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Heal Pulse (Aggron)
IF Silvally is to use Quiver Dance, THEN Taunt (Silvally).
IF Silvally is to target you with Thunder Wave, THEN Taunt (Silvally).
IF Silvally is to use Heal Block, THEN Taunt (Silvally).
Per what I said on discord, Aggron should be at 47 HP, Tapu Fini should be at 73, Silvally should be at 209, and I should have 6 steps of Light Screen left
Misty Terrain
IF Silvally is to use Defog, THEN Light Screen.
uses Defog
Light Screen went away!
Sandstorm also went away...
uses Superpower -8 EN Crit: no. 1d24 (17)
15 ATK + 3 STAB + 4 from Scribe +12 BAP = 34 x 3 = 102 DMG! used Light Screen (-10 EN)
Light Screen was up for 7 rounds! healed 6 HP from Leftovers
1d8 1
Silvally equips an Electric Memory. Electric Terrain was created!
Per what I said in Discord, Aggron should be at 39 HP, Silvally should be at 47, Temper Flare and Superpower should be noted on Sorcerer, and Slither Wing should be at -1 Atk/Def
Lifelines - 1 (Each round where you order first, you may use a Lifeline before your orders; but doing so worsens your rewards. Braggarts can't use Lifelines.)
Lifeline Cleanse - Remove all conditions from your Pokemon.
Lifeline Taunt - On each Boss, create the unique condition created by Taunt until the end of the round.
Silvally The Self-Perfecting Beast-Slaying Machine!
Once, the islands of Alola faced an incursion of bizarre invaders — Pokemon-like entities known as Ultra Beasts from beyond our world. Fearful of their power, a secret project was initiated to engineer a Pokemon capable of destroying them. The proposed living weapon would adapt itself based on battle data recorded from combat with the Ultra Beasts. Long before the project could be brought to fruition, however, the Ultra Beasts were brought to heel by the island's inhabitants and their guardians. The invaders, such as they were, were lost and confused in a dimension foreign to them, and an understanding was reached between the two groups.
However, the creators of the secret project remained paranoid of their quarry. In their haste to finish the weapon, they left them fatally flawed and incapable of telling friend from foe. Their initial test spelled disaster for their creators, and their unceasing mission to destroy possible threats spiraled out of control. Far from any trace of civilization, the creation that was made to protect the island from the extradimensional menace yet prowls, perceiving any life-form they meet as a threat to be laid low...
Camouflage: Normal | Nature Power: Multi-Attack | Secret Power: Lower the defender's Attack and Special Attack stages by one (1) for their next three (3) turns.
Rapid Beast-Killing Type Adaptation
Silvally starts with 17 Memory items—one of each type—in their Backpack.
When Silvally takes a hit from an Attack: For each type of that Attack, destroy the matching Memory item from Silvally's Backpack.
At the end of each round:
If Silvally has any Memory items in their Backpack: Destroy all items Silvally is holding; then, they equip one of those Memories at random.
Otherwise: The challenger loses the battle.
Type-Adapted Battle Procedures
Apply the appropriate effect of Silvally's current held Memory found in the hide tags below. Additionally, Silvally's Behavior varies depending on their currently held Memory item, found in the hide tags below. (If Silvally is holding no Memory, use the Normal data.)
Memory Effects and Moves:
When Silvally equips the Bug Memory: Reset Silvally's negative stat stages to 0.
Level 1:
Ancient Power
Brutal Swing
Confuse Ray
Double Team
Dual Chop
Echoed Voice
Force Palm
Helping Hand
High Horsepower
Mega Punch
Ominous Wind
Pain Split
Power-Up Punch
Quick Guard
Rain Dance
Rock Smash
Sand Tomb
Sucker Punch
Sunny Day
Vital Throw
Wide Guard
Level 2:
Arm Thrust
Close Combat
Dream Eater
Focus Punch
Hammer Arm
Power Whip
Secret Power
Take Down
HP: 285/777
Stats: 7/0/7/0/95
S/W: 4/5
Abilities: RKS System [Disabled by NGas, except when using a Piercing move]
Other: None
Bug, Dark, Dragon
Electric, Fairy
Grass, Ice
Rock, Water
Battle Conditions
Field Conditions
Sunny Day [9R]
Condition Limit
Sorcerer Seal
Focus Punch, Close Combat, Hammer Arm
Round 4:
Revenankh Mach Punch
C: [1=Yes]=7
D: [4+3+5+8-0]*1.5*3=90
[90 D Sil] [4 E Rev]
Dracozolt Dragon Claw
C: [1=Yes]=18
D: [8+3+7-0]=18
[18 D Sil] [6 E Dra]
Silvally Multi-Attack
C: [1=Yes]=21
D: [12+3+2+7-7]=17
[17 D Dra]
Silvally Astral Barrage
Revenankh was Covered, and was not hit
Roll Order: Weezing, Dracozolt
C: [1=Yes]=13, 1=Crit Dracozolt
D (Wee): [12+2+7-5]*0.67=11
D (Dra): [12+3+2+7-5]*0.67=13
[11 D Wee] [13 D Dra]
Silvally Flamethrower
C: 1=RNG, are you okay?
E: 74=No
D: (9+3+3+2+7-5)=19
(19 D Wee)
Weezing fainted!
Dragon Memory was Destroyed
Roll: [1d10]=8=Poison
[+2 SpD 4R Sil] Team Epicdrill:
HP: KO/85
EN: 79/100
Stats: 7/9/6/5/60
S/W: 5/2
Abilities: Levitate, Neutralizing Gas
Item: Leftovers
Other: KO