
The Faz
Battle Hours: 72 | Tech: 0
Reflect [4S]
Protector Archaludon @
HP: 28 / 95 | EN: 72%
Stats: 8/8/9/7/85 | Type: Steel/Dragon
Stamina, Sturdy, Stalwart
R: 2/2 | C: 2/2
Supporter Electivire @
Focus Band
HP: 90 / 90 | EN: 63%
Stats: 9/5/7/6/95 | Type: Electric
Motor Drive, Vital Spirit
R: 2/2 | C: 5/5
Aggressor Gallade @
Choice Band
HP: 21 / 85 | EN: 74%
Stats: [15]/5/4/8/80 | Type: Psychic/Fighting
Steadfast, Sharpness, Justified
R: 2/2 | C: 2/2
Battle Hours: 72 | Tech: 0
Reflect [4S]

Protector Archaludon @

HP: 28 / 95 | EN: 72%
Stats: 8/8/9/7/85 | Type: Steel/Dragon
Stamina, Sturdy, Stalwart
R: 2/2 | C: 2/2

Supporter Electivire @

HP: 90 / 90 | EN: 63%
Stats: 9/5/7/6/95 | Type: Electric
Motor Drive, Vital Spirit
R: 2/2 | C: 5/5

Aggressor Gallade @

HP: 21 / 85 | EN: 74%
Stats: [15]/5/4/8/80 | Type: Psychic/Fighting
Steadfast, Sharpness, Justified
R: 2/2 | C: 2/2
Snow [9R]
Snow [9R]
The Self-Perfecting Beast-Slaying Machine
Battle Hours: 120
Bug Memory
Dragon Memory
Electric Memory
Fairy Memory
Flying Memory
Ghost Memory
Grass Memory
Poison Memory
Psychic Memory
Rock Memory
Boss Silvally @
Dark Memory
HP: 356 / 777
Stats: 7/0/7/0/95 | Type: Dark
RKS System, [Prankster]
Paralysis {1}
Battle Hours: 120

Boss Silvally @

HP: 356 / 777
Stats: 7/0/7/0/95 | Type: Dark
RKS System, [Prankster]
Paralysis {1}
Round Five
Rolls: 320, 25, 485, 371, 169, 263, 206, 147, 442, 216, 539, 46, 376, 306, 436, 494, 30, 417, 345, 389
Step One
Gallade used Protect!
Silvally used Taunt!
Electivire used Brick Break!
Archaludon used Screech!
Silvally used Multi-Attack!
Silvally used Heal Block!
Step One

-12 EN
Gallade: Protection {Actions} [End of Step]

Electivire: Taunt [2 Steps]

-6 EN
Crit [1-25/600]: 320 (No)
Damage (Silvally): (8 + 9 - 0) * 3/2 = 26

-8 EN
Accuracy [1-510/600]: 25 (Yes)
Silvally: -2 Defense [Next 5 Steps]

Crit [1-25/600]: 485 (No)
Damage (Archaludon): 12 + 3 + 7 - 8 + 2 = 16

The Faz: Heal Block [3 Rounds]
Gallade: -2 HP (Burn)
Gallade's Protection ended!
Silvally's Paralysis: +1 Strain
Roll D10 = 4
Silvally equipped the
Fairy Memory!

Silvally: +2 Special Attack [Next 4 Steps]
The Faz
Battle Hours: 72 | Tech: 0
Heal Block [2R], Reflect [3S]

Protector Archaludon @

HP: 12 / 95 | EN: 64%
Stats: 8/8/9/7/85 | Type: Steel/Dragon
Stamina, Sturdy, Stalwart
R: 2/2 | C: 2/2

Supporter Electivire @

HP: 90 / 90 | EN: 57%
Stats: 9/5/7/6/95 | Type: Electric
Motor Drive, Vital Spirit
R: 2/2 | C: 5/5
Taunt [1S]

Aggressor Gallade @

HP: 19 / 85 | EN: 62%
Stats: [15]/5/4/8/80 | Type: Psychic/Fighting
Steadfast, Sharpness, Justified
R: 2/2 | C: 2/2
Snow [8R]
Snow [8R]
The Self-Perfecting Beast-Slaying Machine
Battle Hours: 120
Bug Memory
Dragon Memory
Electric Memory
Flying Memory
Ghost Memory
Grass Memory
Poison Memory
Psychic Memory
Rock Memory
Boss Silvally @
Fairy Memory
HP: 330 / 777
Stats: 7/0/7/0/95 | Type: Fairy
RKS System
Paralysis {2}, -2 Def [5S], +2 SpA [4S]
Battle Hours: 120

Boss Silvally @

HP: 330 / 777
Stats: 7/0/7/0/95 | Type: Fairy
RKS System
Paralysis {2}, -2 Def [5S], +2 SpA [4S]
The Faz to order.
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