Trainer Name: Chrono
A strange man who fell out of a space-time distortion, losing his memory in the process. The hands of the clock he wears move too fast to ever tell the time. His battling skills helped him create a life here, but society still has a tendency to confuse him.
Level 1:
Level 2:
Trainer Level: 2
TC: 3
RC: 21
JC: 72
Aco: 0
1xOran Berry
1xLum Berry
-Held Items-
1xLucky Egg
1xMuscle Band
1xWise Glasses
1xLife Orb
1xWide Lens
1xGrass Memory
1xPsychic Memory
1xIce Memory
1xFairy Memory
1xFighting Memory
1xDark Memory
1xFlying Memory
-Trainer Items-
3xLuxury Ball
1xDream Ball
1xNest Ball
3xBlank Record
Key Items:
1xHarvest Event Voucher
1xDevoted Event Voucher
1xStar Piece
Currently Battling:
Contest Hall: Queued
Event Hub: Haunted Forest Rescue with Duo
Safari Zone: Dragon Temple [Slot 1]
Realgam Tower: vs Brock [Slot 2]
Currently Reffing:
Event Hub: HeliosAflame & The Faz - Harvest Usurper's Arrogance, Hyjack & LouisCyphre - Mad Science Mixups
Realgam Tower: Maxim vs Mustard
Unclaimed, completed:
Engineer, Reporter, and Scribe vocations
-7 JC
+10 EXP for
1 History Credit
Maxim - Tinktacular Turf War
3 RC
8 JC
10 Aco
3 Math Credits
Novax - Crash Course Pokemon Academy
11 JC
7 RC
10 Aco
1x Luxury Ball
Prize Claims:
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
Report Card:
Art: 0 | Battle: 0 | Math: 0 | Home: 0 | Language: 0 | History: 0 | Biology: 0
Sporeverlord - 1 History
Turf War Ref - 3 Math
Event/Pinnacle Ref - 2 Home
Brock - 1 Battle
Dragon Temple - 2 Language
Eviolite Cave - 3 Biology
Turf War Ref - 3 Math
Event/Pinnacle Ref - 2 Home
Brock - 1 Battle
Dragon Temple - 2 Language
Eviolite Cave - 3 Biology
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