Tournament RU Blitz - Finals [Won by EviGaro]

Activity wins:

bkdrew vs Sanjl
toinha vs Senpai D.M
Ampha vs Belmont Gabriel (even if he didnt call act, ampha didnt respond to belmont message)

(i dont see any proof of contacting or didnt try to schedule properly so im flipping)
flips can be found in the ru room

Eternal Spirit vs Scizorphobic
lighthouses vs The Leprechaun
zben vs xevara
Velvet Blood
vs LigthScreener
Chrisloud vs agenS
Luthier vs Gatorboy
zizalith vs Taskr
Hina†a vs Plimsoll Punks

about esche vs roman and Durzaofftopic vs DarkAngeallenq.q ill give them an extension since they cant even read the deadline. TJ spuds4ever ill also give you guys an extension since you guys tried to schedule so pls get this done.

Round 2

Kingofcrimea vs Hurtadoo
Kink vs Scizorphobic
Lord Death Man vs Umbra Soul
Taskr vs pokeisfun
Nat vs (TJ vs spuds4ever)
EviGaro vs BelmontGabriel
Jaajgko vs Velvet Blood
Chrisloud1 vs Plimsoll Punks
(DurzaOffTopic vs DarkAngeallenq.q ) vs Mammaluu
Luthier vs banks
(roman vs esche) vs The Leprechaun
Lord Crucify vs SanJl
Shadowmonstr4 vs Senpai D.M
Gorfield vs Alpha Rabbit
Xevara vs Mannat
Feliburn vs Averardo

extension deadline: Sunday 4th August 10 pm +2
normal deadline: Tuesday 6th August 10 pm +2

get the games done :psyangry:
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