RBY RBY OU Global Championship 2018: Finals [192P Won by roudolf13]

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⏮ 2017 | Sponsored by Lutra

Signups | Round 1 | Round 2 | Round 3 | Round 4 | Round 5 | Semi-finals | Finals


RBY OU Global Championship is a standard RBY OU Tournament with a goal to find the best RBY OU player of the year. Previous winners are Tiba , Prague Kick and Peasounay.

Each round will consist of 2 stages. The first stage each player will be given 2 sets of pairings in which they play a first-to-2-wins (best of 3 excluding ties) vs their opponent. After the first stage is completed and the host has determined wins, players who win both their matches go through to the next round, while players who lost twice are eliminated. The players who won 1, lost 1, battle it out in a tiebreaker FT2W in stage 2 to join the two-time winners in the next round or the player wins the tournament in the case of a final.

The prize returns: a $50 (or equivalent) amazon gift card will be given out to the winner of the entire tournament!​

RBY OverUsed Format

Banned Moves
Dig, Double Team, Fissure, Fly, Guillotine, Horn Drill, Minimize (Dig/Fly Glitch Prevention + Evasion + OHKO moves)

Banned Pokémon
Mew, Mewtwo

Freeze Clause, Sleep Clause, Species Clause.

Tournament Format : pseudo-double elimination (192 man)

Round 1: Stage 1 - 2 sets of 32 FT2W matches (192 unseeded players, subs period) & Stage 2
Round 2: Stage 1 - 2 sets of 16 first-to-2-wins matches (96 unseeded players) & Stage 2
Round 3: Stage 1 - 2 sets of 8 first-to-2-wins matches (48 unseeded players) & Stage 2
Round 4: Stage 1 - 2 sets of 4 first-to-2-wins matches (24 unseeded players) & Stage 2
Round 5: Stage 1 - 2 sets of 2 first-to-2-wins matches (12 unseeded players) & Stage 2
Semi-finals: Stage 1 - 2 sets of 2 first-to-2-wins matches (6 unseeded players) & Stage 2
Finals: Stage 1 - Round robin of 3 first-to-2-wins matches (3 unseeded players) - round robin repeated until decisive winner.
Stage 1 End: Players with 2 match wins go through, and those with 2 losses are eliminated.
Stage 2: Players with a 1-1 record play each other in a FT2W match to see who progresses.

Tie Rules

If a battle ends by a Self-KO move (Explosion / Self-Destruct), a tie is declared.
Battle ties do not progress either player towards winning the match.

Arrange location: Profile posts on the Smogon Forums.
Battle location: Pokémon Showdown! Smogon Server

Play against both opponents first-to-2-wins (bo3 wins) and report the score you won or lost by (2-x) after completing each match.

Set 1 - Matches Completed: 3/3 (100%)

Bedschibaer (2-1) roudolf13
roudolf13 (2-1) Heroic Troller
Heroic Troller (2-0) Bedschibaer

Set 2 - Matches Completed: 3/3 (100%)

Bedschibaer (0-2) roudolf13
roudolf13 (0-2) Heroic Troller
Heroic Troller (1-2) Bedschibaer

Set 3 - Matches Completed: 3/3 (100%)

Bedschibaer (0-2) roudolf13
roudolf13 (2-1) Heroic Troller
Heroic Troller (2-0) Bedschibaer

Repeat final set if necessary until a player wins both matches against each of their opponents within the final set.

Path to the finals
R1: 0-2 vs Staxi, 2-1 vs Eseque, 2-0 vs Tobes
R2: 2-1 vs Alfredo_Rivero, 2-0 vs Heliodor
R3: 2-1 vs Teddeh, 2-0 vs TheJFrenzy1
R4: 2-0 vs Luigi, 2-0 vs The Idiot Ninja
R5: 2-0 vs Nails, 0-2 vs Nails, 2-1 vs undisputed
Semis: 2-0 vs Golden Gyarados, 1-2 vs roudolf13, 2-0 vs Golden Gyarados
Match Record: 12-3 | Battles Record: 25-10
R1: 2-0 vs MMagma, 2-0 vs Mysterius M
R2: 2-1 vs eren, 2-1 vs Meru
R3: 2-1 vs Finchinator, 2-0 vs Artoria
R4: 2-0 vs christos21, 2-0 vs christos21
R5: 0-2 vs roudolf13, 2-0 vs TropicalTeo, 2-0 vs sceptross
Semis: 0-2 vs Nails, 2-1 vs Nails, 2-1 vs Nails
Match Record: 12-2 | Battles Record: 24-9
R1: W-0 vs Globenny, 2-0 vs Taistelu
R2: 2-0 vs Acsel, 2-0 vs Ark
R3: 2-0 vs Oibaf, 2-0 vs Mindnight
R4: 2-1 vs Kaz-Gasai, 2-0 vs marcoasd
R5: 2-0 vs Troller, 2-0 vs Teddeh
Semis: 2-0 vs Picollo, 2-1 vs Bedschibaer
Match Record: 11-0 | Battles Record: 22-2
roudolf13 goes into the finals only dropping 2 games all tournament and beating both Bedschibaer and Heroic Troller along the way, can he keep it up or will Bedschibaer or Troller clutch at the end?
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Well I fucked it up, sorry Troller you don't get another shot.

0-2 vs roudolf, GGs.
This was a stunning finals, sucks that I couldn't pull through at the end but the competition was fierce, you two are absolute top tier players and it was quite fun to compete with you guys for way too many times. I feel like this was close to a point where it could've gone to anyone, but I can't say I am surprised roudolf took it. The man plays some of the most consistent and disciplined rby I have seen in quite some time, so grats to you on your impressive run in this. Also shoutout to troller, class act, no john and an overall very pleasant dude to play with and talk to.

Of course a big thank you to Lutra for hosting this tour, again a smoothly run tournament and someone who puts in money as a motivation does deserve a special thank you in my opinion. Without you the RBY community would not be what it is. I like this format of tournament, it rewards consistency, knowing the playerbase and preparation. Past the first couple of rounds I have faced big names and quality players throughout and I can't say that it was an easy path to the finals at all. Too bad I couldn't show that my washed-up ass can still win tournaments, guess I am doomed to being a gsc backup forever. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
There's not much i can say

R1 Roudolf beat me and i had to rely on Beds to get another shot, and he did
R2 Starting with a beat on Roudolf made me really dream
But i had to also beat Beds again which was hard and failed to do so
R3 After missing my chance to close the tour i was half demotivated and half happy "don't worry let's just play as this was r1"

I didn't had what it takes to beat both the guys at once and i regret some of my turns, noneless it's been a good run and i will gladly take the silver medal.

Ggs guys, see you next year (?), grats Roudolf enjoy the gold because i won't let you pass next time

Thanks Lutra for hosting and whoever supported me through the run
Congratulations Roudolf! The three people who were in the finals deserved to be there for sure, and it could have really gone either way. Still I think You deserved to win this a tiny bit more than the other two.
You are definitely one of the best RBY players right now. I hope you keep going and that we can have a few nice games in some future tours.
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