RBY RBY OU World Championship: Round 5

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Signups | Round 1 | Round 2 | Round 3 | Round 4

RBY OU World Championship is a standard 128 man RBY OU Tournament with a goal to find the best RBY OU player for a year. Due to seemingly less deserving RBY players quite likely to make the latter stages with just a best of 3 format, only the first 3 rounds are best of 3. Rounds 4 and 5 are double round-robin, while rounds 6 (semi-finals) and 7 (finals) are best of 5.

Past RBY OU Tournaments:
RBY OU Format:
  • Banned Pokémon: Mew, Mewtwo.
  • Banned Moves: Dig, Double Team, Fissure, Fly, Guillotine, Horn Drill, Minimize (Dig/Fly Glitch prevention + Evasion + OHKO moves).
  • Clauses: Freeze Clause, Sleep Clause, Species Clause.
Tournament Format:
  • Round 1 - 64 best of 3 matches (128 unseeded players with a substitution period)
  • Round 2 - 32 best of 3 matches (64 unseeded players)
  • Round 3 - 16 best of 3 matches (32 unseeded players)
  • Round 4 - 4 x 4 double round-robin groups (16 unseeded players)
  • Round 5 - 2 x 4 double round-robin groups (2 x 1st and 2 x 2nd Round 3 seeds in each group)
Tie rules:
  • Battle ties will not be counted in any best of or round-robin match.
  • Ties between 1st and/or 2nd positions in a group will result in a single battle or single round-robin of battles repeated, until positions within the group are established.
Arrange location: Visitor Messages on the Smogon Forums.
Battle location: Pokémon Showdown! (Pokémon Online if both players agree)

Round 4 Extension Battles (7/12 complete):
Group B
Deluks917 vs Agammemnon
Deluks917 vs Agammemnon
MetalGro$$ vs Year13
MetalGro$$ vs Year13
Agammemnon vs Year13
Agammemnon vs Year13
vs Year13
Deluks917 vs Year13
Agammemnon vs MetalGro$$
Agammemnon vs MetalGro$$

Group C
Ortheore vs M Dragon
vs M Dragon
2nd Place playoff: During Summer vs Ortheore

Round 4 Tables:

Group A
1st Tiba
2nd Mael

Group B
1st MetalGro$$
2nd Agammemnon

Group C
1st M Dragon
2nd Ortheore

Group D
1st Mister Tim

Round 5 Battles (20/24 complete):

Group 1
MetalGro$$ vs M Dragon
MetalGro$$ vs M Dragon
Ortheore vs Mael
Ortheore vs Mael
vs Ortheore
MetalGro$$ vs Ortheore
M Dragon
vs Mael
M Dragon vs Mael
vs Mael
MetalGro$$ vs Mael
M Dragon vs Ortheore
M Dragon
vs Ortheore

Group 2
Mister Tim vs Tiba
Mister Tim vs Tiba
Agammemnon vs ALLALA
Agammemnon vs ALLALA
Mister Tim vs Agammemnon
Mister Tim
vs Agammemnon
Tiba vs ALLALA
Mister Tim vs ALLALA
Mister Tim
Tiba vs Agammemnon
Tiba vs Agammemnon

Round 5 Tables:

Group 1
MetalGro$$ - (2-2)
M Dragon (2-2)
Ortheore (2-4)
Mael (4-2)

Group 2
Mister Tim - (3-3)
Tiba - (2-2)
Agammemnon - (1-3)
ALLALA - (4-2)

Post whether you won, tied or lost 1-1 or 2-0 after you've completed your battles with a player.

Round 4 Extension Deadline is February 28th 07:59 (AM) EST

Round 5 Deadline is March 9th 07:59 (AM) EST
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Year13 and I should play tomorrow
Deluks is close to a ghost
metalgross and I had some trouble to clearly schedule something but it should be done! :)

EDIT : 1-1 vs Metalgross.
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Huh this is quite unfair.
You gave 2 points to Metalgro$$ and year13 has not played any battle.
Lutra, what does it mean in terms of seeding for Round 5 ? :/

EDIT : Since Metalgro$$ and I went 1-1 in our battle, as a reminder.

And this is, providing year13 doesn't magically reappear.
Well nothing can realistically be done, other than award 2-0 to year13 and yourself, Agammemnon.

As for the M Dragon situation, if Ortheore gets the activity win, I'll call it 1-1 between them. During Summer and Ortheore can then have a play off to decide the 2nd spot in that group. To make up for it, in the following round, During Summer / Ortheore will start 1-0 against M Dragon.
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That sounds fair to me.
I yet have to find year13 to do our battles.
Should metalgro$$ and I preventively do a tiebreaker battle for Seed #1 ?
yes, saving up a tiebreak result would be a good idea in case it's needed.
I never left. Let's do this tonight if you can.

I scheduled games with both Agammemon and Metalgross. They couldn't meet me because it wasn't suitable for them, but that doesn't mean I vanished. I'm trying, too.
Just an update on my status vs M Dragon, last I heard from him was Sunday he said he couldn't play at a time that works with my timezone this week. He said he can't do it until next week and I asked him when would be good and I haven't heard anything since
Year13 said:
I scheduled games with both Agammemon and Metalgross. They couldn't meet me because it wasn't suitable for them, but that doesn't mean I vanished. I'm trying, too.
You suddenly had to change your schedule. Because our timezones are quite different, doing a last minute change won't necessarily fit your opponents' timezones.
Your last connection is "Today at 8:30 AM". I cannot realistically be online at this time, and you never showed up during "my night" even though I stayed up until 2 am to check for your presence.
Let's be honest for a moment.
It's not unfair cuz I actually battled Deluks and beat him 2-0 fyi!
Trying to work something out with year13 but his timezone is a pain
Well guess what? I split my games with M Dragon.

GGs, well played

Edit: won vs during summer in an unbalanced haxy match. gg well played nonetheless
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You suddenly had to change your schedule. Because our timezones are quite different, doing a last minute change won't necessarily fit your opponents' timezones.
Your last connection is "Today at 8:30 AM". I cannot realistically be online at this time, and you never showed up during "my night" even though I stayed up until 2 am to check for your presence.
Let's be honest for a moment.

I couldn't make it that day because of work and my computer. The other times we couldn't play were because of the massive time zone difference, not because I disappeared or didn't want to play. Sorry for that, but that's life. It happens.

I've been active. I've been trying to schedule my matches with you, Deluks (who dropped out) and Metalgross, but it's not easy when you're more than 6 hours apart from your opponent.

As for Metalgross, I haven't seen him yet even though we agreed to play at this time (edit: he never showed up).

We should all advance due to these circumstances, IMO (not to mention that one of our opponents dropped out). Just put me in the runner-up group and do a coinflip to decide the winner of group B. The loser of the coinflip joins the runner-up group.

Or maybe you want to give us more time, Lutra.
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Well, I might sound like an asshole while writing this, but I ensure you that it's not the goal of my message ;
You are barely ever online, and when you do, I don't know where I can find you. IRC? Smogtours? Showdown ? PO ? Netbattle ? (Ok, not Netbattle;)
You cannot say "I have been here but I have been busy so I have not been here, sorry lol". That's basically a summary of the 2 first lines of your answer.

You're accusing Metalgro$$ of being inactive ; For the record, I don't know him at all so I'm not defending a friend of mine, but he came to find me like 3 or 4 times while I was afk (no luck) and he never moaned about it. We battled without any problem, and he even found deluks in time. How can we trust "the player with no battle done" who accuses "the one who has done every other battle in time" to be afk ?

I believe, and correct me if I'm wrong, that Lutra cannot make us 3 advance for several reason. Here are some :
-It would be unfair to other players. If people see that you can just advance to the next round by sitting and not achieving any battle, the whole tournament system if fked.
-After the round robin, there will probably be a defined number of players. One more player would ruin it all.

It's all up to Lutra.
BTW, Metalgro$$ (from what I know) and I are getting all our battles from other tournaments done in time. I'm sorry but I'm having a hard time believing you. Again, I'm not accusing you of anything ; Maybe it's just bad luck. ;)
Well I can't make a decision on this yet. In the next 3 days or so, I'd like to see lists from each player who missed scheduled times where you also arranged the place where you meet and what alts etc.

All 3 of you have needed extensions in the past, so it's not easy to decide who should go through.
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