Okay, let me just preface this by saying that the aim of this thread is to get a discussion going regarding the topic, and is not a rant.
One of the things I've noticed in my (relatively) short time here is the overwhelming attitude that OU, and by association OU Pokemon, is the best, the epitome or peak of competitive Pokemon battling. On the other side of this coin is the attitude that Pokemon who are NOT OU are bad, simply because they can't viably be used in the OU metagame. Often times you don't get one of those opinions without the other. So yeah, whats the point? Well to put things into context let me provide a quote I took note of, after posing the question in a thread a while back:
Back in that time I also quickly skimmed over OU, and it seemed like such a small number of pokemon that occupied that tier, so I immediately decided I never wanted to be limited to them, and have never played OU.
So let me provide my reply to the previous quote:
The same cannot be said for UU pokemon in OU, for one reason: BL. BL acts as a barrier and limbo between UU and OU, where pokemon too "good" for UU not quite "good" enough for OU go. Bar specialist teams, such as RD or Trick Room, Pokemon from the lower tiers never infiltrate OU, and only recently dropped Pokemon, such as Umbreon, can be expected to rise again.
Regarding said attitudes, I see it being appropriated everywhere on the site. For example, take the article in issue 7 of the Smog "The Best Abilities (On the Worst Pokemon)" http://www.smogon.com/smog/issue7/abilities. The article disregards any of the pokemon like Pinsir, Clefable, Yanmega, Poliwrath, Quagsire et al, as the "Worst" (all not OU) and advocates who would benefit from said abilities (most of the pokemon being OU) and what pokemon they would be able to deal with now (again, all OU). Any mention of a non- OU pokemon gaining an ability is so that it could "make the jump to OU". So basically, OU pokemon should get other "terrible" Pokemon's abilities to make them even better at being OU.
I could go on more but I feel this is already pretty lengthy as it is.
Regarding the purpose of this thread: Do you feel OU is the "best"? If so, why so? What do you prefer in OU/UU/NU over other metagames? Do you think that simply not being usable in OU makes a Pokemon bad?
One of the things I've noticed in my (relatively) short time here is the overwhelming attitude that OU, and by association OU Pokemon, is the best, the epitome or peak of competitive Pokemon battling. On the other side of this coin is the attitude that Pokemon who are NOT OU are bad, simply because they can't viably be used in the OU metagame. Often times you don't get one of those opinions without the other. So yeah, whats the point? Well to put things into context let me provide a quote I took note of, after posing the question in a thread a while back:
I'll get onto why I feel that attitude is wrong in a minute. First let me say that I do not play OU, and stick solely to UU, venturing only into NU the odd time to mess around with NFE's and such. I do this because way back when I was first getting into online battling, I realised most of the pokemon I liked were not OU, and fell into UU/NU. And to this day I still prefer to use pokemon I like, instead of using whatever is at the top of the tier, which in UU atm happens to be Milotic and Venusaur, to name two.Well, if a pokémon needs all the most widely used 'mon banned for it to survive, it's not the best... I've never really understood why anyone would want to play UU. I have absolutely nothing against UU 'mon, mind, but surely it's much more satisfying to win with NU/UU 'mon in OU, than having to ban a huge portion of the metagame before you can win.
Back in that time I also quickly skimmed over OU, and it seemed like such a small number of pokemon that occupied that tier, so I immediately decided I never wanted to be limited to them, and have never played OU.
So let me provide my reply to the previous quote:
Currently the difference between the numbers in OU and UU is one Pokemon more in UU. Hardly a "much larger number of viable threats". However, I still feel my statement is correct, when taking into account NU. There are Pokemon in NU that ARE viable threats in UU, but due to the tiers infancy there hasn't been enough testing done. Even well established NU Pokemon such as Espeon are extremely usable in UU.Or you could argue that, because the tier lists get larger as you move down from OU (barring BL) a greater amount of skill is needed to play because there are a much larger number of viable threats, both defensively and offensively, instead of just picking pokemon, X,Y,Z (Scizor, Blissey, Skarmory perhaps?) No?
The same cannot be said for UU pokemon in OU, for one reason: BL. BL acts as a barrier and limbo between UU and OU, where pokemon too "good" for UU not quite "good" enough for OU go. Bar specialist teams, such as RD or Trick Room, Pokemon from the lower tiers never infiltrate OU, and only recently dropped Pokemon, such as Umbreon, can be expected to rise again.
Regarding said attitudes, I see it being appropriated everywhere on the site. For example, take the article in issue 7 of the Smog "The Best Abilities (On the Worst Pokemon)" http://www.smogon.com/smog/issue7/abilities. The article disregards any of the pokemon like Pinsir, Clefable, Yanmega, Poliwrath, Quagsire et al, as the "Worst" (all not OU) and advocates who would benefit from said abilities (most of the pokemon being OU) and what pokemon they would be able to deal with now (again, all OU). Any mention of a non- OU pokemon gaining an ability is so that it could "make the jump to OU". So basically, OU pokemon should get other "terrible" Pokemon's abilities to make them even better at being OU.
I could go on more but I feel this is already pretty lengthy as it is.
Regarding the purpose of this thread: Do you feel OU is the "best"? If so, why so? What do you prefer in OU/UU/NU over other metagames? Do you think that simply not being usable in OU makes a Pokemon bad?