<p>Rotom-C is no stranger to the lower tiers, being constantly overshadowed by its watery and fiery brethren. However, Rotom-C finds itself firmly entrenched as a solid Pokemon in RU, with its excellent defensive typing and good bulk serving it well in this regard. Rotom-C poses a threat to many common RU Pokemon with its good base 105 Special Attack backed by strong STAB options, and access to Volt Switch makes it a great scout. However, it is Leaf Storm that really makes Rotom-C stand out. Leaf Storm is awesomely powerful coming from Rotom-C, and only adds to the versatility and diverse movepool that it carries.</p>
<p>Despite Rotom-C's lengthy list of advantages, it does have several key disadvantages that hinder it. The most notable is Rotom-C's complete inability to handle Fire-type Pokemon. This inability to differentiate itself from Rotom-F and Rotom-S, who are also part of the RU tier, causes Rotom-C to face fierce competition from them for a teamslot. Despite its excellent STABs, Rotom-C unfortunately lacks any sort of significant super effective coverage, making it difficult to achieve some KOs; its low Speed further hinders it. Regardless, Rotom-C is a truly solid choice for almost any team and will yield shocking results when used correctly.</p>
name: Choice
move 1: Volt Switch
move 2: Leaf Storm
move 3: Hidden Power Fire
move 4: Trick
item: Choice Scarf / Choice Specs
nature: Timid
evs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
<p>Rotom-C happens to be one of the best scouters RU has to offer thanks to its access to STAB Volt Switch, making it a very effective Pokemon for gaining momentum. It also has the ability to go along the power route, with STAB Leaf Storm providing plenty in that department. Alongside Volt Switch, Leaf Storm also has the added benefit of providing much needed coverage against the Ground-types immune to Rotom-C's trickery. Hidden Power Fire completes the coverage of this set, hitting the Grass-types that resist Rotom-C's STABs for super effective damage. If Rotom-C runs against a series of Pokemon that cause it problems, Trick allows it to cripple one of these threats while also freeing up its own versatility.</p>
<p>The choice between a Choice Scarf and Choice Specs is the classic speed versus power dilemma. On one hand, when equipped with a Choice Scarf, Rotom-C becomes an excellent scouter and brutal late-game cleaner. On the other hand, Choice Specs turns Rotom-C into a deadly force, throwing around its extremely powerful Leaf Storms. The EVs along with a Timid nature allow for maximum Speed and power, while also denying Porygon-Z a Special Attack boost from its ability, Download. A bulkier EV spread with 128 Defense EVs taken from Special Attack can be used with Will-O-Wisp replacing Hidden Power Fire for greater utility after using Trick, as well as the ability to better handle physical attackers. Entry hazards are a perfect match for Rotom-C, as the constant Volt Switching will put heavy pressure on the opponent, consistently forcing switches.</p>
name: Support
move 1: Leaf Storm
move 2: Volt Switch
move 3: Will-O-Wisp
move 4: Pain Split
item: Leftovers
nature: Modest
evs: 120 HP / 252 SpA / 136 Spe
<p>Unlike the Choice set, Rotom-C takes on a more supportive role here, assisting the team in weakening opposing threats while also checking physical sweepers. Leaf Storm is the primary method of dealing damage; Rotom-C wants to ensure that when it does attack, something is going to die. Conversely, Volt Switch helps maintain the team's momentum, either by running from a dangerous opponent or by bringing in a teammate safely. Will-O-Wisp is the key move for handling physical threats, both crippling their offensive power and defensive vitality. Pain Split ensures Rotom-C's continued survival. Despite the unreliability of the move, Pain Split is Rotom-C's only form of recovery and one that it will frequently be able to use well.</p>
<p>The EV spread ensures that Rotom-C carries plenty of physical bulk while also allowing it to outspeed threats such as Honchkrow. It also provides solid bulk along with excellent power. As a consequence of the defensive nature of this set, Rotom-C is even more vulnerable to Fire-types, such as Entei, than before, failing to pose any form of threat to them. Consequently, Slowking and Qwilfish make excellent partners for Rotom-C with their ability to set up hazards and spread status, respectively, along with walling threats to Rotom-C. Status and the lack of consistent recovery are also issues for Rotom-C. Clerics and Wish passers are therefore great teammates for it, with Clefable and Audino being particularly effective. Without Hidden Power Fire, Grass-types become more onerous to deal with, so Sap Sipper Sawsbuck and Bouffalant are good choices to stop these Pokemon while keeping an offensive presence.</p>
[Other Options]
<p>Rotom-C has a fairly good movepool to work with but its offensive options are unfortunately lacking, with neither Shadow Ball nor Signal Beam providing any particularly useful coverage. However, Rotom-C is capable of utilizing both a SubSplit and a SubCharge set. While the former is outclassed by standard Rotom, the SubCharge set is a useful option to boost Rotom-C's Special Attack, particularly when one considers the nature of its signature move, Leaf Storm. Unfortunately, Rotom-C is a bit slow to effectively use this strategy and Leaf Storm's side effect means that a switch will likely be necessary regardless. Defensively, Rotom-C has much better options. Thunder Wave provides paralysis support for Pokmeon such as Bouffalant to set up and sweep, while Rain Dance is an option to support the efforts of those such as Ludicolo. Confuse Ray, Toxic, Reflect, and Light Screen can be used to annoy the opponent while also providing solid team support.</p>
[Checks and Counters]
<p>Fire-types, such as Entei, can take Rotom-C's attacks fairly well and "fire" back with their STAB moves, all the while being immune to Will-O-Wisp. Accelgor and Scolipede are capable of outspeeding Rotom-C and OHKOing with Bug Buzz and Megahorn, respectively. Cryogonal and other special walls, such as Munchlax, can take any of Rotom-C's attacks with ease and threaten back with their chosen STAB move. However, walls that rely on Eviolite, such as Munchlax, hate Trick as they are crippled by it. Ferroseed and other bulky Grass-types take Rotom-C's STAB moves with ease, and if EVed in Special Defense, will not be duly worried by Hidden Power Fire.</p>
<p>Rotom-C is no stranger to the lower tiers, being constantly overshadowed by its watery and fiery brethren. However, Rotom-C finds itself firmly entrenched as a solid Pokemon in RU, with its excellent defensive typing and good bulk serving it well in this regard. Rotom-C poses a threat to many common RU Pokemon with its good base 105 Special Attack backed by strong STAB options, and access to Volt Switch makes it a great scout. However, it is Leaf Storm that really makes Rotom-C stand out. Leaf Storm is awesomely powerful coming from Rotom-C, and only adds to the versatility and diverse movepool that it carries.</p>
<p>Despite Rotom-C's lengthy list of advantages, it does have several key disadvantages that hinder it. The most notable is Rotom-C's complete inability to handle Fire-type Pokemon. This inability to differentiate itself from Rotom-F and Rotom-S, who are also part of the RU tier, causes Rotom-C to face fierce competition from them for a teamslot. Despite its excellent STABs, Rotom-C unfortunately lacks any sort of significant super effective coverage, making it difficult to achieve some KOs; its low Speed further hinders it. Regardless, Rotom-C is a truly solid choice for almost any team and will yield shocking results when used correctly.</p>
name: Choice
move 1: Volt Switch
move 2: Leaf Storm
move 3: Hidden Power Fire
move 4: Trick
item: Choice Scarf / Choice Specs
nature: Timid
evs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
<p>Rotom-C happens to be one of the best scouters RU has to offer thanks to its access to STAB Volt Switch, making it a very effective Pokemon for gaining momentum. It also has the ability to go along the power route, with STAB Leaf Storm providing plenty in that department. Alongside Volt Switch, Leaf Storm also has the added benefit of providing much needed coverage against the Ground-types immune to Rotom-C's trickery. Hidden Power Fire completes the coverage of this set, hitting the Grass-types that resist Rotom-C's STABs for super effective damage. If Rotom-C runs against a series of Pokemon that cause it problems, Trick allows it to cripple one of these threats while also freeing up its own versatility.</p>
<p>The choice between a Choice Scarf and Choice Specs is the classic speed versus power dilemma. On one hand, when equipped with a Choice Scarf, Rotom-C becomes an excellent scouter and brutal late-game cleaner. On the other hand, Choice Specs turns Rotom-C into a deadly force, throwing around its extremely powerful Leaf Storms. The EVs along with a Timid nature allow for maximum Speed and power, while also denying Porygon-Z a Special Attack boost from its ability, Download. A bulkier EV spread with 128 Defense EVs taken from Special Attack can be used with Will-O-Wisp replacing Hidden Power Fire for greater utility after using Trick, as well as the ability to better handle physical attackers. Entry hazards are a perfect match for Rotom-C, as the constant Volt Switching will put heavy pressure on the opponent, consistently forcing switches.</p>
name: Support
move 1: Leaf Storm
move 2: Volt Switch
move 3: Will-O-Wisp
move 4: Pain Split
item: Leftovers
nature: Modest
evs: 120 HP / 252 SpA / 136 Spe
<p>Unlike the Choice set, Rotom-C takes on a more supportive role here, assisting the team in weakening opposing threats while also checking physical sweepers. Leaf Storm is the primary method of dealing damage; Rotom-C wants to ensure that when it does attack, something is going to die. Conversely, Volt Switch helps maintain the team's momentum, either by running from a dangerous opponent or by bringing in a teammate safely. Will-O-Wisp is the key move for handling physical threats, both crippling their offensive power and defensive vitality. Pain Split ensures Rotom-C's continued survival. Despite the unreliability of the move, Pain Split is Rotom-C's only form of recovery and one that it will frequently be able to use well.</p>
<p>The EV spread ensures that Rotom-C carries plenty of physical bulk while also allowing it to outspeed threats such as Honchkrow. It also provides solid bulk along with excellent power. As a consequence of the defensive nature of this set, Rotom-C is even more vulnerable to Fire-types, such as Entei, than before, failing to pose any form of threat to them. Consequently, Slowking and Qwilfish make excellent partners for Rotom-C with their ability to set up hazards and spread status, respectively, along with walling threats to Rotom-C. Status and the lack of consistent recovery are also issues for Rotom-C. Clerics and Wish passers are therefore great teammates for it, with Clefable and Audino being particularly effective. Without Hidden Power Fire, Grass-types become more onerous to deal with, so Sap Sipper Sawsbuck and Bouffalant are good choices to stop these Pokemon while keeping an offensive presence.</p>
[Other Options]
<p>Rotom-C has a fairly good movepool to work with but its offensive options are unfortunately lacking, with neither Shadow Ball nor Signal Beam providing any particularly useful coverage. However, Rotom-C is capable of utilizing both a SubSplit and a SubCharge set. While the former is outclassed by standard Rotom, the SubCharge set is a useful option to boost Rotom-C's Special Attack, particularly when one considers the nature of its signature move, Leaf Storm. Unfortunately, Rotom-C is a bit slow to effectively use this strategy and Leaf Storm's side effect means that a switch will likely be necessary regardless. Defensively, Rotom-C has much better options. Thunder Wave provides paralysis support for Pokmeon such as Bouffalant to set up and sweep, while Rain Dance is an option to support the efforts of those such as Ludicolo. Confuse Ray, Toxic, Reflect, and Light Screen can be used to annoy the opponent while also providing solid team support.</p>
[Checks and Counters]
<p>Fire-types, such as Entei, can take Rotom-C's attacks fairly well and "fire" back with their STAB moves, all the while being immune to Will-O-Wisp. Accelgor and Scolipede are capable of outspeeding Rotom-C and OHKOing with Bug Buzz and Megahorn, respectively. Cryogonal and other special walls, such as Munchlax, can take any of Rotom-C's attacks with ease and threaten back with their chosen STAB move. However, walls that rely on Eviolite, such as Munchlax, hate Trick as they are crippled by it. Ferroseed and other bulky Grass-types take Rotom-C's STAB moves with ease, and if EVed in Special Defense, will not be duly worried by Hidden Power Fire.</p>