RBY RBY OU Global Championship 2018: Round 2

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⏮ 2017 | Sponsored by Lutra

Signups | Round 1 | Round 2 | Round 3 | Round 4 | Round 5 | Semi-finals | Finals


RBY OU Global Championship is a standard RBY OU Tournament with a goal to find the best RBY OU player of the year. Previous winners are Tiba , Prague Kick and Peasounay.

Each round will consist of 2 stages. The first stage each player will be given 2 sets of pairings in which they play a first-to-2-wins (best of 3 excluding ties) vs their opponent. After the first stage is completed and the host has determined wins, players who win both their matches go through to the next round, while players who lost twice are eliminated. The players who won 1, lost 1, battle it out in a tiebreaker FT2W in stage 2 to join the two-time winners in the next round or the player wins the tournament in the case of a final.

The prize returns: a $50 (or equivalent) amazon gift card will be given out to the winner of the entire tournament!​

RBY OverUsed Format

Banned Moves
Dig, Double Team, Fissure, Fly, Guillotine, Horn Drill, Minimize (Dig/Fly Glitch Prevention + Evasion + OHKO moves)

Banned Pokémon
Mew, Mewtwo

Freeze Clause, Sleep Clause, Species Clause.

Tournament Format : pseudo-double elimination (192 man)

Round 1: Stage 1 - 2 sets of 32 FT2W matches (192 unseeded players, subs period) & Stage 2
Round 2: Stage 1 - 2 sets of 16 first-to-2-wins matches (96 unseeded players) & Stage 2
Round 3: Stage 1 - 2 sets of 8 first-to-2-wins matches (48 unseeded players) & Stage 2
Round 4: Stage 1 - 2 sets of 4 first-to-2-wins matches (24 unseeded players) & Stage 2
Round 5: Stage 1 - 2 sets of 2 first-to-2-wins matches (12 unseeded players) & Stage 2
Semi-finals: Stage 1 - 2 sets of 2 first-to-2-wins matches (6 unseeded players) & Stage 2
Finals: Stage 1 - Round robin of 3 first-to-2-wins matches (3 unseeded players) - round robin repeated until decisive winner.
Stage 1 End: Players with 2 match wins go through, and those with 2 losses are eliminated.
Stage 2: Players with a 1-1 record play each other in a FT2W match to see who progresses.

Tie Rules

If a battle ends by a Self-KO move (Explosion / Self-Destruct), a tie is declared.
Battle ties do not progress either player towards winning the match.

Arrange location: Profile posts on the Smogon Forums.
Battle location: Pokémon Showdown! Smogon Server

Play against both opponents (Sets 1 & 2) first-to-2-wins (bo3 wins) and report the score you won or lost by (2-x) after completing each match.


Stage 1 deadline: February 16th 06:00AM EST / 12:00 PM CET

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Set 1 - Matches Completed: 38/48 (79.2%)

undisputed (2-1) Roseybear
SaDiSTiCNarwhal vs Kingler12345
teal6 vs Mindnight
bannedfrom7 (2-1) byronthewellwell
Alfredo_Rivero (1-2) Bedschibaer
DDarken (0-2) Jarii
Mysterious M (2-0) Chano
CrapAtRBY [Namion] (1-2) Mikaav
rikueternity (0-W) Djokra
roudolf13 (2-0) Acsel
Arii Stella (2-0) BKC
Hyogafodex (2-0) reyscarface
mael (1-2) false.
dice (2-0) Garay oak
Akiko Yosano (0-2) Golden Gyarados
Ark (1-2) ggopw
MetalGro$$ (2-1) LibertarianMaster
Tzara (2-0) Za Meowdo
sceptross (2-1) Quantum Tesseract
Staxi vs Get this Money
Finchinator (2-1) Meru
eren (1-2) Heroic Troller
Ranshiin (2-1) LuckOverSkill
tjdaas (2-0) praj.pran
naruto(sage) (0-2) Hamhamhamham
Full Metal Jacket vs GustavoYAY
NOVED (0-W) Teddeh
Kaz-Gasai (2-0) Genesis7
Luigi (2-0) Heliodor
EB0LA (1-2) Picollo
Oibaf (2-0) Evronight
Mister Tim (2-0) christos21
TheThorn (0-W) Pohjis
The Quasar (2-1) SamuelBestt
FDK (0-2) Zokuru
MJ (0-2) Sneakers
Lavos (2-1) HSOWA
Alexander. (1-2) The Idiot Ninja
Arifeen (0-2) SMB
marcoasd (2-0) zugubu royale
Nails (2-1) PasY_G
TheJFrenzy1 vs chipndale
GGFan vs Drax.
Slick Willy (2-0) double switches
Lord Ninjax (2-1) Leru
p2 (2-0) stunner047
peach_nair (0-2) TropicalTeo
Go0d vs Artoria

Set 2 - Matches Completed: 38/48 (79.2%)

Alfredo_Rivero (1-2) double switches
Pohjis (0-2) Artoria
CrapAtRBY [Namion] vs reyscarface
Drax. (2-0) bannedfrom7
Arifeen (2-0) Akiko Yosano
Teddeh (2-0) SMB
LuckOverSkill (2-1) Golden Gyarados
Slick Willy (0-2) christos21
Lord Ninjax (1-2) MJ
Za Meowdo vs Full Metal Jacket
peach_nair (2-1) PasY_G
SaDiSTiCNarwhal (0-2) sceptross
Mindnight vs GGFan
teal6 (1-2) Nails
stunner047 (2-0) SamuelBestt
Acsel (0-2) Picollo
Ranshiin (2-1) Zokuru
BKC (2-1) p2
mael (1-2) ggopw
Chano vs MetalGro$$
Arii Stella vs Get this Money
Djokra vs FDK
zugubu royale (2-1) Tzara
Hamhamhamham (2-0) Sneakers
Luigi (2-0) LibertarianMaster
Go0d (0-W) The Quasar
marcoasd (2-0) TropicalTeo
NOVED vs chipndale
naruto(sage) (0-2) false.
roudolf13 (2-0) Ark
Meru (1-2) Heroic Troller
Alexander. (2-0) praj.pran
eren (0-2) Oibaf
Finchinator (W-0) DDarken
HSOWA (0-2) Hyogafodex
Mysterious M (0-2) Leru
Lavos (2-0) tjdaas
TheThorn (2-1) EB0LA
undisputed (W1-1) TheJFrenzy1
byronthewellwell (0-2) dice
GustavoYAY (0-2) The Idiot Ninja
Heliodor (0-2) Bedschibaer
Genesis7 (2-1) Garay oak
Mikaav (1-2) Roseybear
Mister Tim (W1-0) Kingler12345
Staxi (2-1) rikueternity
Quantum Tesseract (0-2) Kaz-Gasai
Evronight (1-2) Jarii
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