Tournaments RBY Rising Stars II - Signups!

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running through the garden
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approved by emma, concept and OP by Amaranth
RBY Rising Stars II

Welcome back to the second edition of the tournament for RBY OU players wanting a last chance to show what they've got before SPL, called RBY Rising Stars.
16 players amongst the sign ups will be invited to participate. A group of players will handpick and seed the participants amongst the signups.
This tour is meant for people who have a realistic chance at getting into SPL but have not yet had a chance to play. If you are a recent SPL starter, you will not be selected.
If you're not one of the best remaining 16 players, try again next year.

Schedule Details:
Signups will close and the playerlist will be announced on Sunday, September 22nd, 9PM GMT-4.
The players will play in a 16-person swiss running from September 23th to October 27th.
Players who reach 3 losses are eliminated, players who reach 3 wins advance to the next round. Individual rounds are Bo3.
The top 8 will qualify to a final double elimination bracket to determine the winner, from October 28th to December 8th.

Rules and Information:

Games will be standard RBY OU and follow standard Smogon rules - I reserve the right to take any measures required to resolve contentious situations.
I may DQ you from future editions of this tournament if you drop out before being eliminated.
I may DQ you from future editions of this tournament if you take up a slot, but do not sign up for RBY OU by the time SPL comes around.

Sign up by posting "in" or any other message indicating your wish to participate.
Feel free to attach any extra information regarding your past results or motivations if you wish to.
Reiterating: signups will close and the playerlist will be announced on Sunday, September 22nd, 9PM GMT-4.
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