Tournament Random Battles Team Tournament VIII - Round 1

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A Cake Wearing A Hat

moist and crusty
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Random Battle Lead


Welcome to Week 1 of RBTT VIII, where 8 teams begin to duke it out for the Big Points!

Disclaimer: an update to Gen 9 Battle Factory may occur this week. The timing of said update cannot be precisely controlled, but it will involve removing niche Pokemon and enforcing Stealth Rock, and it will NOT involve implementing tier shifts.

Team Hoopa (6) :hoopa: vs :suicune: (8) Team Suicune
Gen 9 Rands (bo5) - Prosaic vs Buhrito
Gen 9 Rands - shiloh vs pokevin03dragonite
Gen 8 Rands - Zap vs MichaelderBeste2
Gen 7 Rands - Trefleuh vs zioziotrip
Gen 6 Rands - ElectricityCat vs Impeckable
Gen 5 Rands - Monai vs flameingpigey2
Gen 4 Rands - ojr vs Trade
Gen 3 Rands - xGang vs Amaranth
Gen 2 Rands - Nuage vs Eeveeto
Gen 1 Rands - NotVeryCake vs Fc
Gen 9 Battle Factory - TheFranklin vs Hacker
Gen 9 BSS Factory - haxlolo vs satvik123
Gen 9 Hackmons Cup - Panty&Stockings vs Luchik
Gen 9 Random Doubles - snorlax142857 vs ionnss

Team Keldeo (6) :keldeo: vs :zygarde: (8) Team Zygarde
Gen 9 Rands (bo5) - Typhlosion48 vs pokeblade101
Gen 9 Rands - paysa vs Separation
Gen 8 Rands - mj vs Sylveon used calm mind
Gen 7 Rands - emforbes vs LordST
Gen 6 Rands - Michielleus vs Pia
Gen 5 Rands - LpZ vs peap
Gen 4 Rands - pj vs Lrogue
Gen 3 Rands - Jisoo vs Xrn
Gen 2 Rands - ziloXX vs Mikon
Gen 1 Rands - BigFatMantis vs tylerfitz8
Gen 9 Battle Factory - Slikkles vs kDCA
Gen 9 BSS Factory - MasterJ007 vs yone
Gen 9 Hackmons Cup - oaklies vs platinumCheesecake
Gen 9 Random Doubles - HaunterBoy28 vs FreyaknightVGC
Team Regigigas (8) :regigigas: vs :zarude: (6) Team Zarude
Gen 9 Rands (bo5) - GXE vs LoSconosciuto
Gen 9 Rands - ZDen vs gomdol2
Gen 8 Rands - Master Chief vs yonmd
Gen 7 Rands - DugZa vs Betathunder
Gen 6 Rands - Drifting vs Rage.Spam.Quit.
Gen 5 Rands - Lady Writer vs Micaiah
Gen 4 Rands - Jytcampbell vs Xiri
Gen 3 Rands - Ereshkigal vs drifttrick
Gen 2 Rands - MrSoup vs livid washed
Gen 1 Rands - royzin vs king edgy
Gen 9 Battle Factory - lax vs temp
Gen 9 BSS Factory - 3d vs Emboar02
Gen 9 Hackmons Cup - Nudepantsman vs MultiAmmiratore
Gen 9 Random Doubles - Idyll vs soTsoT
Team Zeraora (7) :zeraora: vs :ho-oh: (7) Team Ho-Oh
Gen 9 Rands (bo5) - JJ09LIE vs teresbahji
Gen 9 Rands - Fragments vs dunoks
Gen 8 Rands - RoFnA vs Clementine
Gen 7 Rands - Piyu vs sealoo
Gen 6 Rands - c0mp vs JustOut459
Gen 5 Rands - Dj Breloominati♬ vs ninjadog
Gen 4 Rands - O1V7O2X9O vs SMB
Gen 3 Rands - Glop vs violet river
Gen 2 Rands - Kurt Kappa vs Zcarlett
Gen 1 Rands - Kipkluif vs YBW
Gen 9 Battle Factory - devin vs zS
Gen 9 BSS Factory - DerpySuX vs RADU
Gen 9 Hackmons Cup - Ivar57 vs relevartemit
Gen 9 Random Doubles - odr vs marcofiero

The deadline for all games this week is Sunday, Jan 12, at 11:59 PM GMT -5.
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What is worse than getting roasted by a human? Getting roasted by a bot:
"Zarude vs. Regigigas? That’s like pitting a jungle athlete against a guy who’s been napping since the Stone Age. Zarude’s ready to fight, while Regigigas is standing there like, ‘I do nothing, but I do it for five whole turns.’ The most action your mascot’s seen is hosting moss colonies, and let’s face it, the moss is the real MVP. At this point, Regigigas isn’t a Pokémon—it’s an ancient artifact on loan from a museum."
no credits to Wigglytuff
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