Facility Realgam Tower: Maxim

:pmd/clawitzer::choice specs:
Water Pulse x3

Battle Hours: 72
Tech Control: 0
:Dusknoir:Dusknoir :Spell Tag:Spell Tag
HP: 80/80 EN: 100/100
7/10/5/10/45 | 4/5
Type: Ghost
Abilities: Pressure
C/R: 5/2
:Magnezone:Magnezone :Metal Coat:Metal Coat
HP: 6/85 EN: 42/100
5/8/9/7/60 | 3/5
Type: Electric/Steel
Abilities: Magnet Pull, Sturdy, Analytic
C/R: 5/2

:Rillaboom:Rillaboom :Miracle Seed:Miracle Seed
HP: 0/95 EN: 0/100
9/7/5/5/85 | 4/4
Type: Grass
Abilities: Overgrow
C/R: 5/2
:Cleanse Tag:Cleanse Tag
:Safety Goggles:Safety Goggles
:Heavy Duty Boots:Heavy Duty Boots
:Metal Coat:Metal Coat
:Soft Sand:Soft Sand
:Spell Tag:Spell Tag
:Eject Button:Eject Button
:Weakness Policy:Weakness Policy

Battle Hours: 120
Tech Control: 0
:Clawitzer:Clawitzer :Choice Specs:Choice Specs
HP: 2/85 EN: 79/100
5/6/[14]/6/59 | 3/3
Type: Water
Abilities: Mega Launcher
C/R: 5/24
HP: 0/90 EN: 0/100
5/5/8/11/75 | 2/2
Type: Fairy
Abilities: Flower Veil, Symbiosis
C/R: 5/2

HP: 0/105 EN: 0/100
6/5/7/7/58 | 5/6
Type: Rock/Ice
Abilities: Refrigerate, Snow Warning
C/R: 5/2
:lum berry: Lum Berry
:maranga berry: Maranga Berry
:mental herb: Mental Herb
:rage candybar: Rage Candy Bar
:red card: Red Card
:starf berry: Starf Berry
:rocky helmet: Rocky Helmet
:weakness policy: Weakness Policy


Round 7

step 1
shadow sneak
-4 en
(4+3+7-6)*1.5 = 16

clawitzer was ko'd!

Maxim wins!
5:rare candy:TC
+12 EXP for :rillaboom::magnezone::dusknoir:

+10:rule book:AL
:life orb: Life Orb
:life orb: Life Orb
:life orb: Life Orb
:leftovers: Leftovers
:leftovers: Leftovers
:leftovers: Leftovers
:sticky barb: Sticky Barb
:safety goggles: Safety Goggles
:cleanse tag: Cleanse Tag
:eject button: Eject Button
:pmd/slowking galar::pmd/kyurem::pmd/dondozo::pmd/sinistcha:

Mabel (Slowking-Galar) [F]
Level 1 EXP: 00 / 10
Advanced Techniques: None

Serious Nature ( +None, -None )
Typing: Poison/Psychic
Abilities: Curious Medicine, Own Tempo Hidden Ability: Regenerator [LOCKED]

HP: 95
Attack: 5
Defen.: 6
Sp.Atk: 8
Sp.Def: 8
Speed: 30
Size: 3
Weight: 4

Level 0:
Brick Break
Calm Mind
Fire Punch
Focus Blast
Ice Beam
Ice Punch
Light Screen
Nasty Plot
Poison Jab
Power Gem
Shadow Ball
Sleep Talk
Thunder Punch
Thunder Wave
Tri Attack
Zen Headbutt

Level 1:
Heal Pulse
Helping Hand
Iron Defense
Mega Punch
Psychic Terrain
Rain Dance
Scary Face
Slack Off
Sludge Bomb
Sunny Day
Toxic Spikes
Venom Drench
Water Pulse
Weather Ball

Xanthos (Kyurem)
Level 1 EXP: 00 / 10

Serious Nature ( +None, -None )
Typing: Dragon/Ice
Abilities: Pressure

HP: 105
Attack: 9
Defen.: 7
Sp.Atk: 9
Sp.Def: 7
Speed: 95
Size: 5
Weight: 7

Level 0:
Aerial Ace
Dragon Claw
Dragon Pulse
Dragon Tail
Earth Power
Flash Cannon
Focus Blast
Hone Claws
Hyper Voice
Ice Beam
Iron Head
Light Screen
Rock Slide
Shadow Ball
Shadow Claw
Signal Beam
Sleep Talk
Zen Headbutt

Level 1:
Ancient Power
Brutal Swing
Double Team
Dragon Breath
Dragon Dance
Dragon Rage
Dual Wingbeat
Echoed Voice
Helping Hand
Ice Fang
Noble Roar
Rain Dance
Rock Smash
Scary Face
Steel Wing
Sunny Day
Weather Ball

Level 3:
Glaciate (sig)

Bozo (Dondozo) [M]
Level 1 EXP: 03 / 10
Advanced Techniques: None

Serious Nature ( +None, -None )
Typing: Water
Abilities: Unaware, Oblivious Hidden Ability: Water Veil [LOCKED]

HP: 115
Attack: 7
Defen.: 8
Sp.Atk: 5
Sp.Def: 5
Speed: 35
Size: 7
Weight: 6

Level 0:
Order Up
Rock Slide
Sleep Talk
Zen Headbutt

Level 1:
Ice Fang
Noble Roar
Rain Dance
Scary Face
Water Gun
Water Pulse

Harmond (Sinistcha) [M]
Level 1 EXP: 00 / 10
Advanced Techniques: None

Serious Nature ( +None, -None )
Typing: Grass/Ghost
Abilities: Hospitality Hidden Ability: Heatproof [LOCKED]

HP: 85
Attack: 5
Defen.: 8
Sp.Atk: 9
Sp.Def: 6
Speed: 70
Size: 1
Weight: 1

Level 0:
Calm Mind
Energy Ball
Nasty Plot
Shadow Ball
Sleep Talk
Stun Spore

Level 1:
Grassy Terrain
Iron Defense
Life Dew
Magical Leaf
Night Shade
Pain Split

Rival Shauna (Level 1)


Challenge Type: Normal Singles

Battle Info
Match Type:
[Bring 4, Pick 3]v3 Singles
Player Hours: 72 round/72 battle​
Ref Hours: 72 round/120 battle​
Technique Control: 0
Backpack Size: 10
Arena: Kalos Route 19 (Shauna)

Kalos Route 19, also known as Grande Vallée Way, is home to a valley containing plenty of beautiful marshes. This battle takes place on a wooden bridge across the valley, on which Shauna has spent the past half hour playing with her Pokemon and getting their spirits up. Watch out, or they might hit you where you don't expect it!
  • Shauna's Furfrou is extremely well-styled, such that three of their Trims have become fully custom forms: Furfrou-Heart, Furfrou-Star, and Furfrou-Diamond.
    • Base Furfrou has access to the Forme Shift command, and none of the Trims do. (Furfrou's forms work the same way as Rotom's. Remember that a Pokemon that has access to Forme Shift can attempt it as a triggered action on sendout, and without text that explicitly states that a Pokemon reverts to its base form when switched out, no such thing happens.)
    • Each custom Furfrou form has the same stats and abilities as base Furfrou, except a Special Attack rank of 7 rather than 5.
    • Furfrou-Heart is a Normal/Electric type and knows the move Thunderbolt.
    • Furfrou-Star is a Normal/Ice type and knows the move Ice Beam.
    • Furfrou-Diamond is a Normal/Ground type and knows the move Earth Power.
  • Shauna has worked closely with Professor Sycamore to better understand the Pokemon he gives out. Her Kalos starter Pokemon have unlocked their Hidden Abilities.
  • Camouflage turns the user into a Flying type
  • Secret Power may cause sleep
  • Nature Power becomes Earth Power

Slot 1: :pmd/goodra: Goodra
Slot 2: :pmd/slurpuff: Slurpuff
Slot 3: :pmd/greninja: Greninja

:choice specs: Choice Specs
:kee berry: Kee Berry
:lucky egg: Lucky Egg
:lum berry: Lum Berry
:maranga berry: Maranga Berry
:mental herb: Mental Herb
:rage candybar: Rage Candy Bar
:red card: Red Card
:starf berry: Starf Berry
:life orb: Life Orb

Level 1

Type: Dragon
Abilities: Sap Sipper, Hydration, Gooey (Locked)

Nature: Serious
HP: 95
Atk: 7
Def: 5
SpA: 8
SpD: 11
Spe: 80
Size: 4
Weight: 5

Level 0:
Dragon Claw
Dragon Pulse
Dragon Tail
Fire Punch
Focus Blast
Ice Beam
Rock Slide
Sleep Talk
Thunder Punch

Level 1:
Acid Armor
Brutal Swing
Double Team
Dragon Breath
Life Dew
Mega Punch
Poison Tail
Rain Dance
Rock Smash
Shock Wave
Sludge Bomb
Sunny Day
Tearful Look
Water Gun
Water Pulse
Weather Ball

Level 1

Type: Fairy
Abilities: Sweet Veil, Unburden (Locked)

Nature: Serious
HP: 90
Atk: 6
Def: 6
SpA: 6
SpD: 6
Spe: 72
Size: 2
Weight: 1

Level 0:
Calm Mind
Dazzling Gleam
Energy Ball
Fake Tears
Heal Bell
Light Screen
Play Rough
Sleep Talk

Level 1:
Cotton Spore
Double Team
Fairy Wind
Helping Hand
Play Nice
Rain Dance
Sticky Web
Sunny Day
Sweet Scent

Level 1

Type: Water/Dark
Abilities: Torrent, Protean

Nature: Serious
HP: 85
Atk: 7
Def: 5
SpA: 7
SpD: 5
Spe: 122
Size: 3
Weight: 3

Level 0:
Aerial Ace
Brick Break
Dark Pulse
Feint Attack
Ice Beam
Ice Punch
Night Slash
Quick Attack
Rock Slide
Shadow Sneak
Sleep Talk
Swords Dance
Work Up

Level 1:
Brutal Swing
Double Team
Echoed Voice
False Swipe
Helping Hand
Mat Block (Signature)
Power-Up Punch
Rain Dance
Rock Smash
Role Play
Toxic Spikes
Water Gun
Water Pulse
Weather Ball

Level 2:
Water Shuriken (Signature)


"Hi, hi! You're Maxim right? Let's battle!"

Sending out :goodra: Snake Man the Goodra holding a :kee berry: Kee Berry!

"Deploying Search Snakes!"

Maxim to send out, equip, and order
“Hello Shauna! Let’s have a productive match!”

:Porygon2: “Starting anti-salt program”

“Vector? What are you doing here?”

:Porygon2: “I have been sent by your friend to give you comfort during this trying time.”

“Uh…all right. Wonder why she’s so worried? Ah well, let's start with Kyurem.”

Sending out Kyurem with Leftovers

:SV/Kyurem: :Leftovers:
Kyurem: Dragon Claw (Goodra)~Dragon Rage (Goodra)~Dragon Rage (Goodra)
1. At start of step, if Goodra is to use a Protective move then use Light Screen first instance and Chill second, pushing actions down
2. At start of step if Goodra is to use Counter then use Ice beam and push actions down
3. At start of turn, if Goodra is behind a Decoy, then use Dragon Rage and push actions down.

"Wow! What a strong Dragon-type Pokémon!"

"Tactical maneuvers will be necessary."

Dragon Pulse - Dragon Pulse - Dragon Pulse
Realgam Tower, Round 1

Xanthos :leftovers: Leftovers
HP: 105/105, EN: 100/100, Stats: 9/7/9/7/95, Typing: Dragon / Ice, Abilities: Pressure
Status: OK, Field: Clear
:life orb: Life Orb
:life orb: Life Orb
:life orb: Life Orb
:leftovers: Leftovers
:leftovers: Leftovers
:sticky barb: Sticky Barb
:safety goggles: Safety Goggles
:cleanse tag: Cleanse Tag
:eject button: Eject Button
:slowking galar: OK
:dondozo: OK
:sinistcha: OK
Battlefield: Clear​
Rival Shauna
Snake Man :kee berry: Kee Berry
HP: 95/95, EN: 100/100, Stats: 7/5/8/11/80, Typing: Dragon, Abilities: Sap Sipper / Hydration
Status: OK, Field: Clear
:choice specs: Choice Specs
:lucky egg: Lucky Egg
:lum berry: Lum Berry
:maranga berry: Maranga Berry
:mental herb: Mental Herb
:rage candybar: Rage Candy Bar
:red card: Red Card
:starf berry: Starf Berry
:life orb: Life Orb
:slurpuff: OK
:greninja: OK
Kyurem is exerting Pressure!
Goodra felt a sense of dread... (Dread until it attacks)

Step 1
Kyurem used Dragon Claw! (-6 EN)
Crit (1, d24):
(8 + 3 + (9 - 5))*1.5 => 23
Goodra munched on its Kee Berry!
Goodra's Defense drastically rose! (+3 Def, next 2 turns)

Goodra used Dragon Pulse! (-7 EN)
Crit (1, d24):
(9 + 3 + (8 - 7) - 1)*1.5 = 18

Kyurem munched on its leftovers! (+6 HP)

Step 2

Kyurem used Dragon Rage! (-8 EN)
Fixed damage: 11

Goodra used Dragon Pulse! (-7 EN)
Crit (1, d24):
(9 + 3 + (8 - 7))*1.5 => 20
(Goodra's Defense stage returned to normal)

Kyurem munched on its leftovers! (+2 HP)

Step 3

Kyurem used Dragon Rage! (-8 EN)
Fixed damage: 11

Goodra used Dragon Pulse! (-7 EN)
Crit (1, d24):
(9 + 3 + (8 - 7))*1.5 => 20

Kyurem munched on its leftovers! (+2 HP)

:spheal: Round Summary :spheal:
:kyurem: HP: -18+6-20+2-20+2 = -48
:kyurem: EN: -6-8-8 = -20
:goodra: HP: -23-11-11 = -45
:goodra: EN: -7-7-7 = -21
Xanthos :leftovers: Leftovers
HP: 57/105, EN: 80/100, Stats: 9/7/9/7/95, Typing: Dragon / Ice, Abilities: Pressure
Status: OK, Field: Clear
:life orb: Life Orb
:life orb: Life Orb
:life orb: Life Orb
:leftovers: Leftovers
:leftovers: Leftovers
:sticky barb: Sticky Barb
:safety goggles: Safety Goggles
:cleanse tag: Cleanse Tag
:eject button: Eject Button
:slowking galar: OK
:dondozo: OK
:sinistcha: OK
Battlefield: Clear​
Rival Shauna
Snake Man
HP: 50/95, EN: 79/100, Stats: 7/5/8/11/80, Typing: Dragon, Abilities: Sap Sipper / Hydration
Status: OK, Field: Clear
:choice specs: Choice Specs
:lucky egg: Lucky Egg
:lum berry: Lum Berry
:maranga berry: Maranga Berry
:mental herb: Mental Herb
:rage candybar: Rage Candy Bar
:red card: Red Card
:starf berry: Starf Berry
:life orb: Life Orb
:slurpuff: OK
:greninja: OK

"Okay, and now it's time to switch. Snake Man, retreat!"

Switching to :greninja: Toad Man the Greninja holding a :life orb: Life Orb!

"Rain, rain, rain..."

Maxim counterswitch?
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"Rain Flush attack, go!"

Brick Break - Brick Break - Brick Break
At the start of your turn, IF Kyurem has a Decoy, THEN use Water Shuriken
At the start of your turn, IF Kyurem is to use a damaging Psychic-type move, THEN use Dark Pulse
At the start of your turn, IF Kyurem is to use a damaging Flying-type move, THEN use Counter
"Wait how did it do so much damage I'm using a---" *gets electrocuted by Vector* "ARGH!"

:Porygon2: "Administering electro-shock therapy."

Glaciate~Ice Beam~Protect
1. At start of Step 2, if Greninja's Speed Stage is greater than -1, then use Glaciate.
Last edited:
Realgam Tower, Round 2

Xanthos :leftovers: Leftovers
HP: 57/105, EN: 80/100, Stats: 9/7/9/7/95, Typing: Dragon / Ice, Abilities: Pressure
Status: OK, Field: Clear
:life orb: Life Orb
:life orb: Life Orb
:life orb: Life Orb
:leftovers: Leftovers
:leftovers: Leftovers
:sticky barb: Sticky Barb
:safety goggles: Safety Goggles
:cleanse tag: Cleanse Tag
:eject button: Eject Button
:slowking galar: OK
:dondozo: OK
:sinistcha: OK
Battlefield: Clear​
Rival Shauna
Toad Man :life orb: Life Orb
HP: 85/85, EN: 100/100, Stats: 7/5/7/5/122, Typing: Water / Dark, Abilities: Torrent / Protean
Status: OK, Field: Clear
:choice specs: Choice Specs
:lucky egg: Lucky Egg
:lum berry: Lum Berry
:maranga berry: Maranga Berry
:mental herb: Mental Herb
:rage candybar: Rage Candy Bar
:red card: Red Card
:starf berry: Starf Berry
Snake Man
HP: 50/95, EN: 79/100, Stats: 7/5/8/11/80, Typing: Dragon, Abilities: Sap Sipper / Hydration
Status: OK

:slurpuff: OK
Kyurem is exerting Pressure!
Greninja felt a sense of dread... (Dread until it attacks)

Step 1
Greninja transformed into a Fighting type!
Greninja used Brick Break! (-6 EN)
Crit (1, d24): 1 (Yes)
(8 + 3 + 3 + (7 - 7) + 3)*1.5 => 26
Greninja was hurt by its Life Orb! (-2 HP)

Kyurem used Glaciate! (-5 EN)
Miss (20, d20): 10 (No), Crit (1, d24): 23 (No)
(7 + 3 + (9 - 5))*1 = 14
Greninja's Speed fell! (-1 Spe, next 6 turns)
(Greninja's Speed is now 69)

Kyurem munched on its leftovers! (+6 HP)

Step 2

Kyurem used Ice Beam! (-7 EN)
Crit (1, d24): 14 (No), Frost (1, d10): 4 (No)
(9 + 3 + (9 - 5))*1 = 16

Greninja used Brick Break! (-6 EN)
Crit (1, d24): 5 (No)
(8 + 3 + (7 - 7) + 3)*1.5 = 21
Greninja was hurt by its Life Orb! (-2 HP)

Kyurem munched on its leftovers! (+2 HP)

Step 3

Kyurem used Protect! (-12 EN)
Kyurem protected itself! (Protection)

Greninja used Brick Break! (-6 EN)
Kyurem protected itself!

Kyurem munched on its leftovers! (+2 HP)

:spheal: Round Summary :spheal:
:kyurem: HP: -26+6-21+2+2 = -37
:kyurem: EN: -5-7-12 = -24
:greninja: HP: -2-14-16-2 = -34
:greninja: EN: -6-6-6 = -18
Xanthos :leftovers: Leftovers
HP: 20/105, EN: 56/100, Stats: 9/7/9/7/95, Typing: Dragon / Ice, Abilities: Pressure
Status: OK, Field: Clear
:life orb: Life Orb
:life orb: Life Orb
:life orb: Life Orb
:leftovers: Leftovers
:leftovers: Leftovers
:sticky barb: Sticky Barb
:safety goggles: Safety Goggles
:cleanse tag: Cleanse Tag
:eject button: Eject Button
:slowking galar: OK
:dondozo: OK
:sinistcha: OK
Battlefield: Clear​
Rival Shauna
Toad Man :life orb: Life Orb
HP: 51/85, EN: 82/100, Stats: 7/5/7/5/69, Typing: Water / Dark Fighting, Abilities: Torrent / Protean
Status: -1 Spe (4 turns), Protean (Fighting), Field: Clear
:choice specs: Choice Specs
:lucky egg: Lucky Egg
:lum berry: Lum Berry
:maranga berry: Maranga Berry
:mental herb: Mental Herb
:rage candybar: Rage Candy Bar
:red card: Red Card
:starf berry: Starf Berry
Snake Man
HP: 50/95, EN: 79/100, Stats: 7/5/8/11/80, Typing: Dragon, Abilities: Sap Sipper / Hydration
Status: OK

:slurpuff: OK
Maxim to order
“What are you doing Vector?! You’re supposed to be helping me!”

:Porygon2: “Well, Pavlov’s Stoutland experiment proves that if you condition an animal to react to a stimuli, then they will react to that stimuli. Ergo, if I shock you when you rage then you will learn not to rage.”

Aerial Ace~Dragon Pulse~Dragon Pulse
1. At start of step, if Greninja is to use a Protective move then use Roost and push actions down.
2. At start of turn, if Greninja has a Decoy, then Dragon Rage.
Realgam Tower, Round 3

Xanthos :leftovers: Leftovers
HP: 20/105, EN: 56/100, Stats: 9/7/9/7/95, Typing: Dragon / Ice, Abilities: Pressure
Status: OK, Field: Clear
:life orb: Life Orb
:life orb: Life Orb
:life orb: Life Orb
:leftovers: Leftovers
:leftovers: Leftovers
:sticky barb: Sticky Barb
:safety goggles: Safety Goggles
:cleanse tag: Cleanse Tag
:eject button: Eject Button
:slowking galar: OK
:dondozo: OK
:sinistcha: OK
Battlefield: Clear​
Rival Shauna
Toad Man :life orb: Life Orb
HP: 51/85, EN: 82/100, Stats: 7/5/7/5/69, Typing: Water / Dark Fighting, Abilities: Torrent / Protean
Status: -1 Spe (4 turns), Protean (Fighting), Field: Clear
:choice specs: Choice Specs
:lucky egg: Lucky Egg
:lum berry: Lum Berry
:maranga berry: Maranga Berry
:mental herb: Mental Herb
:rage candybar: Rage Candy Bar
:red card: Red Card
:starf berry: Starf Berry
Snake Man
HP: 50/95, EN: 79/100, Stats: 7/5/8/11/80, Typing: Dragon, Abilities: Sap Sipper / Hydration
Status: OK

:slurpuff: OK
Kyurem is exerting Pressure!
Greninja felt a sense of dread... (Dread until it attacks)

Step 1
Kyurem used Aerial Ace! (-4 EN)
Crit (1, d24): 22 (No)
(6 + (9 - 5))*1.5 = 15

Greninja used Counter! (-14 EN)
Fixed Damage: 23
Greninja was hurt by its Life Orb! (-2 HP)
:reaper cloth: Kyurem fainted!

:spheal: Round Summary :spheal:
:kyurem: HP: -23
:kyurem: EN: -4
:greninja: HP: -15-2 = -17
:greninja: EN: -14
Xanthos :leftovers: Leftovers
HP: 0/105, EN: 0/100, Stats: 9/7/9/7/95, Typing: Dragon / Ice, Abilities: Pressure
Status: Fainted, Field: Clear
:life orb: Life Orb
:life orb: Life Orb
:life orb: Life Orb
:leftovers: Leftovers
:leftovers: Leftovers
:sticky barb: Sticky Barb
:safety goggles: Safety Goggles
:cleanse tag: Cleanse Tag
:eject button: Eject Button
:slowking galar: OK
:dondozo: OK
:sinistcha: OK
Battlefield: Clear​
Rival Shauna
Toad Man :life orb: Life Orb
HP: 34/85, EN: 68/100, Stats: 7/5/7/5/69, Typing: Water / Dark Fighting, Abilities: Torrent / Protean
Status: -1 Spe (3 turns), Protean (Fighting), Field: Clear
:choice specs: Choice Specs
:lucky egg: Lucky Egg
:lum berry: Lum Berry
:maranga berry: Maranga Berry
:mental herb: Mental Herb
:rage candybar: Rage Candy Bar
:red card: Red Card
:starf berry: Starf Berry
Snake Man
HP: 50/95, EN: 79/100, Stats: 7/5/8/11/80, Typing: Dragon, Abilities: Sap Sipper / Hydration
Status: OK

:slurpuff: OK
Maxim to replace Kyurem and equip

Dark Pulse - Dark Pulse - Dark Pulse
At the start of the step, IF Sinistcha is to use Pain Split AND Sinistcha is to use Pain Split exactly once this round, THEN use Protect
At the start of your turn, IF Sinistcha has a Decoy, THEN use Water Shuriken
Realgam Tower, Round 4

Harmond :life orb: Life Orb
HP: 85/85, EN: 100/100, Stats: 5/8/9/6/70, Typing: Grass / Ghost, Abilities: Hospitality
Status: OK, Field: Clear
:life orb: Life Orb
:life orb: Life Orb
:leftovers: Leftovers
:leftovers: Leftovers
:sticky barb: Sticky Barb
:safety goggles: Safety Goggles
:cleanse tag: Cleanse Tag
:eject button: Eject Button
:kyurem: KO
:slowking galar: OK
:dondozo: OK
Battlefield: Clear​
Rival Shauna
Toad Man :life orb: Life Orb
HP: 34/85, EN: 68/100, Stats: 7/5/7/5/69, Typing: Water / Dark Fighting, Abilities: Torrent / Protean
Status: -1 Spe (3 turns), Protean (Fighting), Field: Clear
:choice specs: Choice Specs
:lucky egg: Lucky Egg
:lum berry: Lum Berry
:maranga berry: Maranga Berry
:mental herb: Mental Herb
:rage candybar: Rage Candy Bar
:red card: Red Card
:starf berry: Starf Berry
Snake Man
HP: 50/95, EN: 79/100, Stats: 7/5/8/11/80, Typing: Dragon, Abilities: Sap Sipper / Hydration
Status: OK

:slurpuff: OK
Step 1
Sinistcha used Energy Ball! (-7 EN)
Crit (1, d24): 14 (No), Drop (1, d10): 1 (Yes)
(9 + 3 + (9 - 5) + 3)*1 = 19
Greninja's Special Defense fell! (-1 SpD, next 3 turns)
Sinistcha was hurt by its Life Orb! (-2 HP)

Greninja transformed into a Dark type!
Greninja used Dark Pulse! (-6 EN)
Crit (1, d24): 12 (No), Flinch (No)
(8 + 3 + (7 - 6) + 3)*1.5 => 23
Greninja was hurt by its Life Orb! (-2 HP)

Step 2
Sinistcha used Energy Ball! (-7 EN)
Crit (1, d24): 11 (No), Drop (1, d10): 4 (No)
(9 + 3 + (9 - 5) + 3)*1 + (0 - 1)*4 = 23
Sinistcha was hurt by its Life Orb! (-2 HP)
:reaper cloth: Greninja fainted!

:spheal: Round Summary :spheal:
:sinistcha: HP: -2-23-2 = -27
:sinistcha: EN: -7-7 = -14
:greninja: HP: -19-2-23 = -44
:greninja: EN: -6
Harmond :life orb: Life Orb
HP: 58/85, EN: 86/100, Stats: 5/8/9/6/70, Typing: Grass / Ghost, Abilities: Hospitality
Status: OK, Field: Clear
:life orb: Life Orb
:life orb: Life Orb
:leftovers: Leftovers
:leftovers: Leftovers
:sticky barb: Sticky Barb
:safety goggles: Safety Goggles
:cleanse tag: Cleanse Tag
:eject button: Eject Button
:kyurem: KO
:slowking galar: OK
:dondozo: OK
Battlefield: Clear​
Rival Shauna
Toad Man :life orb: Life Orb
HP: 0/85, EN: 0/100, Stats: 7/5/7/5/122, Typing: Water / Dark, Abilities: Torrent / Protean
Status: Fainted, Field: Clear
:choice specs: Choice Specs
:lucky egg: Lucky Egg
:lum berry: Lum Berry
:maranga berry: Maranga Berry
:mental herb: Mental Herb
:rage candybar: Rage Candy Bar
:red card: Red Card
:starf berry: Starf Berry
Snake Man
HP: 50/95, EN: 79/100, Stats: 7/5/8/11/80, Typing: Dragon, Abilities: Sap Sipper / Hydration
Status: OK

:slurpuff: OK

"Wow! That was pretty strong!"

Sending out :slurpuff: Guts Man the Slurpuff holding a pair of :choice specs: Choice Specs!

"I'll show them my Guts! WROOAAR!!"

Maxim to order
:Sinistcha: “You ain’t got guts! Back in my day we didn’t even have abilities!”

“All right let’s keep moving. Mabel you’re up!”

:Slowking Galar: “Hmm, I wonder if they have any valuables on them…”

:SV/Slowking Galar:
Switching to Slowking-G with Life Orb

Counterswitching to :goodra: Snake Man the Goodra holding a :starf berry: Starf Berry!

"Super-effective move tactic!"

Earthquake - Earthquake - Earthquake
At the start of the step, IF Slowking-Galar is to use Avalanche, THEN use Acid Armor first instance
At the start of your turn, IF Slowking-Galar is under Protection, THEN use Life Dew
Realgam Tower, Round 5

:ss/slowking galar:
Mabel :life orb: Life Orb
HP: 95/95, EN: 100/100, Stats: 5/6/8/8/30, Typing: Poison / Psychic, Abilities: Curious Medicine / Own Tempo
Status: OK, Field: Clear
:life orb: Life Orb
:leftovers: Leftovers
:leftovers: Leftovers
:sticky barb: Sticky Barb
:safety goggles: Safety Goggles
:cleanse tag: Cleanse Tag
:eject button: Eject Button
Harmond :life orb: Life Orb
HP: 58/85, EN: 86/100, Stats: 5/8/9/6/70, Typing: Grass / Ghost, Abilities: Hospitality
Status: OK

:kyurem: KO
:dondozo: OK
Battlefield: Clear​
Rival Shauna
Snake Man :starf berry: Starf Berry
HP: 50/95, EN: 79/100, Stats: 7/5/8/11/80, Typing: Dragon, Abilities: Sap Sipper / Hydration
Status: OK, Field: Clear
:lucky egg: Lucky Egg
:lum berry: Lum Berry
:maranga berry: Maranga Berry
:mental herb: Mental Herb
:rage candybar: Rage Candy Bar
:red card: Red Card
Guts Man :choice specs: Choice Specs
HP: 90/90, EN: 100/100, Stats: 6/6/6/6/72, Typing: Fairy, Abilities: Sweet Veil
Status: OK

:greninja: KO
Goodra munched on its Starf Berry!
Goodra's Speed drastically rose! (+3 Spe, next 3 turns)
(Goodra's Speed is now 260)

Step 1
Goodra used Earthquake! (-7 EN)
Crit (1, d24): 18 (No)
(10 + (7 - 6))*1.5 => 17

:slowking galar:
Slowking used Ice Punch! (-6 EN)
Crit (1, d24): 5 (No), Frost (1, d10): 5 (No)
(8 + (5 - 5) + 3)*1.5 => 17
Slowking was hurt by its Life Orb! (-2 HP)

Step 2
Goodra used Earthquake! (-7 EN)
Crit (1, d24): 18 (No)
(10 + (7 - 6))*1.5 => 17

:slowking galar:
Slowking used Ice Punch! (-6 EN)
Crit (1, d24): 22 (No), Frost (1, d10): 2 (No)
(8 + (5 - 5) + 3)*1.5 => 17
Slowking was hurt by its Life Orb! (-2 HP)

Step 3
Goodra used Earthquake! (-7 EN)
Crit (1, d24): 20 (No)
(10 + (7 - 6))*1.5 => 17
(Goodra's Speed stage returned to normal)
(Goodra's Speed is now 80)

:slowking galar:
Slowking used Ice Punch! (-6 EN)
Crit (1, d24): 15 (No), Frost (1, d10): 4 (No)
(8 + (5 - 5) + 3)*1.5 => 17
Slowking was hurt by its Life Orb! (-2 HP)
:reaper cloth: Goodra fainted!

:spheal: Round Summary :spheal:
:slowking galar: HP: -17-2-17-2-17-2 = -57
:slowking galar: EN: -6-6-6 = -18
:goodra: HP: -17-17-17 = -51
:goodra: EN: -7-7-7 = -21
:ss/slowking galar:
Mabel :life orb: Life Orb
HP: 38/95, EN: 82/100, Stats: 5/6/8/8/30, Typing: Poison / Psychic, Abilities: Curious Medicine / Own Tempo
Status: OK, Field: Clear
:life orb: Life Orb
:leftovers: Leftovers
:leftovers: Leftovers
:sticky barb: Sticky Barb
:safety goggles: Safety Goggles
:cleanse tag: Cleanse Tag
:eject button: Eject Button
Harmond :life orb: Life Orb
HP: 58/85, EN: 86/100, Stats: 5/8/9/6/70, Typing: Grass / Ghost, Abilities: Hospitality
Status: OK

:kyurem: KO
:dondozo: OK
Battlefield: Clear​
Rival Shauna
Snake Man
HP: 0/95, EN: 0/100, Stats: 7/5/8/11/80, Typing: Dragon, Abilities: Sap Sipper / Hydration
Status: Fainted, Field: Clear
:lucky egg: Lucky Egg
:lum berry: Lum Berry
:maranga berry: Maranga Berry
:mental herb: Mental Herb
:rage candybar: Rage Candy Bar
:red card: Red Card
Guts Man :choice specs: Choice Specs
HP: 90/90, EN: 100/100, Stats: 6/6/6/6/72, Typing: Fairy, Abilities: Sweet Veil
Status: OK

:greninja: KO

"It's all up to you, Guts Man!"

Sending out :slurpuff: Guts Man the Slurpuff holding a pair of :choice specs: Choice Specs!

"Guts Man will save the day!"

Maxim to order
“Guts Man eh? Ehehehe…I wonder how long you will last against Hyper Bomb.”
Sludge Bomb (Slurpuff) x3
1. At start of turn, if Slurpuff is under the effects of Protection, then use Calm Mind.
2. At start of turn, if Slurpuff has an active Decoy, then use Earthquake.
3. At start of turn, if Slurpuff has an active Light Screen and your attack stage is greater than -1, then use Poison Jab.
Realgam Tower, Round 6

:ss/slowking galar:
Mabel :life orb: Life Orb
HP: 38/95, EN: 82/100, Stats: 5/6/8/8/30, Typing: Poison / Psychic, Abilities: Curious Medicine / Own Tempo
Status: OK, Field: Clear
:life orb: Life Orb
:leftovers: Leftovers
:leftovers: Leftovers
:sticky barb: Sticky Barb
:safety goggles: Safety Goggles
:cleanse tag: Cleanse Tag
:eject button: Eject Button
Harmond :life orb: Life Orb
HP: 58/85, EN: 86/100, Stats: 5/8/9/6/70, Typing: Grass / Ghost, Abilities: Hospitality
Status: OK

:kyurem: KO
:dondozo: OK
Battlefield: Clear​
Rival Shauna
Guts Man :choice specs: Choice Specs
HP: 90/90, EN: 100/100, Stats: 6/6/9/6/72, Typing: Fairy, Abilities: Sweet Veil
Status: OK, Field: Clear
:lucky egg: Lucky Egg
:lum berry: Lum Berry
:maranga berry: Maranga Berry
:mental herb: Mental Herb
:rage candybar: Rage Candy Bar
:red card: Red Card
:greninja: KO
:goodra: KO
Step 1
Slurpuff used Psychic! (-7 EN)
Crit (1, d24): 24 (No), Drop (1, d10): 6 (No)
(9 + (9 - 8))*1 = 10

:slowking galar:
Slowking used Sludge Bomb! (-7 EN)
Crit (1, d24): 3 (No), Poison (1 - 3, d10): 2 (Yes)
(9 + 3 + (8 - 6) + 3)*1.5 => 26
Slowking was hurt by its Life Orb! (-2 HP)
Slurpuff was poisoned! (Poison)

:slurpuff::toxic orb:
Slurpuff was hurt by the poison! (-2 HP)

Step 2

Slurpuff used Psychic! (-7 EN)
Crit (1, d24): 12 (No), Drop (1, d10): 10 (No)
(9 + (9 - 8))*1 = 10

:slowking galar:
Slowking used Sludge Bomb! (-7 EN)
Crit (1, d24): 23 (No), Poison (No)
(9 + 3 + (8 - 6) + 3)*1.5 => 26
Slowking was hurt by its Life Orb! (-2 HP)

:slurpuff::toxic orb:
Slurpuff was hurt by the poison! (-2 HP)

Step 3

Slurpuff used Psychic! (-7 EN)
Crit (1, d24): 4 (No), Drop (1, d10): 2 (No)
(9 + (9 - 8))*1 = 10

:slowking galar:
Slowking used Sludge Bomb! (-7 EN)
Crit (1, d24): 6 (No), Poison (No)
(9 + 3 + (8 - 6) + 3)*1.5 => 26
Slowking was hurt by its Life Orb! (-2 HP)

:slurpuff::toxic orb:
Slurpuff was hurt by the poison! (-2 HP)

:spheal: Round Summary :spheal:
:slowking galar: HP: -10-2-10-2-10-2 = -36
:slowking galar: EN: -7-7-7 = -21
:slurpuff: HP: -26-2-26-2-26-2 = -84
:slurpuff: EN: -7-7-7 = -21
:ss/slowking galar:
Mabel :life orb: Life Orb
HP: 2/95, EN: 61/100, Stats: 5/6/8/8/30, Typing: Poison / Psychic, Abilities: Curious Medicine / Own Tempo
Status: OK, Field: Clear
:life orb: Life Orb
:leftovers: Leftovers
:leftovers: Leftovers
:sticky barb: Sticky Barb
:safety goggles: Safety Goggles
:cleanse tag: Cleanse Tag
:eject button: Eject Button
Harmond :life orb: Life Orb
HP: 58/85, EN: 86/100, Stats: 5/8/9/6/70, Typing: Grass / Ghost, Abilities: Hospitality
Status: OK

:kyurem: KO
:dondozo: OK
Battlefield: Clear​
Rival Shauna
Guts Man :choice specs: Choice Specs
HP: 6/90, EN: 79/100, Stats: 6/6/9/6/72, Typing: Fairy, Abilities: Sweet Veil
Status: Poison (2), Field: Clear
:lucky egg: Lucky Egg
:lum berry: Lum Berry
:maranga berry: Maranga Berry
:mental herb: Mental Herb
:rage candybar: Rage Candy Bar
:red card: Red Card
:greninja: KO
:goodra: KO