Art by Rex The Eater Of Worlds
Formatting of the op largely stolen from Teh rby zoomers
Special thanks for the proofreading of Sabelette
Formatting of the op largely stolen from Teh rby zoomers
Special thanks for the proofreading of Sabelette
Hey everyone! With the release of the last ZU VR, SU saw massive changes. The top tiers - Ponyta, Wartortle, Weezing and Rhyhorn - all rose to ZU, while SU got new options like Muk, Kabuto, Machoke, and Weepinbell. To share the tier and develop the new meta after this massive shake up, we decided to host the first RBY SU forum tour since the inception of this tier.
Tournament Rules:
- Matches will be best-of-three in every round (defined as the first player to win two games; ties are not counted).
- All tournament games must be played on Pokemon Showdown! or smogtours, and all replays of all tournament games must be posted.
- The matches will be played in the [Gen 1] ZU. I recommend using the following Challenge Command to prevent bringing illegal Pokemon, which will result in disqualification:
/challenge gen1zu @@@ -Abra, -Butterfree, -Flareon, -Marowak, -Onix, -Pidgeot, -Poliwag, -Ponyta, -Primeape, -Rhyhorn, -Sandslash, -Slowpoke, -Tentacool, -Wartortle, -Weezing, -Magneton, -Confuse Ray
- This is a Double Elimination bracket. Each player will play a minimum of 2 rounds.
- A bracket reset will occur if the player from the Losers' bracket wins the first set. The player coming from the Winners' bracket will be sent to the Losers' bracket and another best-of-three set will begin.
- Players may choose to play the second set at a later date.
- Each round will last exactly one week, barring extensions.
- All general tournament rules and guidelines apply.
If you need any help with the ruleset or just have any question in general, feel free to DM me, misangelic or sleid on Smogon or Discord.
Post "in" to sign up. Signups will be open until august the 11th @ 11:59pm GMT+2. Signups may be extended if the tour hosts are asleep at the time.
We have already had some time to look at the state of the SU metagame, and the council found that Magneton was unhealthy, as it was both very strong and bulky for the meta. It was hard to answer with anything bar your own Magneton, leading to Magneton PP stall wars.
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