Resource RU Bazaar

:ss/vanilluxe: :ss/arctovish: :ss/xatu: :ss/flygon: :ss/cobalion: :ss/mimikyu:

Choice specs vanilluxe is one of the most devastating wallbreakers in the tier threatening a large portion of the tier while having very few long-term answers (namely registeel, porygon2, and umbreon), let alone answers that avoid hail chip or a freeze chance (details here). A timid nature is selected to outspeed nidoqueen, volcanion, +speed toxtricity, polteageist, cloyster, and most variants of celebi. Arctovish is similarly difficult to deal with, as the only water immunities in the tier are heavily threatened (at least 2hkoed) by stone edge or freeze dry, even with a -spA nature. Even the few water resists that can attempt to handle it such as milotic, suicune, etc. get heavily threatened by vanilluxe, forming a potent offensive core without consistent long-term answers. TLDR: Ice cream go brrrr.

Xatu provides robust hazard control against the the tier's various steel-types and celebi, while providing emergency insurance against stealth rocks from nidoqueen and necrozma (which vanilluxe either threatens or speed-ties with). Flygon provides an electric immunity, backup speed control, pivot, revenge killer, and emergency defogger. It's a great secondary cleanup option once the ice types apply enough pressure to its checks. Cobalion sets stealth rocks, threatens opposing steel types and special walls (aka vanilluxe's switchins), punishes golisopod and other physical attackers with rocky helmet damage, provides a bevy of resistances (including to the dreaded knock off), and can pivot to the team's offensive threats in a pinch. Mimikyu offers a one-time check to a bevy of offensive pokemon such as scarf gardevoir, reuniclus, sharpedo, etc. while being a great wallbreaker/cleaner in its own right.

I peaked in the upper 1500s and am currently at 1572 when I am making this post:
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Have fun with the team, let me know if you have any questions.
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Hi there! I'm looking for advice on an RU team I've made. I've actually crafted quite a couple RU teams over the past week, but I particularly am interested in this one team I've made.

Specs Cobalion Bulky Offense :cobalion::flygon::golisopod::rhyperior::incineroar::togekiss: is focused around a niche set that I think is really cool, that being Specs Cobalion. It can lure in checks like Milotic and Incineroar, punushing them with a powered-up Volt Switch and Focus Blast respectively. It still has the defensive utility to switch into passive walls linear breakers with middling coverage, and its attacks are decently spammable in tandem with its Speed tier. Cobalion's able to open up holes in the opponent's defensive core, letting DD Flygon more easly sweep. Thanks to its stats and coverage, Flygon has some amount of immediate power that means that it's not necessary to exclusively use in endgame scenarios. It also threatens to overwhelm specially bulky Pokémon like Metagross and Registeel, especially after Cobalion's Volt Switch chip. Golisopod functions as a necessary revenge killer, as well as a Spikes setter to increase the amount of chip damage dealt. It particularly does well against Psychic-types like Bronzong and Reuniclus, which otherwise would give my offensive core even more trouble.

My main issue with this team is my defensive core. It's hard for me to really have a Rapid Spin user like Starmie, because I don't believe it meshes that well with Golisopod. I like having Incineroar on my team, but I don't know what to do with my hazard core.

I'd greatly appreciate whatever advice you guys have <3
Hi there! I'm looking for advice on an RU team I've made. I've actually crafted quite a couple RU teams over the past week, but I particularly am interested in this one team I've made.

Specs Cobalion Bulky Offense :cobalion::flygon::golisopod::rhyperior::incineroar::togekiss: is focused around a niche set that I think is really cool, that being Specs Cobalion. It can lure in checks like Milotic and Incineroar, punushing them with a powered-up Volt Switch and Focus Blast respectively. It still has the defensive utility to switch into passive walls linear breakers with middling coverage, and its attacks are decently spammable in tandem with its Speed tier. Cobalion's able to open up holes in the opponent's defensive core, letting DD Flygon more easly sweep. Thanks to its stats and coverage, Flygon has some amount of immediate power that means that it's not necessary to exclusively use in endgame scenarios. It also threatens to overwhelm specially bulky Pokémon like Metagross and Registeel, especially after Cobalion's Volt Switch chip. Golisopod functions as a necessary revenge killer, as well as a Spikes setter to increase the amount of chip damage dealt. It particularly does well against Psychic-types like Bronzong and Reuniclus, which otherwise would give my offensive core even more trouble.

My main issue with this team is my defensive core. It's hard for me to really have a Rapid Spin user like Starmie, because I don't believe it meshes that well with Golisopod. I like having Incineroar on my team, but I don't know what to do with my hazard core.

I'd greatly appreciate whatever advice you guys have <3
Howdy, main issue I see with the team is matchup against Water-types, relying on Specs Cobalion to deal with Water-types seems unideal. Volcanion also looks quite problematic and the team is fairly slow.

:Guzzlord: > :Incineroar:
Now, this change should help give insurance against Water-types, particularly Volcanion, since good Volcanion switchins are sparse. You could mess around the Protect and Toxic moveslots, potentially run Dragon Tail or Heavy Slam, though, whatever you do keep at least one of Toxic or Dragon Tail.

:Togekiss: :Choice Scarf: > :Heavy-Duty boots:
Togekiss isn't a very good Defog user, but, when it does run Defog it's typically Choice Scarf, with Scarf it could at least potentially cripple Stealth Rock setters with Trick. Choice Scarf also gives this team speed control which it's lacking in. You could also consider Crobat>Togekiss for a better Roserade answer, Defog user, and pivot with U-turn, though, Togekiss would provide a Scarf user, which this team otherwise lacks.

:Milotic: > :Golisopod:
Milotic in place of Golisopod gives the team a good Rhyperior switchin, better long-term check to Flygon, and a check to Calm Mind Reuniclus and Cosmic Power Metagross with Haze. Now, this does give up Spikes, but, Golisopod would need Leech Life to beat Calm Mind Reuniclus anyways and Knock Off is already elsewhere on the team, and revenge killing with First Impression is somewhat compensated for with the additon of Choice Scarf on Togekiss.

:Registeel: > :Rhyperior:
This change is simply because the team doesn't really need more Pokemon that lose to Water-types, even with Guzzlord Water-type matchup seems shacky with Rhyperior on the team, since they can try to cripple Guzzlord with Toxic and outlast it. Registeel still provides the important qualities of a Flying resist and Stealth Rock user, it also in tandem with Flygon can help check Xurkitree. Sure Registeel isn't as good a wallbreaker Rhyperior, but, there's already a Choice Specs Cobalion and not losing to Water-types is pretty important.

:Flygon: :Lum Berry: > :life Orb:
With Flygon as the only Ground-type I feel having more longevity would be important to make use of its defensive qualities as a Ground-type better, checking Electric-types, and Lum Berry is still great.

:Cobalion: :Flygon: :Milotic: :Registeel: :Guzzlord: :Togekiss:
Here's what I came up with, now, it does seem weak to Xurkitree, though manageable, another reason you may want Crobat>Togekiss as to proactively punish it with U-turn. I hope you like it and may you hit your Focus Blasts. If you've any questions I'm WALLY#4434 and in the RU discord.
Here are some really good teams that I've made (the last two with some help) that are fairly easy to pilot-

Boots Hex Chandy BO

Chandelure has a sky-high Special Attack stat, so combining that with a move that can reach over 100 base power seems like a no-brainer. Roserade provides Toxic Spikes which inflict status on the opposing team, letting Chandy break everything. Registeel set up rocks and is an amazing special wall that can also spread status with Toxic to Pokemon like Togekiss that are immune to the ground. Flygon is the speed control with its Scarf and helps with brining Chandy in because of its U-turn. Reuniclus takes care of the Water-types that Chandy can struggle with at times (and Rose because it's quite fragile) and is a great SpDef Regenerator 'mon. Hitmontop is here to bring him up to OU-$hitmontop to OU! All jokes aside, Top provides hazard control without getting rid of your hazards on the opponent's side, takes care of the Dark-types that threaten Chandy and Reuni (especially Incineraor), and it provides strong priority with a STAB 60 base power Mach Punch. You usually lead Gon because of its Scarf U-turn and go from there.

CB Pangoro VoltTurn

Pangoro has been my recent obsession since Obstagoon left (thank God), so I made a team around it. With a stupid high Attack stat of 124, and adding a Choice Band on top of that, Pangoro hits like a truck! But, due to its less than impressive Speed tier, it requires pivoting to get in to do its work. Ergo, Rotom-C is on the team; it acts as speed control, a counter to the Waters, and a soft check to DD Gon. Crobat, one of the best 'mons in the tier, provides hazard control in Defog, pivoting with its U-turn, and a switch-in for Bug- and Fairy-type attacks that threaten Pang. Registeel, again, acts as a SpDef wall with Toxic to chip to bulky 'mons in the tier for the team to finish off, and it provides rocks for Pang to wallbreak more easily. Milotic helps with Rotom-C's weakness to Fire, Crobat's weakness to Rock, and Registeel's weakness to Ground (and Fire). It also helps with pivoting as it acts as a slow pivot with Flip Turn. The 16 SpDef EVs with a Calm Nature allows Milo to reliably check Nidoqueen, and it's 30 Spe IVs lets underspeed non-Scarf Ditto and opposing Milos when going for Flip Turn. Flygon, again-just like Registeel, acts as a late game sweeper with Dragon Dance after Pang has weakened the opposing team. You usually lead with Rotom-C (or Crobat depending on the matchup) for their pivoting and go from there.

AcroTorn Fly Spam Balance

Another NUBL 'mon being used in RU, HoOoOrAaY! Tornadus with its tremendous Attack stat, fairly wide coverage, and 110 base power STAB Acrobatics (as it has no item) lets it hit the tier silly. Defiant, which boost your Attack, assists with Torn's breaking and sweeping. NP Togekiss acts as a special secondary breaker that can also win the game after Torn overwhelmed the opposing team's Flying resist or vice versa. Flygon, yes, I'm addicted to this thing, provides speed control and pivoting with Scarf and U-turn, respectively. Because of Torn's ability, Defiant, entry hazards ae near mandatory to tempt your opponent to go for Defog so that you can get a free +2 from it, so Registeel's here, once again. It also provides Toxic to chip down 'mons until they're in Torn range. Milotic has Toxic for the same reason. Flip Turn is also for safe pivoting. The EV spread of 196 HP / 252 Def / 16+ SpD / 44 Spe along 30 Spe IVs lets Milo act as a reliable Nidoqueen check (16+ SpDef), outspeed Alolan Marowak (44 Spe), and underspeed opposing Milo when going for Flip Turn (30 Spe IVs) all while being as physically defensive as possible (196 HP / 252 Def). Dhelmise is the hazard control with Rapid Spin, so it doesn't clear the Stealth Rocks that you've set that are pressuring the opposing team. Dhelm also takes care of the Rock-types that threaten the Fly Spam core, the Ground-types for Registeel, and the bulky Waters that are everywhere in RU. This is my favorite team out of the three. You usually lead Scarf Gon for its Scarf + U-turn combination and go from there.

And-Before you ask, yes, I love Gon, Registeel, and Milo.
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:flygon: :registeel: :golisopod: :noivern: :tsareena: :umbreon:

Here's the team that's brought me most of my success while trying to make Bulky DD Flygon really work.

I've posted at length about Bulky Flygon a few times. The basic idea is that added bulk + roost lets you set up on a lot of stuff that can normally wear down Flygon effectively (Golisopod, Crobat, fairy-less Togekiss) instead of just resists. In the early game, Flygon serves as a bulky pivot, swapping into resisted/weaker neutral attacks, roosting back up, and responding to the opponent's switch. Umbreon's Heal Bell/Wish support are essential to helping it keep up this role until you find a point to boost and either sweep or soften the opponent for other mons (usually Noivern, sometimes Pod) to finish the job -- the added bulk makes it vastly easier to bring back into play with Wish, which is nice.

ID/BP SpDef Regi lets you swap into a special attack and ID on the switch -- or if they don't switch, you've got the bulk to beat most of the tier's special attackers with ease with +2 (or +4 BP). Even without added investment, +2 Regi has plenty of bulk to survive Super Effective STABs from Pangoro/Lucario/Incineroar/Flygon/Rhyperior and KO with Body Press. Heavy Slam is mostly for Gardevoir, NP Togekiss, and Mimikyu, but it's essential for them. I've considered swapping Rocks for Thunder Wave since the team is lacking speed control, but the chip helps put a lot of things in 1/2HKO range that otherwise aren't.

I first started using SD Pod because I was struggling a lot with Reuniclus and some other defensive setup mons, and it's honestly amazing. The threat of First Impression will get you some free SD boosts, at which point you're free to wreak havoc, especially on chipped teams. The power difference between First Impression and Sucker Punch can hurt late game, but +2 Sucker Punch will catch a lot of things off guard before then. This thing can just clean house if you get it into position. Even if you want to go with a more standard Pod set, don't move away from 204 speed. Outrunning uninvested Umbreon and obliterating it with Leech Life is a godsend.

Specs Noivern > Scarf Togekiss. I said it. Obviously, it doesn't get hax, and being slower than Crobat can be rough if Flygon goes down, but it hits harder (both higher Sp Attack and stronger moves) and can pivot. I've run the team with both mons and this one just does better. This slot was originally here almost exclusively as a Gweezing check, but it turns out that fast Specs Boomburst can straight clean up. It's amazing.

Beyond being hazard control, Tsareena is here almost exclusively for Bulky Waters and a secondary check to Electric types. Not being able to Rapid Spin + Triple Axel Bat and Togekiss can be sad, but this Flygon spread is so good against those mons that it usually doesn't matter as long as you're thinking ahead. Attack EVs let you OHKO Milotic after rocks and one turn of leftovers, Speed EVs make you faster than positive natured base 100s at +1 to either u-turn out or smack them with power whip. Synthesis lets you shrug off non-STAB Ice Beam from most of the things that carry it (or repeated Scalds/Volt Turns).

Finally, nothing special about the Umbreon set. It's the glue that holds this team together. Blanking nearly every special attacker in the tier, aggressively Foul Playing offensive switch-ins, and keeping everybody else topped off and free from status. It's just absurdly good.

A well-played Scarf Heracross can eat your lunch (thank goodness Stone Edge and Megahorn both have crap accuracy), and you've got to be decisive against setup mons, but I haven't found a truly terrible matchup yet. It's a fun team with a lot of wrinkles that may be substandard individually but that really feel like they accent each other well.

Qualified with this for cycle 2 of RULT and i doubt i'll bring it again so im sharing it to hopefully help others during their ladder session. Works pretty much as your standard HO but with the twist of a quadruple Focus Sash. Aero is a great lead as it deals with almost every other lead with Rock Blast / Taunt / Defog, Celebi helps with bulky waters and is a great duo with Polteageist, as i've noticed most Umbreon balances tend to have an hard matchup against Celebi. Flygon and Lucario are your classic broken breakers and Salazzle is a decent fast sweeper and wallbreaker. Hard matchups id say are Rhyperior, Cloyster and Guzzlord. For Rhyperior you might have to lead with Celebi, as most Rhyperiors carry Rock Blast. Cloyster you absolutely need to keep Lucario with your sash. Guzzlord i honestly haven't faced much on ladder so im not sure how i would play that matchup, you'd prob have to be really agressive with Lucario or hope Guzzlord its their best check to Salazzle.

Good luck to anyone trying to qualify for cycle 3!
:xy/reuniclus: :xy/heracross: :xy/milotic: :sm/xurkitree: :xy/crobat: :xy/steelix:

AV Reuniclus Gaming

Relatively new RU player here, but I decided to a dump a team here after finding some success whilst laddering. I feel as if the team resonates with the tier as a whole, with Pokemon that are usually used on Balance/BO teams.

I felt like building around the Jelly Baby today, so I selected the Assault Vest variant. Psyshock for Calm Mind Pokemon, Future Sight to break walls, Focus Blast for Dark and Steel Types, and Shadow Ball for other Psychics. Nothing too special about the set.

Dark Types generally give Reuniclus trouble, so a strong fighting type could be used to help offset that. Heracross comes packing two great stabs, and coverage in Knock Off and Stone Edge. Combined with Future Sight to hit annoyances such as Crobat, it is a devastating wallbreaker. Heavy Duty Boots are used here to have it be a Burn Absorber and not to get worn down by Stealth Rock, Spikes, etc.

I noticed the two Pokemon I was building didn't like Incineroar, or Fire Types in general. I also had an issue against set-up sweepers. Haze Milotic was the answer to both of these problems. It provides a second status absorber (That isn't toxic.), and pairs well with Reuniclus as it is more physically defensive, complementing AV Reuniclus well.

The core of Reuniclus/Heracross/Milotic was a pretty slow core, so I figured I needed a fast Pokemon to help with offensive teams. Scarf Xurkitree was the perfect answer for this, as with Beast Boost, it can snowball teams that aren't prepared for it. It also pairs well with Reuniclus, as Future Sight can stave off a common ground type; Nidoqueen.

For a bulky core and a Scarf Pokemon that loves to use Volt Switch, hazard removal was ideal. Crobat provides me with a defensive answer to grass types, and provides a much needed immunity to Earthquake. Standard set here, BB, U-turn, Roost, Defog.

I had nearly everything, last thing I needed was a Stealth Rock setter. Steelix is used over Rhyperior here due to a few things: Its steel typing and less weaknesses. It also provides a great Volt Switch blocker vs Scarf Xurkitree, and isn't completely destroyed by Energy Ball.

That's all I have for right now, hopefully this helps newer players get into the tier!