Project PU Battle of the Week [Week 9: big tony 2014 vs sufys]

thanks again for all the voters for this week's edition, this project wouldn't be possible without you!

with a whopping 11 votes this week we have the man, the myth, the legend... big tony 2014 ! a newer face still looking to make a name for himself in PU but word has it he was a support god during pupl. his challenger this week is none other than sufys more known for being a jack of all trades I would say but he has definitely taken root/taken a liking to PU more than other tiers. post times when you get them and good luck to both of our amazing competitors this week ^_^

got a well deserved ass whooping for my luck recently ggs to sufys
Game 1 (loss):shaymin:
Game 2 (loss) :veluza:
Game 3 (win) :shaymin:

Game 1: off rip I'm terrified I made all 3 teams I had planned to use vs sufys with shaymin and game 1 I see goodra and scyther (local shaymin haters) as well this team doesn't have a good answer for scyther in general (flash fire arcanine is not worth it) despite this I see the out in the form of golurk just killing everything but unfortunately I foolishly try to make progress with shaymin that does nothing to scyther and have to sac too much of my team to deal with it some bad luck here and there I'm not able to pull off the tailwind on my tornadus to make golurk that scariest man alive and lose game 1

Game 2: I'm under full panic mode as I now don't want to use shaymin again so I instead load up a team I used in swiss featuring veluza unfortunately sufys (probably) recognizes this team and leads uturn decid (probably expecting the final gambit demon to try and click the button) pivoting back and forth between decid and bruxish leading out my houndstone to make progress eventually leading sufys to throw down a bunch of hazards as coal has a hard time getting rid of them and through good predicting and me expecting some weird choiced decid, packs this game up pretty easily for sufys causing me to lose series

Game 3: I had already lost at this point so I decided to go back to my guns and run a different shaymin team fortunately this game goes a lot better for me with scarf melo having almost nothing to stop her from girlbossing her way through sufys team after I chip it down while shaymin drops the ball a bit (HIT YOUR DAMN SEED FLARES) and getting even more scared when it hits and gives a defiant boost to tornadus, I eventually get sufys to burn tera letting melo unleash hyper voice spam and win the game

Overall while my original plan was to build around shaymin I kinda regret it seeing as it didn't do much in either of the games (I'm sorry my goat :shaymin:) but I still had fun overall and I'm glad I was nommed for BOTW (I had no idea this existed till I got nommed) gl to whoever plays in the next week
game 1:
inspired by this game i played last week, wanted to use something that can larp as specs duraludon, and goodra fit the bill... obviously in the real game tony didn't have a dragon resist or a scyther answer (flash fire arc is a bit of a fraud... standard curse arc with intimidate would've done pretty well here, especially since i changed goodra tera from ghost to dragon last minute...) + he got crit a bunch so didn't stand much of a chance & i took g1

game 2:
made this team immediately after g1 ended, wanted to use custap endeavor muds cos I thought it'd be funny, didn't get to show off endeavor though. ingame was fairly simple, was familiar with his team from pu swiss, got the calls right for the most part with with bruxish/decid vs coal's spin/flame which allowed me to keep up hazards and slowly whittle down his stuff & win the set.

game 3:
another impromptu build, except this time it was actually horrendous... i wanted to use band grimmsnarl because its quite strong + prankster trick is cool, but it's pretty damn bad in practice... normally i never forget to include a normal resist / (real) fairy resist but this time it happened & i got owned by scarf melo lmao. not sure if there was too much i could've done in game, definitely lost that one in the builder lmao

ggs, was definitely a lot of fun