon fan forums, the genreal gaming public (the occidental one at least) seems very upset that the 3DS is getting new games

yes that's incredibly stupid, yet they certainly want the system to be abandoned in favor off the Switch and are very upset about the sequels not being for it

makes me wonder if their sales performance won't be that good outside of japan :<

Vocal minorities. They always happen.

Those that purchase a game tend to say nothing about it. Or at least not copypaste the same thing everywhere.
From what little we glimpse from the trailer, it seems like Alola has got a little facelift. That path up Route 1 is now full of blooming flowers, and I don't think the player character's house used to have a surfboard? Hopefully, these games will do like BW2 and put little beautification improvements everywhere. Sun and Moon looked good, by all means, but it's nice to see each area get a little additional touch-up.

Also, seems like Totem Mimikyu is returning, and we might get Totem Togedemaru and Lycanroc as well. Time will tell what other Totems have been updated - or if the concept has been expanded or changed. I'm willing to guess it's the same as before, but you never know.

My guess as to when we will get more information is a more substantial trailer at E3. CoroCoro will drop in a few days too, but I think it will just rehash the announcement. Interestingly, E3 this year is June 13-15, which is right in the middle of the period between CoroCoro's usual leaks and its actual release. If TPC is savvy enough to realize that whatever is written in CoroCoro will be spread all over the Internet two days before Nintendo's scheduled E3 conference, they might not give the magazine any exclusive news this month, not even a summary of whatever they release during E3 (if anything). Then again, the fact that CoroCoro has leaked on the 10th or 11th with amazing consistency for the past several years seems to have escaped them completely in the past.
While some backdraft is expected given this fandom, I really am surprised by this extent.

Seems most of it is based on Gamefreak not delivering on imaginary promises the fans hyped themselves for, combined with how little info we got on this new game. Hopefully E3 will help give more substance to chew on.

Come to think of it, 6 months seems like a really short time to PR this game. Did ORAS have this short a time frame from announcement to release?
Don't see much hype going on here unless they introduce some extremely novel new features, like how BW2 had Pokestar Studios / Medal hunting, etc., and even then that didn't really interest all that many people. Hopefully the plot's at least significantly different this time.

I liked PokeStar Studios, Join Avenue, and the Medals (not to mention the new story and locations). I agree maybe a Sinnoh remake would have been the better option. Sun & Moon are still relatively new and since this is still on the 3DS it's not like they were being rushed to release a main series game on the Switch. However with a promise of a new story (at least that's what I'm hoping by them saying it takes place in an alternate dimension (and I'm assuming that's a notable "alternate" since one of the main features is switching between the Sun & Moon dimensions)) and new Pokemon (probably not new species, but maybe new forms (mainly regional variant) and Mega Pokemon?) I'm curious to see what they'll have to offer.

I hope there are Mega Pokemon in USUM.

The US/UM bit in the trailer looked like it was snuck in without anyone knowing.

Yeah, at first I thought it was a mistake, especially when they started talking about Pokken right after it, lol.


What a waste.

You can say that for about any pair games aside from Gen V and VI. If the games indeed have a different story than I wouldn't say it was a waste, and it's not like they never held any tournaments. Yes, they had a short life, but they gave us a taste of whats to come and introduced us to a good story, intriguing characters, and of course new Pokemon (and Pokemon-related things like new moves (including Z-Moves) & Abilities).

Okay real talk yes a Pokken port was predictable, but i'm one of the few people who would LOVE for Pokken to finally actually take off, so i'm still excited for it

Hoping so too, with the Switch being more popular (and I think selling more) than the Wii U I'm glad that Pokken is getting a second chance. And with it having been linked with the next main series announcement I would say it got even more publicity than it did before.

I kinda wish the new Solgaleo/Lunala forms are actually their mega evolutions. But really unlikely, so whatever.

I'm actually annoyed at the apparent Necrozma fusions. We already had this concept done in Black/White 2, and it just seems unoriginal to do it again. Did we really have to repeat the same gimmick as another game? I really hope this doesn't become the generational norm. The fusions also look dodgy. The Lunala fusion at least gives off an impression of unnaturalness. You can tell that Lunala was not meant to be fused with that thing, which I presume is the intended effect, and it is sort of well done...but what is Solgaleo? Solgaleo + Necrozma looks absolutley stupid.

Well we don't know what's going on. Are they fusing with Necrozma? Let's think about this, maybe they didn't fuse but rather are going through the same process that Necrozma did when it arrived to the normal Pokeverse. What if the Necrozma we see isn't the true Necrozma but rather a form it had gone through upon entering our world and getting trapped in it (without a source of Ultra Energy to absorb from)? Like Primal Reversion, if they go this route maybe Solgaleo and Lunala and go through the same process, growing obsidian body parts. Also there could be a way to unleash the true/modified form of Necrozma, like how Rayquaza just got a normal Mega Evolution while Groudon & Kyogre got Primal Reversions.
While some backdraft is expected given this fandom, I really am surprised by this extent.

Seems most of it is based on Gamefreak not delivering on imaginary promises the fans hyped themselves for, combined with how little info we got on this new game. Hopefully E3 will help give more substance to chew on.

Come to think of it, 6 months seems like a really short time to PR this game. Did ORAS have this short a time frame from announcement to release?

ORAS was announced on 7 May and came out in late November. So only slightly longer.

I don't get the backlash though. I'd rather these be on the 3DS than the Switch.
Wait since gsc is coming out does that mean that things like beat up honchkrow is legal now? Can showdown actually put it on there? Morning sun nidoqueen too please?
Are there any interesting moves that Gen 2 VC is going to give us access to? The TM list is pretty uninteresting with the exception of Curse TM.
It's pretty much just Curse, but also Nightmare, Dynamic Punch, Zap Cannon, and the elemental punches are the other semi-interesting ones.
While some backdraft is expected given this fandom, I really am surprised by this extent.

Seems most of it is based on Gamefreak not delivering on imaginary promises the fans hyped themselves for, combined with how little info we got on this new game. Hopefully E3 will help give more substance to chew on.

Come to think of it, 6 months seems like a really short time to PR this game. Did ORAS have this short a time frame from announcement to release?

I blame Eurogamer, people in neogaf (I know, I know, but they're a big forum and actual game developers post there) where conviced by it it was gonna be a Switch game and, as far a I can tell, from there non hardcore pokemon fans where also convinced it was gonna be a Switch game

I don't think those rumors where even mentioned in pokemon forums, but in general gaming sites I've seen people kept bringing them up and after a Pokemon Direct was announced, well...

It's like the nintendo buttonless controler rumor all over again
Ultra SuMo is going to be awesome!! So they got Necrozma fused or some kind of Helping hand with Solgaleo and Lunala, like Kyurem with Zekrom and Kyurem as choices. I think is highly posible it comes into some form of stat change or boost, I'm not so sure as to what ability or type they would get so I will leave that aside.

So Ultra SuMo will have the story not repeated but on a diferent take on the events since the start.

It's been said in the trailer/live that we should expect new pokemon they didn't say exactly as in what but posibilities are diferent Pokemon form, actual new pokemons or just more Ultrabeast, alola forms or megas.

Totem Pokemon will be diferent it's clear from the trailer that totem Lycanroc day/night will be in the game. Also new Z-moves judging from Mimiyu in the trailer.

Then there is that gesture on the Z-bangle that rotate the upper stone, not sure what it does but I will wait out for the best.

Then there's also G/S with new moves etc. stuff

Now Ultra(?) Lunala can give hugs as it now has arms :D
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Well we don't know what's going on. Are they fusing with Necrozma? Let's think about this, maybe they didn't fuse but rather are going through the same process that Necrozma did when it arrived to the normal Pokeverse. What if the Necrozma we see isn't the true Necrozma but rather a form it had gone through upon entering our world and getting trapped in it (without a source of Ultra Energy to absorb from)? Like Primal Reversion, if they go this route maybe Solgaleo and Lunala and go through the same process, growing obsidian body parts. Also there could be a way to unleash the true/modified form of Necrozma, like how Rayquaza just got a normal Mega Evolution while Groudon & Kyogre got Primal Reversions.

This sort of seems unlikely. The references and links to Gen 5 are quite clear, them being follow up games just like the 5th generation and apparent fusions. While this is a possibility, I feel that it's quite unlikely as they seem to be invoking some sort of Gen 5 feeling. The Necrozma-S and Necrozma-L both look like fusions, which is another link to Gen 5, so I just feel like it would be more likely for them to go down a fusion route. That said, I just quite easily be wrong, I was wrong about quite a few things during the SuMo speculation (sorry TheMantyke lol). Also, since Cosmog was present within SuMo and it wasn't corrupted (this feels like a nice word to use to describe what you're saying), wouldn't that mean the process of corruption would have to take a long time. It's mentioned within Necrozma's PokeDex entry that it came from "ancient times", and I don't think US/UM would take place so far in to the future.

Alternative possibility: I am reading way to much in to this.
I can kind of understand the backlash from basically having no info to chew on and having the direct focus pretty much entirely on Pokken, but did people really expect Game Freak to transition the main series games to the Switch mid-generation? Not only would that make compatibllity with Sun/Moon/Bank awkward as hell (can the Switch even link to a 3DS?), but that would force Game Freak to develop a new engine from scratch, which they won't do till Gen VIII.

Next generation, homies.
This sort of seems unlikely. The references and links to Gen 5 are quite clear, them being follow up games just like the 5th generation and apparent fusions. While this is a possibility, I feel that it's quite unlikely as they seem to be invoking some sort of Gen 5 feeling. The Necrozma-S and Necrozma-L both look like fusions, which is another link to Gen 5, so I just feel like it would be more likely for them to go down a fusion route. That said, I just quite easily be wrong, I was wrong about quite a few things during the SuMo speculation (sorry TheMantyke lol).

Well some connection with gen V would explain why we have some random cameos by Colress and Grimsley
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