Bear in mind that this is a relatively new team and so i have no peaks or great acheivements... yet:)
Well.. this team came about while brainstorming for an original offensive core and i came up with ' Charizard Y + Excadrill + Garchomp ' and i honestly think they're pretty synergetic.
Honestly it's fun to use for me so i wanna share it with you guys and see if u have any suggestions for me!
Unfortunately , i don't know how to really set up the team building process clicking thingy ^_^ so i'll try it my way
i wanted a team based around mega zard y so of course she was the base.
then i thought stealth rock and i hate removing my own hazards with defog and most other spiners i outright hate(donphan ,forretress) or are water based(starmie and tenta) so i picked exca.
I sat and thought about this for about 20 minutes i kid you not because before this point i only ran lefties chomp/mega chomp but i decided screw greninja and added scarfchomp.
Then i decide i wanted a rock setter that had a special typing and wanted more coverage than eq/volt switch.. that does 2% to most things. eew i wanted a solid damaging poke. and went for mamo.
I thought about what cool typed pokemon could benefit from the sun and added venusaur with its chlorophyll ability. i thought it would be bulky.. boy was i wrong.
Added aegislash when i realized a spinblocker was missing. it's realy nice.
Venusaur wasnt providing the resistances i needed and so i chose celebi to deal with other mega venusaurs. and the team was ready.
Got some negative feedback on mamo and experienced it too and deoxys was added as my new rock setter.

Got some negative feedback on mamo and experienced it too and deoxys was added as my new rock setter.

Area 51 (Deoxys-Speed) @ Life Orb
Ability: Pressure
Shiny: Yes
EVs: 236 Spd / 252 SAtk / 20 Atk
Rash Nature
- Psycho Boost
- Ice Beam
- Superpower
- Stealth Rock
it's a really nice poke and honesty my answers to pokes with +2 speed and below as it outspeeds them easily :) something that the based god scarfchomp can't do
it's honestly a decent rocksetter in the right hands and a nice addition to the team.
Psycho Boost - powerful STAB move, that accuracy has cost me many games.. but boy when it hits,it hits hard.
Definitely a staple on any Deoxys-S set.
Ice Beam - for Garchomp,lando ,thundurus you know the top ou things :)
Superpower - a nice move for bisharp and ttars in any game. Also deoxys- s defenses getting lowered isn't really breaking any hearts:)
Stealth Rock because NO. to Talonflame and Xards. NO.

Rexosaurus (Garchomp) @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Rough Skin
Shiny: Yes
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SAtk / 252 Spd
Adamant Nature
- Dragon Claw
- Stone Edge
- Earthquake
- Outrage
Well ,Chomp is my favourite poke and with a scarf i've gained newfound respect for my beloved landshark ,it deals with the Greninja's and Talonflames for me, once an aegislash got to +6 on me how? don't ask.. and rough skin ko'd him from about 12%
-Dragon Claw nice abusable STAB move
-Stone Edge coverage and starting the edgequake combo.
-Earthquake STAB abusable move :) and rounding off the edgequake shenanigans.
-Outrage For late game shenanigans :)

Archeologist (Excadrill) @ Assault Vest
Ability: Mold Breaker
Shiny: Yes
EVs: 20 HP/ 236 Atk / 252 Spd
Adamant Nature
- Rapid Spin
- Rock Slide
- Iron Head
- Earthquake
A wonderful spinner. being able ohko most of the metagame's threats is pretty nice too.i'm not too keen on the item choice but usually mamo knocks off the scarf on other exca but i' open to change on the item it'd just 2 scarfers really wreck my team as the synergy evaporates quickly. 29 HP as it is a life orb number.
-Rapid Spin to keep Zard Healthy!
-Rock Slide :) for flying types
-Earthquake no need for explanation.
-Iron Head becuause Suck it fairies :)

Pterodactyl (Charizard-Mega-Y) (F) @ Charizardite Y
Ability: Drought
Shiny: Yes
EVs: 252 SAtk / 4 SDef / 252 Spd
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Fire Blast
- Solar Beam
- Focus Blast
- Roost
She only comes out to ohko gliscor's with Fire blast for my team lol jks it's really good though. it's a nice wallbreaker barring blissey.i tried the flare blitz set and got ko'd from recoil so blissey would prob be a mini-threat to my team.
-Fire Blast because i like power
-Solar Beam because no rotom-w
-Focus Blast for rocks and steels
-Roost to trick bisharp and live its sucker punch:)

They do Exist! (Keldeo-Resolute) @ Choice Specs
Ability: Justified
Shiny: Yes
EVs: 252 SAtk / 4 SDef / 252 Spd
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Hydro Pump
- Secret Sword
- Icy Wind
- Scald
He's new ,He recently settled in my team and has been pretty nice.
Ponies are threatening. 2hkoing almost half the ou metagame.
and the best uncontested specs user,
seriously it hits hard. it's a standard wallbreaker and overall a wonderful addition.
-Hydro Pump as i said above i like 2hko-ing nearly half the meta.
-Secret Sword also because no heatran! but mainly because of the blissey.
Icy Wind because i hate the - imo - pitiful hp flying..
Scald if i need that kill and cannot miss.

Excalibur (Aegislash) (M) @ Air Balloon
Ability: Stance Change
Shiny: Yes
EVs: 240 HP / 52 Atk / 200 SAtk
Brave Nature
- King's Shield
- Pursuit
- Shadow Ball
- Iron Head
Ah ,Arthur lives on in this sword ,it's a really good poke and serves as the one and only pursuit trapper for the lati's :) on this team and also a nice spin blocker with the balloon. as excadrill sees the balloon his heart sinks.defensive mandibuzz
-King's Shield for Scouting
-Pursuit for trapping latios and latias
-Shadow Ball for STAB
-Iron Head for fairies that arent named clefable -_-
Well ,Changes were made in bold of a colour other than black, if you made it all the way thanks :) and looking forward to the Rate.
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