- Schedule via Smogon VMs. It's easier for us to make decisions for activity calls when we can actually see what went down with scheduling.
- If you are unable to schedule with your opponent, please let your managers know ASAP so they can communicate that to us or the other team's managers for a potential substitute.
- When making a substitution, please tag myself, the managers of the opposing team, and all of the players affected by the substitute to ensure that everyone is made aware. Players who have already played in the week or were subbed out in the same week cannot be subbed back in.
- If a match remains incomplete by the time of the deadline, it will be subject to an activity call.
- Replays are mandatory. Not only are they useful for confirming wins, but they also contribute to usage stats and allow the people who couldn't watch the games live to watch them later.
- To managers: Please send us your lineups in the same format that we used to post pairings. It makes it much easier to post future rounds more quickly.
- The first RBY OU slot, RBY UU, RBY NU, RBY PU and Random Battles are Bo5; all other slots are Bo3. UU, NU and PU can be played down to Bo3 with both players agreement.

RBY OU Bo5: Vileman vs BlazingDark
RBY OU: Isza vs shiloh
RBY OU: Aliss vs Genesis7
RBY OU: 16bit vs Christos
RBY OU: GirlsSeeGhosts vs Justamente
RBY Ubers: Kate vs Enigami
RBY UU BO5: Kristyl vs Unowndragon
RBY NU BO5: TG2513 vs Volk
RBY PU BO5: lax vs DiannieRatson
RBY Randbats BO5: za vs tylerfitz8

RBY OU Bo5: RaiZen1704 vs Amaranth
RBY OU: King Billu vs BeeOrSomething
RBY OU: UltiNooba19 vs gastlies
RBY OU: phenom77 vs TyCarter
RBY OU: Fogbound Lake vs NVentous
RBY Ubers: Kenix vs Shitrock enjoyer
RBY UU Bo5: Torchic vs Maris Bonibell
RBY NU Bo5: Tree69420 vs torkonpeter
RBY PU Bo5: BeatsBlack vs Gangsta Spongebob
RBY Randbats Bo5: SANKE CARP vs king edgy

RBY OU Bo5: Serpi vs NotVeryCake
RBY OU: chub vs violet river
RBY OU: Quarante8 vs oligen1
RBY OU: royzin vs litter777
RBY OU: Melbelle vs Abyssal Ruins
RBY Ubers: Tuthur vs Kaz
RBY UU Bo5: pac vs Dawn Dreams
RBY NU Bo5: Toxin Boost vs Sceptross
RBY PU Bo5: Vitoran vs nicole7735
RBY Randbats Bo5: livid washed vs Ice Yazu

RBY OU Bo5: Vileman vs BlazingDark
RBY Ou: Isza vs shiloh
RBY Ou: Aliss vs Genesis7
RBY Ou: 16bit vs Christos
RBY Ou: GirlsSeeGhosts vs Justamente
RBY Ubers: Sabelette vs Enigami
RBY UU BO5: Kristyl vs Unowndragon
RBY NU BO5: TG2513 vs Volk
RBY PU BO5: lax vs DiannieRatson
RBY Randbats BO5: za vs tylerfitz8

RBY OU Bo5: Raizen vs Amaranth
RBY OU: King Billu vs BeeOrSomething
RBY OU: UltiNooba19 vs gastlies
RBY OU: Tarvold vs Deezcastforms
RBY OU: Fogbound Lake vs Egor
RBY Ubers: FadedCharm vs Shitrock enjoyer
RBY UU Bo5: Torchic vs Maris Bonibell
RBY NU Bo5: Tree69420 vs torkonpeter
RBY PU Bo5: BeatsBlack vs Gangsta Spongebob
RBY Randbats Bo5: SANKE CARP vs king edgy

RBY OU Bo5: Serpi vs NotVeryCake
RBY Ou: chub vs violet river
RBY Ou: Quarante8 vs oligen1
RBY Ou: royzin vs litter777
RBY Ou: Melbelle vs Abyssal Ruins
RBY Ubers: SaDiSTiCNarwhal vs Kaz
RBY UU Bo5: pac vs Dawn Dreams
RBY NU Bo5: Toxin Boost vs Sceptross
RBY PU Bo5: Vitoran vs nicole7735
RBY Randbats Bo5: livid washed vs Ice Yazu
Deadline: Sunday 3rd, 11:59 PM -4
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