RBY RBY OU World Championship: Round 2

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Signups | Round 1


RBY OU World Championship is a standard 128 man RBY OU Tournament with a goal to find the best RBY OU player for a year. Due to seemingly less deserving RBY players quite likely to make the latter stages with just a best of 3 format, only the first 3 rounds are best of 3. Rounds 4 and 5 are double round-robin, while rounds 6 (semi-finals) and 7 (finals) are best of 5.

Past RBY OU Tournaments:
RBY OU Format:
  • Banned Pokémon: Mew, Mewtwo.
  • Banned Moves: Dig, Double Team, Fissure, Fly, Guillotine, Horn Drill, Minimize (Dig/Fly Glitch prevention + Evasion + OHKO moves).
  • Clauses: Freeze Clause, Sleep Clause, Species Clause.
Tournament Format:
  • Round 1 - 64 best of 3 matches (128 unseeded players with a substitution period)
  • Round 2 - 32 best of 3 matches (64 unseeded players)
Tie rules:
  • Battle ties will not be counted in any best of or round-robin match.
Arrange location: Visitor Messages on the Smogon Forums.
Battle location: Pokémon Showdown! (Pokémon Online if both players agree)

Matches (23/32 complete):
vs Void
marcoasd vs M Dragon
Lavish Spawn
vs WreckDra
Mister Tim vs Angelin
papai noel vs Killua kun
vs Picollo
silver ghost
Wittgenstein vs Year13
Sergi vs Luke Shaw
MetalGro$$ vs kael
Hikari vs srk1214
vs Bomber92
Max Carvalho vs Deluks917
Ditto vs During Summer
Kristoph vs smilzo
TM13IceBeam vs -Clone-
Gelli vs Alf'
vs galbia
vs SoulWind
Typhlito vs Tamahome
vs Sovahkiin
doughboy vs Zamrock
Smurf. vs z0mOG
Golden Gyarados vs Level 56
vs Cicada
based n bad
vs Floppy
Destiny Device vs Agammemnon
Tricking vs Bluwing
Cronenberg vs e7e
Crestfall vs Piexplode
radianthero156 vs Tiba
Isa vs trc

Post whether you won or lost 2-x after you've completed your match.

Round 1 Extension Deadline is January 24th 07:59 (AM) EST

Round 2 Deadline is February 2nd 07:59 (AM) EST
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I dont see other hype battles beside marco vs mdragon although this battle may appear to be ACTIVITY HYPE WIN
okay it seems as though our timezones are not gonna work well with this deadline. in any case, i did win the first game we played for all that's worth.
fuck I got Pie who plays this gen decently
p-please use a troll team Piexplode <3

Well in game 2 I used my Raichu team versus my opponent :^) hehe hopefully we'll have a fun series, but I'm intent on getting very far into this series if I can ;)

Also imo the other highlight match is Bomber92 vs froggy25 although bomber's the favourite to win, imo it's the first real chance of an upset this tournament. Maybe CrapAtRBY vs Picollo might be good.. I know Picollo's great at GSC but I don't know how good they are at RBY.. presumably they're okay though; CrapAtRBY's a decent player too (despite the name)

Sure Crest and I will get this done ^.^

edit: lost 2-1 in a very nice series :] made a few bad plays in g2 and g3 came down to a speed tie

ggs kristoph and gl in rest of tour :]
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