AAA Primordial Sea Zapdos [QC 1/2]


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Primordial Sea (Zapdos) @ Heavy-Duty Boots
Ability: Primordial Sea
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe or 252 HP / 104 SpA / 152 Spe
Timid Nature
- Thunder / Volt Switch
- Hurricane / Weather Ball
- U-turn / Weather Ball
- Roost

Zapdos is an amazing pivot thanks to its great Special Attack, longevity with Roost, and typing letting it check Great Tusk and IronPress Zamazenta lacking Stone Edge and threaten physical walls like Corviknight and Manaphy. Primordial Sea further enhances this, letting Zapdos switch into threats like Heatran, Iron Moth, Cinderace, and Ogerpon-H thanks to the Fire immunity granted by it. Thunder OHKOes Moltres and Choice Specs Primarina, significantly pressures RegenVest Manaphy, and can cripple switch-ins like RegenVest Roaring Moon with paralysis, while Volt Switch allows Zapdos to pivot out and forego U-turn for Weather Ball at the cost of being blocked by Ground-types like Swampert and Iron Treads and Volt Absorb users like Corviknight and Empoleon. Hurricane OHKOes Fighting-types like Great Tusk and Zamazenta and can potentially chip switch-ins like Swampert with some confusion luck. Weather Ball threatens Ground-types like Ting-Lu, Sandy Shocks, and non-Bulletproof Iron Treads, as well as Fire-types like Ceruledge and Heatran in the rain. U-turn lets Zapdos pivot out of special walls that are immune to Electric. A bulkier EV spread lets Zapdos better answer threats like Great Tusk and Zamazenta at the cost of not always OHKOing Moltres and Choice Specs Primarina with Thunder.

Physically defensive Corviknight makes a great core with Zapdos, as it can switch into physical attackers that threaten Zapdos like Roaring Moon, Chien-Pao, and Iron Boulder; in return, Zapdos can check Fire-types that trouble Corviknight like Cinderace, Iron Moth, and Ogerpon-H. Powerful special attackers like Deoxys-S and Latios easily force Zapdos out, making teammates that can handle them like Scream Tail and Iron Treads appreciated. Zapdos usually invites in special walls like Heatran and RegenVest Swampert and Roaring Moon due to its tendency to struggle against them, so powerful physical attackers that can handle them like Zamazenta, Roaring Moon, and Meowscarada make for a great pairing; Roaring Moon and Meowscarada also form a VoltTurn core with Zapdos thanks to it being able to OHKO Great Tusk for Roaring Moon and being able to handle physically defensive Corviknight for both Roaring Moon and Meowscarada. Knock Off absorbers like Great Tusk and the aforementioned Corviknight can help Zapdos keep it's Heavy-Duty Boots, preventing it from being crippled by it's Stealth Rock weakness; they can also remove entry hazards for it in case it gets hit by a Knock Off.

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Other Options
Both Primordial Sea and No Guard can run a Choice Specs set to act as a wallbreaker and catch the opponent off guard, being able to OHKO specally defensive Manaphy after entry hazard damage and 2HKO Swampert once they have lost their Assault Vest. However, the entry hazard weakness requires significant hazard removal support from teammates like Corviknight, Great Tusk, and Iron Treads, and Primordial Sea Zapdos especially loses a significant amount of its defensive utility while Choice-locked. No Guard sets can forego Roost for Heat Wave when running Choice Specs to hit Electric immune Steel-types like Iron Treads and Volt Absorb Corviknight.

Checks and Counters
**Electric immune Steel-types:** Bulletproof Iron Treads and Volt Absorb Corviknight and Empoleon can wall most Zapdos sets while threatening it with a Knock Off or pivoting to another teammate to force it out.

**RegenVesters:** RegenVest users like Swampert, Roaring Moon, and Iron Hands can all switch into Zapdos and pressure it and pivot out to a teammate that can force Zapdos out; the former two can also remove Zapdos's Heavy-Duty Boots.

**Faster threats:** Offensive threats like Roaring Moon, Deoxys-S, and Chien-Pao can outspeed and severely damage or OHKO Zapdos.

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Primordial Sea (Zapdos) @ Heavy-Duty Boots
Ability: Primordial Sea
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe or 252 HP / 104 SpA / 152 Spe
Timid Nature
- Thunder / Volt Switch
- Hurricane / Weather Ball
- U-turn / Weather Ball
- Roost

Zapdos is an amazing pivot thanks to its great Special Attack, longevity with Roost, and typing letting it check Great Tusk and IronPress Zamazenta lacking Stone Edge and threaten physical walls like Corviknight and Manaphy. Primordial Sea further enhances this, letting Zapdos switch into threats like Heatran and Cinderace add iron moth and oger-h to this thanks to the Fire immunity granted by it. Thunder OHKOes Moltres and Choice Specs Primarina, significantly pressures RegenVest Manaphy, and can cripple switch-ins like RegenVest Roaring Moon with paralysis, while Volt Switch allows Zapdos to pivot out and forego U-turn for Weather Ball at the cost of being blocked by Ground-types like Swampert and Iron Treads and Volt Absorb users like Corviknight and Empoleon. Hurricane OHKOes Fighting-types like Great Tusk and Zamazenta and can potentially chip switch-ins like Swampert with some confusion luck. Weather Ball threatens Ground-types like Ting-Lu, Sandy Shocks, and non-Bulletproof Iron Treads, as well as Fire-types like Ceruledge and Heatran i would specifiy that it only threatens heatran if prim sea is up, cause wball does around 30-35 in sun. U-turn lets Zapdos pivot out of special walls that are immune to Electric. A bulkier EV spread lets Zapdos better answer threats like Great Tusk, Zamazenta, and Cinderace you already wall it unless it has gunk shot but thats kinda niche imo at the cost of not always OHKOing Moltres and Choice Specs Primarina with Thunder and Ceruledge with Weather Ball. its a 90% to OHKO, id remove this

Physically defensive Corviknight makes a great core with Zapdos, as it can switch into physical attackers that threaten Zapdos like Roaring Moon, Zamazenta, and Iron Boulder; id replace one of these with chien-pao in return, Zapdos can check Fire-types that trouble Corviknight like Cinderace, Moltres Iron Moth weather ball 2hkoes zapdos, moth is a better mention, and Ogerpon-H. Powerful special attackers like Deoxys-S and Latios easily force Zapdos out, making teammates that can handle them like Scream Tail and Iron Treads appreciated. Zapdos usually invites in special walls like Heatran and RegenVest Swampert and Roaring Moon due to its tendency to struggle against them, so powerful physical attackers that can handle them like Zamazenta, Roaring Moon, and Meowscarada make for a great pairing; Roaring Moon and Meowscarada also form a VoltTurn core with Zapdos thanks to it being able to OHKO Great Tusk for Roaring Moon and being able to handle physically defensive Corviknight for both Roaring Moon and Meowscarada. Knock Off absorbers like Great Tusk and the aforementioned Corviknight can help Zapdos keep it's Heavy-Duty Boots, preventing it from being crippled by it's Stealth Rock weakness; they can also remove entry hazards for it in case it gets hit by a Knock Off.

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Other Options
Both Primordial Sea and No Guard can run a Choice Specs set to act as a wallbreaker and catch the opponent off guard, being able to OHKO specally defensive Manaphy after entry hazard damage and 2HKO Swampert once they have lost their Assault Vest. However, the entry hazard weakness requires significant hazard removal support from teammates like Corviknight, Great Tusk, and Iron Treads, and Primordial Sea Zapdos especially loses a significant amount of its defensive utility while Choice-locked. No Guard sets can forego Roost for Heat Wave when running Choice Specs to hit Electric immune Steel-types like Iron Treads and Volt Absorb Corviknight.

Checks and Counters
**Electric immune Steel-types:** Bulletproof Iron Treads and Volt Absorb Corviknight and Empoleon can wall most Zapdos sets while threatening it with a Knock Off or pivoting to another teammate to force it out.

**Swampert:** Swampert can't be paralyzed by Zapdos and takes negligible damage from Hurricane while it has its Assault Vest. It can also threaten it with Knock Off and do decent damage while pivoting with Flip Turn. id change this to regenvest users and mention regenvest moon and hands

**Faster threats:** Offensive threats like Roaring Moon, Deoxys-S, and Chien-Pao can outspeed and severely damage or OHKO Zapdos. moon barely doesnt ohko with knock, you could also change this with band moon

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Primordial Sea (Zapdos) @ Heavy-Duty Boots
Ability: Primordial Sea
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe or 252 HP / 104 SpA / 152 Spe
Timid Nature
- Thunder / Volt Switch i'm on the fence about if volt switch should really be here, i think you'd rather drop hurricane than risk your switch being blocked by something like treads, let alone how much easier you are to check when you don't para stuff
- Hurricane / Weather Ball
- U-turn / Weather Ball
- Roost

Zapdos is an amazing pivot thanks to its great Special Attack, longevity with Roost, and typing letting it check Great Tusk and IronPress Zamazenta lacking Stone Edge what zamazenta lacks stone edge though, i'd rather something like slither wing or garchomp be mentioned that you more consistently check and threaten physical walls like Corviknight, Skarmory, and Great Tusk. and Manaphy. more of a mixed wall than a physical one + mentioned later Primordial Sea further enhances this, letting Zapdos switch into threats like Heatran, Iron Moth, Cinderace, and Ogerpon-H thanks to the Fire immunity granted by it. Thunder OHKOes Moltres and Choice Specs Primarina, significantly pressures RegenVest Manaphy and Primarina, and can cripple switch-ins like RegenVest Roaring Moon and Hisuian Goodra with paralysis, while Volt Switch allows Zapdos to pivot out and forego U-turn for Weather Ball at the cost of being blocked by Ground-types like Swampert and Iron Treads and Volt Absorb users like Corviknight and Empoleon. emphasize more that volt switch is a niche option and that u-turn + thunder is very largely better Hurricane OHKOes Fighting-types like Great Tusk and Zamazenta and can potentially chip switch-ins like Swampert with some confusion luck. more emphasis on the great neutral coverage it provides, hitting electric-resistant foes like moon, chomp, hands Weather Ball threatens Ground-types like Ting-Lu, Sandy Shocks, and non-Bulletproof Iron Treads, as well as Fire-types like Ceruledge and Heatran in the rain. U-turn lets Zapdos pivot out of special walls that are immune to Electric. dex info A bulkier EV spread lets Zapdos better answer threats like Great Tusk and Zamazenta at the cost of not always OHKOing Moltres and Choice Specs Primarina with Thunder. elaborate on what the alternative spread specifically does, a casual reader or new player does not intuitively know that you are outspeeding tusk

Physically defensive Corviknight makes a great core with Zapdos, as it can switch into physical attackers that threaten Zapdos like Roaring Moon, Chien-Pao, and Iron Boulder; in return, Zapdos can check Fire-types that trouble Corviknight like Cinderace, Iron Moth, and Ogerpon-H. Powerful special attackers like Deoxys-S, Azelf, and Latios easily force Zapdos out, making teammates that can handle them like Scream Tail and Iron Treads appreciated. surely you mention regenvesters or empoleon before scream tail as a spdef mon Zapdos usually invites in special walls like Heatran and RegenVest Swampert and Roaring Moon due to its tendency to struggle against them, so powerful physical attackers that can handle them like Zamazenta, Roaring Moon, and Meowscarada make for a great pairing; Roaring Moon and Meowscarada also form a VoltTurn core with Zapdos thanks to it being able to OHKO Great Tusk for Roaring Moon and being able to handle physically defensive Corviknight for both Roaring Moon and Meowscarada. this is worded confusingly, they don't form a voltturn core because of this synergy. it's correlation, not causation Knock Off absorbers like Great Tusk and the aforementioned Corviknight can help Zapdos keep it's Heavy-Duty Boots, preventing it from being crippled by it's Stealth Rock weakness; they can also remove entry hazards for it in case it gets hit by a Knock Off. plenty of additional stuff worth mentioning here; Iron Treads as a hazard-removing teammate, secondary checks to fire-types like swampert or wbb ghold, take into account how sets forgoing hurricane comparatively struggle into zamazenta and other fighters while sets running volt switch need way more help against ground-types. this paragraph overall feels like a first draft


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Other Options
Both Primordial Sea and No Guard can run a Choice Specs set to act as a wallbreaker and catch the opponent off guard, being able to OHKO specally defensive Manaphy after entry hazard damage and 2HKO Swampert once they have lost their Assault Vest. However, the entry hazard weakness requires significant hazard removal support from teammates like Corviknight, Great Tusk, and Iron Treads, and Primordial Sea Zapdos especially loses a significant amount of its defensive utility while Choice-locked. No Guard sets can forego Roost for Heat Wave when running Choice Specs redundant to hit Electric immune Steel-types like Iron Treads and Volt Absorb Corviknight. intimidate/fluffy/unaware sets all deserve a mention as they're perfectly valid, as does ladder's favorite choice scarf set. maximum bulk primsea is also worth a mention here to more solidly check stuff like zamazenta if you're willing to lose out on outspeeding tusk

Checks and Counters
**Electric immune Steel-types:** Bulletproof Iron Treads and Volt Absorb Corviknight and Empoleon can wall most Zapdos sets while threatening it with a Knock Off or pivoting to another teammate to force it out. it isn't just steel-types, electric immunities in general like ting-lu and motor drive mana are a problem

**RegenVesters:** RegenVest users like Swampert, Roaring Moon, and Iron Hands can all switch into Zapdos and pressure it and pivot out to a teammate that can force Zapdos out; the former two can also remove Zapdos's Heavy-Duty Boots. this should just be "special walls" and you should elaborate more on how they're threatening zapdos

**Faster threats:** Offensive threats like Roaring Moon, Deoxys-S, and Chien-Pao can outspeed and severely damage or OHKO threaten Zapdos.

mention desolate land foes like iron moth and lando, they can be just as much a counter to you as you are to them depending on who switches in first.

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Needs just a bit of work, ping me for recheck when ready
Primordial Sea (Zapdos) @ Heavy-Duty Boots
Ability: Primordial Sea
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe or 252 HP / 104 SpA / 152 Spe
Timid Nature
- Thunder / Volt Switch i'm on the fence about if volt switch should really be here, i think you'd rather drop hurricane than risk your switch being blocked by something like treads, let alone how much easier you are to check when you don't para stuff
- Hurricane / Weather Ball
- U-turn / Weather Ball
- Roost

Zapdos is an amazing pivot thanks to its great Special Attack, longevity with Roost, and typing letting it check Great Tusk and IronPress Zamazenta lacking Stone Edge what zamazenta lacks stone edge though, i'd rather something like slither wing or garchomp be mentioned that you more consistently check and threaten physical walls like Corviknight, Skarmory, and Great Tusk. and Manaphy. more of a mixed wall than a physical one + mentioned later Primordial Sea further enhances this, letting Zapdos switch into threats like Heatran, Iron Moth, Cinderace, and Ogerpon-H thanks to the Fire immunity granted by it. Thunder OHKOes Moltres and Choice Specs Primarina, significantly pressures RegenVest Manaphy and Primarina, and can cripple switch-ins like RegenVest Roaring Moon and Hisuian Goodra with paralysis, while Volt Switch allows Zapdos to pivot out and forego U-turn for Weather Ball at the cost of being blocked by Ground-types like Swampert and Iron Treads and Volt Absorb users like Corviknight and Empoleon. emphasize more that volt switch is a niche option and that u-turn + thunder is very largely better Hurricane OHKOes Fighting-types like Great Tusk and Zamazenta and can potentially chip switch-ins like Swampert with some confusion luck. more emphasis on the great neutral coverage it provides, hitting electric-resistant foes like moon, chomp, hands Weather Ball threatens Ground-types like Ting-Lu, Sandy Shocks, and non-Bulletproof Iron Treads, as well as Fire-types like Ceruledge and Heatran in the rain. U-turn lets Zapdos pivot out of special walls that are immune to Electric. dex info A bulkier EV spread lets Zapdos better answer threats like Great Tusk and Zamazenta at the cost of not always OHKOing Moltres and Choice Specs Primarina with Thunder. elaborate on what the alternative spread specifically does, a casual reader or new player does not intuitively know that you are outspeeding tusk

Physically defensive Corviknight makes a great core with Zapdos, as it can switch into physical attackers that threaten Zapdos like Roaring Moon, Chien-Pao, and Iron Boulder; in return, Zapdos can check Fire-types that trouble Corviknight like Cinderace, Iron Moth, and Ogerpon-H. Powerful special attackers like Deoxys-S, Azelf, and Latios easily force Zapdos out, making teammates that can handle them like Scream Tail and Iron Treads appreciated. surely you mention regenvesters or empoleon before scream tail as a spdef mon Zapdos usually invites in special walls like Heatran and RegenVest Swampert and Roaring Moon due to its tendency to struggle against them, so powerful physical attackers that can handle them like Zamazenta, Roaring Moon, and Meowscarada make for a great pairing; Roaring Moon and Meowscarada also form a VoltTurn core with Zapdos thanks to it being able to OHKO Great Tusk for Roaring Moon and being able to handle physically defensive Corviknight for both Roaring Moon and Meowscarada. this is worded confusingly, they don't form a voltturn core because of this synergy. it's correlation, not causation Knock Off absorbers like Great Tusk and the aforementioned Corviknight can help Zapdos keep it's Heavy-Duty Boots, preventing it from being crippled by it's Stealth Rock weakness; they can also remove entry hazards for it in case it gets hit by a Knock Off. plenty of additional stuff worth mentioning here; Iron Treads as a hazard-removing teammate, secondary checks to fire-types like swampert or wbb ghold, take into account how sets forgoing hurricane comparatively struggle into zamazenta and other fighters while sets running volt switch need way more help against ground-types. this paragraph overall feels like a first draft


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Other Options
Both Primordial Sea and No Guard can run a Choice Specs set to act as a wallbreaker and catch the opponent off guard, being able to OHKO specally defensive Manaphy after entry hazard damage and 2HKO Swampert once they have lost their Assault Vest. However, the entry hazard weakness requires significant hazard removal support from teammates like Corviknight, Great Tusk, and Iron Treads, and Primordial Sea Zapdos especially loses a significant amount of its defensive utility while Choice-locked. No Guard sets can forego Roost for Heat Wave when running Choice Specs redundant to hit Electric immune Steel-types like Iron Treads and Volt Absorb Corviknight. intimidate/fluffy/unaware sets all deserve a mention as they're perfectly valid, as does ladder's favorite choice scarf set. maximum bulk primsea is also worth a mention here to more solidly check stuff like zamazenta if you're willing to lose out on outspeeding tusk

Checks and Counters
**Electric immune Steel-types:** Bulletproof Iron Treads and Volt Absorb Corviknight and Empoleon can wall most Zapdos sets while threatening it with a Knock Off or pivoting to another teammate to force it out. it isn't just steel-types, electric immunities in general like ting-lu and motor drive mana are a problem

**RegenVesters:** RegenVest users like Swampert, Roaring Moon, and Iron Hands can all switch into Zapdos and pressure it and pivot out to a teammate that can force Zapdos out; the former two can also remove Zapdos's Heavy-Duty Boots. this should just be "special walls" and you should elaborate more on how they're threatening zapdos

**Faster threats:** Offensive threats like Roaring Moon, Deoxys-S, and Chien-Pao can outspeed and severely damage or OHKO threaten Zapdos.

mention desolate land foes like iron moth and lando, they can be just as much a counter to you as you are to them depending on who switches in first.

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Needs just a bit of work, ping me for recheck when ready
nudging this again