Rediamond vs. Limewire (Ref: Kaxtar) MATCH OVER

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Three vs. Three singles.
DQ time: 3 Days
2 uses recover/rest, 5 chills
All Abilities
Items Disabled
Arena: The Labyrinth

An enormous underground stone maze, with only minimal light given off by lanterns on the walls. A thin veil of mist obscures most of the maze, limiting the sight of combatants. While the battle will begin in a very large, circular room, combatants may move to any of the four paths facing the cardinal directions to hide. However, each path will lead to a chamber, with one of four randomly generated effects. The first possiblity is that the chamber has no floor, leading to a dead end. The second possibility is that the chamber is filled with water. The third possibility is that the chamber is a burial grounds, and any Pokemon who fires an attack that disturbs a soul will be afflicted with ghost type curse. The fourth room is a Trick Room condition where the slower combatant will move first. The location of the rooms (North, South, East, West) will be determined at random.

Summary: If you move or get knocked into a room, one of the effects will happen. If you are forced into the hole and can not fly, you will lose 15 HP and will re-spawn in the middle (making this up to prevent auto-loss if this happens). Also, the use of Dig is not allowed (the floor will be made of stone).

Limewire, I assumed the switching policy, item allowance and ability use was what I have posted above, as those are the most common rules. Tell me if you want them different.

Rediamond, send out your first Pokemon (after you PM me your coices, that is), Limewire should post his starter and its actions next, rediamond declares his actions. Let's get this show on the road!
I sent out Chomper (Gible)!

I want you to start things of by using Sandstorm! Then, trap Gastly with your Sand Tomb attack. Finally, attack with Dragon Rage.

Sandstorm ~ Sand Tomb ~ Dragon Rage
Well... First off, I'm curious to see how he would start a sandstorm underground... Regardless, Start off by gripping him with a Psychic, turning him towards you as he attempts to start a sandstorm. Once Psychic has caused him to lock eyes with you, use Hypnosis. After he's asleep, burn him with Will-o-Wisp, which he can't dodge because he's asleep.
Gastly [Cloak]
HP: 90
Energy: 100%
Att: ***(+)
Def: **
SpAtt: ****
SpDef: *(-)
Spe: 80

Gible [Chomper]
HP: 100
Energy: 100%
Atk: *** (+1)
Def: **
SpA: *
SpD: * (-1)
Spe: 42

The match starts off in the mist, both pokemon raring to go. Gible tries to prepare a Sandstorm, but only kicks up enough dust to impair vision because there is little sand on the bottom of the maze. Meanwhile, Gastly uses Psychic for good damage while also immobilizing Gible. Following this, Gastly uses Hypnosis to try to get Gible asleep, but fails because it can't make good enough eye contact given the Sandstorm and mist of the maze.

Gible tries to get a Sand Tomb going, and it hits Gastly, stunning it with the sand. However, it fails to trap Gastly as it Levitates above the Sand. Next, Gastly calls up a contracted blue flame, and manages to land the hit on Gible, burning it. Inspired by the flames of Gastly, Gible starts its own blue fire, and shoots it at Gastly in a Dragony Rage. Gastly gets hit and is forced back by the severity of the heat, almost to the West room. The round ends with both Pokemon itchy to go at it again, one annoyed by its burn and the other infuriated by its attack missing. The next round is surely to be decisive.

Gastly [Cloak]
HP: 73
Energy: 76%
Att: ***(+)
Def: **
SpAtt: ****
SpDef: *(-)
Spe: 80
Boosts: None
Status: None

Gible [Chomper]
HP: 89
Energy: 82%
Atk: *** (+1)
Def: **
SpA: *
SpD: * (-1)
Spe: 42
Boosts: 1/2 attack (due to burn)
Status: Burned

Rediamond, you're up. Remember, the pokemon are about 15 feet apart, with Gastly about 2 feet from a room.
Time to abuse physical sweeping Gastly. Freeze the end of your tail and punch it. In other words, Ice Punch. If you can, aim for the burn to make the pain even more intense. If this isn't possible, than just hit it anywhere.

EDIT: To be more clear, Ice Punch~Ice Punch~Ice Punch
Ouch, Ice Punch. Chomper, you may have to take one for the team. I want you start running towards Gastly as it starts to run to you and fire off a Dragon Rage right as it punches you. Try to knock it into the West Room. If the room in the West Room has a Trick Room sort of effect, run in it and go on an Outrage. If Gastly was not knocked back, still go on an Outrage. Otherwise, steer clear of that room and fire two Dragon Rages. Once again, try to keep Gastly in that room

1st round: Dragon Rage
2nd and 3rd rounds:

If Gastly did not stuble into the West Room: Outrage
If Gastly did, and the room works like Trick Room: Outrage
If Gastly did, and the room is one of the other three: Dragon Pulse ~ Dragon Pulse
Gastly [Cloak]
HP: 73
Energy: 76%
Att: ***(+)
Def: **
SpAtt: ****
SpDef: *(-)
Spe: 80
Boosts: None
Status: None

Gible [Chomper]
HP: 89
Energy: 82%
Atk: *** (+1)
Def: **
SpA: *
SpD: * (-1)
Spe: 42
Boosts: 1/2 attack (due to burn)
Status: Burned

Gastly moves towards Gible while charging Ice Punches, hoping to deal a series of decisive blows. Gible, however, has the advantage of distance, and prepares a Dragon Rage, which it fires as Gastly closes in. Because to the Burn, Gible's reaction time is sped up due to the adrenaline rush, and can use the Dragon Rage a little before Gastly arrives. However, Gastly extended limbs allow it to hit Gible on a leg as Gastly is forced into a room.

Luckily for Gible, Gastly gets forced into a trick room where the laws of physics are reversed and Gible moves first. Outrage hits Gastly hard, and forced Gastly into the wall. While calming down from its first rage, Gible prepares for its second attack blinded by rage. Gastly uses the element of surprise to strike Gible from behind, into its burn, causing massive damage. Gible instantly turns around after being knocked back and charges at Gastly. Gasty meets this attack head-on and responds with a final Ice Punch. Both Pokemon get heavily damaged, and one of them will certainty come out on top during the next set of actions.

Gastly [Cloak]
HP: 45
Energy: 61%
Att: ***(+)
Def: **
SpAtt: ****
SpDef: *(-)
Spe: 80
Boosts: None
Status: None

Gible [Chomper]
HP: 22
Energy: 62%
Atk: *** (+1)
Def: **
SpA: *
SpD: * (-1)
Spe: 42
Boosts: 1/2 attack (due to burn)
Status: Burned

Gible used Outrage twice due to being snapped out of outrage by the ice punches. Gible is also not in an outrage due to the Ice Punch. Gastly dealt an extra 2 damage when hitting the burn on Gible's back. Both mons are still in the Trick room, about 10 feet from each other and 7 feet from the exit of the room. Let me know if you think I've made any mistakes.

After a KO, the surviving pokemon will travel to the center room before a new pokemon is sent out to level the playing field (preventing surprise hits on the new Pokemon) for the next match-up. Limewire is up next.
Alright, this is it! Chomper, since you are faster in this room, move diagonally so you are 4 feet from the exit and fire off a Dragon Rage to prevent Gastly from leaving or coming closer. Finish by using Outrage twice!
Oh well, it could have been the Curse room *shudders*. As he moves diagonally, hit him with an Ice Punch, intercepting him while he runs. If he is still standing, hit him with a Sucker Punch before he can Outrage. Oh, and I promise you, one day I will let you fight a battle where you have a type advantage.
Gastly [Cloak]
HP: 45
Energy: 61%
Att: ***(+)
Def: **
SpAtt: ****
SpDef: *(-)
Spe: 80
Boosts: None
Status: None

Gible [Chomper]
HP: 22
Energy: 62%
Atk: *** (+1)
Def: **
SpA: *
SpD: * (-1)
Spe: 42
Boosts: 1/2 attack (due to burn)
Status: Burned

Gible tries to defy it's frozen fate, but in the end will succumb to the vicious Ice Punch of Gastly. However, it is able to launch a final Dragon Rage for some solid damage. After a long and valiant effort, Gible finally faints, hoping that a teammate can avenge him.

Gible- KO'ed

Gastly [Cloak]
HP: 35
Energy: 56%
Att: ***(+)
Def: **
SpAtt: ****
SpDef: *(-)
Spe: 80
Boosts: None
Status: None

Limewire, I need your switch-in. After this, Rediamond can state your actions, and Limewire should follow suit. Remember, both pokemon will be in the center room 10 feet apart.
Do you mean Staryu? Anyways, you did very well, Cloak. You still have a bit of fighting spirit left, so let's go out with a bang. I want you to Thunderbolt him repeatedly. There is no master plan here, just weaken him as much as possible before you go out. However, let's make things more... interesting. If he attacks on the third move of the round, Sucker Punch him before you faint. Otherwise, Thunderbolt away.

Thunderbolt~Thunderbolt~Thunderbolt/Sucker Punch

Oh, and is the West Room permanently Trick Room?
Yeah, I meant Staryu =/

Anyways, attack Gastly with an Ice Beam twice! Then Shuriken, I want you to listen up! If your health is less than 60, use Recover. Otherwise, jump back and use Camouflage to surround yourself.

Ice Beam ~ Ice Beam ~ Recover / Camouflage
Yeah, West Room can permanently be Trick Room. Makes sense, now that both of you know it.

Gastly [Cloak]
HP: 35
Energy: 56%
Att: ***(+)
Def: **
SpAtt: ****
SpDef: *(-)
Spe: 80
Boosts: None
Status: None

Staryu [Shuriken] (Genderless)
Nature: Timid
HP: 90
Atk: * (-1)
Def: **
SpA: ***
SpD: **
Spe: 98 (85 * 1.15^)
Boosts: None
Status: None

Staryu is itching to go, especially after hearing the news of its fallen comrade. It knows it only has a little more work to do, but it must be careful not to get too much damage done to it. Gastly on the other hand is proud of its work, and wants to get another hit or two off before it stops. Staryu, refreshed compared to Gastly, starts first with a strong Ice Beam, knocking Gastly back. Gastly responds from out of the mist with a Thunderbolt, which does more damage than expected. This catches Staryu off-guard, and quickly prepare its next Ice Beam. Gastly does the same with its Thunderbolt, and both fire them off at the same time. Both connect, but the steam created by the electricity sublimating the frozen water impairs the vision of both pokemon.

The attacks also send both pokemon into opposite rooms (they were close to them from the previous attacks). Staryu gets knocked into the Graveyard, which surprisingly benefits it in Recovering itself. Gastly, on its last legs, finds itself in the bottomless room and too disoriented to use another Thunderbolt; besides, it wouldn't be able to hit Staryu anyway due to the distance and zero visibility. Thank goodness it can float! However, the mist has seeped in through the openings in both rooms, making it so that neither Pokemon can get out or see the other Pokemon. As the steam clears, both Pokemon see their opponent in the room opposite from them.

Gastly [Cloak]
HP: 4
Energy: 42%
Att: ***(+)
Def: **
SpAtt: ****
SpDef: *(-)
Spe: 80
Boosts: None
Status: None

Staryu [Shuriken] (Genderless)
Nature: Timid
HP: 65
Energy: 77%
Atk: * (-1)
Def: **
SpA: ***
SpD: **
Spe: 98 (85 * 1.15^)
Boosts: None
Status: None

North Room- Graveyard (Staryu)
South Room- Bottomless Pit (Gastly)
East Room- Unknown
West Room- Trick Room

Both Pokemon are at the entrance from of their respective rooms. The distance from the entrance of the North Room to the entrance of the South Room is 20 feet. Both Pokemon can kinda of make out the other through the natural maze mist (accuracy reduced by 15% due to this and the distance). Limewire, you're up next!
Gastly will just not die. Alright Shuriken, use Camouflage to abuse the already hard-to-see conditions. While doing this, hug the wall and cartwheel towards Gastly. From there, fire off two Bubblebeams! Make sure that Gastly is not looking at you, or else you will give away your location.

If your health falls below 45, then on the third action, use Recover instead.
Use your Psychic abilities to sense and strike at Staryu as he Camoflauges. Following this, use Sucker Punch to kill.

Psychic~Sucker Punch~Sucker Punch
Gastly [Cloak]
HP: 4
Energy: 42%
Att: ***(+)
Def: **
SpAtt: ****
SpDef: *(-)
Spe: 80
Boosts: None
Status: None

Staryu [Shuriken] (Genderless)
Nature: Timid
HP: 65
Energy: 77%
Atk: * (-1)
Def: **
SpA: ***
SpD: **
Spe: 98 (85 * 1.15^)
Boosts: None
Status: None

Staryu uses Camouflage to hide on the wall, and starts to sneakily head over to Gastly. Meanwhile, Gastly tries to get a lock on Staryu with Psychic, but Staryu is moving too fast for the fatigued Gastly to keep up and deal damage. At least Gastly becomes able to see through Staryu's Camouflage, and senses it sneaking up behind it. Staryu doesn't know that Gastly can see it, and so keeps up its pursuit. Right before it closes in for the finishing blow, Gastly surprises Staryu with a mean Sucker Punch. This disrupts Staryu's plans, but it had all its bubbles prepared already, and lets them loose on Gastly. Because the Ghost is too tired to dodge all the slow moving bubbles, it gets hit by a few and faints. At long last, that meddling Ghost has been put to bed. Too bad Limewire still has to deal with two other pokemon.


Staryu [Shuriken] (Genderless)
Nature: Timid
HP: 54
Energy: 67%
Atk: * (-1)
Def: **
SpA: ***
SpD: **
Spe: 98 (85 * 1.15^)
Boosts: None
Status: Camouflaged against the wall

North Room- Graveyard (Staryu)
South Room- Bottomless Pit (Gastly)
East Room- Unknown
West Room- Trick Room

Staryu is Camouflaged against the wall about 3 feet from the entrance of the East room. Rediamond's Pokemon will start in the center of the room, about 10 feet away from Staryu. Rediamond, I need your next pokemon and its actions. Limewire, you can say your commands after his.
Dang. That was epic, Cloak. To continue the fight, I send out the only Ralts in CAPASB, Dreamer. First, dissolve into Shadows and race towards the West Room. Second, Calm Your mind to weaken incoming strikes and increase your own attacking powers. Third, Thunderbolt it. If it tries any camo stuff, or evasion, or whatever, remember to use your psychic abilities and not your eyes to detect the opponent.

In short, Shadow Sneak~Calm Mind~Thunderbolt.
Shuriken, cartwheel into the East Room, which should be filled with water. Next, use Recover. Finally, dive underwater to avoid the Thunderbolt, and use Surf to turn the water into a tidal wave and send it crashing across the maze to the West Room.
Staryu [Shuriken] (Genderless)
Nature: Timid
HP: 54
Energy: 67%
Atk: * (-1)
Def: **
SpA: ***
SpD: **
Spe: 98 (85 * 1.15^)
Boosts: None
Status: Camouflaged against the wall
Notes: Has used all available Recoveries

Ralts* [Dreamer] (Female)
Hp: 90
Atk: *(-1)
Def: *
SpAtk: ***(+)
SpDef: **
Spe: 40

Ralts enters the battle after Gastly, and it has learned the reputation of the speedy star. It wants to have an advantage before rushing into combat with its foe, so it rushes over to the West Room through the shadows with Shadow Sneak, but to its surprise, Staryu spins in the opposite direction inside the East Room. Limewire guessed right, and in that room was a large pool of water. Staryu, feeling low on health, uses the temporary stop in the exchange of moves to recover off some of the damage it has taken. Ralts is still confused about Staryu's actions, but uses the distance it put between them to focus and raise its stats with Calm Mind.

Feeling very refreshed, Staryu starts to spin under the water to create a vortex and suck 30% of the water out of the pool. Using its innate skills as a water type, it sends the tidal wave crashing through the Central room and into the West Room, where Ralts is in. Ralts gets hit head on by the surprise gush of water, but weathers the hit well due to the Calm mind it set up earlier. It also avoids a little bit of damage due to the distance between the pokemon which weakened the Power of the Surf. It then channels its psychic energy into a bolt of thunder, and lets is loose towards Staryu. Seeing the electricity coming, Staryu dives into the pool, hoping to avoid the shock. However, due tot he water that it sent everywhere with its Surf, some of the electricity is conducted to Starmie, about 40% of what ralts sent out. Both pokemon are now throughly pissed about not only having their plans foiled, but also getting hit by these surprise attacks.

Staryu [Shuriken] (Genderless)
Nature: Timid
HP: 67
Energy: 50%
Atk: * (-1)
Def: **
SpA: ***
SpD: **
Spe: 98 (85 * 1.15^)
Boosts: None
Status: None

Ralts* [Dreamer] (Female)
Hp: 79
Energy: 84%
Atk: *(-1)
Def: *
SpAtk: ***(+)
SpDef: **
Spe: 40
Status: None
Boosts: +1 Special Attack, +1 Special Defense

North Room- Graveyard
South Room- Bottomless Pit
East Room- Water Room (Staryu)
West Room- Trick Room (Ralts)

Both pokemon are 40 feet apart. Staryu is in the pool of water, which has about 10 feet of water left (surf used up about five feet of it). There is water coating the ground of the center, east and west rooms that will conduct electricity well. Limewire, you're up next.
Alright Shuriken, if Ralts tries to use Magical Leaf or Will-o-Wisp, use Rapid Spin to knock them away (and reflect them back if possible).

Anyways, I want you to use Ice Beam on the water coating the ground to freeze it, so Ralts cannot use it to electrocute you. Then, I want you to fire off Swift twice!

If Ralts uses Psychic on the first action, fire off a Swift instead to disrupt it.
Magical Leaf to prevent any of this freezing stuff. Calm your Mind against the swift, and deliver one, ultimate Thunderbolt across the arena. After two Calm Mind boosts, the swifts are just a minor inconvienance while the Thunderbolt... could be a slight problem for Shuriken. It's really a shame that something with a name that boss is getting shown up by a paper doll.

Magical Leaf~Calm Mind~Thunderbolt
Staryu [Shuriken] (Genderless)
Nature: Timid
HP: 67
Energy: 50%
Atk: * (-1)
Def: **
SpA: ***
SpD: **
Spe: 98 (85 * 1.15^)
Boosts: None
Status: None

Ralts* [Dreamer] (Female)
Hp: 79
Energy: 84%
Atk: *(-1)
Def: *
SpAtk: ***(+)
SpDef: **
Spe: 40
Status: None
Boosts: +1 Special Attack, +1 Special Defense

Ralts starts off with a Magical leaf, aimed right at Staryu. However, Staryu starts to spin rapidly, negating the strike of the leaves as they individually battered away by Staryu's rotating appendages. Staryu then takes the initiative by freezing the ground with a single powerful Ice Beam, which turns all the water into Ice instead. It also freezes Ralt's feet in place. Not bothered by the ice, Ralts begins to focus and set up its Calm Mind, further raising its special attack. Staryu, scared of the mental might of its foe, tries to disrupt the intense concentration of Ralts with a Swift, but this fails to do a whole lot to Ralts.

Proud of its new-found power, Ralts prepares a massive Thunderbolt, and begins to aim it right at Staryu. With a sudden release of energy and a crackle of thunder, the beam of lightning travels directly at Staryu. Staryu tries to avoid it, but was not prepared for the sheer power of the electricity. Subsequently, Staryu gets nailed by a critical hit, which severely damages Staryu. Thankfully for Limewire, it can still fight. But not for much longer...

Staryu [Shuriken] (Genderless)
Nature: Timid
HP: 42
Energy: 37%
Atk: * (-1)
Def: **
SpA: ***
SpD: **
Spe: 98 (85 * 1.15^)
Boosts: None
Status: None

Ralts* [Dreamer] (Female)
Hp: 73
Energy: 67%
Atk: *(-1)
Def: *
SpAtk: ***(+)
SpDef: **
Spe: 40
Status: None
Boosts: +1 Special Attack, +1 Special Defense

Both pokemon are now 50 feet apart, and Staryu landed in the pool of water. Ralts is frozen in place by its feet, and it will be 3 rounds before Ralts's feet thaw out. Rediamond is up next.
Check. Thunderbolt, Magical Leaf, Thunderbolt.

If he tries to dodge the Thunderbolt, use Magical Leaf. If he tries to spin away the Magical Leaf, use Thunderbolt instead. If he tries
to dodge a Thunderbolt by using Rapid Spin, Teleport backwards one meter instead of attacking, effectively leaving the Ice. If he does it twice, Calm your Mind (Calm Mind). Three times, Chill during the third spin. Otherwise, stick to the above.
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