Tournaments RBY 2023 Tournament Schedule

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Hi all, here's the schedule for all major RBY tournaments happening this year. This post will contain tournaments that can earn you points for the RBY OU Circuit Championship while the next post will contain all other official tournaments (both individual and team). Spotlight tournament information can be found in the RoA Tournaments Subforum. Announcements regarding signups will go in the RBY Happenings Thread. The date listed is start of signups (with the exception of RBY Circuit Championship 2023).

  • Tournament Rules and General Guidelines
  • Tournament Scheduling Guidelines
  • Replays will be required for all tournaments except for RBY Cup IX where they will only be required starting in Quarterfinals.
  • Smogtours will be mandatory for Top 16 of Seasonals, Quarterfinals of Cup, Top 8 of Global Championship, Playoffs of Majors, and the entirely of Circuit Championship.
  • The winners of RBY World Cup I and RBY Premier League IV will receive a Custom Avatar.
RBY OU Circuit 2023

Spreadsheet <<

RBY OU Winter Seasonal V
January 1st - April 16th
Best of 3 Double Elimination
Tournament found in the Old Generation Metagame Circuits subforum

RBY OU Majors I
March 26th - May 28th
Best of 3 Pools + Best of 3 Playoffs Majors
Tournament found in the Old Generation Metagame Circuits subforum

RBY OU Global Championships IX
May 14th - August 13th
Best of 3 Global Championship
Tournament found in the Old Generation Metagame Circuits subforum

July 16th - September 10th
Best of 3 Single Elimination
Tournament found in the The Smogon Classic subforum

RBY OU Summer Seasonal V
August 6th - November 19th
Best of 3 Double Elimination
Tournament found in the Old Generation Metagame Circuits subforum

RBY Circuit Championship 2023
November 26th - December 31st
Best of 3 Single Elimination
Tournament found in the Old Generation Metagame Circuits subforum
Winter and Summer Seasonals - 6x Base Points
Round 2 Elimination gives 0 points
1st: 3000
2nd: 2250
3rd: 1875
4th: 1500
5th-6th: 1200
7th-8th: 900
9th-12th: 675
13th-16th: 450
17th-24th: 345
25th-32nd: 240
33rd-48th: 195
49th-64th: 150
65th-96th: 120
97th-128th: 90
129th-192nd: 75

Cup - 8x Base Points
Round 1 elimination gives 0 points
1st: 4000
2nd: 3000
3rd-4th: 2000
5th-8th: 1200
9th-16th: 600
17th-32nd: 320
33rd-64th: 200
65th-128th: 120


1st: 4000
2nd-3rd: 3000
4th-6th: 2000
7th-12th: 1200
13th-24th: 600
25th-48th: 320
49th-96th: 200
97th-192nd: 120

Global Championship - 8x Base Points
Round 1 elimination gives 0 points
1st: 4000
2nd: 3000
3rd-4th: 2000
5th-8th: 1200
9th-16th: 600
17th-32nd: 320
33rd-64th: 200

Majors - 4x Base Points
Pools elimination gives 0 points
1st: 2000
2nd-3rd: 1500
4th-6th: 1000
7th-12th: 600
13th-24th: 300
25th-48th: 160

Base Points
0 wins gives 0 points
1st: 500
2nd: 375
3rd-4th: 250
5th-8th: 150
9th-16th: 75
17th-32nd: 40
33rd-64th: 25
65th-128th: 15
129th-256th: 10
257th-512th: 7
513th-1024th: 5


1st: 500
2nd-3rd: 375
4th-6th: 250
7th-12th: 150
13th-24th: 75
25th-48th: 40
49th-96th: 25
97th-192nd: 15
193rd-384th: 10
385th-768th: 7
769th-1536th: 5
Type A Tournaments (worth 50% overall)

RBY Cup IX (worth 25%) - Best of 3 Single Elimination
RBY OU Global Championships IX (worth 25%) -- Best of 3 Global Championship

Type B Tournaments (worth 37.5% overall)

RBY OU Winter Seasonal V (worth 18.75%) - Best of 3 Double Elimination
RBY OU Summer Seasonal V (worth 18.75%) - Best of 3 Double Elimination

Type C Tournaments (worth 12.75% overall)

RBY OU Majors I (worth 12.75%) - Best of 3 Pools + Best of 3 Playoffs Majors
Other RBY Tournaments

RBY UU Circuit Tour - January 15th (RBY UU)
Best of 3 Single Elimination. Part of RBY Low Tier Circuit.

RBY Ubers Tournament II - January 22nd (RBY Ubers)
Best of 3 Single Elimination. Part of RBY Low Tier Circuit.

RBY PU Circuit Tour - April 2nd (RBY PU)
Best of 3 Single Elimination. Part of RBY Low Tier Circuit.

RBY Ubers Open II - June (RBY Ubers)
Best of 3 Single Elimination. Part of RBY Grand Slam II. Part of RBY Low Tier Circuit.

RBY UU Open II - June (RBY UU)
Best of 3 Single Elimination. Part of RBY Grand Slam II. Part of RBY Low Tier Circuit.

RBY NU Open II - June (RBY NU)
Best of 3 Single Elimination. Part of RBY Grand Slam II. Part of RBY Low Tier Circuit.

RBY PU Open I - July (RBY PU)
Best of 3 Single Elimination. Part of RBY Grand Slam II. Part of RBY Low Tier Circuit.

RBY Stadium Open II - July (Stadium OU)
Best of 3 Single Elimination. Part of RBY Grand Slam II.

RBY Tradebacks Open II - July (Tradebacks OU)
Best of 3 Single Elimination. Part of RBY Grand Slam II.

RBY Grand Slam II Playoffs - August (RBY Ubers, RBY UU, RBY NU, RBY PU, Stadium OU, Tradebacks OU)
Best of 5 Single Elimination. Part of RBY Low Tier Circuit.

RBY NU Cup - September (RBY NU)
Best of 3 Single Elimination. Part of RBY Low Tier Circuit.

RBY Low Tier Circuit Finals - December (RBY Ubers, RBY UU, RBY NU, RBY PU)
Best of 5 Single Elimination.

Smogon Premier League XIV - January 16th (RBY OU)
10 teams, 12 slots (4x SS OU, 1x SS through RBY OU). Managers will draft players with credits in an attempt to build the best overall roster.

RBY World Cup I - March 12th (RBY OU)
8 teams, number of slots TBD. Based on World Cup of Pokemon.

RBY Premier League IV - September 17th (RBY OU, RBY UU, RBY NU, RBY Ubers)
6 teams, 6 slots (3x RBY OU, RBY UU, RBY NU, RBY Ubers). Based on Smogon Premier League.
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