Facility Safari Zone: Fazzie

You have not updated Porygon2's mood; it shows as starting Irritated 2 and ending Irritated 2. It should be Threatened rn.

Great Ball - Poke Ball
Battle Hours: 72
Tech Control: 0
HP: 37/85 EN: 62/100
6/14/8/11/[100] | 3/3
Type: Steel/Dragon
Abilities: Light Metal, Heavy Metal, Stalwart
C/R: 5/2
:Porygon2:Porygon2 :Enigma Stone:Enigma Stone
HP: 16/90 EN: 8/100
6/7/8/7/100| 2/3
Type: Normal
Abilities: Trace, Download, Analytic
C/R: 5/2
Poison (1), toxin,

Field Assist: Bolt
The explorer's Pokemon can't create Field Conditions, Trapping, or Partial Trapping.​
Battle Assist: Outpace
The explorer's team always has Tailwind. Other teams can't create Tailwind.​

:Level Ball:Level Ball

Lv3 - 5 Bravado
no lifelines​
Attack Limit - 1
The braggart's Pokemon will have at most 8 Attack and Special Attack.​
The braggart's Pokemon will have at most 100 Speed.​
Barbarism - 1
The braggart's Pokemon can't create Encore, Flinching, Imprison, Sealed, Sleep, Taunt, or Torment.​
Attachment Issues - 1
The explorer can't replace the first Wayfinder they take in the expedition.​
Humility - 2
The braggart will have 0 Technique Control.​

Total - 10 Bravado

Battle Hours: 120
Tech Control: 1
EP: 25/110 (22%)
CT: [ O O ]
MOOD: Threatened (4)
6/9/8/9/60 | 2/3
Type: Normal
Abilities: Trace, Download, Analytic
C/R: 0/0
Poison (6), toxin,

<-- Tailwind (—)

Round 3-5

step 1
great ball
22% -> success


-6hp psn
-2hp burn

step 2
poke ball
17% -> success

porygon was caught!

Battle Hours: 72
Tech Control: 0
HP: 35/85 EN: 62/100
6/14/8/11/[100] | 3/3
Type: Steel/Dragon
Abilities: Light Metal, Heavy Metal, Stalwart
C/R: 5/2
:Porygon2:Porygon2 :Enigma Stone:Enigma Stone
HP: 16/90 EN: 8/100
6/7/8/7/100| 2/3
Type: Normal
Abilities: Trace, Download, Analytic
C/R: 5/2
Poison (1), toxin,

Field Assist: Bolt
The explorer's Pokemon can't create Field Conditions, Trapping, or Partial Trapping.​
Battle Assist: Outpace
The explorer's team always has Tailwind. Other teams can't create Tailwind.​

:Level Ball:Level Ball

Lv3 - 5 Bravado
no lifelines​
Attack Limit - 1
The braggart's Pokemon will have at most 8 Attack and Special Attack.​
The braggart's Pokemon will have at most 100 Speed.​
Barbarism - 1
The braggart's Pokemon can't create Encore, Flinching, Imprison, Sealed, Sleep, Taunt, or Torment.​
Attachment Issues - 1
The explorer can't replace the first Wayfinder they take in the expedition.​
Humility - 2
The braggart will have 0 Technique Control.​

Total - 10 Bravado

Battle Hours: 120
Tech Control: 1
EP: 19/110 (17%)
CT: [ :great ball: :poke ball: ]
MOOD: Threatened (4)
6/9/8/9/60 | 2/3
Type: Normal
Abilities: Trace, Download, Analytic
C/R: 0/0
Poison (6), toxin,

<-- Tailwind (—)
Let's get outta here and reap the spoils of the expedition.
I ain't doin' another trek, and I'm releasin this ducky ducky Pory2 and going ahead and claiming my sweet Zapdos-G!
Fazzie leaves Eviolite Extraction Cave and completes the Safari!

Fazzie is victorious! Thank you for playing!

:eviolite: Rewards :eviolite:
The Faz +10:rare candy:TC, -10:tea:JC, +30 pooled EXP, Level 1 :zapdos-galar:, and choose how to allocate the pooled EXP
:dusk ball:Dusk Ball for releasing dusknoir
:eviolite:Eviolite or +3:amulet coin:RC for releasing scyther
:dusk ball:Dusk Ball for releasing porygon2
+ one of the below for completing a 10-boast
  • :ability urge:Lo-EXP Record
  • :strange ball:Strange Ball
  • :comet shard:Comet Shard
  • :cherish ball:Cherish Ball

@FortColors +7:amulet coin:RC, +11:tea:JC, +10:rule book:Accolades, 1:dream ball:Dream Ball