Signups PUBD II - Player Signups (Custom Avatar Prize!!!) - Signups closed

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NUPL Champion
Welcome to our second iteration of PUBD! If you want to play, please signup here! For those unfamiliar with the tournament format, players that have signed up will be put into a pool of players and will be drafted by managers in a live auction (date TBD). Then, each team will be pit against each other in a round robin format to see who makes it to playoffs. The host for this tour will be me.

The slots played will be 2x SV PU - 1x SS PU - 1x SM PU - 1x ORAS PU - 1x BW PU - 1x DPP PU - 1x ADV PU - 1x GSC PU - 1x RBY PU

Tournament Format and Auction Information :
Auction Date 1st February 6pm GMT,
As per this post, the winning team will receive a custom avatar prize!
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Username: Oofhixd

Tiers Preferred (not binding) SS, SV, BW, RBY

Tiers NOT Played (binding) N/A

Time Zone GMT +0

Foreseeable Inactivity None longer than 3 days
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Username: Heatranator

Tiers Preferred (not binding) SV, BW

Tiers NOT Played (binding) SS, SM, DPP, GSC, RBY

Time Zone GMT +10

Foreseeable Inactivity None
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