Old Gens [RBY OU] Chansey


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Chansey (F)
- Reflect
- Seismic Toss
- Soft-Boiled
- Thunder Wave

Chansey is present on nearly every competitive RBY team, as it compresses multiple mandatory roles such as special wall, status absorber, and Thunder Wave spreader. Reflect Chansey specifically is an excellent switch-in to Snorlax, as it can’t be paralyzed by Body Slam, allowing it to set up Reflect, heal up with Soft-Boiled, and chip away at your opponent's team with Seismic Toss. Thunder Wave is useful for cripping fast threats such as Alakazam and Tauros. Chansey is also willing to be hit with Thunder Wave, which lets it avoid freezes from Ice Beam Chansey and beat it one-on-one, and which prevents sleep from Exeggutor and Sing Chansey. However, being paralyzed worsens its matchup against Snorlax and Alakazam, as a crucial full paralysis can be the difference between winning and losing the matchup. Reflect Chansey must be paired with a reliable sleeper such as Jynx or Exeggutor, as it can’t sleep threats on its own with Sing.
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and works best on Jynx plus Starmie compositions as another check to Snorlax.
this bit is very reasonable in the current climate but it's the sort of thing that used to be different and might again be different in future metagame shifts; it's also probably way too advanced advice for a facebook spotlight of all things. it's not wrong per se but I'd consider doing away with it

great writeup otherwise, QC 1/1
this bit is very reasonable in the current climate but it's the sort of thing that used to be different and might again be different in future metagame shifts; it's also probably way too advanced advice for a facebook spotlight of all things. it's not wrong per se but I'd consider doing away with it

great writeup otherwise, QC 1/1
Implemented, thanks!

This is GP ready.
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Chansey (F)
- Reflect
- Seismic Toss
- Soft-Boiled
- Thunder Wave

Chansey is present on nearly every competitive RBY team, (AC) as it compresses multiple mandatory roles such as a special wall, status absorber, and Thunder Wave spreader. Reflect Chansey specifically is an excellent switch-in to Snorlax, as it can’t be paralyzed by Body Slam, allowing it to set up Reflect, heal up with Soft-Boiled, and chip away at your opponent's team (or like "...chip away at foes with...") with Seismic Toss. Thunder Wave is useful for cripping fast threats such as Alakazam and Tauros. Chansey is also willing to be hit with Thunder Wave, which lets it avoid freezes from Ice Beam Chansey and beat it one-on-one, and which prevents it from being put to sleep by sleep from Exeggutor and Sing Chansey. However, being paralyzed worsens your its matchup against Snorlax and Alakazam, as a crucial full paralysis can be the difference between winning and losing the matchup. Reflect Chansey must be paired with a reliable sleeper such as Jynx or Exeggutor, as it can’t Sing sleep threats on its own with Sing.
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Chansey (F)
- Reflect
- Seismic Toss
- Soft-Boiled
- Thunder Wave

Chansey is present on nearly every competitive RBY team, (AC) as it compresses multiple mandatory roles such as a special wall, status absorber, and Thunder Wave spreader. Reflect Chansey specifically is an excellent switch-in to Snorlax, as it can’t be paralyzed by Body Slam, allowing it to set up Reflect, heal up with Soft-Boiled, and chip away at your opponent's team (or like "...chip away at foes with...") with Seismic Toss. Thunder Wave is useful for cripping fast threats such as Alakazam and Tauros. Chansey is also willing to be hit with Thunder Wave, which lets it avoid freezes from Ice Beam Chansey and beat it one-on-one, and which prevents it from being put to sleep by sleep from Exeggutor and Sing Chansey. However, being paralyzed worsens your its matchup against Snorlax and Alakazam, as a crucial full paralysis can be the difference between winning and losing the matchup. Reflect Chansey must be paired with a reliable sleeper such as Jynx or Exeggutor, as it can’t Sing sleep threats on its own with Sing.
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Implemented, thanks!

This spotlight is done :heart: