Facility Raid Frontier: Mowtom


Take a deep breath
:choice specs: Choice Specs
:leftovers: Leftovers
:light clay: Light Clay
Protector No vocation

Altaria [Advent]

Level: 1 || Exp: 0/10

Type: Dragon / Flying
Abilities: Natural Cure / Cloud Nine (Locked)

Nature: Quirky
HP: 90
Atk: 5
Def: 7
SpA: 5
SpD: 8
Spe: 80
Size: 2
Weight: 2

Level 0:
Aerial Ace
Brave Bird
Dazzling Gleam
Dragon Claw
Dragon Pulse
Heal Bell
Hone Claws
Hyper Voice
Ice Beam
Play Rough
Sleep Talk

Level 1:
Air Cutter
Disarming Voice
Double Team
Dragon Breath
Dragon Dance
Dual Wingbeat
Echoed Voice
False Swipe
Feather Dance
Fire Spin
Helping Hand
Ominous Wind
Rain Dance
Rock Smash
Steel Wing
Sunny Day
Weather Ball
Supporter No vocation

Lunatone [League]

Level: 1 || Exp: 0/10

Type: Rock / Psychic
Abilities: Levitate

Nature: Quirky
HP: 95
Atk: 4
Def: 5
SpA: 7
SpD: 6
Spe: 70
Size: 2
Weight: 5

Level 0:
Calm Mind
Earth Power
Heal Block
Ice Beam
Iron Head
Light Screen
Nasty Plot
Power Gem
Rock Polish
Rock Slide
Shadow Ball
Signal Beam
Sleep Talk
Zen Headbutt

Level 1:
Ancient Power
Cosmic Power
Defense Curl
Double Team
Helping Hand
Pain Split
Psychic Terrain
Rain Dance
Rock Throw
Sand Tomb
Stealth Rock
Weather Ball
Aggressor No vocation

Centiskorch [Cashaw]

Level: 1 || Exp: 0/10

Type: Fire / Bug
Abilities: Flash Fire / White Smoke / Flame Body (Locked)

Nature: Quirky
HP: 95
Atk: 8
Def: 5
SpA: 7
SpD: 7
Spe: 65
Size: 3
Weight: 5

Level 0:
Bug Bite
Bug Buzz
Fire Fang
Sleep Talk
Thunder Fang

Level 1:
Brutal Swing
Defense Curl
Fire Spin
Flame Wheel
Sunny Day
Vs. The Spectacular Spore-verlord!
Level 1 (Hard)
The Spectacular Spore-verlord!

Typing: Grass/Poison
Abilities: Effect Spore
Traits: Boss, Unfainting

Phase 1 HP: 250
Attack: 6
Defen.: 5
Sp.Atk: 6
Sp.Def: 6
Speed: 30
Size: 10
Weight: 20

Phase 1 Behavior

Choose action, target PRRandom action, Choose target
:poison barb:Piercing Giga Drain +5
:poison barb:Piercing Clear Smog +5
Night Shade
Hex x2
Stomping Tantrum x2​
:poison barb:Piercing Stun Spore
:x speed3:Triple-Speed Toxic
:x speed3:Triple-Speed Spore
Growth x2
Synthesis x2​
:sv/brute bonnet:
Brute Bonnet
The Truly Terrifying Toadstool Tyrant!

Typing: Grass/Dark
Abilities: Protosynthesis, Leaf Guard
Traits: Boss, Unfainting

Phase 3 HP: 250
Attack: 9
Defen.: 7
Sp.Atk: 6
Sp.Def: 7
Speed: 55
Size: 20
Weight: 20

Phase 3 Behavior

Rotating action, target PRRandom action, target SU or AGChoose action, choose target
only if a Raider has a Major Status
These actions are performed in the listed rotation.​
"??" stands in for thrice the current round count.​
1. :poison barb:Piercing Seed Bomb +??
2. :poison barb:Piercing Payback +??
3. :poison barb:Piercing Close Combat +??​
Confuse Ray
Sunny Day
Venoshock x2
Trailblaze +5​
:poison barb:Piercing Stun Spore
:poison barb:Piercing Toxic
Growth x2
Solar Beam +10​
The Type-Stealing General!

Typing: Grass/Ground
Abilities: Mycelium Might

Phase 2 HP: 80
Attack: 5
Defen.: 5
Sp.Atk: 6
Sp.Def: 9
Speed: 100
Size: 4
Weight: 4

Phase 2 Behavior

Choose action, assigned target
Reflect Type
Confuse Ray
Earth Power +5
Giga Drain +5
Foul Play +5​
The Victim-Indicating General!

Typing: Grass/Fairy
Abilities: Illuminate

Phase 2 HP: 80
Attack: 4
Defen.: 6
Sp.Atk: 7
Sp.Def: 7
Speed: 30
Size: 2
Weight: 2

Phase 2 Behavior

Choose action, assigned target
Strength Sap x2
Moonblast +5
Dream Eater +5
Weather Ball +5​
The Brute-Force General!

Typing: Grass/Fighting
Abilities: ---

Phase 2 HP: 80
Attack: 9
Defen.: 6
Sp.Atk: 5
Sp.Def: 5
Speed: 70
Size: 3
Weight: 3

Phase 2 Behavior

Choose action, assigned target
Gunk Shot x2
Focus Punch x2
Brick Break x2
Thunder Punch x2
Stone Edge x2​
Phase Progression
  1. :amoonguss:Amoonguss (★) x1
  2. :toedscruel:Toedscruel, :shiinotic:Shiinotic, :breloom:Breloom x1 each
  3. :brute bonnet:Brute Bonnet (★) x1

Sporrible Swamp
The mushrooms have risen... and they intend to spread all over the surface of the globe! Their main node: this foggy swamp where you swear every root is a writhing piece of mycelium... The air is thick with latent spores and you've taken precautions to obstruct your mouth and nose. There! In the stump of a once-great tree! There's the Spore-verlord!

Camouflage: Grass | Nature Power: Spore | Secret Power: 20% chance to inflict Sleep on the defender.​

Phase 1 - Spore Proliferation
Phase 2 - Dramatic Duels
As this phase starts, pair each minion with a different random raider, who becomes the minion's assigned target (even if any raiders are fainted). Each minion's behaviors refers to their assigned target.​
While any Minion has positive remaining HP during this phase: Minions are Unfainting.​

Phase 3 - Neurotoxic Reversion
As this phase starts, discard any Weather in play; then, if no other Weather is in play, create Sun with indefinite duration.​

Player Progress: Phases Completed / 3
Entry Cost: 7 :tea:JC​
Progress: 7 EXP for each raider.​
Victory: 3 EXP more for each raider.​
First-Time Victory: :rocky helmet:Engineer, :utility umbrella:Reporter, and :pretty wing:Scribe vocations​

Referee Progress: Rounds reffed by that referee / Total Rounds.
Progress: 3:amulet coin:RC, 6:tea:JC​
Completion: 2 more:tea:JC​

Cheat Sheet
Player Limits
Each phase, raiders can only make Protection, Evasive, and Helping Hand once each.​
Raiders' conditions, except Major Status, on Bosses don't last passed the end of the round.​
Bosses (but not Minions) are unaffected by Sleep, Freeze, Flinching, Sluggish, by the move Encore, and by Frost markers.​
Action Limit
Each phase, raiders may execute Instruct only once; and not in the same round as Helping Hand. (It's still strong to do this in different rounds.)​
Stage Limit
The maximum stat stages of raiders, and the minimum stat stages of Bosses, are all halved.​
Stage changes on Raid opponents, that would last an amount of turns, instead last that many steps.​
HP Filter
Treat Boss HP (max and current) as being no more than 100 for the effects of moves. (Super Fang, Pain Split, Mind Blown, etc.)​
Other Filters
Boss actions can't (typically) miss.​
Bosses and Minions don't have Energy, and their actions cost nothing.​

Behavior Modifier List
Actions used by Raid Opponents may have Raid-Action Modifiers. These modifiers add more effect text to the specific action they modify, after that action's own text.
Piercing - ex. ":poison barb:Piercing Psystrike"
While the user is performing this move:​
The effects of abilities, items, types, and moves of opposing teams; as well as any conditions and markers created by those teams; are all ignored.​
(Type effectiveness isn't an effect. Represented with :poison barb:.)​

Double-Speed - ex. ":x speed2:Double-Speed Psystrike"
Sort this move in the turn sequence as if the user's Speed was Doubled (x2).​
(Represented with :x speed2:.)​

Triple-Speed - ex. ":x speed3:Triple-Speed Psystrike"
Sort this move in the turn sequence as if the user's Speed was Tripled (x3).​
(Represented with :x speed3:.)​
Wide - ex. ":wide lens:Wide Psystrike"
This move's targeting scope is expanded, as if it was a Z-Move with the Z-Wide prefix.​
(Represented with :wide lens:.)​

Addition N - ex. "Psystrike +10"
This moves deals [N] more damage with hits.​

Multiplication N - ex. "Psystrike x2"
If this move would deal damage with hits, or if an effect of this move would heals HP; instead, it deals or heals [N] times (x[N]) that much.​
If this move would raise the stages of the user or their allies, or lower the stages of any opponents; instead, it changes those stages by [N] times (x[N]) as much.​

Fixed Damage N - ex. "Psystrike =10"
This move deals fixed damage; also, its BAP is always [N].​
Vocation List

:ability shield:Protectors are targeted with more attacks than any other role.
:auspicious armor:Bodyguard
The user has Covering. Their hidden Pokemon is the Aggressor. (If there is more than one Aggressor, the user covers no one with this effect.)​
:assault vest:Commando
The user can hold up to three (3) items.​
When another ally consumes or drops an item: Restore that item, then move it to the user.​
:safety goggles:Daredevil
The user's Evasion stage is increased by one (1).​
While no actions have missed the user this round: Boss actions can't automatically pass their accuracy checks. (It is possible for them to miss the user.)​
The user has Defense Aid.​
If damage to the user would be increased by an action's Addition modifier (like "Trailblaze +10"); instead, the attacker takes that much damage.​
:rocky helmet:Engineer
The HP of Decoys created by the user is doubled (x2).​
:ability shield:Paladin
The user is Bonus-Proof.​
If damage to the user or their allies would be increased by an action's Addition modifier (like "Trailblaze +10"); instead, the user loses half x(0.5) that much HP.​
:covert cloak:Supporters get more substitutions, to respond to the enemy's actions and support their allies.
:room service:Butler
This Vocation starts the battle with two (2) Service markers on it.​
At the end of each round, unless ordered otherwise, if this Vocation has any Service markers: Remove a Service marker from this Vocation, then restore each item that each raider has consumed.​

:galarica wreath:Cleric
When the user creates a Condition on an ally, removes a Condition from an ally, or raises an ally's stage(s) that was at or below zero: The user heals that ally for 8 HP.​

:protective pads:Rearguard
At the end of the round, unless ordered otherwise, if the Protector has less percent HP remaining than the user: The user and the Protector exchange roles and vocations, even if one or both are fainted.​
:utility umbrella:Reporter
Weather created by the user has the following additional effect:​
● If this condition would be discarded for the first time; instead, it isn't.​
(This doesn't prevent other Weather from existing alongside your Weather.)​
:wise glasses:Tutor
The Aggressor knows Physical and Special moves originally known by the user.​
The Protector knows Other-category moves originally known by the user.​

:covert cloak:Thief
When an effect of the user lowers another Pokemon's stat stage: Raise a particular ally's same stat stage by one (1) for the same duration, depending on the stat:​
  • Attack or Special Attack: Raise the stage of the Aggressor.
  • Defense or Special Defense: Raise the stage of the Protector.
:punching glove:Aggressors deal greatly increased damage. The other roles typically work to protect them.
:malicious armor:Blackguard
If an ally's stat stages would be raised by an effect; instead, the user's stat stages are raised.​
If a condition would be created by an ally, on an ally; instead, that condition is created on the user, instead.​
:loaded dice:Gambler
At the start of the raid, and at the end of each round: Note each of the following on this vocation.​
  • A Type, chosen at random from among all Types.
  • A Power Bonus, chosen at random from 1 to 8 with equal odds.
  • A core stat stage, chosen at random from among the four core stats.
The user is the last noted Type, their attacks are given the last noted Power Bonus, and their last noted stat stage is treated as though it were maximized.​
:twisted spoon:Psychic
The user's attacks are Special, and the user's Special Attack rank is at least 12.​

:punching glove:Pugilist
The user's attacks are Physical, and the user's Attack rank is at least 12.​
:pretty wing:Scribe
When a raid opponent uses a standard move: The user learns that move as a borrowed move for the rest of the battle.​
(Standard moves are any move in the Data Audit, as it exists in the Data Audit, except Z-Moves and Max Moves.)​
When the user attacks with a borrowed move, that they didn't originally know: Give that attack a Power Bonus of four (4).​
:lustrous orb:Sorcerer
When the user completes a super-effective attack: Note that attack's names on this vocation until the end of the Raid.​
When the user attacks: Give that attack a Power Bonus, equal to the two plus the number of names noted on this vocation (2 + names).​
The user can't attempt attacks with any of the names noted on this vocation.​

Challenge Start!
*puff puff puff*
Amoonguss awaits your next move...
Mowtom to send out, equip, and order
"This is the only round I carefully planned out in advance. Let's go!"
Advent the Altaria @ Leftovers
Sunny Day
your turn starts IF any ally has a major status THEN Heal Bell
:light clay:
League the Lunatone @ Light Clay

:choice specs:
Cashaw the Centiskorch @ Choice Specs
Flamethrower (Amoonguss)
*puff puff*

Piercing Clear Smog +5 (Altaria), Synthesis x2

Phase 1, Round 1

Advent :leftovers: Leftovers
HP: 90/90, EN: 100/100, Stats: 5/7/5/8/80, Typing: Dragon / Flying, Abilities: Natural Cure
Role: Protector, Vocation: None, Status: OK
League :light clay: Light Clay
HP: 95/95, EN: 100/100, Stats: 4/5/7/6/70, Typing: Rock / Psychic, Abilities: Levitate
Role: Supporter, Vocation: None, Status: Hovering
Cashaw :choice specs: Choice Specs
HP: 95/95, EN: 100/100, Stats: 8/5/11/7/65, Typing: Fire / Bug, Abilities: Flash Fire / White Smoke
Role: Aggressor, Vocation: None, Status: OK
Field: Clear
Battlefield: Clear​
Spore Proliferation
The Spectacular Spore-verlord
HP: 250/250, Stats: 6/5/6/6/30, Typing: Grass / Poison, Abilities: Effect Spore
Traits: Boss, Unfainting, Status: OK
Field: Clear​

Lunatone floats above the battlefield... (Distant)

Altaria used Sunny Day! (-10 EN)
The sunlight got bright! (Sun, 5 rounds)

Lunatone used Safeguard! (-10 EN)
Lunatone's team was protected from status! (Safeguard, 10 steps)

Centiskorch used Flamethrower on Amoonguss! (-7 EN)
Crit (1, d24): 23 (No), Burn (1, d10): 4 (No)
((9 + 3 + (11 - 6) + 3)*1.5)*3 = 90
Centiskorch heated up! (1 Heat)

Amoonguss used Clear Smog on Altaria!
Crit (1, d24): 12 (No)
(5 + 3 + (6 - 8))*1 + 5 = 11
Altaria's stat stages returned to normal.
Amoonguss used Synthesis!
Amoonguss recovered HP! (+60 HP)

Altaria munched on its leftovers! (+6 HP)

:foongus: Round Summary :foongus:
:altaria: HP: -11+6 = -5
:altaria: EN: -10
:lunatone: HP: -0
:lunatone: EN: -10
:centiskorch: HP: -0
:centiskorch: EN: -7
:amoonguss: HP: -90+60 = -30
Advent :leftovers: Leftovers
HP: 85/90, EN: 90/100, Stats: 5/7/5/8/80, Typing: Dragon / Flying, Abilities: Natural Cure
Role: Protector, Vocation: None, Status: OK
League :light clay: Light Clay
HP: 95/95, EN: 90/100, Stats: 4/5/7/6/70, Typing: Rock / Psychic, Abilities: Levitate
Role: Supporter, Vocation: None, Status: Hovering
Cashaw :choice specs: Choice Specs
HP: 95/95, EN: 93/100, Stats: 8/5/11/7/65, Typing: Fire / Bug, Abilities: Flash Fire / White Smoke
Role: Aggressor, Vocation: None, Status: Heat (1)
Field: Safeguard (9 steps)
Battlefield: Sunny (4 rounds)​
Spore Proliferation
The Spectacular Spore-verlord
HP: 220/250, Stats: 6/5/6/6/30, Typing: Grass / Poison, Abilities: Effect Spore
Traits: Boss, Unfainting, Status: OK
Field: Clear​
*puffing angrily*
Amoonguss awaits your next move...
Mowtom to order
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"You know, I totally could have noticed that I have Heal Block last round. Oh well."
Helping Hand (Centiskorch)
:light clay:
the step starts IF Amoongus is to use Synthesis THEN Heal Block
:choice specs:
Flamethrower (Amoonguss)

Piercing Clear Smog +5 (Altaria), Growth x2

Phase 1, Round 2

Advent :leftovers: Leftovers
HP: 85/90, EN: 90/100, Stats: 5/7/5/8/80, Typing: Dragon / Flying, Abilities: Natural Cure
Role: Protector, Vocation: None, Status: OK
League :light clay: Light Clay
HP: 95/95, EN: 90/100, Stats: 4/5/7/6/70, Typing: Rock / Psychic, Abilities: Levitate
Role: Supporter, Vocation: None, Status: Hovering
Cashaw :choice specs: Choice Specs
HP: 95/95, EN: 93/100, Stats: 8/5/11/7/65, Typing: Fire / Bug, Abilities: Flash Fire / White Smoke
Role: Aggressor, Vocation: None, Status: Heat (1)
Field: Safeguard (9 steps)
Battlefield: Sunny (4 rounds)​
Spore Proliferation
The Spectacular Spore-verlord
HP: 220/250, Stats: 6/5/6/6/30, Typing: Grass / Poison, Abilities: Effect Spore
Traits: Boss, Unfainting, Status: OK
Field: Clear​

Altaria used Helping Hand on Centiskorch! (-12 EN)
Altaria helped Centiskorch with the power of friendship! (Helping Hand)

Lunatone used Reflect! (-10 EN)
Lunatone's team was protected from Physical attacks! (Reflect, 10 steps)

Centiskorch used Flamethrower on Amoonguss! (-7 EN)
Crit (1, d24): 16 (No), Burn (1, d10): 5 (No)
((9 + 3 + (12 - 6) + (3 + 9))*1.5)*3 = 135
Centiskorch heated up! (2 Heat)

Amoonguss used Clear Smog on Altaria!
Crit (1, d24): 23 (No)
(5 + 3 + (6 - 8))*1 + 5 = 11
Altaria's stat stages returned to normal.
Amoonguss used Growth!
Amoonguss's Attack drastically rose! (+4 Atk, next 5 turns)
Amoonguss's Special Attack drastically rose! (+4 SpA, next 5 turns)
Amoonguss grew in size! (Growth, +4 Size)

Altaria munched on its leftovers! (+6 HP)

:foongus: Round Summary :foongus:
:altaria: HP: -11+6 = -5
:altaria: EN: -12
:lunatone: HP: -0
:lunatone: EN: -10
:centiskorch: HP: -0
:centiskorch: EN: -7
:amoonguss: HP: -135
Advent :leftovers: Leftovers
HP: 80/90, EN: 78/100, Stats: 5/7/5/8/80, Typing: Dragon / Flying, Abilities: Natural Cure
Role: Protector, Vocation: None, Status: OK
League :light clay: Light Clay
HP: 95/95, EN: 80/100, Stats: 4/5/7/6/70, Typing: Rock / Psychic, Abilities: Levitate
Role: Supporter, Vocation: None, Status: Hovering
Cashaw :choice specs: Choice Specs
HP: 95/95, EN: 86/100, Stats: 8/5/11/7/65, Typing: Fire / Bug, Abilities: Flash Fire / White Smoke
Role: Aggressor, Vocation: None, Status: Heat (2)
Field: Safeguard (8 steps), Reflect (9 steps)
Battlefield: Sunny (3 rounds)​
Spore Proliferation
The Spectacular Spore-verlord
HP: 85/250, Stats: 6/5/6/6/30, Typing: Grass / Poison, Abilities: Effect Spore
Traits: Boss, Unfainting, Status: +4 Atk (5 turns), +4 SpA (5 turns), Growth (+4 Size)
Field: Clear​
*puff puff*
Amoonguss awaits your next move...
Mowtom to order
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"Time for the next phase!"
:light clay:
Light Screen
the step starts IF Amoonguss is to use Synthesis THEN Heal Block
:choice specs:
Flamethrower (Amoonguss)
*puff puff puff puff*

Piercing Clear Smog +5 (Altaria), Growth x2

Phase 1, Round 3

Advent :leftovers: Leftovers
HP: 80/90, EN: 78/100, Stats: 5/7/5/8/80, Typing: Dragon / Flying, Abilities: Natural Cure
Role: Protector, Vocation: None, Status: OK
League :light clay: Light Clay
HP: 95/95, EN: 80/100, Stats: 4/5/7/6/70, Typing: Rock / Psychic, Abilities: Levitate
Role: Supporter, Vocation: None, Status: Hovering, Distant
Cashaw :choice specs: Choice Specs
HP: 95/95, EN: 86/100, Stats: 8/5/11/7/65, Typing: Fire / Bug, Abilities: Flash Fire / White Smoke
Role: Aggressor, Vocation: None, Status: Heat (2)
Field: Safeguard (8 steps), Reflect (9 steps)
Battlefield: Sunny (3 rounds)​
Spore Proliferation
The Spectacular Spore-verlord
HP: 85/250, Stats: 6/5/6/6/30, Typing: Grass / Poison, Abilities: Effect Spore
Traits: Boss, Unfainting, Status: +4 Atk (5 turns), +4 SpA (5 turns), Growth (+4 Size)
Field: Clear​

Altaria used Haze! (-6 EN)
The stat stages of every Pokémon returned to normal.

Lunatone used Light Screen! (-10 EN)
Lunatone's team was protected from Special attacks! (Light Screen, 10 steps)

Centiskorch used Flamethrower on Amoonguss! (-7 EN)
Crit (1, d24): 4 (No), Burn (1, d10): 4 (No)
((9 + 3 + (13 - 6) + 3)*1.5)*3 = 99
Centiskorch heated up! (3 Heat)

Amoonguss used Clear Smog on Altaria!
Crit (1, d24): 8 (No)
(5 + 3 + (6 - 8))*1 + 5 = 11
Altaria's stat stages returned to normal.
Amoonguss used Growth!
Amoonguss's Attack drastically rose! (+4 Atk, next 5 turns)
Amoonguss's Special Attack drastically rose! (+4 SpA, next 5 turns)
Amoonguss grew in size! (Growth, +4 Size)

Altaria munched on its leftovers! (+6 HP)

:foongus: Round Summary :foongus:
:altaria: HP: -11+6 = -5
:altaria: EN: -6
:lunatone: HP: -0
:lunatone: EN: -10
:centiskorch: HP: -0
:centiskorch: EN: -7
:amoonguss: HP: -99
Advent :leftovers: Leftovers
HP: 75/90, EN: 72/100, Stats: 5/7/5/8/80, Typing: Dragon / Flying, Abilities: Natural Cure
Role: Protector, Vocation: None, Status: OK
League :light clay: Light Clay
HP: 95/95, EN: 70/100, Stats: 4/5/7/6/70, Typing: Rock / Psychic, Abilities: Levitate
Role: Supporter, Vocation: None, Status: Hovering, Distant
Cashaw :choice specs: Choice Specs
HP: 95/95, EN: 79/100, Stats: 8/5/11/7/65, Typing: Fire / Bug, Abilities: Flash Fire / White Smoke
Role: Aggressor, Vocation: None, Status: Heat (3)
Field: Safeguard (7 steps), Reflect (8 steps), Light Screen (9 steps)
Battlefield: Sunny (2 rounds)​
Dramatic Duels
The Spectacular Spore-verlord
HP: -14/250, Stats: 6/5/6/6/30, Typing: Grass / Poison, Abilities: Effect Spore
Traits: Boss, Unfainting, Status: +4 Atk (5 turns), +4 SpA (5 turns), Growth (+4 Size)
The Type-Stealing General
HP: 80/80, Stats: 5/5/6/9/100, Typing: Grass / Ground, Abilities: Mycelium Might
Target: Supporter, Status: OK
The Victim-Indicating General
HP: 80/80, Stats: 4/6/7/7/30, Typing: Grass / Fairy, Abilities: Illuminate
Target: Aggressor, Status: OK
The Brute-Force General
HP: 80/80, Stats: 9/6/5/5/70, Typing: Grass / Fighting, Abilities: None
Target: Protector, Status: OK
Field: Clear​
*puff puff puff*
The Mushroom Generals await your next move...
Mowtom to order
"Well, I know what type Toedscruel will be this round. So let's just sorta..."
Brave Bird (Breloom)
:light clay:
Psychic (Breloom)
the step starts IF Toedscruel is to use Spore THEN Weather Ball (Toedscruel)
WHEN the step starts IF Toedscruel is to use Reflect Type THEN Weather Ball (Toedscruel)
WHEN the step starts IF Toedscruel is to use Confuse Ray THEN Weather Ball (Toedscruel)
:choice specs:
Flamethrower (Toedscruel)
Reflect Type (Lunatone)

Weather Ball +5 (Centiskorch)

Stone Edge x2 (Altaria)

Phase 2, Round 4

Advent :leftovers: Leftovers
HP: 75/90, EN: 72/100, Stats: 5/7/5/8/80, Typing: Dragon / Flying, Abilities: Natural Cure
Role: Protector, Vocation: None, Status: OK
League :light clay: Light Clay
HP: 95/95, EN: 70/100, Stats: 4/5/7/6/70, Typing: Rock / Psychic, Abilities: Levitate
Role: Supporter, Vocation: None, Status: Hovering, Distant
Cashaw :choice specs: Choice Specs
HP: 95/95, EN: 79/100, Stats: 8/5/11/7/65, Typing: Fire / Bug, Abilities: Flash Fire / White Smoke
Role: Aggressor, Vocation: None, Status: Heat (3)
Field: Safeguard (7 steps), Reflect (8 steps), Light Screen (9 steps)
Battlefield: Sunny (2 rounds)​
Dramatic Duels
The Type-Stealing General
HP: 80/80, Stats: 5/5/6/9/100, Typing: Grass / Ground, Abilities: Mycelium Might
Target: Supporter, Status: OK
The Victim-Indicating General
HP: 80/80, Stats: 4/6/7/7/30, Typing: Grass / Fairy, Abilities: Illuminate
Target: Aggressor, Status: OK
The Brute-Force General
HP: 80/80, Stats: 9/6/5/5/70, Typing: Grass / Fighting, Abilities: None
Target: Protector, Status: OK
Field: Clear​

Altaria used Brave Bird on Breloom! (-8 EN)
Crit (1, d24): 19 (No)
(12 + 3 + (5 - 6))*2 = 28
Altaria was hurt by the recoil! (-6 HP)

Lunatone used Weather Ball on Toedscruel! (-7 EN)
Crit (1, d24): 1 (Yes)
(10 + 3 + (7 - 9) + (3 - 3))*1.5 => 17

Breloom used Stone Edge on Altaria!
Miss (5, d5): 4 (No), Crit (1, d8): 1 (Yes)
((10 + 3 + (9 - 7))*1.5)*2 = 45

Centiskorch used Flamethrower on Toedscruel! (-7 EN)
Crit (1, d24): 10 (No), Burn (1, d10): 6 (No)
((9 + 3 + (14 - 9) + (3 - 3))*1.5)*3 => 77
Centiskorch heated up! (4 Heat)

Shiinotic used Weather Ball on Centiskorch!
Crit (1, d24): 10 (No)
(10 + (7 - 12) + 3)*1 = 8

Toedscruel used Reflect Type!
Toedscruel copied Lunatone's type! (Rock / Psychic)

Altaria munched on its leftovers! (+6 HP)

:foongus: Round Summary :foongus:
:altaria: HP: -6-45+6 = -45
:altaria: EN: -8
:lunatone: HP: -0
:lunatone: EN: -7
:centiskorch: HP: -8
:centiskorch: EN: -7
:toedscruel: HP: -17-77 = -94
:shiinotic: HP: -0
:breloom: HP: -28
Advent :leftovers: Leftovers
HP: 30/90, EN: 64/100, Stats: 5/7/5/8/80, Typing: Dragon / Flying, Abilities: Natural Cure
Role: Protector, Vocation: None, Status: -1 Evasion
League :light clay: Light Clay
HP: 95/95, EN: 63/100, Stats: 4/5/7/6/70, Typing: Rock / Psychic, Abilities: Levitate
Role: Supporter, Vocation: None, Status: Hovering, Distant, -1 Evasion
Cashaw :choice specs: Choice Specs
HP: 87/95, EN: 72/100, Stats: 8/5/11/7/65, Typing: Fire / Bug, Abilities: Flash Fire / White Smoke
Role: Aggressor, Vocation: None, Status: Heat (4)
Field: Safeguard (6 steps), Reflect (7 steps), Light Screen (8 steps), -1 Evasion
Battlefield: Sunny (1 round)​
Dramatic Duels
The Type-Stealing General
HP: -7/80, Stats: 5/5/6/9/100, Typing: Rock / Psychic, Abilities: Mycelium Might
Target: Supporter, Status: Reflect Type
The Victim-Indicating General
HP: 80/80, Stats: 4/6/7/7/30, Typing: Grass / Fairy, Abilities: Illuminate
Target: Aggressor, Status: OK
The Brute-Force General
HP: 52/80, Stats: 9/6/5/5/70, Typing: Grass / Fighting, Abilities: None
Target: Protector, Status: OK
Field: Clear​
*puff puff puff*
The Mushroom Generals await your next move...
Mowtom to order
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Giga Drain +5 (Lunatone)

Weather Ball +5 (Centiskorch)

Stone Edge x2 (Altaria)

Phase 2, Round 5

Advent :leftovers: Leftovers
HP: 30/90, EN: 64/100, Stats: 5/7/5/8/80, Typing: Dragon / Flying, Abilities: Natural Cure
Role: Protector, Vocation: None, Status: -1 Evasion
League :light clay: Light Clay
HP: 95/95, EN: 63/100, Stats: 4/5/7/6/70, Typing: Rock / Psychic, Abilities: Levitate
Role: Supporter, Vocation: None, Status: Hovering, -1 Evasion
Cashaw :choice specs: Choice Specs
HP: 87/95, EN: 72/100, Stats: 8/5/11/7/65, Typing: Fire / Bug, Abilities: Flash Fire / White Smoke
Role: Aggressor, Vocation: None, Status: Heat (4), -1 Evasion
Field: Safeguard (6 steps), Reflect (7 steps), Light Screen (8 steps)
Battlefield: Sunny (1 round)​
Dramatic Duels
The Type-Stealing General
HP: -7/80, Stats: 5/5/6/9/100, Typing: Rock / Psychic, Abilities: Mycelium Might
Target: Supporter, Status: Reflect Type
The Victim-Indicating General
HP: 80/80, Stats: 4/6/7/7/30, Typing: Grass / Fairy, Abilities: Illuminate
Target: Aggressor, Status: OK
The Brute-Force General
HP: 52/80, Stats: 9/6/5/5/70, Typing: Grass / Fighting, Abilities: None
Target: Protector, Status: OK
Field: Clear​

Lunatone used Helping Hand on Altaria! (-12 EN)
Lunatone helped Altaria with the power of friendship! (Helping Hand)

Toedscruel used Giga Drain on Lunatone!
Crit (1, d24): 22 (No)
(8 + (6 - 12))*1.5 + 5 = 8
Toedscruel drained energy! (+4 HP)

Altaria used Brave Bird on Breloom! (-8 EN)
Crit (1, d24): 23 (No)
(12 + 3 + (5 - 6) + 12)*2 = 52
Altaria was hurt by the recoil! (-10 HP)

Breloom used Stone Edge on Altaria!
Miss (5, d5): 1 (No), Crit (1, d8): 4 (No)
((10 + (9 - 12))*1.5)*2 = 21
:reaper cloth: Altaria fainted!

Centiskorch used Flamethrower on Shiinotic! (-7 EN)
Crit (1, d24): 6 (No), Burn (1, d10): 4 (No)
((9 + 3 + (15 - 7) + 3)*1.5)*3 => 104
Centiskorch heated up! (5 Heat)
:reaper cloth: Toedscruel fainted!
:reaper cloth: Shiinotic fainted!
:reaper cloth: Breloom fainted!

:foongus: Round Summary :foongus:
:altaria: HP: -10-21 = -31
:altaria: EN: -8
:lunatone: HP: -13
:lunatone: EN: -12
:centiskorch: HP: -0
:centiskorch: EN: -7
:toedscruel: HP: +4
:shiinotic: HP: -104
:breloom: HP: -52
Advent :leftovers: Leftovers
HP: 0/90, EN: 0/100, Stats: 5/7/5/8/80, Typing: Dragon / Flying, Abilities: Natural Cure
Role: Protector, Vocation: None, Status: Fainted
League :light clay: Light Clay
HP: 82/95, EN: 51/100, Stats: 4/5/7/6/70, Typing: Rock / Psychic, Abilities: Levitate
Role: Supporter, Vocation: None, Status: Hovering
Cashaw :choice specs: Choice Specs
HP: 87/95, EN: 65/100, Stats: 8/5/11/7/65, Typing: Fire / Bug, Abilities: Flash Fire / White Smoke
Role: Aggressor, Vocation: None, Status: Heat (5)
Field: Safeguard (5 steps), Reflect (6 steps), Light Screen (7 steps)
Battlefield: Sunny​
Neurotoxic Reversion
The Type-Stealing General
HP: 0/80, Stats: 5/5/6/9/100, Typing: Grass / Ground, Abilities: Mycelium Might
Target: Supporter, Status: Fainted
The Victim-Indicating General
HP: 0/80, Stats: 4/6/7/7/30, Typing: Grass / Fairy, Abilities: Illuminate
Target: Aggressor, Status: Fainted
The Brute-Force General
HP: 0/80, Stats: 9/6/5/5/70, Typing: Grass / Fighting, Abilities: None
Target: Protector, Status: Fainted
:sv/brute bonnet:
The Truly Terrifying Toadstool Tyrant
HP: 250/250, Stats: 11/7/6/7/55, Typing: Grass / Dark, Abilities: Protosynthesis / Leaf Guard
Boss, Unfainting, Status: Burned (Flash Fire)
Field: Clear​
:sv/brute bonnet:
The Truly Terrifying Toadstool Tyrant awaits your next move!
Mowtom to order
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"The final showdown. You won't get away with your plans for much longer, Spore-verlord!"
:light clay:
Helping Hand (Centiskorch)
the step starts IF Brute Bonnet is to use Trailblaze THEN Signal Beam (Brute Bonnet)
:choice specs:
Bug Buzz (Brute Bonnet)
:sv/brute bonnet:
Piercing Seed Bomb +18 (Lunatone), Sunny Day

Phase 2, Round 6

League :light clay: Light Clay
HP: 82/95, EN: 51/100, Stats: 4/5/7/6/70, Typing: Rock / Psychic, Abilities: Levitate
Role: Supporter, Vocation: None, Status: Hovering
Cashaw :choice specs: Choice Specs
HP: 87/95, EN: 65/100, Stats: 8/5/11/7/65, Typing: Fire / Bug, Abilities: Flash Fire / White Smoke
Role: Aggressor, Vocation: None, Status: Heat (5)
Field: Safeguard (5 steps), Reflect (6 steps), Light Screen (7 steps)
Battlefield: Sunny​
Neurotoxic Reversion
:sv/brute bonnet:
The Truly Terrifying Toadstool Tyrant
HP: 250/250, Stats: 11/7/6/7/55, Typing: Grass / Dark, Abilities: Protosynthesis / Leaf Guard
Boss, Unfainting, Status: Burned (Flash Fire)
Field: Clear​
:lunatone:>:centiskorch:>:brute bonnet:

Lunatone used Helping Hand on Centiskorch! (-12 EN)
Lunatone helped Centiskorch with the power of friendship! (Helping Hand)

Centiskorch used Bug Buzz on Brute Bonnet! (-7 EN)
Crit (1, d24): 2 (No), Drop (1, d10): 3 (No)
((9 + 3 + (11 - 7) + 9)*2)*3 = 150

:brute bonnet:
Brute Bonnet used Seed Bomb on Lunatone!
Crit (1, d24): 9 (No)
(8 + 3 + (11 - 5))*1.5 + 18 => 44
Brute Bonnet used Sunny Day!
But it was already sunny...

:brute bonnet::flame orb:
Brute Bonnet was hurt by its burn! (-2 HP)

:foongus: Round Summary :foongus:
:lunatone: HP: -44
:lunatone: EN: -12
:centiskorch: HP: -0
:centiskorch: EN: -7
:brute bonnet: HP: -150-2 = -152
League :light clay: Light Clay
HP: 38/95, EN: 39/100, Stats: 4/5/7/6/70, Typing: Rock / Psychic, Abilities: Levitate
Role: Supporter, Vocation: None, Status: Hovering
Cashaw :choice specs: Choice Specs
HP: 87/95, EN: 58/100, Stats: 8/5/11/7/65, Typing: Fire / Bug, Abilities: Flash Fire / White Smoke
Role: Aggressor, Vocation: None, Status: Heat (5)
Field: Safeguard (5 steps), Reflect (6 steps), Light Screen (7 steps)
Battlefield: Sunny​
Neurotoxic Reversion
:sv/brute bonnet:
The Truly Terrifying Toadstool Tyrant
HP: 98/250, Stats: 11/7/6/7/55, Typing: Grass / Dark, Abilities: Protosynthesis / Leaf Guard
Boss, Unfainting, Status: Burned (Flash Fire)
Field: Clear​
:sv/brute bonnet:
The Truly Terrifying Toadstool Tyrant awaits your next move!
Mowtom to order
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"As amusing as it would be to get the exact KO with burn damage, I don't actually need to cut it that close."
:light clay:
Signal Beam (Brute Bonnet)
:choice specs:
Bug Buzz (Brute Bonnet)
:sv/brute bonnet:
Piercing Payback +21 (Lunatone), Venoshock x2 (Centiskorch)

Phase 2, Round 7

League :light clay: Light Clay
HP: 38/95, EN: 39/100, Stats: 4/5/7/6/70, Typing: Rock / Psychic, Abilities: Levitate
Role: Supporter, Vocation: None, Status: Hovering
Cashaw :choice specs: Choice Specs
HP: 87/95, EN: 58/100, Stats: 8/5/11/7/65, Typing: Fire / Bug, Abilities: Flash Fire / White Smoke
Role: Aggressor, Vocation: None, Status: Heat (5)
Field: Safeguard (5 steps), Reflect (6 steps), Light Screen (7 steps)
Battlefield: Sunny​
Neurotoxic Reversion
:sv/brute bonnet:
The Truly Terrifying Toadstool Tyrant
HP: 98/250, Stats: 11/7/6/7/55, Typing: Grass / Dark, Abilities: Protosynthesis / Leaf Guard
Boss, Unfainting, Status: Burned (Flash Fire)
Field: Clear​
:lunatone:>:centiskorch:>:brute bonnet:

Lunatone used Signal Beam! (-6 EN)
Crit (1, d24): 14 (No), Confusion (1, d10): 3 (No)
(8 + (7 - 7) + 3)*2 = 22

Centiskorch used Bug Buzz on Brute Bonnet! (-7 EN)
Crit (1, d24): 16 (No), Drop (1, d10): 8 (No)
((9 + 3 + (11 - 7))*2)*3 = 96

:brute bonnet:
Brute Bonnet used Payback on Lunatone!
Crit (1, d24): 19 (No)
(10 + 3 + (11 - 5))*1.5 + 21 => 50
:reaper cloth: Lunatone fainted!
Brute Bonnet used Venoshock on Centiskorch!

Crit (1, d24): 8 (No)
((7 + (6 - 7))*1)*2 = 12

:brute bonnet::flame orb:
Brute Bonnet was hurt by its burn! (-2 HP)

:foongus: Round Summary :foongus:
:lunatone: HP: -50
:lunatone: EN: -6
:centiskorch: HP: -12
:centiskorch: EN: -7
:brute bonnet: HP: -22-96-2 = -120
League :light clay: Light Clay
HP: 0/95, EN: 0/100, Stats: 4/5/7/6/70, Typing: Rock / Psychic, Abilities: Levitate
Role: Supporter, Vocation: None, Status: Fainted
Cashaw :choice specs: Choice Specs
HP: 75/95, EN: 51/100, Stats: 8/5/11/7/65, Typing: Fire / Bug, Abilities: Flash Fire / White Smoke
Role: Aggressor, Vocation: None, Status: Heat (5)
Field: Safeguard (4 steps), Reflect (5 steps), Light Screen (6 steps)
Battlefield: Sunny​
Neurotoxic Reversion
:sv/brute bonnet:
The Truly Terrifying Toadstool Tyrant
HP: -22/250, Stats: 11/7/6/7/55, Typing: Grass / Dark, Abilities: Protosynthesis / Leaf Guard
Boss, Unfainting, Status: Burned (Flash Fire)
Field: Clear​
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:sv/brute bonnet:
With one final glare, Brute Bonnet hisses and then slinks away.

Mowtom is victorious! Thank you for playing!

:foongus: Rewards :foongus:
Mowtom -7:tea:JC, 10 EXP for :altaria::lunatone::centiskorch:
Additionally, Mowtom unlocks the :rocky helmet:Engineer, :utility umbrella:Reporter, and :pretty wing:Scribe vocations
Doduodrio +3:amulet coin:RC, +8:tea:JC​