Gen 8 Sableye QC: 1/2

C0nfiden1 0yster

is a Metagame Resource Contributor
name: Defensive Utility
move 1: Knock Off
move 2: Will-O-Wisp
move 3: Recover
move 4: Taunt
item: Heavy-Duty Boots
ability: Prankster
nature: Impish
evs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD


Sableye is often outclassed by Jellicent, but its access to Knock Off and Prankster set it apart. Sableye's most valuable trait is being able to hard-counter standard Calm Mind Reuniclus, as it is immune to both Psyshock and Focus Blast. Outside of Reuniclus, it can switch into many of the Fighting-types of the tier including Lucario, Toxicroak, and Bewear. Taunt is useful for preventing Metagross to set up with Cosmic Power, Suicune to set up with Calm Mind, Reuniclus to set up with Calm Mind and shut down common defensive Pokemon such as Registeel. Priority Will-O-Wisp is another valuable tool, as it can halt the progress of boosted set-up sweepers, such as Mimikyu, Dragon Dance Flygon, and Swords Dance Lucario. Priority Recover is another fantastic tool as recovering when low is much easier. Heavy-Duty Boots are used to help Sableye avoid chip damage which is important because Sableye's bulk isn't great enough to consistently switch into threats in addition to entry hazards. Despite Sableye's positive traits, it still is niche due to heavy competition from Jellicent, which fills a similar role being able to shut down Calm Mind Reuniclus, Cosmic Power Metagross, and switch into Fighting-types. Similar to Jellicent, Sableye is also passive as its middling bulk makes it forced to Recover frequently. The poor stats also narrow the pool of Pokemon Sableye is able to deal with as it is forced out by most special attackers including Nidoqueen, Xurkitree, and Raikou. However, Sableye does have access to Knock Off which can be crucial to making progress against the opposing team. No item could be run if the team lacks a switch-in to Poltergeist from Golurk and Dhelmise, and it helps Sableye a bit in spinblocking against the latter.

Sableye best fits on bulky balance and stall archetypes as they are less affected by Sableye's passivity. Tanky physical walls such as Weezing-Galar are great teammates as they help deal with powerful wallbreakers such as Heracross and Pangoro. Sableye invites powerful special attackers such as Xurkitree and Nidoqueen so Umbreon and Registeel make good partners. If Sableye were to lose its Heavy-Duty Boots, hazard removal from Crobat and Flygon would reduce the potential chip damage. Although Sableye can prevent set up from sweepers such as Reuniclus, Lucario, and Flygon, it cannot tank hits from them when boosted, so Unaware Pokemon like Quagsire and Pykumuku make good teammates.

- Written by: [[C0nfiden1 0yster, 558383]]
- Quality checked by: [[GoldCat, 359771], [zizalith, 410251]]
- Grammar checked by: [[username1, userid1]]
Last edited:
name: Defensive Utility
move 1: Knock Off
move 2: Will-O-Wisp
move 3: Recover
move 4: Taunt
item: Heavy-Duty Boots / No item
ability: Prankster
nature: Impish
evs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD


Sableye's most valuable trait is being able to check hard-counter standard Calm Mind Reuniclus sets, (AC) as it is immune to both Psyshock and Focus Blast. Outside of Reuniclus, it can switch into many of the Fighting-types of the tier including Lucario, Toxicroak Heracross (Besides like maybe Scarf, most Heracross are Guts.), and Bewear. Sableye also can beat Steel-types like Registeel, Stakataka, and Steelix in a 1v1 due to Taunt being able to block incoming status moves. (You don't go out of your way to use Sableye for Steels, so merge it as a general Taunt mention. Like "Taunt shuts down common defensive Pokemon such as Registeel and prevents Cosmic Power Metagross, non-Focus Blast Reuniclus, and Calm Mind Suicune from setting up".) Taunt also is useful for preventing Metagross to set up with Cosmic Power, Suicune to set up with Calm Mind, and Reuniclus to set up with Calm Mind which can be valuable if it is not running Focus Blast as its second move. Priority Will-O-Wisp is another valuable tool, (AC) as it can halt the progress of boosted set-up sweepers, such as Shell Smash Cloyster Mimikyu, Dragon Dance Flygon, and Swords Dance Lucario Toxicroak. (More relevant threats to the styles Sableye fits on imo.) Priority Recover is another fantastic tool as recovering when low is much easier. Heavy-Duty Boots are used to help Sableye avoid chip damage which is important because Sableye's bulk isn't great enough to consistently switch into threats in addition to entry hazards. No item could be run though to weaken Knock Off from Heracross, Toxicroak, and Pangoro. No item also allows Sableye to switch into powerful Poltergiests from Marowak-Alola, Golurk, and Decidueye. The immunity to Poltergiest is especially useful as Sableye can be used to block Rapid Spin, keeping hazards on the field. No item could be run if the team lacks a switch-in to Poltergeist from Golurk and Dhelmise, and it helps Sableye a bit in spinblocking against the latter. (Knock being weakened doesn't matter for Sableye, all Knock users have better moves they want to hit Sableye with or Sableye can't beat them regardless. The spinblock mention can be removed, as Power Whip is stronger.)

Despite Sableye's positive traits, it still is niche due to heavy competition from Jellicent, which fills a similar role being able to shut down Calm Mind Reuniclus, Cosmic Power Metagross, and switch into Fighting-types. Similar to Jellicent, Sableye is also passive as its middling bulk makes it forced to Recover frequently. The poor stats also narrow the pool of Pokemon Sableye is able to deal with as it is forced out by most special attackers including Nidoqueen, Xurkitree Noivern (Sableye chews a Draco and then Noivern can't do anything.), and Raikou. However, Sableye does have access to Knock Off which can be crucial to making progress against the opposing team.

- Written by: [[C0nfiden1 0yster, 558383]]
- Quality checked by: [[GoldCat, 359771], [username2, userid2]]
- Grammar checked by: [[username1, userid1]]
Write a team section and I'll QC 1/2.
i think this is overall p good. the parts where you compare it to jelli are kinda awkward, because everything you mention as a primary sableye niche can also be done by jelli as well, so why exactly are you using sableye for then? the things i gather sableye has over jelli is 1) prankster 2) knock off 3) immune to psyshock although jelli can just taunt reun so its not huge. you could start the analysis with something like "despite often being outclassed as a defensive ghost ghost by jelli, sableyes access to prankster & knock give it enough of a niche to compensate for the more narrow pool of mons it checks", which means you can merge the first two paragraphs and keep the mini structure. the rest looks fine to me although the team section is a little bit barebones

tag me on discord and ill stamp this
No item could be run if the team lacks a switch-in to Poltergeist from Golurk and Dhelmise, and it helps Sableye a bit in spinblocking against the latter.
i would probably delete this considering golurk isnt super common and dhelmise doesn't really matter cuz of power whip or at least put it by the end of the paragraph

qc 1/2
I just want a quick look after this before I approve it. And feel free to add anything, Gk
name: Defensive Utility
move 1: Knock Off
move 2: Will-O-Wisp
move 3: Recover
move 4: Taunt
item: Heavy-Duty Boots
ability: Prankster
nature: Impish
evs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD


Sableye is often outclassed by Jellicent, but its access to Knock Off and Prankster set it apart. Sableye's most valuable trait is being able to hard-counter standard Calm Mind Reuniclus, as it is immune to both Psyshock and Focus Blast. Outside of Reuniclus, it can switch into many of the Fighting-types of the tier including Lucario, Toxicroak, and Bewear. Taunt is useful for preventing Metagross to set up with Cosmic Power, Suicune to set up with Calm Mind, Reuniclus to set up with Calm Mind and shut down common defensive Pokemon such as Registeel. Priority Will-O-Wisp is another valuable tool, as it can halt the progress of boosted set-up sweepers, such as Mimikyu, Dragon Dance Flygon, and Swords Dance Lucario. Priority Recover is another fantastic tool as recovering when low is much easier. Heavy-Duty Boots are used to help Sableye avoid chip damage which is important because Sableye's bulk isn't great enough to consistently switch into threats in addition to entry hazards. Despite Sableye's positive traits, it still is niche due to heavy competition from Jellicent, which fills a similar role being able to shut down Calm Mind Reuniclus, Cosmic Power Metagross, and switch into Fighting-types. (They both do this, so explain why Jellicent is better)Similar to Jellicent,( I prefer to focus on Sableye's downsides and they're not passive for the same reasons or in the same circumstances necessarily, which makes this part somewhat strange). Sableye is also passive as its middling bulk makes it forced to Recover frequently. The poor stats also narrow the pool of Pokemon Sableye is able to deal with as it is forced out by most special attackers including Nidoqueen, Xurkitree, and Raikou. However, Sableye does have access to Knock Off which can be crucial to making progress against the opposing team. (Keep your positives and negatives organized. Move talking about Knock Off to where you talk about Sabelye's other positives and elaborate further. How is it crucial to make progress against he opposing team? Removing key items like boots and leftovers to help wear the opposition in conjunction with entry hazards.)No item could be run if the team lacks a switch-in to Poltergeist from Golurk and Dhelmise, and it helps Sableye a bit in spinblocking against the latter.

Sableye best fits on bulky balance and stall archetypes as they are less affected by Sableye's passivity. Tanky physical walls such as Weezing-Galar are great teammates as they help deal with powerful wallbreakers such as Heracross and Pangoro. Sableye invites powerful special attackers such as Xurkitree and Nidoqueen so Umbreon and Registeel make good partners.(Mention entry hazard setters, good with Knock Off removing Boots ) If Sableye were to lose its Heavy-Duty Boots, hazard removal from Crobat and Flygon would reduce the potential chip damage. Although Sableye can prevent set up from sweepers such as Reuniclus, Lucario, and Flygon, it cannot tank hits from them when boosted, so Unaware Pokemon like Quagsire and Pykumuku make good teammates.(Pyuk is unranked, so remove it and it's certian Reuniclus sets, the ones that forgo Focus Blast for Thunder)

- Written by: [[C0nfiden1 0yster, 558383]]
- Quality checked by: [[GoldCat, 359771], [zizalith, 410251]]
- Grammar checked by: [[username1, userid1]]