Tournaments RBY C+ Tournament - $30 Prize! [Top Cut R2]


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Hello gamers,

With RBY OU VR season coming up and discussion on what should be allowed in RBY UU, between current UUBLs and C-ranked OU mons that were kept in OU, I thought it might be nice to get a test tournament underway so we can assess whether it might make sense to let things like Jolteon, Victreebel, Slowbro, and the current UUBLs drop into UU, and whether that might make for a more balanced tier than what we have currently. To that end, we're going to have a hypothetical tour with a small prize and see how the games look to help inform future decisions if the C+ Pokemon end up dropping down the line. For this tournament, all RBY UU Pokemon as well as all C+ or lower RBY OU or UUBL mons will be legal, and partial trapping will be banned.

Challenge command:
/challenge gen1uu @@@ +Jolteon, +Victreebel, +Slowbro, +Hypno, +Lapras, +Articuno, -Wrap, -Fire Spin, -Clamp, -Bind

  • Depending on playercount, this will either be a Swiss with a small top cut or a Single Elimination tournament. My preference is to run a Swiss for more games and so people can go X-1 and still compete, but I'm trying to keep this tournament to about 6-7 weeks for finalists at most - we'll see what best fits the playercount.
  • Each round will last exactly one week, barring extensions.
  • All matches are Best of 3. You may change teams between games.
  • All general tournament rules and guidelines apply.
Signups will close Sunday December 22 at 6pm GMT-8.
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