OU RBY OU Ladder Achievements (Season 2 now starting!!!)

Really sorry for the delay but I was out of town with crap internet for a bit and unable to verify it before you played more games, your current elo is too far below that for me to trust and verify it. My bad :/

Hello Sabelette no problem for the delay. I don't know if that's sufficient as a proof but I downloaded the replay of the game where i lost at 1691 so you can see I was there. (sad endgame actually).
Is there a way to share it ?

Screenshot 2023-06-29 at 12.09.22 AM.png

Claiming the Thunder Badge in the Nugget Bridge Challenge


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Claiming the Rainbow Badge in the Nugget Bridge Challenge


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Claiming the Soul Badge in the Nugget Bridge Challenge


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Claiming the Marsh Badge in the Nugget Bridge Challenge

Screenshot 2023-07-01 at 4.00.20 PM.png

Claiming the Volcano Badge in the Nugget Bridge Challenge
Hello Sabelette no problem for the delay. I don't know if that's sufficient as a proof but I downloaded the replay of the game where i lost at 1691 so you can see I was there. (sad endgame actually).
Is there a way to share it ?

Yes if you have the replay by all means link it (sorry this week has been absurdly busy and I've been behind on updating achievements)

Other stuff should be updated now
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I never wanna use a hypno again

Unfortunately I needed to use a hypno again. worth it for earth silph co? im not sure

Screen Shot 2023-07-02 at 5.38.34 PM.png


ty to everyone on ladder for leading egg

Edit: Died after 21 wins but 21st was a friend forfeiting to be nice after some rough RNG, not gonna give myself the 21 badge. GG Gastlies you got me
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Important announcement: I'm planning to reset the ladder on September 22, then going forward have a new ladder season every 6-12 months. There's a few reasons for this:

1. I want to stimulate ladder activity since it's currently a tad quiet. Starting a new ladder "season" can help with this.
2. The ladder is currently a little too inactive for goals like 1750 Elo to be reasonable for even the best players. At the time chuva achieved it, the top of the ladder had a fair number of active 1600-1700 players; now there's literally one 1650 and a handful of people around 1600. I want to try dropping the goal to 1700 and see how that goes. Similarly I want to lower the GXE requirement a bit, since the absolute best ladder players seem to be stuck at 90. Resetting lets me keep the appropriate credit to those who achieved these marks back when they were feasible while also making it so a little more of the playerbase can reasonably achieve the top badges, like in other gens.
3. I want there to be a reason for people who already topped out on a goal to keep going for ladder achievements, and I want to perhaps even add new achievements in new seasons and try other ways to make fun challenges. This also creates a cool seasonally-resetting challlenge to hit the highest peak elo/gxe/winstreak or be the first to hit the top badge.

I will not be deleting old ladder achievements, to be clear; I'll have a little seasonal archive where you can check out how people did in previous seasons. For the new season, you will have to make new accounts for any challenges based on Elo, GXE, or Winstreak; old accounts are okay for the fun challenges as long as they're achieved after the reset date.