was hurt by the rocks ! (-15 HP)

was hurt by the rocks ! (-15 HP)

's Vital Spirit and Insomnia !
Delibird's atk, sp atk, def, sp def, speed and accuracy stages rose sharply ! (4 turns)
Step 1:

used Rapid Spin !
Crit (<=25) = no (211)
Damage: (5+4-7)+8 = 10

's speed rose ! (2 turns)
The stealth rocks were cleared !

ate the

:delbird: was hurt by the Jaboca berry's effect ! (-10 HP)

used Toxic !
Hit (<=540) = yes (293)

was poisoned ! (dosage= 1)

was hurt by the poison ! (-1 HP)

was hurt by the sandstorm ! (-2 HP)

was hurt by the sandstorm ! (-2 HP)

's poisoning worsened ! (+1 dosage)
Step 2:

used Power Gem !
Crit (<=25) = yes (15)
Damage: (8+2+3)*2-6 = 20

used Avalanche !
Crit (<=25) = no (278)
Damage: (12+3+4-7)*1.5+8 = 26

was hurt by the poison ! (-2 HP)

was hurt by the sandstorm ! (-2 HP)

was hurt by the sandstorm ! (-2 HP)

's poisoning worsened ! (+1 dosage)
Step 3:

used Power Gem !
Crit (<=25) = no (372)
Damage: (8+2)*2-6 = 14

used Avalanche !
Crit (<=25) = no (491)
Damage: (12+3+4-7)*1.5+8 = 26

was hurt by the poison ! (-3 HP)

was hurt by the sandstorm ! (-2 HP)

was hurt by the sandstorm ! (-2 HP)

's poisoning worsened ! (+1 dosage)