All Gens Retro Cup of Pokémon 2024 - Round 1


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Hosted by Akeras, bern, and GraveBee | Banner art by Samirsin (concept by Lutra)

The Retro Cup of Pokemon features all oldgen OU tiers. That means RBY OU, GSC OU, ADV OU, DPP OU, BW OU, ORAS OU, SM OU and SS OU. Each team will be required to have 8 players and 4 substitutes.

For the first round of the main event, players will be randomly assigned into four groups of four for each generation, with the top 8 teams with the most collected wins proceeding to the Playoffs - an 8-team single elimination bracket where teams will face head to head.​

  • General tournament rules and regulations can be found here.
  • If metagame changes occur during the middle of a round, they will take effect in the subsequent round.
  • Battles must take place on either Smogtours or Pokemon Showdown!
  • Replays are required. Any win post without replays will not be counted

  • On Substitution:
    • If you are unable to schedule with your opponent, please let your managers know ASAP so they can communicate that to us or the other team's managers for a potential substitute.
    • When making a substitution, please the host team, the managers of the opposing team, and all of the players affected by the substitute to ensure that everyone is made aware.
    • Keep in mind once a player is subbed out, they cannot be subbed back into the same round, but can be put back onto the roster for next round.
    • Substitutions will not be allowed in tiebreak series unless both teams agree (or TDs enforce double sub). We will be reluctant to give activity wins to those who are clearly fishing for them.
SS #1
TDNT / J0RIS / robjr / Pais

SS #2
Shafofficiel / cen344uu / ezra / lolebruh

SS #3
Leavers / Reze / Raiyan / wsike

SS #4
dex / 3d / Stareal / Trickster7

RBY #1:
- abd1710 vs. Kaz
- abd1710 vs. nicole7735
- abd1710 vs. leoperi99
- Kaz vs. nicole7735
- Kaz vs. Ren-chon
- nicole7735 vs. leoperi99

RBY #2:
- Genesis7 vs. NotVeryCake
- Genesis7 vs. Ranshiin
- Genesis7 vs. Sabelette
- NotVeryCake vs. Ranshiin
- NotVeryCake vs. Sabelette
- Ranshiin vs. Sabelette

RBY #3:
- gastlies vs. Mimikyu Stardust
- gastlies vs. SANKE CARP
- gastlies vs. Unowndragon
- Mimikyu Stardust vs. SANKE CARP
- Mimikyu Stardust vs. Unowndragon
- SANKE CARP vs. Unowndragon

RBY #4:
- Amaranth vs. Mister Tim
- Amaranth vs. RaiZen1704
- Amaranth vs. SKC44
- Mister Tim vs. RaiZen1704
- Mister Tim vs. SKC44
- RaiZen1704 vs. SKC44

GSC #1:
- Alice Kazumi vs. Century Express
- Alice Kazumi vs. hellpowna
- Alice Kazumi vs. mentalsoft
- Century Express vs. hellpowna
- Century Express vs. mentalsoft
- hellpowna vs. mentalsoft

GSC #2:
- chio vs. feen
- chio vs. MrSoup
- chio vs. skimmythegod
- feen vs. MrSoup
- feen vs. skimmythegod
- MrSoup vs. skimmythegod

GSC #3:
- Lily vs. melancholy0
- Lily vs. Skyrio
- Lily vs. vani
- melancholy0 vs. Skyrio
- melancholy0 vs. vani
- Skyrio vs. vani

GSC #4:
- eden vs. Egor
- eden vs. Siatam
- eden vs. Underlying
- Egor vs. Siatam
- Egor vs. Underlying
- Siatam vs. Underlying

ADV #1:
- bebra2 vs. mielke
- bebra2 vs. OOz!?
- bebra2 vs. Zerkas
- mielke vs. ojr
- mielke vs. Zerkas
- OOz!? vs. Zerkas

ADV #2:
- Fakes vs. Rhmsitb
- Fakes vs. Sheik :
- Fakes vs. Xrn
- Rhmsitb vs. Sheik :
- Rhmsitb vs. Xrn
- Sheik : vs. Xrn

ADV #3:
- baddummy vs. BIHI
- baddummy vs. gostop
- baddummy vs. Kaif
- BIHI vs. gostop
- BIHI vs. Kaif
- gostop vs. Kaif

ADV #4:
- charizardsnuts vs. pkThunderbolt
- charizardsnuts vs. Vermillion Gangsta
- charizardsnuts vs. violet river
- pkThunderbolt vs. Vermillion Gangsta
- pkThunderbolt vs. violet river
- Vermillion Gangsta vs. violet river

DPP #1:
- Elfuseon vs. Hyogafodex
- Elfuseon vs. Laurel
- Elfuseon vs. Rowlet69420
- OG Thomas Shakur vs. Laurel
- Hyogafodex vs. Rowlet69420
- Laurel vs. Rowlet69420

DPP #2:
- Eeveeto vs. nightcore
- Eeveeto vs. Piyu
- Eeveeto vs. twash
- nightcore vs. Piyu
- nightcore vs. twash
- Piyu vs. twash

DPP #3:
- Lhions vs. Mustounet
- Lhions vs. T1W1B
- Lhions vs. Void
- Mustounet vs. T1W1B
- Mustounet vs. Void
- T1W1B vs. Void

DPP #4:
- burstbean vs. MichaelderBeste2
- burstbean vs. Skarpherim
- burstbean vs. Stallion
- MichaelderBeste2 vs. Skarpherim
- MichaelderBeste2 vs. Stallion
- Skarpherim vs. Stallion

BW #1:
- A Hero's Destiny vs. Cow
- A Hero's Destiny vs. devin
- A Hero's Destiny vs. Feaniix
- Cow vs. devin
- Cow vs. Feaniix
- devin vs. Feaniix

BW #2:
- Black-Flame vs. King Billu
- Black-Flame vs. Raceding
- Black-Flame vs. TGA
- King Billu vs. Raceding
- King Billu vs. TGA
- Raceding vs. TGA

BW #3:
- Hockey1 vs. Monai
- Hockey1 vs. Raiza
- sasha vs. Shoka
- Monai vs. Raiza
- Monai vs. Shoka
- Raiza vs. Shoka

BW #4:
- Aliss vs. ayman x
- Aliss vs. magialice
- Aliss vs. SEROO
- ayman x vs. magialice
- ayman x vs. SEROO
- magialice vs. SEROO

ORAS #1:
- Alhen vs. Lampochka
- Alhen vs. Paprikaflow
- Alhen vs. Rewer
- Lampochka vs. Paprikaflow
- Lampochka vs. Rewer
- Paprikaflow vs. Rewer

ORAS #2:
- Axel vs. NoName6293
- Axel vs. pj
- Axel vs. RufflesPro
- NoName6293 vs. pj
- NoName6293 vs. RufflesPro
- pj vs. RufflesPro

ORAS #3:
- Always! vs. Exotic64
- Always! vs. GeeMick
- Always! vs. Lostmemories
- Exotic64 vs. GeeMick
- Exotic64 vs. Lostmemories
- GeeMick vs. Lostmemories

ORAS #4:
- Chiharu vs. Laroxyl
- Chiharu vs. Metallica126
- Chiharu vs. Nor
- Laroxyl vs. Metallica126
- Laroxyl vs. Nor
- Metallica126 vs. Nor

SM #1:
- love wss forever vs. Luigi
- love wss forever vs. Tenebricite
- love wss forever vs. TyCarter
- Luigi vs. Tenebricite
- Luigi vs. TyCarter
- Tenebricite vs. TyCarter

SM #2:
- Ahsan-219 vs. SiTuM
- Ahsan-219 vs. Coupe de Boule
- Ahsan-219 vs. IPF
- SiTuM vs. Coupe de Boule
- ChaFouuu vs. IPF
- Coupe de Boule vs. IPF

SM #3:
- ChrisPBacon vs. Kustavan
- ChrisPBacon vs. pannu
- ChrisPBacon vs. Punny
- Kustavan vs. pannu
- Kustavan vs. Punny
- pannu vs. Punny

SM #4:
- Gilbert arenas vs. Igniizard
- Gilbert arenas vs. Proftreez
- Gilbert arenas vs. QWILY
- Igniizard vs. Proftreez
- Igniizard vs. QWILY
- Proftreez vs. QWILY

SS #1:
- J0RIS vs. Pais
- J0RIS vs. robjr
- J0RIS vs. TDNT
- Pais vs. robjr
- Pais vs. TDNT
- robjr vs. TDNT

SS #2:
- cen344uu vs. ezra
- cen344uu vs. lolebruh
- baibaiats vs. Shafofficiel
- ezra vs. lolebruh
- ezra vs. Shafofficiel
- lolebruh vs. Shafofficiel

SS #3:
- Leavers vs. Raiyan
- Batzi vs. Vaictador
- Leavers vs. wsike
- Raiyan vs. Reze
- Raiyan vs. wsike
- Reze vs. wsike

SS #4:
- 3d vs. dex
- 3d vs. Stareal
- 3d vs. Trickster7
- dex vs. Stareal
- dex vs. Trickster7
- Stareal vs. Trickster7

Deadline for Round 1 is Sunday October 6th at 11:59PM GMT-4

FIGHT FOR YOUR COUNTRY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OR REGION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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