RBY RBY OU World Championship: Round 3

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Signups | Round 1 | Round 2


RBY OU World Championship is a standard 128 man RBY OU Tournament with a goal to find the best RBY OU player for a year. Due to seemingly less deserving RBY players quite likely to make the latter stages with just a best of 3 format, only the first 3 rounds are best of 3. Rounds 4 and 5 are double round-robin, while rounds 6 (semi-finals) and 7 (finals) are best of 5.

Past RBY OU Tournaments:
RBY OU Format:
  • Banned Pokémon: Mew, Mewtwo.
  • Banned Moves: Dig, Double Team, Fissure, Fly, Guillotine, Horn Drill, Minimize (Dig/Fly Glitch prevention + Evasion + OHKO moves).
  • Clauses: Freeze Clause, Sleep Clause, Species Clause.
Tournament Format:
  • Round 1 - 64 best of 3 matches (128 unseeded players with a substitution period)
  • Round 2 - 32 best of 3 matches (64 unseeded players)
  • Round 3 - 16 best of 3 matches (32 unseeded players)
Tie rules:
  • Battle ties will not be counted in any best of or round-robin match.
Arrange location: Visitor Messages on the Smogon Forums.
Battle location: Pokémon Showdown! (Pokémon Online if both players agree)

Matches (10/16 complete):
vs sebixxl
Agammemnon vs Sergi
MetalGro$$ vs Lavish Spawn
During Summer vs MoxieInfinite
vs Cronenberg
z0mOG vs Ortheore
Bomber92 vs M Dragon
Kristoph vs Mael
vs Level 56
Year13 vs Crestfall
TM13IceBeam vs Alf'
SoulWind vs CrapAtRBY
Floppy vs Killua kun
Hikari vs doughboy
Bluwing vs Mister Tim

Post whether you won or lost 2-x after you've completed your match.

Round 2 Extension Deadline is February 5th 07:59 (AM) EST

Round 3 Deadline is February 10th 07:59 (AM) EST
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Deluks917 vs sebixxl idk
Isa vs ALLALA crazy match though *-*
(Destiny Device vs Agammemnon) vs Sergi idk
MetalGro$$ vs Lavish Spawn 3-1>lavish sperm
During Summer vs MoxieInfinite *-*
Tamahome vs (Cronenberg vs e7e - idk) great player
z0mOG vs Ortheore Gooo friend.
Bomber92 vs M Dragon another crazy match
Kristoph vs Mael is mael momentum on PP? if so then Mael wins lol uhh.. kristoph's solid tho ^.^
(radianthero156 vs Tiba -idk) vs Level 56 idk
Year13 vs Crestfall should win :]
TM13IceBeam vs Alf' idk
SoulWind vs CrapAtRBY close matchup I think
Floppy vs Killua kun
Hikari vs doughboy idk
Bluwing vs (Mister Tim vs Angelin) USSR hax go
crazy matchups Lutra *-*
My opp is inactive as fuck i never seen him on for play the game.
I'm going to go at work so i can't play before the deadline(i'm gmt+1,and i'll finish my work at 9am gmt-5).
I've been trying to speak to Destiny Device 2 days in a row on IRC where he stays whenever he is online, but he has "ignored" me twice. (I mean he probably didn't see my messages, I'm not implying that he is ignoring on purpose)
Trying again today/night !
Mister Tim goes through to face Bluwing
Cronenberg goes through to face Tamahome
Destiny Device goes through to face Sergi (based on the VMs before the original deadline, since neither contact/activity posted on the forums between the original deadline and when the extended deadline was up). I'm happy for Destiny Device to play Agammenon if they agree, but any further delays impact on their activity versus Sergi.
Won against destiny_device for R2, 2-1. Nice RBY battles! Was fun.
Contacting my R3 opponent right now.
Activity post. I was on for an hour past the designated time, but Crestfall never showed up. Will try again sometime.
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