Facility Realgam Tower: epicdrill

Team epic
:probopass: :eject button: | Sturdy, Magnet Pull, Sand Force | OK
HP: 85/85 | EN: 100/100 | ATK 4 | DEF 10 | SPA 6 | SPD 11 | SPE 40 | S/W 2/7 | Chill 5 | Rcv 2 | CT 1
:togekiss: :life orb: | Hustle, Serene Grace, Super Luck | OK
HP: 45/90 | EN: 61/100 | ATK 4 | DEF 7 | SPA 9 | SPD 8 | SPE 80 | S/W 3/3 | Chill 4 | Rcv 0 | CT 1

Team Arven - 71 Battle Hours
:sirfetchd: :leek: | Steadfast, Scrappy | Attack Aid
HP: 50/85 | EN: 52/100 | ATK 10 | DEF 7 | SPA 5 | SPD 6 | SPE 65 | S/W 2/5 | Chill 5 | Rcv 2 | CT
:houndstone: | Sand Rush, Fluffy | Attack Aid
HP: 85/85 | EN: 85/100 | ATK 7 | DEF 7 | SPA 4 | SPD 7 | SPE 68 | S/W 4/2 | Chill 5 | Rcv 2 | CT 11

The Chronicle - Round 4
Tatsugiri granted Attack Aid.​

Step 1
Sirfetch'd used Close Combat!
Crit: Yes (Leek)
It's hyper effective! A critical hit!
(12 + 10 - 10 + 3 + 3 - 1)*2 = 34 DMG​
Sirfetch'd's DEF and SPD fell... [-1, 2t]
Probopass pressed the Eject Button!

Probopass used Stealth Rock!
-12 EN
Pointed stones surround Arven's team!

Step 2
Sirfetch'd used Brick Break!
-6 EN
Crit: Yes (Leek)
It's hyper effective! A critical hit!
(8 + 10 - 10 + 3 + 3 - 1)*2 = 26 DMG​

Probopass used Pain Split!
-12 EN, -1 RCV
The battlers shared their pain... [25 vs 50 -> 37 vs 38]

Step 3
Sirfetch'd used Brick Break!
-6 EN
Crit: Yes (Leek)
It's hyper effective! A critical hit!
(8 + 10 - 10 + 3 + 3 - 1)*2 = 26 DMG
(Sirfetch'd's DEF and SPD returned to normal...)

Probopass used Pain Split!
-12 EN, -1 RCV
The battlers shared their pain... [11 vs 38 -> 24 vs 25]
Team epic
:probopass: | Sturdy, Magnet Pull, Sand Force | Switching
HP: 24/85 | EN: 64/100 | ATK 4 | DEF 10 | SPA 6 | SPD 11 | SPE 40 | S/W 2/7 | Chill 5 | Rcv 0 | CT 1
:togekiss: :life orb: | Hustle, Serene Grace, Super Luck | OK
HP: 45/90 | EN: 61/100 | ATK 4 | DEF 7 | SPA 9 | SPD 8 | SPE 80 | S/W 3/3 | Chill 4 | Rcv 0 | CT 1

Team Arven - 71 Battle Hours, Stealth Rock
:sirfetchd: :leek: | Steadfast, Scrappy | Attack Aid
HP: 25/85 | EN: 32/100 | ATK 10 | DEF 7 | SPA 5 | SPD 6 | SPE 65 | S/W 2/5 | Chill 5 | Rcv 2 | CT
:houndstone: | Sand Rush, Fluffy | Attack Aid
HP: 85/85 | EN: 85/100 | ATK 7 | DEF 7 | SPA 4 | SPD 7 | SPE 68 | S/W 4/2 | Chill 5 | Rcv 2 | CT 11

epicdrill to replace Probopass (Switching) and order.​
Togekiss @ Life Orb comes back out.

Dazzling Gleam, Dazzling Gleam, Dazzling Gleam
IF Sirfetch'd is to use a damaging priority move in a combo, THEN Protect.
IF Sirfetch'd is to use a Protective move, THEN Nasty Plot.
IF Sirfetch'd is KOed, THEN Nasty Plot.
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Team epic
:togekiss: :life orb: | Hustle, Serene Grace, Super Luck | OK
HP: 45/90 | EN: 61/100 | ATK 4 | DEF 7 | SPA 9 | SPD 8 | SPE 80 | S/W 3/3 | Chill 4 | Rcv 0 | CT 1
:probopass: | Sturdy, Magnet Pull, Sand Force | OK
HP: 24/85 | EN: 64/100 | ATK 4 | DEF 10 | SPA 6 | SPD 11 | SPE 40 | S/W 2/7 | Chill 5 | Rcv 0 | CT 1

Team Arven - 71 Battle Hours, Stealth Rock
:sirfetchd: :leek: | Steadfast, Scrappy | Attack Aid
HP: 25/85 | EN: 32/100 | ATK 10 | DEF 7 | SPA 5 | SPD 6 | SPE 65 | S/W 2/5 | Chill 5 | Rcv 2 | CT
:houndstone: | Sand Rush, Fluffy | Attack Aid
HP: 85/85 | EN: 85/100 | ATK 7 | DEF 7 | SPA 4 | SPD 7 | SPE 68 | S/W 4/2 | Chill 5 | Rcv 2 | CT 11
The Chronicle - Round 5
Step 1
Sirfetch'd used Feint!
Crit: Yes (Leek)
A critical hit!
(4 + 3 + 10 - 7) = 10 DMG
Togekiss used Dazzling Gleam!
-6 EN
Crit: Irrelevant
It's super effective!
(8 + 3 + 9 + 3 - 6)*1.5 = 25.5 ~ 26 DMG
Sirfetch'd fainted...
[Life Orb] -2 HP Togekiss

Team epic
:togekiss: :life orb: | Hustle, Serene Grace, Super Luck | OK
HP: 33/90 | EN: 55/100 | ATK 4 | DEF 7 | SPA 9 | SPD 8 | SPE 80 | S/W 3/3 | Chill 4 | Rcv 0 | CT 1
:probopass: | Sturdy, Magnet Pull, Sand Force | OK
HP: 24/85 | EN: 64/100 | ATK 4 | DEF 10 | SPA 6 | SPD 11 | SPE 40 | S/W 2/7 | Chill 5 | Rcv 0 | CT 1

Team Arven - 71 Battle Hours, Stealth Rock
:sirfetchd: :leek: | Steadfast, Scrappy | KO
HP: KO/85 | EN: KO/100 | ATK 10 | DEF 7 | SPA 5 | SPD 6 | SPE 65 | S/W 2/5 | Chill 5 | Rcv 2 | CT
:houndstone: | Sand Rush, Fluffy | Attack Aid
HP: 85/85 | EN: 85/100 | ATK 7 | DEF 7 | SPA 4 | SPD 7 | SPE 68 | S/W 4/2 | Chill 5 | Rcv 2 | CT 11

Fate Foreseen
Arven to replace Sirfetch'd and order (probably tomorrow morning)
epicdrill to order
Keriel to ref​
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(Sure wasn't tomorrow morning huh. Sorry.)
Sending Houndstone @ Starf Berry & Sitrus Berry.
:ss/houndstone: :starf berry: :sitrus berry:

Thunder Fang ~ Thunder Fang ~ Thunder Fang

[start of step] If Togekiss is to use a Fire attack, and not to use a Fire attack in combination next step, use Protect.
[start of turn] If Houndstone's Attack stage is at most +1, use Night Shade.
[start of priority +1] If Togekiss has Protection, use Howl.
[start of priority +1] If Togekiss's HP is at most 7, and epic's team lacks Reflect, use Shadow Sneak.
Zap Cannon+Air Slash, Air Slash, Air Slash
When Houndstone flinches, if able, replace all Air Slash with Incinerate.
IF Houndstone is faster than you, THEN Zap Cannon+Shadow Ball.
Team epic
:togekiss: :life orb: | Hustle, Serene Grace, Super Luck | OK
HP: 33/90 | EN: 55/100 | ATK 4 | DEF 7 | SPA 9 | SPD 8 | SPE 80 | S/W 3/3 | Chill 4 | Rcv 0 | CT 1
:probopass: | Sturdy, Magnet Pull, Sand Force | OK
HP: 24/85 | EN: 64/100 | ATK 4 | DEF 10 | SPA 6 | SPD 11 | SPE 40 | S/W 2/7 | Chill 5 | Rcv 0 | CT 1

Team Arven - 24 Battle Hours, Stealth Rock
:houndstone::starf berry: :sitrus berry: | Sand Rush, Fluffy | Attack Aid
HP: 85/85 | EN: 85/100 | ATK 7 | DEF 7 | SPA 4 | SPD 7 | SPE 68 | S/W 4/2 | Chill 5 | Rcv 2 | CT 11
:sirfetchd: :leek: | Steadfast, Scrappy | KO
HP: KO/85 | EN: KO/100 | ATK 10 | DEF 7 | SPA 5 | SPD 6 | SPE 65 | S/W 2/5 | Chill 5 | Rcv 2 | CT 1
The Chronicle - Round 6
Houndstone was hurt by Stealth Rocks! [-12 HP]
Houndstone ate its Starf Berry! [+2 SPE, 6t]​
Step 1
Houndstone used Night Shade!
-5 EN
Togekiss suffered 15 fixed DMG...​

Togekiss used Shadow Shock!
-30 EN, -1 CT
Crit: Yes (1)
Drop: No (549)

A critical hit!
(12 + 9 - 7 + 3 + 3) = 20 DMG
Houndstone was Paralyzed (2)!
[Life Orb] -2 HP
[Sitrus Berry] +14 HP
Step 2
Houndstone used Night Shade!
-5 EN
Togekiss suffered 15 fixed DMG...​
Togekiss attempted Shadow Shock!
-15 EN
Togekiss doesn't have a combo token...

Step 3
Houndstone used Shadow Sneak!
Crit: No (107)
(4 + 3 + 7 - 7) = 7 DMG
Togekiss fainted...​

Team epic
:togekiss: :life orb: | Hustle, Serene Grace, Super Luck | KO
HP: KO/90 | EN: KO/100 | ATK 4 | DEF 7 | SPA 9 | SPD 8 | SPE 80 | S/W 3/3 | Chill 4 | Rcv 0 | CT 0
:probopass: | Sturdy, Magnet Pull, Sand Force | OK
HP: 24/85 | EN: 64/100 | ATK 4 | DEF 10 | SPA 6 | SPD 11 | SPE 40 | S/W 2/7 | Chill 5 | Rcv 0 | CT 1

Team Arven - 24 Battle Hours, Stealth Rock
:houndstone: | Sand Rush, Fluffy | Attack Aid, +2 SPE (3t), PAR (3c)
HP: 67/85 | EN: 65/100 | ATK 7 | DEF 7 | SPA 4 | SPD 7 | SPE 85 | S/W 4/2 | Chill 5 | Rcv 1 | CT 1
:sirfetchd: :leek: | Steadfast, Scrappy | KO
HP: KO/85 | EN: KO/100 | ATK 10 | DEF 7 | SPA 5 | SPD 6 | SPE 65 | S/W 2/5 | Chill 5 | Rcv 2 | CT 1

epicdrill to replace Togekiss and order
Arven to order
Keriel to ref​
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Sending out Probopass @ Leftovers

Meteor Beam, Meteor Beam, Meteor Beam
[Check at start of step] IF Houndstone is to use Night Shade AND you have at most 15 HP, THEN Protect.
IF Houndstone has Protection, THEN Sandstorm the first instance and Rock Polish the second.
IF Houndstone is to use Disable (Meteor Beam), THEN replace all instances of Meteor Beam with Flash Cannon.
IF you have Sealed (Meteor Beam, Flash Cannon), THEN Power Gem.
Team epic
:probopass: :leftovers: | Sturdy, Magnet Pull, Sand Force | OK
HP: 24/85 | EN: 64/100 | ATK 4 | DEF 10 | SPA 6 | SPD 11 | SPE 40 | S/W 2/7 | Chill 5 | Rcv 0 | CT 1
:togekiss: :life orb: | Hustle, Serene Grace, Super Luck | KO
HP: KO/90 | EN: KO/100 | ATK 4 | DEF 7 | SPA 9 | SPD 8 | SPE 80 | S/W 3/3 | Chill 4 | Rcv 0 | CT 0

Team Arven - 23 (-1) Battle Hours, Stealth Rock
:houndstone: | Sand Rush, Fluffy | Attack Aid, +2 SPE (3t), PAR (3c)
HP: 67/85 | EN: 65/100 | ATK 7 | DEF 7 | SPA 4 | SPD 7 | SPE 85 | S/W 4/2 | Chill 5 | Rcv 1 | CT 1
:sirfetchd: :leek: | Steadfast, Scrappy | KO
HP: KO/85 | EN: KO/100 | ATK 10 | DEF 7 | SPA 5 | SPD 6 | SPE 65 | S/W 2/5 | Chill 5 | Rcv 2 | CT 1
The Chronicle - Round 7
Step 1
Probopass is readying Meteor Beam!
[+1 SPA, 2t]
Houndstone used Spectral Lure!
-24 EN, -1 CT
Crit: No (192)
(Tatsugiri grants Attack Aid!)
(11 + 3 + 7 - 10 + 3 - 1) = 13 DMG
Houndstone stole the Leftovers!
Probopass used Meteor Beam!
-8 EN
Hit: Yes (497)
Crit: No (146)
(12 + 3 + 6 - 7) + 4 = 18 DMG

[Leftovers] +6 HP Houndstone​
Step 2
Probopass used Protect!
-12 EN
A ward against all evil...
Houndstone used Night Shade!
-5 EN
Probopass protected itself...
[Leftovers] +2 HP Houndstone​
Step 3
Probopass is readying Meteor Beam!
[+1 SPA, 2t]

Houndstone used Night Shade!
-5 EN
Probopass fainted...
[Leftovers] +2 HP Houndstone​

Team epic
:probopass: | Sturdy, Magnet Pull, Sand Force | KO
HP: KO/85 | EN: KO/100 | ATK 4 | DEF 10 | SPA 6 | SPD 11 | SPE 40 | S/W 2/7 | Chill 5 | Rcv 0 | CT 1
:togekiss: :life orb: | Hustle, Serene Grace, Super Luck | KO
HP: KO/90 | EN: KO/100 | ATK 4 | DEF 7 | SPA 9 | SPD 8 | SPE 80 | S/W 3/3 | Chill 4 | Rcv 0 | CT 0

Team Arven - 23 Battle Hours, Stealth Rock
:houndstone: :leftovers: | Sand Rush, Fluffy | Attack Aid, PAR (4c)
HP: 59/85 | EN: 31/100 | ATK 7 | DEF 7 | SPA 4 | SPD 7 | SPE 34 | S/W 4/2 | Chill 5 | Rcv 1 | CT 0
:sirfetchd: :leek: | Steadfast, Scrappy | KO
HP: KO/85 | EN: KO/100 | ATK 10 | DEF 7 | SPA 5 | SPD 6 | SPE 65 | S/W 2/5 | Chill 5 | Rcv 2 | CT 1

epicdrill to replace Probopass
Arven to order
epicdrill to order
Keriel to ref​
:ss/houndstone: :leftovers:
Ice Fang ~ Ice Fang ~ Potion (Houndstone)

[start of turn] If Miasmaw has Protection, Chill.
[start of turn, step 1] If Miasmaw lacks Protection and Miasmaw lacks a Decoy and Miasmaw's HP is 90, use Pain Split.
[start of turn] If Miasmaw is to use an ATK-raising move, and not to use a Protective move next step, use Confuse Ray the first instance.
[start of step 1 or 2] If Miasmaw is to use a Dark attack in combination, and Miasmaw has a Combo Token, use Protect.
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Team epic
:miasmaw: :choice band: | Neutralizing Gas, Hyper Cutter, Compound Eyes | OK
HP: 90/90 | EN: 100/100 | ATK 15 | DEF 5 | SPA 6 | SPD 8 | SPE 99 | S/W 2/4 | Chill 5 | Rcv 2 | CT 1
:probopass: | Sturdy, Magnet Pull, Sand Force | KO
HP: KO/85 | EN: KO/100 | ATK 4 | DEF 10 | SPA 6 | SPD 11 | SPE 40 | S/W 2/7 | Chill 5 | Rcv 0 | CT 1
:togekiss: :life orb: | Hustle, Serene Grace, Super Luck | KO
HP: KO/90 | EN: KO/100 | ATK 4 | DEF 7 | SPA 9 | SPD 8 | SPE 80 | S/W 3/3 | Chill 4 | Rcv 0 | CT 0

Team Arven - 23 Battle Hours, Stealth Rock
:houndstone: :leftovers: | Sand Rush, Fluffy | Attack Aid, PAR (4c)
HP: 59/85 | EN: 31/100 | ATK 7 | DEF 7 | SPA 4 | SPD 7 | SPE 34 | S/W 4/2 | Chill 5 | Rcv 1 | CT 0
:sirfetchd: :leek: | Steadfast, Scrappy | KO
HP: KO/85 | EN: KO/100 | ATK 10 | DEF 7 | SPA 5 | SPD 6 | SPE 65 | S/W 2/5 | Chill 5 | Rcv 2 | CT 1

The Chronicle - Round 8
Step 1
Miasmaw used Protect!
-12 EN
A ward against all evil...

Houndstone Chilled!
+12 EN (4 left)

[Leftovers] +6 HP Houndstone
Step 2
Miasmaw used Crunch!
-6 EN
Crit: No (269)
Drop: No (131)
It's super effective!
(15 - 7 + 8)*1.5 = 24 DMG

Houndstone used Ice Fang!
-5 EN
Hit: Yes (252)
Crit: No (443)
It's super effective!
(7 + 7 - 5)*1.5 = 13.5 ~ 14 DMG
[Leftovers] +2 HP Houndstone
Step 3
Arven used the Potion!
Houndstone healed 20 HP!
Miasmaw used Dragon Tail!
-5 EN
Crit: No (71)
(15 + 3 - 7 + 6) = 17 DMG
Houndstone is phazing out...

Team epic
:miasmaw: :choice band: | Neutralizing Gas, Hyper Cutter, Compound Eyes | Frost (2)
HP: 76/90 | EN: 100/100 | ATK 15 | DEF 5 | SPA 6 | SPD 8 | SPE 99 | S/W 2/4 | Chill 5 | Rcv 2 | CT 1
:probopass: | Sturdy, Magnet Pull, Sand Force | KO
HP: KO/85 | EN: KO/100 | ATK 4 | DEF 10 | SPA 6 | SPD 11 | SPE 40 | S/W 2/7 | Chill 5 | Rcv 0 | CT 1
:togekiss: :life orb: | Hustle, Serene Grace, Super Luck | KO
HP: KO/90 | EN: KO/100 | ATK 4 | DEF 7 | SPA 9 | SPD 8 | SPE 80 | S/W 3/3 | Chill 4 | Rcv 0 | CT 0

Team Arven - 23 Battle Hours, Stealth Rock, Potion Used
:houndstone: :leftovers: | Sand Rush, Fluffy | Attack Aid, PAR (5c), Phazing
HP: 48/85 | EN: 38/100 | ATK 7 | DEF 7 | SPA 4 | SPD 7 | SPE 34 | S/W 4/2 | Chill 4 | Rcv 1 | CT 0
:sirfetchd: :leek: | Steadfast, Scrappy | KO
HP: KO/85 | EN: KO/100 | ATK 10 | DEF 7 | SPA 5 | SPD 6 | SPE 65 | S/W 2/5 | Chill 5 | Rcv 2 | CT 1
Fate Foreseen
Arven to replace Houndstone: Tatsugiri @ Sticky Barb :tatsugiri: :sticky barb:
epicdrill to order
Arven to order
Keriel to ref​
Team epic
:miasmaw: :choice band: | Neutralizing Gas, Hyper Cutter, Compound Eyes | Frost (2)
HP: 76/90 | EN: 77/100 | ATK 15 | DEF 5 | SPA 6 | SPD 8 | SPE 99 | S/W 2/4 | Chill 5 | Rcv 2 | CT 1
:probopass: | Sturdy, Magnet Pull, Sand Force | KO
HP: KO/85 | EN: KO/100 | ATK 4 | DEF 10 | SPA 6 | SPD 11 | SPE 40 | S/W 2/7 | Chill 5 | Rcv 0 | CT 1
:togekiss: :life orb: | Hustle, Serene Grace, Super Luck | KO
HP: KO/90 | EN: KO/100 | ATK 4 | DEF 7 | SPA 9 | SPD 8 | SPE 80 | S/W 3/3 | Chill 4 | Rcv 0 | CT 0

Team Arven - 23 Battle Hours, Stealth Rock, Potion Used
:tatsugiri: :sticky barb: | Commander, Storm Drain | OK
HP: 85/85 | EN: 100/100 | ATK 4 | DEF 5 | SPA 9 | SPD 7 | SPE 82 | S/W 1/1
:houndstone: :leftovers: | Sand Rush, Fluffy | Attack Aid, PAR (6c), Phazing
HP: 48/85 | EN: 38/100 | ATK 7 | DEF 7 | SPA 4 | SPD 7 | SPE 34 | S/W 4/2 | Chill 4 | Rcv 1 | CT 0
:sirfetchd: :leek: | Steadfast, Scrappy | KO
HP: KO/85 | EN: KO/100 | ATK 10 | DEF 7 | SPA 5 | SPD 6 | SPE 65 | S/W 2/5 | Chill 5 | Rcv 2 | CT 1
The Chronicle - Round 9
Step 1
Miasmaw used Dragon Rush!
-7 EN
Hit: Yes (Compoundeyes)
Crit: No (551)
Flinch: No (369)

It's super effective!
(15 + 10 + 3 - 5)*1.5 = 33 DMG

Tatsugiri used Rapid Spin!
-6 EN
Crit: No (450)
(5 + 4 - 5) = 4 DMG
Tatsugiri is speeding up! (+1 SPE, 2t)
Rapid Spin cleared Arven's team's Stealth Rock!
Miasmaw was stuck by the Sticky Barb!
Miasmaw dropped the Choice Band...​
Step 2
Tatsugiri used Dragon Pulse!
-7 EN
Crit: No (580)
It's super effective!
(9 + 3 + 9 - 8)*1.5 = 19.5 ~ 20 DMG
Miasmaw used Dragon Rush!
-7 EN
Crit: No (537)
It's super effective!
(10 + 10 + 3 - 5)*1.5 = 25.5 ~ 26 DMG

Step 2
Tatsugiri used Dragon Pulse!
-7 EN
Crit: No (580)
It's super effective!
(9 + 3 + 9 - 8)*1.5 = 19.5 ~ 20 DMG
[Tatsugiri's SPE returned to normal...]​

Miasmaw used Dragon Rush!
-7 EN
Crit: No (537)
It's super effective!
(10 + 10 + 3 - 5)*1.5 = 25.5 ~ 26 DMG
Tatsugiri fainted (by exact damage...)

Team epic
:miasmaw: | Neutralizing Gas, Hyper Cutter, Compound Eyes | Frost (2)
HP: 32/90 | EN: 56/100 | ATK 10 | DEF 5 | SPA 6 | SPD 8 | SPE 99 | S/W 2/4 | Chill 5 | Rcv 2 | CT 1
:probopass: | Sturdy, Magnet Pull, Sand Force | KO
HP: KO/85 | EN: KO/100 | ATK 4 | DEF 10 | SPA 6 | SPD 11 | SPE 40 | S/W 2/7 | Chill 5 | Rcv 0 | CT 1
:togekiss: :life orb: | Hustle, Serene Grace, Super Luck | KO
HP: KO/90 | EN: KO/100 | ATK 4 | DEF 7 | SPA 9 | SPD 8 | SPE 80 | S/W 3/3 | Chill 4 | Rcv 0 | CT 0

Team Arven - 23 Battle Hours, Potion Used
:tatsugiri: | Commander, Storm Drain | KO
HP: KO/85 | EN: KO/100 | ATK 4 | DEF 5 | SPA 9 | SPD 7 | SPE 82 | S/W 1/1
:houndstone: :leftovers: | Sand Rush, Fluffy | Attack Aid, PAR (6c), Phazing
HP: 48/85 | EN: 38/100 | ATK 7 | DEF 7 | SPA 4 | SPD 7 | SPE 34 | S/W 4/2 | Chill 4 | Rcv 1 | CT 0
:sirfetchd: :leek: | Steadfast, Scrappy | KO
HP: KO/85 | EN: KO/100 | ATK 10 | DEF 7 | SPA 5 | SPD 6 | SPE 65 | S/W 2/5 | Chill 5 | Rcv 2 | CT 1

Orders to come.​
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Sending Houndstone @ Leftovers (obviously)
:ss/houndstone: :leftovers:

Play Rough ~ Rest ~ Uproar

[start of turn] If Miasmaw has Protection, begin using Rest ~ Uproar ~ Play Rough
[start of turn] If Miasmaw has Uproar, replace all Rest and Uproar with Play Rough.
[start of step 1] If Miasmaw is to use Taunt this step and not to use Taunt on step 2, use Protect.
[start of turn, step 1] If Miasmaw is to use Taunt on step 2, use Play Rough on step 2, and begin using Rest ~ Uproar ~ Play Rough.

(Please ping me when you order so we can finish this up. Thanks for putting up with my reffing delays, and thanks for the battle whichever way it ends.)
Team epic
:miasmaw: | Neutralizing Gas, Hyper Cutter, Compound Eyes | Frost (2)
HP: 32/90 | EN: 56/100 | ATK 10 | DEF 5 | SPA 6 | SPD 8 | SPE 99 | S/W 2/4 | Chill 5 | Rcv 2 | CT 1
:probopass: | Sturdy, Magnet Pull, Sand Force | KO
HP: KO/85 | EN: KO/100 | ATK 4 | DEF 10 | SPA 6 | SPD 11 | SPE 40 | S/W 2/7 | Chill 5 | Rcv 0 | CT 1
:togekiss: :life orb: | Hustle, Serene Grace, Super Luck | KO
HP: KO/90 | EN: KO/100 | ATK 4 | DEF 7 | SPA 9 | SPD 8 | SPE 80 | S/W 3/3 | Chill 4 | Rcv 0 | CT 0

Team Arven - 23 Battle Hours, Potion Used
:houndstone: :leftovers: | Sand Rush, Fluffy | PAR (7c)
HP: 48/85 | EN: 38/100 | ATK 7 | DEF 7 | SPA 4 | SPD 7 | SPE 34 | S/W 4/2 | Chill 4 | Rcv 1 | CT 0

:tatsugiri: | Commander, Storm Drain | KO
HP: KO/85 | EN: KO/100 | ATK 4 | DEF 5 | SPA 9 | SPD 7 | SPE 82 | S/W 1/1

:sirfetchd: :leek: | Steadfast, Scrappy | KO
HP: KO/85 | EN: KO/100 | ATK 10 | DEF 7 | SPA 5 | SPD 6 | SPE 65 | S/W 2/5 | Chill 5 | Rcv 2 | CT 1
The Chronicle - Round 10
Step 1
Miasmaw used Recover!
-12 EN
-1 RCV, +20 HP

Houndstone used Play Rough!
-7 EN
Hit: Yes (248)
Crit: No (531)
Drop: No (580)
(9 + 7 - 5)*1.5 = 16.5 ~ 17 DMG
Step 2
Miasmaw used Recover!
-12 EN
-1 RCV, +20 HP

Houndstone used Rest!
-15 EN
+20 HP, -Paralysis
Step 3
Miasmaw used Taunt!
-10 EN
Houndstone fell for the Taunt!

Houndstone used Uproar!
-7 EN
Crit: No (82)
(9 + 4 - 8) = 5 DMG​

Team epic
:miasmaw: | Neutralizing Gas, Hyper Cutter, Compound Eyes | Frost (2)
HP: 50/90 | EN: 22/100 | ATK 10 | DEF 5 | SPA 6 | SPD 8 | SPE 99 | S/W 2/4 | Chill 5 | Rcv 0 | CT 1
:probopass: | Sturdy, Magnet Pull, Sand Force | KO
HP: KO/85 | EN: KO/100 | ATK 4 | DEF 10 | SPA 6 | SPD 11 | SPE 40 | S/W 2/7 | Chill 5 | Rcv 0 | CT 1
:togekiss: :life orb: | Hustle, Serene Grace, Super Luck | KO
HP: KO/90 | EN: KO/100 | ATK 4 | DEF 7 | SPA 9 | SPD 8 | SPE 80 | S/W 3/3 | Chill 4 | Rcv 0 | CT 0

Team Arven - 18 Battle Hours, Potion Used
:houndstone: :leftovers: | Sand Rush, Fluffy | Taunt (2s)
HP: 78/85 | EN: 9/100 | ATK 7 | DEF 7 | SPA 4 | SPD 7 | SPE 34 | S/W 4/2 | Chill 4 | Rcv 0 | CT 0

:tatsugiri: | Commander, Storm Drain | KO
HP: KO/85 | EN: KO/100 | ATK 4 | DEF 5 | SPA 9 | SPD 7 | SPE 82 | S/W 1/1

:sirfetchd: :leek: | Steadfast, Scrappy | KO
HP: KO/85 | EN: KO/100 | ATK 10 | DEF 7 | SPA 5 | SPD 6 | SPE 65 | S/W 2/5 | Chill 5 | Rcv 2 | CT 1
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Team epic
:miasmaw: | Neutralizing Gas, Hyper Cutter, Compound Eyes | Frost (2)
HP: 50/90 | EN: 22/100 | ATK 10 | DEF 5 | SPA 6 | SPD 8 | SPE 99 | S/W 2/4 | Chill 5 | Rcv 0 | CT 1
:probopass: | Sturdy, Magnet Pull, Sand Force | KO
HP: KO/85 | EN: KO/100 | ATK 4 | DEF 10 | SPA 6 | SPD 11 | SPE 40 | S/W 2/7 | Chill 5 | Rcv 0 | CT 1
:togekiss: :life orb: | Hustle, Serene Grace, Super Luck | KO
HP: KO/90 | EN: KO/100 | ATK 4 | DEF 7 | SPA 9 | SPD 8 | SPE 80 | S/W 3/3 | Chill 4 | Rcv 0 | CT 0

Team Arven - 18 Battle Hours, Potion Used
:houndstone: :leftovers: | Sand Rush, Fluffy | Taunt (2s)
HP: 78/85 | EN: 9/100 | ATK 7 | DEF 7 | SPA 4 | SPD 7 | SPE 34 | S/W 4/2 | Chill 4 | Rcv 0 | CT 0

:tatsugiri: | Commander, Storm Drain | KO
HP: KO/85 | EN: KO/100 | ATK 4 | DEF 5 | SPA 9 | SPD 7 | SPE 82 | S/W 1/1

:sirfetchd: :leek: | Steadfast, Scrappy | KO
HP: KO/85 | EN: KO/100 | ATK 10 | DEF 7 | SPA 5 | SPD 6 | SPE 65 | S/W 2/5 | Chill 5 | Rcv 2 | CT 1
The Chronicle - Round 11
Step 1
Miasmaw Chilled!
+12 EN (4 left)
Houndstone used Night Shade!
-5 EN
Miasmaw suffered 15 fixed dmg...
[Leftovers] +6 HP​

Step 2
Miasmaw used Protect!
-12 EN
A ward against all evil...

Houndstone used Snore!
-3 EN
Miasmaw protected itself...
[Leftovers] +2 HP​
Step 3
Miasmaw used Taunt!
-10 EN
Houndstone fell for the Taunt!

Houndstone used Night Shade!
-5 EN
Miasmaw suffered 15 fixed dmg...
It's an ENKO!​

Arven is out of usable Pokemon!
epicdrill is victorious!