Raikou @ Leftovers
Ability: Pressure
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Calm Mind
- Thunderbolt
- Scald
- Substitute
The rise of Zeraora in April tier shifts cost UU its main revenge killer and form of natural speed, and Raikou has begun to fill this Electric cat shaped hole thanks to its solid speed, power, and coverage, letting it revenge kill Pokemon like Keldeo and Lycanroc-D. Substitute + Calm Mind Raikou sets aim to serve as powerful late-game win conditions, setting up against foes like Rotom-H and Rotom-W, and allowing it to 1v1 Amoonguss, thanks to its Substitute being able to live any hit from it after a Calm Mind. Scald is used on these sets to break through Rhyperior and Krookodile, while being able to punish checks like Tangrowth and defensive Kommo-o with potential Burns. Raikou is unable to reliably get through Pokemon like Seismitoad and Assault Vest Tangrowth. Krookodile can help check Nidoqueen for Raikou and make Tangrowth easier to break through via Knock Off, while Choice Specs Keldeo can help pressure both and potentially Toxic Tangrowth, and can wallbreak early game so that Raikou can clean, as its initial power can be quite lacking without set-up. When not protected by a Substitute, Raikou is easily forced out by Choice Scarf Krookodile, and can also struggle with a healthy Rhyperior if it doesn't have a Calm Mind boost, teammates like Tangrowth and Amoonguss can help check these Ground-types, while providing a defensive answer to Keldeo.
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