Battle Arcade of Lad.
Birkal vs Canis; 1v1 FE+21 UC
1v1 FE Singles; vs Birkal.+3 UC
1v1 LC Singles; vs Canis.+1 CC, Kitsunoh gets 4 MC and 1 KOC.
+1 CC, Aron gets 1 EC, 2 MC, 1 AC, 1 LEC and 1 KOC.
Spending said:![]()
Ronnie | Aron (F)
- Gets 1 EC, 2 MC, 1 AC, 1 LEC and 1 KOC.
- Using Lucky Egg Counter as EC, converting the KOC to EC and Stocking the MC.
- Total Counters: 4 EC, 2 MC, 2 AC, 0 KOC.
Face/Off | Kitsunoh (M)
- Gets 4 MC and 1 KOC. Converting the KOC to MC.
- Learns Toxic and Double Team as TM moves for 4 MC (2 MC each).
- Stockpiles 1 MC. Total Counters: 6 EC, 1 MC, 5 AC, 0 KOC.
Tangz | Metang (N)
Purchasing a Sableye for 7 CC and an Everstone for 15 CC.
- Converts 9 UC to 9 MC.
- Learns Signal Beam as Tutor move for 2 MC.
- Learns Swift as Prev Gen Tutor move for 3 MC.
- Learns Sludge Bomb and Light Screen as TM moves for 4 MC (2 MC each).
Converting 12 UC to MC and converting 5 UC to 5 AC for Sableye, and unlocking the hidden ability Prankster.
Learns Endure and Metronome as Prev gen Tutor moves for 6 MC (3 MC each).
Learns Ice Punch and Pain Split as Gen 6 Tutor moves for 4 MC ( 2 MC each).
Learns Rain Dance as TM move for 2 MC.Total UC: 254 + 21 + 3 - 9 - 12 - 5 = 252 UC | Total CC: 31 + 1 + 1 - 7 - 15 = 11 CC.![]()
Ayaan | Sableye (M)
Ayaan is a Brave and Naughty creature, always teasing and taunting friends, gives a beating to his enemies and defends itself and its friends from all threatening creatures.[Nature]
Brave (+1 Atk, Speed ÷ 1.15, -10% Evasion)[Type]
Ghost | Dark[Abilities]
Ghost STAB; immune to the effects of full trapping moves and the Arena Trap, Magnet Pull, and Shadow Tag abilities. Ghost types can switch out while affected by a partial trapping move, but they will be damaged every action by their effect.
Dark STAB; ignores Attract and Confusion status entirely when using Dark-type damaging and non-damaging attacks.
Stall (✓)[Stats]
(Passive, MoldBreaker affects - No)
This Pokemon has a watchful eye and immense patience. It can be ordered to attack last on any action regardless of ordinary attack priority. If an opponent orders their Pokemon to attack after the user of Stall, that attack will fail. Against another user of Stall, the trainer who issues attacks first has precedence and the opponent's attack will fail.
Keen Eye
(Passive, MoldBreaker affects - Yes) This Pokemon has extremely good vision and cannot have its accuracy lowered by an opponent through any means (including accuracy lowering attacks, Smogs, Hazes, Fog, etc.). Its vision also enables it to see through any attempts by an opponent to increase their own evasion.
Prankster (Unlocked)
(Passive, MoldBreaker affects - No)
The Pokemon is always prepared for engaging in sneaky tactics and trickery, giving its non-damaging attacks a +1 increase in priority level.
HP 90[Tokens]
Atk: Rank 4 (+)
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 3
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 43 (-)
Size Class: 1
Weight Class: 2
Evasion reduced by 10%
Base Rank total: 16
AC: 5/5
MC: 0
KOC: 0
Level Up ( 13 / 20 )
Mean Look (6) | Zen Headbutt (8,6) | Leer (4) | Scratch (4,3) | Fore Sight (6) | Night Shade (10F,4) | Astonish (7,2) | Fury Swipes (4-10,4) | Fake Out (4,4) | Detect (7+D/2.5) | Shadow Sneak (7,3) | Feint Attack (9,3) | Punishment(6+2*B, 7) |
Still to get: Shadow Claw(10,4) | Knock Off(13,6) | Power Gem(8,6) | Confuse Ray(4) | Foul Play(13,7) | Shadow Ball(11,5) | Quash(4)
Egg ( 5 / 9 )
Feint(12,6) | Imprison(6,5) | Metal Burst(13,6) | Flatter(3) | Moonlight(15)
Still to get: Captivate(0,4) | Nasty Plot(6) | Recover(11) | Psych Up(7)
Prev Gens (Tutor / TM / HM) ( 2 / 40 )
Endure(15) | Metronome(7+m) |
Still to get: Thunder Punch(8,6) | Body Slam | Counter | Dark Pulse | Double Edge | Dream Eater | Dynamic Punch | Fire Punch | Magic Coat | Fury Cutter | Gravity | Head Butt | Icy Wind | Low Kick | Mega Kick | Mega Punch | Mimic | Mud-slap | Nightmare | Ominous Wind | Role Play | Seismic Toss | Signal Beam | Snatch | Snore | Spite | Sucker Punch | Trick | Wonder Room | Focus Punch | Water Pulse | Telekinesis | Shock Wave | Secret Power | Natural Gift | Rock Smash | Helping Hand | Octazooka
Gen 6 TM/Tutors/HM ( 10 / 46 )
Substitute (0,12) | Will-o-Wisp (0,6) | Dig (8,10) | Rock Tomb (6,4) | Poison Jab (8,6) | Embargo(4) | Torment (9) | Ice Punch(8,6) | Pain Split | Rain Dance(10) |
Still to get: Psychic(8,6) | Dazzling Gleam | Facade | Brick Break | Snarl | Dark Pulse | Hone Claws | Calm Mind | Power Up Punch | Toxic | Hidden Power(Fighting) | Sunny Day | Taunt | Protect | Frustration | Return | Double Team | Aerial Ace | Façade | Rest | Attract | Thief | Low Sweep | Round | Fling | Incinerate | Retaliate | Flash | Dream Eater | Swagger | Sleep Talk | Rock Smash | Confide | Cut
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