Monotype Regieleki


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Regieleki @ Choice Specs
Ability: Transistor
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Rising Voltage
- Thunderbolt
- Volt Switch
- Ancient Power / Hyper Beam

Regieleki is truly a shocking threat in Monotype! With its blistering Speed and extremely powerful Transistor-boosted Electric attacks, Regieleki can dominate any type that forgoes an immunity to Electric, such as Psychic, Dark, Fairy, and Bug, and many Fire, Ghost, and Poison teams. Regieleki also forces immunities to Electric on types like Flying and Water to play cautiously, as they need to be healthy to check it. This provides more room for its offensive teammates like Zeraora and Zapdos to break opposing teams. Ancient Power threatens Thundurus-T and Alolan Marowak, while Hyper Beam can be used to surprise Ground-types like Nidoking and Mamoswine and KO them after a little chip. Tapu Koko is Regieleki's best partner, as it provides Electric Terrain to boost Regieleki's Rising Voltage and can threaten Dragon-types like Kyurem and Garchomp that force Regieleki out. Rotom-Wash, Zapdos, and Air Balloon Magnezone capitalize on the Ground-types Regieleki invites in for free, such as Landorus-T, Gastrodon, and Excadrill, to generate their own momentum.

Check out Regieleki in action against a Psychic team in the latest MPL!
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Regieleki @ Choice Specs
Ability: Transistor
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Rising Voltage
- Thunderbolt
- Volt Switch
- Ancient Power / Hyper Beam

Regieleki is truly a shocking threat in Monotype! With its blistering speed and extremely powerful Transistor-boosted Electric attacks, Regieleki can dominate any type that forgoes an Electric immunity, such as Psychic, Dark, Fairy, Bug, and many Fire, Ghost, and Poison teams. Regieleki also forces Electric immunities on types like Flying and Water to play much safer, as they need to be healthy to check it. This provides more room for its offensive teammates like Zeraora and Zapdos to break opposing teams. Ancient Power threatens Thundurus-T and Alolan Marowak, while Hyper Beam can be used to surprise Ground-types like Nidoking and Mamoswine (On mobile so can't calc but it would be nice to mention if it OKHOs / 2HKOs them, saying something like "..Hyper Beam can be used to surprise Nidoking and Mamoswine, 2HKOing them."). Tapu Koko is Regieleki's best partner, as it provides Electric Terrain to boost Regieleki's Rising Voltage and can threaten Dragon-types (Like?) that force Regieleki out. Ground immunities in such as Rotom-Wash, Zapdos, and Air Balloon Magnezone can capitalize on the Ground-types that Regieleki invites in for free, such as Landorus-Therian, Gastrodon, and Excadrill, to generate their own momentum.

Check out Regieleki in action against a Psychic team in the latest MPL!

QC: 1/1

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Regieleki @ Choice Specs
Ability: Transistor
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Rising Voltage
- Thunderbolt
- Volt Switch
- Ancient Power / Hyper Beam

Regieleki is truly a shocking lol threat in Monotype! With its blistering Speed and extremely powerful Transistor-boosted Electric attacks, Regieleki can dominate any type that forgoes an Electric immunity immunity to Electric, such as Psychic, Dark, Fairy, and Bug, (comma) and many Fire, Ghost, and Poison teams. Regieleki also forces Electric immunities immunities to Electric on types like Flying and Water to play much safer cautiously, as they need to be healthy to check it. This provides more room for its offensive teammates like Zeraora and Zapdos to break opposing teams. Ancient Power threatens Thundurus-T and Alolan Marowak, while Hyper Beam can be used to surprise Ground-types like Nidoking and Mamoswine, being able to and KO them after a little chip. Tapu Koko is Regieleki's best partner, as it provides Electric Terrain to boost Regieleki's Rising Voltage and can threaten Dragon-types like Kyurem and Garchomp that force Regieleki out. Rotom-Wash, Zapdos, and Air Balloon Magnezone are Ground immunities that can capitalize on the Ground-types Regieleki invites in for free, such as Landorus-Therian, Gastrodon, and Excadrill, to generate their own momentum.
GP 1/1!


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