Relic Team:) , My first competitive original team so yeahh:) pls rate

HEY! ^.^ Suaver Here!:D

Bear in mind that this is a relatively new team and so i have no peaks or great acheivements... yet:)
Well.. this team came about while brainstorming for an original offensive core and i came up with ' Charizard Y + Excadrill + Garchomp ' and i honestly think they're pretty synergetic.
Honestly it's fun to use for me so i wanna share it with you guys and see if u have any suggestions for me!

Unfortunately , i don't know how to really set up the team building process clicking thingy ^_^ so i'll try it my way
EDIT: lol i learnt
i wanted a team based around mega zard y so of course she was the base.
then i thought stealth rock and i hate removing my own hazards with defog and most other spiners i outright hate(donphan ,forretress) or are water based(starmie and tenta) so i picked exca.
I sat and thought about this for about 20 minutes i kid you not because before this point i only ran lefties chomp/mega chomp but i decided screw greninja and added scarfchomp.
Then i decide i wanted a rock setter that had a special typing and wanted more coverage than eq/volt switch.. that does 2% to most things. eew i wanted a solid damaging poke. and went for mamo.
I thought about what cool typed pokemon could benefit from the sun and added venusaur with its chlorophyll ability. i thought it would be bulky.. boy was i wrong.
Added aegislash when i realized a spinblocker was missing. it's realy nice.
Venusaur wasnt providing the resistances i needed and so i chose celebi to deal with other mega venusaurs. and the team was ready.

Got some negative feedback on mamo and experienced it too and deoxys was added as my new rock setter.

Area 51 (Deoxys-Speed) @ Life Orb
Ability: Pressure
Shiny: Yes
EVs: 236 Spd / 252 SAtk / 20 Atk
Rash Nature
- Psycho Boost
- Ice Beam
- Superpower
- Stealth Rock
it's a really nice poke and honesty my answers to pokes with +2 speed and below as it outspeeds them easily :) something that the based god scarfchomp can't do
it's honestly a decent rocksetter in the right hands and a nice addition to the team.
Psycho Boost - powerful STAB move, that accuracy has cost me many games.. but boy when it hits,it hits hard.
Definitely a staple on any Deoxys-S set.
Ice Beam - for Garchomp,lando ,thundurus you know the top ou things :)
Superpower - a nice move for bisharp and ttars in any game. Also deoxys- s defenses getting lowered isn't really breaking any hearts:)
Stealth Rock because NO. to Talonflame and Xards. NO.


Rexosaurus (Garchomp) @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Rough Skin
Shiny: Yes
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SAtk / 252 Spd
Adamant Nature
- Dragon Claw
- Stone Edge
- Earthquake
- Outrage
Well ,Chomp is my favourite poke and with a scarf i've gained newfound respect for my beloved landshark ,it deals with the Greninja's and Talonflames for me, once an aegislash got to +6 on me how? don't ask.. and rough skin ko'd him from about 12%
-Dragon Claw nice abusable STAB move
-Stone Edge coverage and starting the edgequake combo.
-Earthquake STAB abusable move :) and rounding off the edgequake shenanigans.
-Outrage For late game shenanigans :)


Archeologist (Excadrill) @ Assault Vest
Ability: Mold Breaker
Shiny: Yes
EVs: 20 HP/ 236 Atk / 252 Spd
Adamant Nature
- Rapid Spin
- Rock Slide
- Iron Head
- Earthquake
A wonderful spinner. being able ohko most of the metagame's threats is pretty nice too.i'm not too keen on the item choice but usually mamo knocks off the scarf on other exca but i' open to change on the item it'd just 2 scarfers really wreck my team as the synergy evaporates quickly. 29 HP as it is a life orb number.
-Rapid Spin to keep Zard Healthy!
-Rock Slide :) for flying types
-Earthquake no need for explanation.
-Iron Head becuause Suck it fairies :)

Pterodactyl (Charizard-Mega-Y) (F) @ Charizardite Y
Ability: Drought
Shiny: Yes
EVs: 252 SAtk / 4 SDef / 252 Spd
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Fire Blast
- Solar Beam
- Focus Blast
- Roost
She only comes out to ohko gliscor's with Fire blast for my team lol jks it's really good though. it's a nice wallbreaker barring blissey.i tried the flare blitz set and got ko'd from recoil so blissey would prob be a mini-threat to my team.
-Fire Blast because i like power
-Solar Beam because no rotom-w
-Focus Blast for rocks and steels
-Roost to trick bisharp and live its sucker punch:)


They do Exist! (Keldeo-Resolute) @ Choice Specs
Ability: Justified
Shiny: Yes
EVs: 252 SAtk / 4 SDef / 252 Spd
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Hydro Pump
- Secret Sword
- Icy Wind
- Scald
He's new ,He recently settled in my team and has been pretty nice.
Ponies are threatening. 2hkoing almost half the ou metagame.
and the best uncontested specs user,
seriously it hits hard. it's a standard wallbreaker and overall a wonderful addition.
-Hydro Pump as i said above i like 2hko-ing nearly half the meta.
-Secret Sword also because no heatran! but mainly because of the blissey.
Icy Wind because i hate the - imo - pitiful hp flying..
Scald if i need that kill and cannot miss.


Excalibur (Aegislash) (M) @ Air Balloon
Ability: Stance Change
Shiny: Yes
EVs: 240 HP / 52 Atk / 200 SAtk
Brave Nature
- King's Shield
- Pursuit
- Shadow Ball
- Iron Head
Ah ,Arthur lives on in this sword ,it's a really good poke and serves as the one and only pursuit trapper for the lati's :) on this team and also a nice spin blocker with the balloon. as excadrill sees the balloon his heart sinks.defensive mandibuzz doesn't like flash cannons is going to be a problem.
-King's Shield for Scouting
-Pursuit for trapping latios and latias
-Shadow Ball for STAB
-Iron Head for fairies that arent named clefable -_-

Well ,Changes were made in bold of a colour other than black, if you made it all the way thanks :) and looking forward to the Rate.

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I feel like you should add some way to hit the lati twins on your Zard-Y, as they resist all its moves and have great Special Defense. Maybe HP Ice or Dragon Pulse over Protect, but Zard-Y suffers from 4 moveslot syndrome.

He needs all 4 slots for Coverage moves, weakening his ability to use other moves.
You need at least 3 lines of description for each of the pokemon, your thread may get locked if you don't do so, just wanted to let you know.
I feel like you should add some way to hit the lati twins on your Zard-Y, as they resist all its moves and have great Special Defense. Maybe HP Ice or Dragon Pulse over Protect, but Zard-Y suffers from 4 moveslot syndrome.

He needs all 4 slots for Coverage moves, weakening his ability to use other moves.
i always switch in aegi at this point and hp fire from life orb latios dose a mere 37% anyway ,then i pursuit.
You need at least 3 lines of description for each of the pokemon, your thread may get locked if you don't do so, just wanted to let you know.
thanks but i'm not too good at writing descriptions, care to help ? please
Nice team overall,but i won't recommend mamoswine to run focus sash.Try your best to match up the foe's lead and then reveal mamoswine.AV mamoswine is pretty bulky with 110/80/60 bulk and is my favourite set.You lose stealth rock yeah but icicle crash is a bit more powerful and this has the surprise value.
If you need stealth rock,excadrill can have it.
Your team is no way weak to fairies and if you really hate it,here.
Mega Charizard Y Fire Blast vs. 252 HP / 252+ SpD Sylveon in Sun: 187-222 (47.4 - 56.3%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Stealth Rock and Leftovers
After exca's stealth rock,mega zard can 2HKO sylveon(few sylveons run max sp.def so don't worry).
Nice team overall,but i won't recommend mamoswine to run focus sash.Try your best to match up the foe's lead and then reveal mamoswine.AV mamoswine is pretty bulky with 110/80/60 bulk and is my favourite set.You lose stealth rock yeah but icicle crash is a bit more powerful and this has the surprise value.
If you need stealth rock,excadrill can have it.
Your team is no way weak to fairies and if you really hate it,here.
Mega Charizard Y Fire Blast vs. 252 HP / 252+ SpD Sylveon in Sun: 187-222 (47.4 - 56.3%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Stealth Rock and Leftovers
After exca's stealth rock,mega zard can 2HKO sylveon(few sylveons run max sp.def so don't worry).
hmm alright testing it now ,thanks
Hey! Came by your request to rate the team.

I think you could consider Jolly as a nature to Mamoswine, as you need to outspeed as much as possible in order to effectively place SR. Also, I think Endeavor could have more uses than Knock Off, as with Focus Sash you can effectively cripple slow walls after you've been brought to low health. I think you could ditch the Life Orb on Excadrill and switch it to Leftovers. Excadrill really is strong even without Life Orb, and Leftovers gives you more longevity. To compensate, you can switch your nature to Adamant, since there's really not much Jolly outspeeds.

Your Char-Y doesn't have a nature nor EVs, but I would maybe recommend Timid for him, since you could use the Speed. I'm not too sold on Celebi, as Grass isn't a good attacking type in this metagame, although Specs Leaf Storm does hit hard, and you have a nifty second STAB also. Also, Grass/Psychic is a terrible defensive typing, which limits the chances of switching in. I would suggest you use Keldeo instead of Celebi, as he is hands down the best Specs user in the metagame. Below is a set for Keldeo. You don't even need the Trick to cripple physical walls, as Secret Sword hits their weaker Defense stat. Icy Wind and HP Flying gives you all the coverage you could need, and you can switch either to Scald if you don't need the coverage. He also has a better Speed tier than Celebi. I like it that you have Air Balloon on your Aegislash, but I don't really think you need King's Shield in there. With Air Balloon, Aegislash works best as a hit-and-run attacker, while having the coverage to hit any switch-in hard. I think you could replace King's Shield with Shadow Sneak, because it's just a great revenge-killing tool. Sacred Sword is another option to hit Bisharp with. Also, you could switch the EVs from HP to Speed, so that your Aegislash becomes a more legit offensive threat.
move 1: Hydro Pump
move 2: Secret Sword
move 3: HP Flying / Scald
move 4: Icy Wind / Scald
item: Choice Specs
evs: 252 SpA / 4 SDef / 252 Spe
nature: Timid

I think it's good that you have a spinblocker in your team so that your Mamoswine doesn't die in vain, but since Defog is another common hazard-removing move, I would suggest a Defiant user somewhere there. Bisharp and Thundurus are the best Defiant-users in the tier, and you could try them by replacing one of your Pokemon with them. Since your team is quite Heavy Offense, you really can't afford to lose your momentum to a stray Defog, so a Defiant user is encouraged. That's my two cents, good luck with the team!
Hey! Came by your request to rate the team.

I think you could consider Jolly as a nature to Mamoswine, as you need to outspeed as much as possible in order to effectively place SR. Also, I think Endeavor could have more uses than Knock Off, as with Focus Sash you can effectively cripple slow walls after you've been brought to low health. I think you could ditch the Life Orb on Excadrill and switch it to Leftovers. Excadrill really is strong even without Life Orb, and Leftovers gives you more longevity. To compensate, you can switch your nature to Adamant, since there's really not much Jolly outspeeds.

Your Char-Y doesn't have a nature nor EVs, but I would maybe recommend Timid for him, since you could use the Speed. I'm not too sold on Celebi, as Grass isn't a good attacking type in this metagame, although Specs Leaf Storm does hit hard, and you have a nifty second STAB also. Also, Grass/Psychic is a terrible defensive typing, which limits the chances of switching in. I would suggest you use Keldeo instead of Celebi, as he is hands down the best Specs user in the metagame. Below is a set for Keldeo. You don't even need the Trick to cripple physical walls, as Secret Sword hits their weaker Defense stat. Icy Wind and HP Flying gives you all the coverage you could need, and you can switch either to Scald if you don't need the coverage. He also has a better Speed tier than Celebi. I like it that you have Air Balloon on your Aegislash, but I don't really think you need King's Shield in there. With Air Balloon, Aegislash works best as a hit-and-run attacker, while having the coverage to hit any switch-in hard. I think you could replace King's Shield with Shadow Sneak, because it's just a great revenge-killing tool. Sacred Sword is another option to hit Bisharp with. Also, you could switch the EVs from HP to Speed, so that your Aegislash becomes a more legit offensive threat.
move 1: Hydro Pump
move 2: Secret Sword
move 3: HP Flying / Scald
move 4: Icy Wind / Scald
item: Choice Specs
evs: 252 SpA / 4 SDef / 252 Spe
nature: Timid

I think it's good that you have a spinblocker in your team so that your Mamoswine doesn't die in vain, but since Defog is another common hazard-removing move, I would suggest a Defiant user somewhere there. Bisharp and Thundurus are the best Defiant-users in the tier, and you could try them by replacing one of your Pokemon with them. Since your team is quite Heavy Offense, you really can't afford to lose your momentum to a stray Defog, so a Defiant user is encouraged. That's my two cents, good luck with the team!
Thanks ,I've adjusted the mamoswine but i like the extra power of the life orb ,the char y was a mistake derpp ,this is the actual set
Pterodactyl (Charizard-Mega-Y) (M) @ Charizardite Y
Ability: Drought
Shiny: Yes
EVs: 252 SAtk / 4 SDef / 252 Spd
Timid Nature
- Fire Blast
- Solar Beam
- Focus Blast
- Roost
i really do enjoy celebi and i do agree that keldeo would be good for my team but cresselia(stall in general) is the problem i cant deal with it reliably without tricking it into calm mind also keldeo can and will be toxic stalled in the event of a stall team but with natural cure poof it's gone, Also secret sword is "possibly the worst move ever" according to the calcs lol ,but i'll consider it. also celebi has a secondary job of taking both rock moves and ground moves for my Charizard and Excadrill respectively if i'm not too keen on a prediction.
hmm.. Bisharp would be okay but i'm not too keen on replacing anyone for him as they are all more or less staples and have their functions but i'm open to your suggestion for who i should replace.
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You don't really need a bisharp honestly,it's OK with the current team.I recommend having a water pokemon over something in the team.You are very close to be a FWG core and your team has 3 weakness to fire.I recommend keldeo there.
Your team contains quite a bit of type redundancy. I understand that Zard-Y, Exca and Aegislash's purposes in the team. But the rest could do with improving.
Excadrill can stay as it is, only it should have an Assault Vest set, due to it working very well with Zard-Y. The EV spread should be this.

20 HP / 136 Atk / 252 SpD and an Adamant Nature.

Keldeo should be used instead of Celebi. It is the superior Specs user and compliments Charizard better than Celebi does; it can beat more of it's counters.

Keldeo @ Choice Specs
Ability: Justified
EVs: 252 Spd / 252 SAtk / 4 SDef
Timid Nature
- Hydro Pump
- Scald
- Secret Sword
- Hidden Power [Flying]

Terrakion should also be added in instead of GChomp. This is due to being able to Revenge Kill Talonflame and Greninja as well as the ability to beat Chansey. The double up on fighting may sound hypocritical, but it is better than having 3 grounds, with one sharing another type. The set should be this.

Terrakion @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Justified
EVs: 252 Spd / 252 Atk / 4 SDef
Jolly Nature
- Close Combat
- Stone Edge
- X-Scissor
- Earthquake

Finally, Deoxys-S should be used as a hazards user. However, this should not be used a suicide lead. Instead, you can set up hazards any time you want and keep it alive for stuff like Venusaur. The set should look like this.

Deoxys-S @ Life Orb
Ability: Pressure
EVs: 20 Atk/ 252 SpA/ 236 Spe
Naive Nature
- Psycho Boost
- Superpower
- Ice Beam
- Stealth Rock

Finally, to get that clicky thingy, type in
and then [/hidee]. The second e is here so it can keep as the HTML code BTW. You really don't have to put another e in.
type in importable (close)?
anyway (lol) ,i'm using keldeo right now,
terrakion.. hmm if i lose chomp i lose my only reliable way of hitting dragons (barring icy wind if i decide to use it)
and look ..

252 Atk Choice Band Talonflame Brave Bird vs. 0 HP / 0 Def Terrakion: 234-276 (72.4 - 85.4%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
252 Atk Choice Band Talonflame Brave Bird vs. 4 HP / 0 Def Garchomp: 223-264 (62.2 - 73.7%) -- guaranteed 2HKO

chomp even takes less now onto greninja

252 SpA Life Orb Greninja Hydro Pump vs. 0 HP / 4 SpD Terrakion: 432-510 (133.7 - 157.8%) -- guaranteed OHKO
252 SpA Life Orb Protean Greninja Ice Beam vs. 4 HP / 0 SpD Garchomp: 749-879 (209.2 - 245.5%) -- guaranteed OHKO

i'm gaining a physic,steel,fighting,fairy and ground weakness but losing an ice and dragon weakness but regardless i will try it too
Deoxys would be really good but i love the sash and ability to not get taunted and..
252 SpA Deoxys-S Psycho Boost vs. 252 HP / 4 SpD Assault Vest Conkeldurr: 348-410 (84 - 99%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
i know that from experience.... ,but i'll do it either way.
why those exact evs on excadrill
also ur missing 96 evs on that set...

EDIT: uses terrakion for the first time on this team ... gets rekt by a scarf greninja.
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4 SpA Garchomp Fire Blast vs. 252 HP / 0 SpD Skarmory: 178-210 (53.2 - 62.8%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Stealth Rock and Leftovers recovery

not quite a ohko there if that is what you meant.

Agree with above. This is a team that has a decent core but support seems very random. Gchomp doesn't fit the synergy of the team. Rotom-w would it be a better partner for the core and a better choice specs user for trick. Can you explain your evs on aegislash? Having both mamoswine and excadrill just seems stupid. You can give yourself a premier wallbreaker or somebody for great coverage in one of those slots
Scarf Greninja are rare meaning you won't need to worry, GChomp would suffer too. The EVs correspond well with the increased SpD Excadrill will gain, and I meant 236. You may as well keep Garchomp due to Rough Skin, the bulk and it and Excadrill have different defensive typings. Deoxys-S also could hold a sash if you are worried about it.

Also, try [hidee=Importable] without the second e.
if you are going to run deoxys-S as a special attacker you should run modest or rash to keep the neutral attack, naive literally outspeeds nothing except a few uncommon scarfers.
So here are some of the things I see right off the bat when looking at your team:

- Dat fire weakness. It would be really beneficial for to have a bulky water, maybe tentacruel, who spins too. If you want to go with an offensive one, starmie is super fast and hits decently hard with a life orb.

- Use outrage on garchomp. When it needs to clean a team late-game, you need that power to push through.

Otherwise, it looks like quite a solid HO team... One last thing is that I always like to have several priority users, but in your case scarfchomp should do fine as a revenge killer.
4 SpA Garchomp Fire Blast vs. 252 HP / 0 SpD Skarmory: 178-210 (53.2 - 62.8%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Stealth Rock and Leftovers recovery

not quite a ohko there if that is what you meant.

Agree with above. This is a team that has a decent core but support seems very random. Gchomp doesn't fit the synergy of the team. Rotom-w would it be a better partner for the core and a better choice specs user for trick. Can you explain your evs on aegislash? Having both mamoswine and excadrill just seems stupid. You can give yourself a premier wallbreaker or somebody for great coverage in one of those slots
lol yeah a bit of an over-exaggeration on the skarm ohko ,rotom wash could work but i'm testing keldeo currently it's really pulling through ,for mamoswine i'm testing deoxys speed instead.
Scarf Greninja are rare meaning you won't need to worry, GChomp would suffer too. The EVs correspond well with the increased SpD Excadrill will gain, and I meant 236. You may as well keep Garchomp due to Rough Skin, the bulk and it and Excadrill have different defensive typings. Deoxys-S also could hold a sash if you are worried about it.

Also, try [hidee=Importable] without the second e.
its alright i guess but i'm testing starmie over excadrill but if that falls through i'll gladly try your set.
terrkions a bit meh.
if you are going to run deoxys-S as a special attacker you should run modest or rash to keep the neutral attack, naive literally outspeeds nothing except a few uncommon scarfers.
done lol. thankks

So here are some of the things I see right off the bat when looking at your team:

- Dat fire weakness. It would be really beneficial for to have a bulky water, maybe tentacruel, who spins too. If you want to go with an offensive one, starmie is super fast and hits decently hard with a life orb.

- Use outrage on garchomp. When it needs to clean a team late-game, you need that power to push through.

Otherwise, it looks like quite a solid HO team... One last thing is that I always like to have several priority users, but in your case scarfchomp should do fine as a revenge killer.
thank you! everyone, I'm testig starmie over exca atm and sure i'll use outrage over fire blast cuz honestly its been useless.
Yo there. Got your request. The team is pretty solid thanks to the suggestions of the others, so I'd probably just suggest some minor changes. I really suggest you try out Jolly on ScarfChomp. The 100+ Speed tier is loaded with top tier threats so you'd want to outspeed as much as you can (sorry, don't really have a good example as I'm too lazy to calc lol). Anyway, I know that Adamant XZards are more common, but that means Garchomp taking risks every time you're up against XZard, especially at +1. And, I would second theV8man's suggestion of fitting in a priority user. Other than that, solid team. Good luck on the ladder!
Alright man I got your VM so I'll do my best to improve your team's efficiency.

You really should be running King's Shield over Iron Head and Leftovers on your Aegislash if you arent already. Iron Head is alright but youre already a straight up counter to most Fairies without it (they cant touch you) and you still won't enjoy taking on Tyranitar. It just isnt hitting much that Shadow Ball wont already, especially not with that EV spread. King's Shield is what makes Aegislash such an impressive offensive pivot and without it you may as well be running Slaking because you'll be forced to switch after every time you attack (I'm kidding dont run Slaking lol). Air Balloon is also nifty but Aegislash much prefers the passive healing, and most users of Earthquake like Excadrill still have little issues beating you with another move (Rock Slide) then Earthquake,especially without King's Shield. You need it healthy to absorb Draco Meteors dont you?

I love the idea of Deoxys-S on a Zard Y team, but you really do need to run Naive with 252 Speed EVs to outspeed opposing ScarfChomp as well as Scarf Lando and OHKO them with Ice Beam. the spread will be 24 Atk/ 232 SAtk/ 252 Spd, and add Knock Off > Stealth Rock to better take on opposing Aegislash and revenge the Lati twins, making ScarfChomp somewhat redundant on your team since Deo-S is already a great revenge killer for your team with my set. Instead, why don't you run a Lead Chomp with Stealth Rock > Outrage or Dragon Claw and Fire Blast > Stone Edge with a Naive nature and 4 Satk/ 252 Atk/ 252 Spd with a Life Orb. Its a much more reliable hazard setter than Deoxys right now and now you take advantage of the sun and you have a way to beat Defog Scizor and Lead Ferrothorn that you otherwise only have Zard to beat them. If you don't mind the power drop (especially in Fire Blast) Focus Sash is also a decent item for it.

Excadrill is a fine Pokemon but the specially bulkier set youre running makes you very weak to bird spam and Mega Pinsir and doesnt really contribute to the team's synergy in terms of offense or defense (Garchomp and Aegislash together already do Excadrill's job to be honest, aside from hazard control). I really dont see Assault Vest doing much either. It just looks like a weak link at this point and you aren't desperate to keep your own hazards up since you arent Hyper Offense.
Instead, I recommend a Defog Zapdos on your team, as it works great to deter Mega Pinsir and Talonflame that can threaten Keldeo and Charizard.

I recommend this set for your team:

252 HP/ 188 Def/ 68 SAtk/


The EVs allow you to OHKO Mega Pinsir then the rest in physical bulk. It seems really tempting to run Heat Wave but you really need Toxic to prevent things like XZard and MegaTtar from setting up on you for free, as you cant really count on Deoxys to revenge kill them reliably. Dragonite can also pose a significant issue due to having access to ExtremeSpeed and Toxic really cripples its sweep if it tries to set up on you, as opposed to it setting up practically cost free on Zapdos if you run Heat Wave. The rare Calm Mind variants of Sylveon and Lati@s thinking they can set up on Zapdos are also stopped by Toxic. Zapdos also checks Azumarril and opposing Keldeo (especially Azu because Deoxys doesnt beat it reliably), Pokemon that really harass this team if the sun runs out on you, which can happen more often than you think since you are not running an additional weather starter to reset the Drought counter, like Hippowdon or Tyranitar.

This last suggestion is minor, but there is little benefit to running Max Speed on your Zard since you outspeed very little relevant offensive threats after the neutral base 95 tier.
To make Zard a better wallbreaker for your team to take advantage of, run Modest with 40 HP/ 252 SAtk/ 216 Spd to just outspeed neutral Kyurem-B while gaining significant power, including the power to 2HKO Latios with Fire Blast. However, you have plenty to check the Latis so the reliability of Flamethrower may be preferable.

Hope I helped!
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Hi there! This looks like a pretty solid team, especially with the addition of Deoxys - S. I see a lot of Deoxys - D and I think it's really good to see a Speed form. Anyway let me get to the review.
1. AV on Excadrill? I read the comment about the addition of AV but I think Excadrill is much better suited to Air Balloon. Excadrills defenses aren't much to rave home about and I think Excadrill will be sorely missing the ground type resistance however brief.
2. I think Keldeo over Celebi is a good idea. Keldeo has much better sp. atk and speed then Celebi and provides better coverage also.
3. Your team doesn't have any walls much but I think taking away Excadrill for Zapdos will take away most of the coverage that he provides. However it doesn't hurt to try using Zapdos and also you would have an amazing defencive wall (I've tried it and it's amazing) and defogger. I suggest this set if you do decide to go with Zapdos
Zapdos @ Leftovers
Bold Nature - Pressure
252 HP/ 252 def/ 4 spd
- Heat Wave
- Thunderbolt
- Roost
- Defog
This is exactly the same as the one above apart from Zapdos knows Heat Wave. This is so Bisharp, who will endeavor to set up on you when you use defog, can be KO'd. Apart from that, this is Zapdos's bread and butter set. Thunderbolt is for stab and Roost for recovery.
There isn't really much to say since everyone else has corrected everything. Overall very balanced team! You've got an equal balance of special and physical attackers and have thought about counters to all of Charizards threats. Good Luck!
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Yo there. Got your request. The team is pretty solid thanks to the suggestions of the others, so I'd probably just suggest some minor changes. I really suggest you try out Jolly on ScarfChomp. The 100+ Speed tier is loaded with top tier threats so you'd want to outspeed as much as you can (sorry, don't really have a good example as I'm too lazy to calc lol). Anyway, I know that Adamant XZards are more common, but that means Garchomp taking risks every time you're up against XZard, especially at +1. And, I would second theV8man's suggestion of fitting in a priority user. Other than that, solid team. Good luck on the ladder!
thanks for the suggestion:) but i had a terrible loss against gyarados as witth jolly gyarados takes 85% but with adamant it's a OHKO and adamant scarf chomp still outspeeds xard x at +1
Alright man I got your VM so I'll do my best to improve your team's efficiency.

You really should be running King's Shield over Iron Head and Leftovers on your Aegislash if you arent already. Iron Head is alright but youre already a straight up counter to most Fairies without it (they cant touch you) and you still won't enjoy taking on Tyranitar. It just isnt hitting much that Shadow Ball wont already, especially not with that EV spread. King's Shield is what makes Aegislash such an impressive offensive pivot and without it you may as well be running Slaking because you'll be forced to switch after every time you attack (I'm kidding dont run Slaking lol). Air Balloon is also nifty but Aegislash much prefers the passive healing, and most users of Earthquake like Excadrill still have little issues beating you with another move (Rock Slide) then Earthquake,especially without King's Shield. You need it healthy to absorb Draco Meteors dont you?

I love the idea of Deoxys-S on a Zard Y team, but you really do need to run Naive with 252 Speed EVs to outspeed opposing ScarfChomp as well as Scarf Lando and OHKO them with Ice Beam. the spread will be 24 Atk/ 232 SAtk/ 252 Spd, and add Knock Off > Stealth Rock to better take on opposing Aegislash and revenge the Lati twins, making ScarfChomp somewhat redundant on your team since Deo-S is already a great revenge killer for your team with my set. Instead, why don't you run a Lead Chomp with Stealth Rock > Outrage or Dragon Claw and Fire Blast > Stone Edge with a Naive nature and 4 Satk/ 252 Atk/ 252 Spd with a Life Orb. Its a much more reliable hazard setter than Deoxys right now and now you take advantage of the sun and you have a way to beat Defog Scizor and Lead Ferrothorn that you otherwise only have Zard to beat them. If you don't mind the power drop (especially in Fire Blast) Focus Sash is also a decent item for it.

Excadrill is a fine Pokemon but the specially bulkier set youre running makes you very weak to bird spam and Mega Pinsir and doesnt really contribute to the team's synergy in terms of offense or defense (Garchomp and Aegislash together already do Excadrill's job to be honest, aside from hazard control). I really dont see Assault Vest doing much either. It just looks like a weak link at this point and you aren't desperate to keep your own hazards up since you arent Hyper Offense.
Instead, I recommend a Defog Zapdos on your team, as it works great to deter Mega Pinsir and Talonflame that can threaten Keldeo and Charizard.

I recommend this set for your team:

252 HP/ 188 Def/ 68 SAtk/


The EVs allow you to OHKO Mega Pinsir then the rest in physical bulk. It seems really tempting to run Heat Wave but you really need Toxic to prevent things like XZard and MegaTtar from setting up on you for free, as you cant really count on Deoxys to revenge kill them reliably. Dragonite can also pose a significant issue due to having access to ExtremeSpeed and Toxic really cripples its sweep if it tries to set up on you, as opposed to it setting up practically cost free on Zapdos if you run Heat Wave. The rare Calm Mind variants of Sylveon and Lati@s thinking they can set up on Zapdos are also stopped by Toxic. Zapdos also checks Azumarril and opposing Keldeo (especially Azu because Deoxys doesnt beat it reliably), Pokemon that really harass this team if the sun runs out on you, which can happen more often than you think since you are not running an additional weather starter to reset the Drought counter, like Hippowdon or Tyranitar.

This last suggestion is minor, but there is little benefit to running Max Speed on your Zard since you outspeed very little relevant offensive threats after the neutral base 95 tier.
To make Zard a better wallbreaker for your team to take advantage of, run Modest with 40 HP/ 252 SAtk/ 212 Spd to just outspeed neutral Kyurem-B while gaining significant power, including the power to 2HKO Latios with Fire Blast. However, you have plenty to check the Latis so the reliability of Flamethrower may be preferable.

Hope I helped!
umm on the aegislash the air balloon is to force exca to rock slide and then fire off a shadow ball and follow up with a shadow sneak(i actually do run it over king's shield attimes. but i might run it over iron head oh and i'd call this enjoyable
252+ Atk Aegislash-Blade Iron Head vs. 252 HP / 0 Def Tyranitar: 294-348 (72.7 - 86.1%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Stealth Rock
but sure i'll run it.
no onto the zapdos it seems like a great idea i'll try it
68 SpA Zapdos Heat Wave vs. 32 HP / 0 SpD Bisharp: 236-278 (84.5 - 99.6%) -- 37.5% chance to OHKO after Stealth Rock
56 SpA Zapdos Thunderbolt vs. 4 HP / 0 SpD Mega Pinsir: 270-320 (99.2 - 117.6%) -- 93.8% chance to OHKO
+2 252 Atk Aerilate Mega Pinsir Return vs. 252 HP / 188+ Def Zapdos: 210-247 (54.6 - 64.3%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Leftovers recovery(insane).
252 Atk Choice Band Talonflame Flare Blitz vs. 252 HP / 188+ Def Zapdos: 181-214 (47.1 - 55.7%) -- 19.9% chance to 2HKO after Leftovers recovery(i'm sold.)
252 Atk Choice Band Talonflame Brave Bird vs. 252 HP / 188+ Def Zapdos: 90-107 (23.4 - 27.8%) -- possible 5HKO after Leftovers recovery(lmfao)
my spread
200 HP/188 Def/68 SpA/52 SpDef
252 SpA Life Orb Protean Greninja Ice Beam vs. 200 HP / 52+ SpD Zapdos: 307-361 (82.7 - 97.3%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Leftovers recovery(i want to be able to live this so i put 52 evs into spdef from hp and gave it a spdef boosting nature is this okay?
honestly i think it is
Hi there! This looks like a pretty solid team, especially with the addition of Deoxys - S. I see a lot of Deoxys - D and I think it's really good to see a Speed form. Anyway let me get to the review.
1. AV on Excadrill? I read the comment about the addition of AV but I think Excadrill is much better suited to Air Balloon. Excadrills defenses aren't much to rave home about and I think Excadrill will be sorely missing the ground type resistance however brief.
2. I think Keldeo over Celebi is a good idea. Keldeo has much better sp. atk and speed then Celebi and provides better coverage also.
3. Your team doesn't have any walls much but I think taking away Excadrill for Zapdos will take away most of the coverage that he provides. However it doesn't hurt to try using Zapdos and also you would have an amazing defencive wall (I've tried it and it's amazing) and defogger. I suggest this set if you do decide to go with Zapdos

There isn't really much to say since everyone else has corrected everything. Overall very balanced team! You've got an equal balance of special and physical attackers and have thought about counters to all of Charizards threats. Good Luck!
well thank you and i appreciate recomending zapdos but i really like and am currently testing a variant of darkerones set already.
You're not even running max Attack on Aegislash though (which is what you calced with).
Air balloon is simply find to be way too situational and unlike regular users of Balloon like Offensive Heatran and Excadrill, Aegislash is expected to regularly come in to tank hits as per it's role as a pivot, therefore most battles his Balloon will break before it gets the chance to even take advantage of it. The item will be dead weight most of the time.
The calc you made with Zapdos is also with a +SDef nature, which I honestly don't think it's worth it just because you already have so much to check Greninja and as you get higher on the ladder he will become less and less often seen.
You're not even running max Attack on Aegislash though (which is what you calced with).
Air balloon is simply find to be way too situational and unlike regular users of Balloon like Offensive Heatran and Excadrill, Aegislash is expected to regularly come in to tank hits as per it's role as a pivot, therefore most battles his Balloon will break before it gets the chance to even take advantage of it. The item will be dead weight most of the time.
The calc you made with Zapdos is also with a +SDef nature, which I honestly don't think it's worth it just because you already have so much to check Greninja and as you get higher on the ladder he will become less and less often seen.
lmao sorry bout the aegislash ,okay recommend a full set and i'll try it.
also i'm too attached to this zapdos set as it is and i know mega manetric isnt very common up there but without those evs it ohko's with thunderbolt