Rejected Remove the disconnect timer

The disconnect timer is both frustrating and completely useless.

It is frustrating because it doesn't provide sufficient time to reconnect. In the vast majority of cases it is impossible to reconnect in time. By the time the player is even aware that a disconnection has occurred it's probably been 30 seconds at least, I've not once managed to reconnect before the timer was fully down meaning that playing with a mediocre internet such as on the train or in the country is virtually impossible as any temporary internet drop will automatically result in a loss, even if you took less time that you had on the regular timer to reconnect.

Additionally, its existence is redundant as the normal timer already handles disconnections effectively, while not being unreasonably punitive to users with bad internet. To me it feels as if the disconnect timer could be removed entirely and the website would be better and more useable as a whole.
I've not once managed to reconnect before the timer was fully down meaning that playing with a mediocre internet such as on the train or in the country is virtually impossible as any temporary internet drop will automatically result in a loss, even if you took less time that you had on the regular timer to reconnect.

While your experience is valid and I sincerely lament your situation, this isn't by any means the common result with the disconnection timer, specially for PC users.

Additionally, its existence is redundant as the normal timer already handles disconnections effectivel
Waiting three minutes for a disconnected opponent seems quite annoying, specially when we already get a lot of complaints and reports for people rage quitting. We don't punish for that, and one of the reasons is because the disconnect timer is short enough and a good midpoint.

Here you can read a thorough Dev Admin response to a similar suggestion (in this case, someone asking for the removal of it because it felt too short to reconnect).