Tatsugiri granted Attack Aid.
Step 1
Sirfetch'd used Close Combat!
Crit: Yes (Leek)
It's hyper effective! A critical hit!
(12 + 10 - 10 + 3 + 3 - 1)*2 = 34 DMG
Sirfetch'd's DEF and SPD fell... [-1, 2t]
Probopass pressed the Eject Button!
Probopass used Stealth Rock!
-12 EN
Pointed stones surround Arven's team!
Step 2
Sirfetch'd used Brick Break!
-6 EN
Crit: Yes (Leek)
It's hyper effective! A critical hit!
(8 + 10 - 10 + 3 + 3 - 1)*2 = 26 DMG
Probopass used Pain Split!
-12 EN, -1 RCV
The battlers shared their pain... [25 vs 50 -> 37 vs 38]
Step 3
Sirfetch'd used Brick Break!
-6 EN
Crit: Yes (Leek)
It's hyper effective! A critical hit!
(8 + 10 - 10 + 3 + 3 - 1)*2 = 26 DMG
(Sirfetch'd's DEF and SPD returned to normal...)
Probopass used Pain Split!
-12 EN, -1 RCV
The battlers shared their pain... [11 vs 38 -> 24 vs 25]