All Gens RoAPL X - Finals [Won by York New Yanma]


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  • Follow all rules listed here.​
  • Schedule via Smogon VMs. It's easier for me to make decisions for activity calls when I can actually see what went down with scheduling.​
  • If you are unable to schedule with your opponent, please let your managers know ASAP so they can communicate that to me or the other team's managers for a potential substitute.​
  • Substitutions may be made after a week has started. When making a substitution, please tag myself, the managers of the opposing team, and all of the players affected by the substitute to ensure that everyone is made aware. Players who have already played in the week or were subbed out in the same week cannot be subbed back in.​
  • If a match remains incomplete by the time of the deadline, it will be subject to an activity call.​
  • Replays are mandatory. Not only are they useful for confirming wins, they contribute to usage stats and allow the people who couldn't watch the games live to watch them later.​
  • Managers: Please send me your lineups in the same format that I used to post pairings. It makes it much easier to post future rounds more quickly​
Courtesy of the lovely Ticken
>>Replays and Usage<<

:yanma: York New Yanma (7) vs (3) Violet Vaporeons :vaporeon:
ORAS OU: NoName6293 vs Metallica126
ORAS OU: Gtcha vs Mada
BW OU: Wait2Seconds vs dice
BW OU: MeEsSm vs dawn to the dusk
DPP OU: Sheik : vs SFG
DPP OU: TyCarter vs goldmason
ADV OU: Zacpz vs Zerkas
ADV OU: LpZ vs mielke
GSC OU: Siatam vs GLFGno7
GSC OU: Iguana vs melancholy0
RBY OU: Laroxyl vs emma
RBY OU: royzin vs Torchic

The deadline for this round is Sunday, August 4th at 11:00 PM GMT -4.

York New Yanma (0) vs (0) Violet Vaporeons
ORAS OU: NoName6293 vs Metallica126
ORAS OU: Gtcha vs Mada
BW OU: Wait2Seconds vs dice
BW OU: MeEsSm vs dawn to the dusk
DPP OU: Sheik : vs SFG
DPP OU: TyCarter vs goldmason
ADV OU: Zacpz vs Zerkas
ADV OU: LpZ vs mielke
GSC OU: Siatam vs GLFGno7
GSC OU: Iguana vs melancholy0
RBY OU: Laroxyl vs emma
RBY OU: royzin vs Torchic


Actually a Nice Fella
is a Tournament Director Alumnusis a Forum Moderator Alumnusis a Tiering Contributor Alumnusis a Former Old Generation Tournament Circuit Champion
Disclaimer: I've not been following this tournament, so no idea about their records n such. Still, here are some predicts:

ORAS OU: NoName6293 vs Metallica126
Great matchup. They've both been quietly killing it in oras, metallica has been a threat for a while, and noname has mostly surged this year. I give the edge to noname as he has, as far as I know, a bigger net of support for teams and practice. Hope they both bring their a-game and solid teams, will surely look at the replay
ORAS OU: Gtcha vs Mada
The now free LA menace has shown to be a solid player in several(i think?) instances now, while Mada showed in spl he has what it takes to play against the best. Still, I think gtcha has a better grasp of oras as a whole, so leaning for him.

GSC OU: Siatam vs GLFGno7
It would be, in all honesty, pretty insane to not predict for siatam vs anyone who isn't a top 5 player or so. He's been showing his grind and takes in gsc ou work, and he seems to do well in high pressure scenarios such as finals.
With that said, GLFGno7 is no slouch either. He's been one of the "hes good but not a top player" guy for a while, but from what ive seen, hes getting there. Really interested to see how this one goes

GSC OU: Iguana vs melancholy0
Mr mc555 aka the Iguanodon is one of the biggest gsc ou fan and grinder there is. His experiments in the builder can be..a bit off at times, but that just leads to a bigger understanding of why certain mons and structures work, and what doesn't. He's got what it takes to now hold his own against anyone pretty much, so rooting for him here. melancholy0 meanwhile has mostly surged this year AFAIK, I'm not too familiar with their game so hope he makes this a good game to watch as well.

RBY matchups also look like bangers but don't have much to comment for each one of them, just hope to see some ggs

DPP OU: Sheik : vs SFG - silence dpp main (lgi my goat)

hf everyone
I want to say some things despite the sad ending for my team.
First of all, that this was easily the worst series i've participated in, rng-wise. I feel like my team got haxed in 5 games + mine was decided by a 50-50 speed tie as well. It's really ugly that a final is determined this way.
Still, I want to congratulate our opponents, I'm not diminishing their skill of course, just think that my teammates didn't get a fair chance to play their games on an equal footing. And even more, I want to congratulate and thank all of my teammates and managers, you guys are all amazing and I really believe we could win if all that stuff didn't happen.
Last but not least, regarding my own game, it's probably the loss I've enjoyed the most in my life (at least on a personal level, on a team one it naturally was quite disappointing). Such a hard matchup against a very good opponent, tbh I felt I was so in the back sometime mid-game (after exploding on his gengar) that wanted to click X (I even gg'd) and the only reason I didn't was because my team desperately needed the win. And this game that seemed so out of hand for me ended up being decided on a speed tie, it was really exciting. I'm probably the only one of my team who has something positive to remember from this series, so I felt like sharing:)

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