Chansey tends to be disrespected far too much. If being the only premier switch into Starmie, the most centraling pokemon of the early game after Snorlax wasn't enough Chansey offers a wide array of possibilities. Much like Starmie itself, only mons that are easy to abuse like to switch into it (Chansey, Alakazam) while Snorlax getting the par swings the momentum in your favor for the time being. Chansey is extremely versatile and can trade or keep at bay every single pokemon in the tier to some extent. It should never be below third in my mind. Sing is also the political correct attack, the best players try to avoid missing three in a row in endgames, the less experienced ones can always bank on it for some solid comeback chances.
Exeggutor is as strong as i always preached, for a long time following paraspam it was direspected and flat out not understood. But it's clear today that he is a top dog, the Psychic is extremely corrosive, when you have to switch something paralized into it it's already a siege. Explosion is very nasty to play around early game when you don't know the match up and how much willing to trade he is, while wanting to stay full to avoid switching on it damaged and dying to """bad luck""". The real winner is of course Starmie, simply put switching on it is a nightmare, only thunderbolt Chansey does it with some dignity, the rest of pokedex hates being paralized. And we all know how games proceed from Chansey clicking Soft Boiled. That being said, Starmie being so centralizing is also his own downfall, it needs thunderbolt to stay competitive in the mirrors and a stab to fend of Snorlax, leaving the coverage weak to some specific enemies.
After a period of drought people got too disrespectful about Zapdos and started to run Surf Starmie + Exeggutor teams without much care. Useless to say after some time the Zapdos returned and farmed them with ease. I will never get tired of saying that Zapdos might as well be Tauros tier (if not above) when it's not checked. The worst rby mu (that doesn't involve non standards like Slowbro) has to be Zapdos unchecked. At least Zapdos on Rhydon or Snorlax on Gengar you have the tools to navigate (double switch the Tauros on them) and the game is relatively in your hands. When it's time to click Rest with Snorlax, and Zapdos decided to crit once or twice you can start your prayers.
With a special preference for slow games where Starmie (being Surf) and Rest Snorlax give it ample time to pry open teams. This doesn't even account that most games i'm watching the Zapdos users Thunderbolts into Chansey (because they can afford it), when they will learn to be bolder and Drill Peck the switch correctly it will be clear how ridicolously strong it is.
Dragonite is way more scary than people give it credit for, the only reason i restrained myself from running it until playoffs is that i didn't want to make it popular at my own expense down the line. Starmie dropping blizzard is a massive incentive to run it, even when par (by all means, awful) you can switch into it, wrap once and switch out. Now this isn't some incredible gamebreaking thing, it's a patchwork at best, but it's still a hell lot better than what it was before. Many think Gengar simply shuts it down, they are wrong. The match up goes roughly like
this, Gengar blocks wrap from doing damage which is big but at the same time, he's not immune to flinching so Tauros can come in at any time, for free, on a pokemon he scares off, Tauros you know? And even putting that aside, Dragonite with twave is even advantaged in a straight 1v1, just run the calcs. Dragonite is by far the most underrated pokemon of today, and i don't mind letting it be known now, spl is over and rbywc i can't say i care about it at all. Victreebel is in a similar boat, as long as Starmie runs surf bolt it will never be truly awful, even just as a switch and force out.
Jynx is at her worst, ever. Gengar leads are prominent, Surf Starmie everywhere greatly limiting the ice fish chances once you slept, or worse, ready to 2hko you with a crit from lead. You need to be a wizard to find yourself a lead Alakazam vs some opponents, and even then, the Chansey might be Seismic Toss Sing who is unplayable. Even then, at the end of the day a sleeper is a sleeper, whatever can spread your usages a little bit and free you from running Sing Chansey deserves praise. Maybe the future will be more gentle but today running Jynx is really hard.
Stand proud Cloyster, you are strong. The recent explosion of Zapdos usage was merciless to Cloyster but doesn't change the fact that if you can dodge that mu (or ready yourself to judge if it's there or not in game and boom early) Cloyster doesn't at all fear the competition of the other ou pokemons. His special property of switching into Snorlax as reliably at it gets while being perfectly able to explode and not waste momentum should never be overlooked.
Jolteon's stocks have never been higher since Nails made it look good back in SPL XI. Simply put the lead is a massive headache for anyone that didn't bring Rhydon. It isn't op or anything but finding the right sequence can be challenging while this little fucker crits 1/4 of his attacks. None of the sleepers are particularly happy to deal with him. It's pretty much the best Jynx anti-lead you can ask for if you don't trust your Gengar. Slightly more likely to bs it than even Surf Starmie, while having Starmie in the back. It's a stronger lead Alakazam in term of bullshit potential but trades with the risk of Rhydon turn 1, and the lack of Recover that makes harder to sleep sack it properly. Against the right opponent who doesn't know what to do, it will do more damage than hail to harvest.